Disney Infinity Deals Compilation Thread Mk. II - Adios Infinity - Best Buy Flash Sale 5/20


26 (100%)

Best Buy Flash Sale!

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It's been $10 forever at toys r us. IF I go after them my buy price is $5 per.
Even if any of these go lower, I'm done. I was semi interested in the battlegrounds set but given it's a download and looks like a mediocre version of Power Stone/Smash Bros. - albeit content light - I'm not interested. It honestly looks like it wasn't done and Avalanche, knowing Disney was pulling the plug, just conceded and "let it go." Sorry, I couldn't help it.

I finally picked up DI 3.0, since it's $10 at TRU. I mostly want to mess with the Star Wars stuff. Are the two other playsets good?
The Star Wars Playsets are fun but too short on overall content IMO. Some unlockable content is far too difficult for younger players and it's near impossible to unlock BB-8 (unless this was patched), but fun overall.

I wanted to comment a few pages back on the big boxes for peoples orders, i work at best buy and we ship out stuff from our store to fulfill bestbuy.com orders all the time, i think gamestop does the same but they only send us certain size boxes and they are stupidly shaped. Sometimes you gotta use a really big one for certain stuff or you ran out of small ones. I try hard to avoid doing it because it looks like shit. We do have a bubble wrap printer now though.

Also on topic im waiting til i can get the battlegrounds set for around $5 and ill bite, last marvel figure i need and i want the light fx vader
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Update Dory Set / Nemo $15 @ BJ'S, does it go lower ? :)
If it's like past clearance items it should go lower. Eventually the games that were marked down from their major game clearance for $19.98 - $34.98 dropped to $14.98, $9.98, $4.98 and finally $1.98 from a couple of years ago. I also remember seeing some 2.0 Starter Set bundle with an extra figure or 2 down to $9.98 earlier this year that I think were originally around $70.
I finally picked up DI 3.0, since it's $10 at TRU. I mostly want to mess with the Star Wars stuff. Are the two other playsets good?
They are decent, the OT one is supposedly better than TFA. The included prequel playset is actually a lot of fun. I had a great time with it, probably the best playset to date.

Picked up Phineas at TRU's B1G3 deal.

Fired it up next to me boy after showing him the cartoon so he could familiarize himself w/the character. He was flying around as Iron Man having a great time...Phineas to my dismay has no super move and his main attach (Y) is like a roll and shoulder bump. Very unimpressive.

However, once you upgrade his ranged attack to increase his RoF then switch his baseball mitt gun out for one of the infinity blasters...

...he's the most OP character I've ever played. (at range)

Walmart online now has the Star Wars Playsets for $9.99 each - your local Walmart will price match whatever their online price is - just show them your phone with the page and lower price. 

The Force Awakens is the weakest of the SW Playsets but Finn is a wrecking crew for Toy Box Takeover once he's maxed out XP and you buff him with the Stormtrooper outfit disk and C.H.R.O.M.E. Damage Increaser disk!

Walmart online now has the Star Wars Playsets for $9.99 each - your local Walmart will price match whatever their online price is - just show them your phone with the page and lower price.

The Force Awakens is the weakest of the SW Playsets but Finn is a wrecking crew for Toy Box Takeover once he's maxed out XP and you buff him with the Stormtrooper outfit disk and C.H.R.O.M.E. Damage Increaser disk!
Thanks for the heads up on walmart. They had some individual figures on clearance too that I don't even see at TRU anymore. I didn't even realize there was an incredibles Dash figure until it popped up on the walmart site.

Picked up Phineas at TRU's B1G3 deal.

Fired it up next to me boy after showing him the cartoon so he could familiarize himself w/the character. He was flying around as Iron Man having a great time...Phineas to my dismay has no super move and his main attach (Y) is like a roll and shoulder bump. Very unimpressive.

However, once you upgrade his ranged attack to increase his RoF then switch his baseball mitt gun out for one of the infinity blasters...

...he's the most OP character I've ever played. (at range)
Yeah..... . He's a 1.0 fig so their quality as far as movesets go is pretty bad. None of the 1.0 characters have supers and many didn't really have an "attack" so to speak. 1.0 overall doubled down on the idea that the characters themselves were toys and you were playing in a literal toybox.
Picked up Phineas at TRU's B1G3 deal.

Fired it up next to me boy after showing him the cartoon so he could familiarize himself w/the character. He was flying around as Iron Man having a great time...Phineas to my dismay has no super move and his main attach (Y) is like a roll and shoulder bump. Very unimpressive.

However, once you upgrade his ranged attack to increase his RoF then switch his baseball mitt gun out for one of the infinity blasters...

...he's the most OP character I've ever played. (at range)
Sounds like you need to try out Merida from Brave.

Dont know why TRU still trying to sell the figures at full price. With b1g3 free going its still not a good deal when all other outlets like bestbuy and target have been clearing their stock using massive discounts. I still need a couple of figures to complete the whole disney infinity lineup all accross 1.0 2.0 and 3.0 and i refuse to bow down to the current prices. Hehehe! Come on TRU do your 90% off thing again and get our money!
Dont know why TRU still trying to sell the figures at full price. With b1g3 free going its still not a good deal when all other outlets like bestbuy and target have been clearing their stock using massive discounts. I still need a couple of figures to complete the whole disney infinity lineup all accross 1.0 2.0 and 3.0 and i refuse to bow down to the current prices. Hehehe! Come on TRU do your 90% off thing again and get our money!
I literally just got into DI on Black Friday with getting the Saga 3.0 bundle for $10. Then last Sunday when toys r us did another sale I got the Marvel 2.0 CE for $12. That same day GameStop started the 10 for $20 and I snatched up every single figure through last week minus Dory and Inside Out averaging $2 a figure. This past Sunday in the early morning toys r us had a 4 for $4 deal and I sweeped up the rest I didn't own.
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I wanted to comment a few pages back on the big boxes for peoples orders, i work at best buy and we ship out stuff from our store to fulfill bestbuy.com orders all the time, i think gamestop does the same but they only send us certain size boxes and they are stupidly shaped. Sometimes you gotta use a really big one for certain stuff or you ran out of small ones. I try hard to avoid doing it because it looks like shit. We do have a bubble wrap printer now though.

Also on topic im waiting til i can get the battlegrounds set for around $5 and ill bite, last marvel figure i need and i want the light fx vader
Most if not all of the stuff I received from Best Buy was mint. Gamestop on the other hand :-({|= Their shit looked like it was used in the fucking FIFA World Cup. Box was all smashed to hell. I would pick up figures in box and the plastic shell would just fall right off. I think one of the Star Wars figure boxes (Obi Wan) if I recall correctly, had tape around it like a damn kidnapping victim. There's more but I'll save the details. Thank god I finished the entire set like 6 months ago, including all power discs from all sets. Only thing I won't budge on is the D23 Mickey, King Mickey Power Disc, or the new variant Vader that's been mentioned recently. Unless maybe there is a power disc that will keep my ass warm in my car when my wife kicks me out for spending $500 on a figurine. :wall:

Edit: I would have liked to keep all of these boxed, but since Gamestop is the shining retard of brick and mortar stores.... I gave in and opened them. The inner geek in me rejoiced.

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I still have yet to truly play the game. I don't really have an understanding of the power discs. I have a few from some recent sales and to my knowledge they add extra abilities and costumes to current characters. Is this correct?

2wicked, are those ones you mentioned supposedly the 'rare' DI things
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I still have yet to truly play the game. I don't really have an understanding of the power discs. I have a few from some recent sales and to my knowledge they add extra abilities and costumes to current characters. Is this correct?

2wicked, are those ones you mentioned supposedly the 'rare' DI things
I believe so but I'm with you on that one. I haven't had time to play but maybe 20 minutes of the game. Those are the rarest 3 items yes. There are others though. There were discs only released at Toys R Us which are harder to find now. I have a hard to find disc capsule as well that I really can care less about, but all my stuff is in binders honestly. Maybe I'll post a picture of it in here one day. I almost bit on the King Mickey power disc a few times, but ended up not wishing to spend the money on it. They are essentially dlc in some respect. I bitch about season pass prices on existing games so to spend that much on one aesthetic item would probably make me a hypocrite. I like completing collections though so it honestly bugs me sometimes lol. :whistle2:

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I know that feeling. Right now I own every 2.0 figures and all but Dory plus Inside Out for 3.0. I have no interest in Inside Out and despise Dory as a film, yet the collector in me is going nuts not owning the last few figures.
I know that feeling. Right now I own every 2.0 figures and all but Dory plus Inside Out for 3.0. I have no interest in Inside Out and despise Dory as a film, yet the collector in me is going nuts not owning the last few figures.
That's how they get you :)

Sounds like you need to try out Merida from Brave.
I have her, haven't had the chance to play her much because my son likes to pick which characters I play with him...but I'll take a look and see if her RoF can be disgusting. Always like archers and he never lets me play hawkeye.

Just got into this on Black Friday also. There was a 10 for $20 deal at Gamestop?

Honestly I thought the $3.99 deals at TRU were great, you're telling me they're even cheaper out there?!

I have her, haven't had the chance to play her much because my son likes to pick which characters I play with him...but I'll take a look and see if her RoF can be disgusting. Always like archers and he never lets me play hawkeye.
If I remember correctly, she's much more powerful at range than Hawkeye because she has an upgrade in which her arrows bounce between enemies and ricochet around causing massive damage in large groups. I don't think Hawkeye had that. He might be better at close range combat, though.

Just got into this on Black Friday also. There was a 10 for $20 deal at Gamestop?

Honestly I thought the $3.99 deals at TRU were great, you're telling me they're even cheaper out there?!
If Skylanders are any indication, they WILL get cheaper (see the recent $0.99 Superchargers at BB), but when they do, you better get in on it right away, as they will sell out fast and not get replenished. Aside from the $0.99 Crystal figures from TRU last year, $2.99 is the cheapest I've seen for 1.0 and 2.0, and around $4.00 is the lowest I've seen for new 3.0 figures, barring some exceptional sales like the TRU crossups and used figures at GS.

If Skylanders are any indication, they WILL get cheaper (see the recent $0.99 Superchargers at BB), but when they do, you better get in on it right away, as they will sell out fast and not get replenished. Aside from the $0.99 Crystal figures from TRU last year, $2.99 is the cheapest I've seen for 1.0 and 2.0, and around $4.00 is the lowest I've seen for new 3.0 figures, barring some exceptional sales like the TRU crossups and used figures at GS.
BB had a bunch of figures, mostly Star Wars, on sale for less than $1. This happened multiple times as their DotD
Most if not all of the stuff I received from Best Buy was mint. Gamestop on the other hand :-({|= Their shit looked like it was used in the fucking FIFA World Cup. Box was all smashed to hell. I would pick up figures in box and the plastic shell would just fall right off. I think one of the Star Wars figure boxes (Obi Wan) if I recall correctly, had tape around it like a damn kidnapping victim. There's more but I'll save the details. Thank god I finished the entire set like 6 months ago, including all power discs from all sets. Only thing I won't budge on is the D23 Mickey, King Mickey Power Disc, or the new variant Vader that's been mentioned recently. Unless maybe there is a power disc that will keep my ass warm in my car when my wife kicks me out for spending $500 on a figurine. :wall:

Edit: I would have liked to keep all of these boxed, but since Gamestop is the shining retard of brick and mortar stores.... I gave in and opened them. The inner geek in me rejoiced.
GameStop stores probably send their worst looking returns first before touching any of the mint figures.

If I remember correctly, she's much more powerful at range than Hawkeye because she has an upgrade in which her arrows bounce between enemies and ricochet around causing massive damage in large groups. I don't think Hawkeye had that. He might be better at close range combat, though.
Ah yes...which reminds me of: "Elf now has...reflective shot."

I did get her that upgrade which while does some serious work on groups, is an FoF style projectile. If my son is in the melee or even w/in ricochet range he gets hit w/the arrows too and I'm sure you can imagine the sounds a preschooler makes when he's getting hit by your arrows.

During the 12 days of Christmas gifting we have at my house, the boy got light up FX Darth Vader...then he swapped out his lightsaber for Phineas baseball mitt blaster. (sighs) ...because "pew pew-um" (the accurate sound that Star Wars blasters makes right which I taught him) "...are better and hitting the bad mens far away right daddy." Can't argue with that logic.

I'll probably pick up the Dory playset if I can find it locally for a impulse by price point...how do they interact in the toy box w/all the different theme places. (hallween town, ewok village etc) Do they swim/hover on the ground, can then swim hover like they're flying? Thanks in advance.

Most if not all of the stuff I received from Best Buy was mint. Gamestop on the other hand :-({|= Their shit looked like it was used in the fucking FIFA World Cup. Box was all smashed to hell. I would pick up figures in box and the plastic shell would just fall right off. I think one of the Star Wars figure boxes (Obi Wan) if I recall correctly, had tape around it like a damn kidnapping victim. There's more but I'll save the details. Thank god I finished the entire set like 6 months ago, including all power discs from all sets. Only thing I won't budge on is the D23 Mickey, King Mickey Power Disc, or the new variant Vader that's been mentioned recently. Unless maybe there is a power disc that will keep my ass warm in my car when my wife kicks me out for spending $500 on a figurine. :wall:

Edit: I would have liked to keep all of these boxed, but since Gamestop is the shining retard of brick and mortar stores.... I gave in and opened them. The inner geek in me rejoiced.
One comment on them taping a figure's case together. The glue they use for these is not that great. At my work we constantly get shipments of where some of them have come off. Even grabbing one off the rack too quickly can make them fall apart if the cardboard gets caught. We're constantly having to tape these damn things closed
^^^Watching Moana and Rogue One made me think about Disney Infinity and how they won't be getting figures anymore. The disappointed feeling of the series getting cancelled is setting back in.

Since the DI trade thread is totally dead, I'd be really grateful if someone could help me get the last three power discs I need: Abu, Angus, and Dinosaur World.

I have tons of doubles if anyone is looking for something.

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Knowing the outcome of the film it seems it would have been hard to have a kid friendly outcome to a Rogue One playset.
The fact that Lego is allowed to make jokes in serious situations gets them out of a lot of rough potential issues in established plot lines. But Infinity is more serious, and I guess they would make some alterations to the story - they have done it in the past.

Oh damn, that Rouge One figure looked so freaking cool...  I would definitely buy that playset and all of the characters too, sigh, so much potential!!!

On related note:  check your local Gamestop stores, one of the stores has DI 3.0 figures marked as clearance at $4.99 a piece, with B1G1, it's not that bad.

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Oh damn, that Rouge One figure looked so freaking cool... I would definitely buy that playset and all of the characters too, sigh, so much potential!!!

On related note: check your local Gamestop stores, one of the stores has DI 3.0 figures marked as clearance at $4.99 a piece, with B1G1, it's not that bad.
Buy 1, get 1 Free doesn't apply to Disney Infinity characters. Believe me, I tried. :(

Oh damn, that Rouge One figure looked so freaking cool... I would definitely buy that playset and all of the characters too, sigh, so much potential!!!

On related note: check your local Gamestop stores, one of the stores has DI 3.0 figures marked as clearance at $4.99 a piece, with B1G1, it's not that bad.
In case anyone is still interested in the PSVita version Disney Infinity 2.0, Gamestop has the Starter Pack online, brand new for $10.97. I think this is the lowest price they've ever had it. The game chugs a little bit, but is still totally playable. Which is pretty amazing since all the content is there.
Your link was dead so here is the one I used. http://www.gamestop.com/ps-vita/games/disney-infinity-marvel-super-heroes-20-edition-starter-pack-only-at-gamestop/121302

Thank you Halo. The starter packs have been at $11 for quite some time now. I found the Vita version new at some stores in my travels buying the 10/$20 figures, though passed on it since I already had acquired black Spidey.
Well guys, I did it.

Two months in and I've completed my DI collection with the last few figures I was fighting myself on buying. The crystal Mickey was a pleasant surprise as I didn't know it existed as a 2.0 figure.


So short summary... Over Black Friday a friend had asked me to buy him the Star Wars 3.0 bundle at toys r us for $10. I noticed the signs said ALL bundles, and a manager there honored the Saga bundle for the same price. They had two there so I got one for myself.

A week or two later toys r us did another sale and the Marvel 2.0 CE was $12. Grabbed one of those up real quick! The same day GameStop started the 10/$20 deal and it was all downhill from there. Over that week I must have visited around 10 stores in my travels (also completing Skylanders sets as well) and grabbed all the figures and playsets minus the ones above in the photo since I had zero interest in them.

Over the last few weeks it was eating me up missing out on just a few figures out of the entire collection so when meijer started their sale last week I convinced myself to seal the deal. The lot above cost me $20 total.

All in I paid $22 for the Saga Bundle and Marvel CE, and $2 or less per figure.
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bread's done