Disney Infinity Deals Compilation Thread Mk. II - Adios Infinity - Best Buy Flash Sale 5/20


26 (100%)

Best Buy Flash Sale!

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My Starter set arrived at the UPS facility, which is less than 10 miles away, at 3AM Saturday morning, and there it will sit until tomorrow. One day doesn't sound like a lot, but when we're talking a big game like this, it is.
I hear ya. Mine is about 3 miles from my house. Wish I could just go by the facility and pick it up. It will be waiting for me when I get home from work tomorrow.

My Best Buy had very little stock out at opening. They had far more 2.0 stuff than 3.0.

Toys R Us opened two hours early, but didn't advertise it anywhere. We sat in our car for 15 minutes before we noticed a customer walking out with a bag. The employee in Electronics said that they'd been open for about 90 minutes already, and we were only the fourth customer of the day! Anyway, they had an excellent selection out.

Target was our first stop of the day. We arrived 30 minutes after the store opened, and they were already sold out of Sabine Wren. An awesome customer had one in his cart, and gave it to my daughter without us asking. He definitely has good karma headed his way!
Here's the saga of my fiasco thanks to my best laid plans being screwed by the one Target store that was near all of the other stores being sold out of Sabine (the one Target in the entire area I might add).

Episode I - Get to a Target that's out of the way from my plan but at least has a route that will get me easily to the other stores. Walk in and plenty of Sabine, I also picked up Yoda to do 2 for $20. Go to self-check out. Items don't ring up as 2 for $20 but an employee fixes the issue and no harm.

Episode II - Hop on the highway and head to Toys R Us. They have plenty of Ezra but I have to pay the TRU Tax but easy enough

And that's where things go downhill

Episode III - Head to the Gamestop #1 in the same plaza as Walmart to get Zeb. Zeb is only available for pre-orders. Joy.

Episode IV - Head to Walmart, plenty of Kanan. No issues

Episode V - Things get really bad when I go to Best Buy to pick up my Saga pack. First, I walked back to the figures only to find no Obi Wan so I chose poorly at the original Target by getting Yoda instead of Obi Wan. I picked up another Yoda and decide I'll exchange the original Yoda for Obi Wan at the Target across the street.  I paid for the figure and headed up to Customer Service to get my game. The girl brings it out and puts it in a bag and I notice that it's the regular starter, not the Saga pack. I tell her this isn't the right one and she looks it up and the SKU matches what I ordered. I tell her again this one is cheaper than what I paid. Luckily for me they had one Saga pack left on the shelf and someone brings it up to her. Apparently someone at the store had tagged the packs incorrectly. (note: I know people always seem to have problems with Best Buy but I shop there all the time and this is definitely the first time in over 15 years of shopping there that I've ever had an issue)

Episode VI - head to the Target across the street that I initially avoided to exchange Yoda for Obi Wan only to find no Obi Wan. Out of all the stores that I visited today this Target and Best Buy were the only ones out of Obi Wan

Episode VII - go to Gamestop #2 in the mall and thankfully they have Zeb available for purchase without a pre-order.

Episode VIII - finally I head all the way back to the original Target I visited to exchange Yoda for the Obi Wan figure.

With all the time I wasted, by the time I get home, I have no time to do anything because we have a birthday party for my wife's friend's son to go to. So today has been a fun day.

My local Target store (the South Bay store in Doechester, MA) looked fully stocked when I just left. Plenty of all the characters. Picked up Sabine and Mickey. Went across the street and picked up my in-store orders for Quorra, Sam Flynn, Mulan, and Minnie plus Toybox.

I'll pick up the Star Wars characters with lightsabers when the light-up versions come out (except for Maul apparently). Might wait on the Inside Out characters as well. Gotta say, these figures appear to be painted really well.
Decisions decision..I have 3 infinity characters in my shopping cart now have to decide on which free one I should get(Also not sure if I should get Mickey Mouse that one is already in my shopping carter) Obi-Wan, Olaf, or quorra not sure which one I should get, or if I should take out Mickey mouse and pick two from that list..Gonna stop by Target in a few to see if they have any infinity characters in stock but if not Im not sure which ones I should get

Dang, looks like TRU sold out of Ezra here. Kinda regret not placing an instore pickup now.

TIme to swing to Best Buy and GS to grab my stuff, might check Walmart for their exclusive.


Looking at the playsets....

There is 1)  Toy Box Take over 2)  Toy Box Raceway

For sets:

Force Awakens



Inside Out


But the Marvel set is very coy about what it is.  I haven't gotten to the Hall of Heroes yet. 

I did start the farming mini game (what a fun idea) and they had a WHOLE Lion King section.  I hope that means what I've been hoping for.  I need me a Pumbaa like no ones business.

I just left GameStop where I traded in a couple of Skylanders for $8 in credit and they had 2 Zebs left but I couldnt pull the trigger on one of them. I hate when the store charge an upcharge on these items like Gamestop and TRU. Hopfully when the exclusives go to all stores they wont be hard to find. Hopfully by than there is a $10 or B2G1 sale at Best Buy.

Decisions decision..I have 3 infinity characters in my shopping cart now have to decide on which free one I should get(Also not sure if I should get Mickey Mouse that one is already in my shopping carter) Obi-Wan, Olaf, or quorra not sure which one I should get, or if I should take out Mickey mouse and pick two from that list..Gonna stop by Target in a few to see if they have any infinity characters in stock but if not Im not sure which ones I should get
Go with Quorra.
Got a saga bundle in store today, my pre-order does not arrive until 9-2-15, so i will just return that with my receipt from today when it comes. Placed an order online for obi-wan and sabine from target using the 2 for $20, red card and discounted gift cards. Got them for roughly $15 out of pocket. Bought Yoda, Mulan, Disgust, Sadness, Mickey, Minnie, Olaf and the tomorrowland disc pack from bb using gcu. I will wait for the other launch retailer exclusives and held off on the 2 tron figures because there where no other figures I wanted to get the b3g1 free at bb. Will also hold off on inside playset until my rewrad cert comes from the pre-order. Should be able to get that for $10-$15 out pocket in a couple of weeks.

So far this game looks pretty darn cool!  My son (7) is loving it and I'm loving watching him play.  I'll get my turn later on when the kids are in bed.  The little enabler talked me into getting 4 more figures than I planned (Sadness, Disgust, Micky, Minnie and Flynn) on getting, lol.  Now I just need my Ezra and Sabine, which are coming in the mail. 

I'm still debating getting Yoda.  I know I should just wait for the light FX version.  But Yoda man.  Yoda. 

Is there a DI trading/selling thread?   All I found was Power Disc thread.

I have a Luke and Anakin and the two Star Wars playsets I am looking to unload.


I'm having LOTS of fun in DI3.  The way everything is organized, it lets my kid randomly build stuff.  It's awesome.  And with different areas for whatever she's in the mood for.. it's like score!  (5 hours, haven't touched the story yet)

Wanted to chime in as I pretty much became a DI hater after dumping a bunch of money into 1.0 and feeling like they had overeached completely. I avoided 2.0 for the most part until everything was essentially half off and still dumped about 50 bucks into the incredible boring Avengers playset and a few figures.

This has been 100% turnaround with the Hub alone. It's pretty apparent that the game is scaled much better for current gen (PS4) so the play sets look better but the hub makes use of the tilesets and licenses so much more that it's substantially more motivating to do stuff. There's no way around the fact that the mechanics and production are heavily limited by the Toy Box system but by leveraging all their brands and content and improving all the game systems moderately I think they finally have what they originally envisioned.

I just wish I hadn't broken down and got Obi-Wan and Yoda as I'm sure I'll double dip for the light fx versions later.


In your garden...

Which you WILL need... if you want sidekicks worth anything...

Put down multiple people.  If you have 2 players, each player can have a full compliment of sidekicks out working the farm.

Keep 1 sidekick with the centurion helmet.  You can throw him into the land and clear a whole plot in the explosion.  You do this a handful of times and have a whole plot with nothing but veggies, no weeds.  Nice right?

Phil is getting powerleveled to Herculean levels using this technique :)

Picked up my Saga+Toybox, along with 9 figures. Ended up running by TRU and Walmart for their exclusives, but they had a metric crapload of each (Both stores had atleast 10+, which was weird since TRU said they were out of Ezra). So I decided to wait for now.

Probably gonna end up waiting out on all the Lightsaber characters since I know I want the FX versions, and just end up buying the Inside Out characters I'm missing later this week.

I got all the figures except Kanan. Went to 3 different Walmarts, not on the floor at any of them. Finally at the last stop, my local store, I checked online stock: supposedly in stock at every store I went to. So when I looked and he wasn't out AGAIN, I asked the employee:

"Do you guys have this Infinity figure? *shows pic on phone"

"Was it over there?"

"No that's why I thought I'd ask."

"Then we don't have it."

"Well I checked online, it says you have it...is there any way you could check?"

*points out dates on tag of 8/30-9/whatever* "See this? It just came out today. It's probably in the back. Try again later"

"Ok whatever. Thanks."

Some employees are unbelievable.
I think it is pretty much a given that black suit spiderman is going to released as a single figure for 3.0. he is listed as a 3.0 figure in the collection section on the main menu of the game.

I have in my shopping cart Quorra, Olaf, Disgust, and Sadness..how does that bunch sound? Also, do I need any additional power discs, so new to this whole disney infinity thing Im not even sure what those power discs are even for

I have in my shopping cart Quorra, Olaf, Disgust, and Sadness..how does that bunch sound? Also, do I need any additional power discs, so new to this whole disney infinity thing Im not even sure what those power discs are even for
Power discs are almost like cheat codes - they give you more health, power, etc. They also unlock new costumes and weapons, and some give you a sidekick who fights with you for a little while.

The hexagonal discs contain vehicles and level themes (each has a terrain and sky).

The discs are optional, and you can have plenty of fun without them.

As for your choices, I'd definitely get Mulan instead of one of those you have, as she's a melee beast, with an awesome staff, and she looks cool too.

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I am pretty happy now that my trip this morning went really smoothly. Ran into Walmart (luckily with $16 credit) and grabbed Kanan of which they had like 20 of. Went to Best Buy a few minutes after they opened and they had probably 6+ of each figure. I grabbed both Tron figures as well as Obi-Wan and Yoda. I went up to CS for my Saga bundle and the employees were confused that DI came out today. The girl went back and just grabbed my Saga bundle from the floor so they clearly didn't pull the preorders (so I hope everyone else who preordered at my store gets theirs like I did). They couldn't find the Toybox Takeover but came back with a stack from the warehouse. It didn't ring up as free so he manually did it plus I had my Mover's coupon so that sweetened the pot. CS was pretty busy so I took my other figures to the normal checkout and got all 4 no problem. Ran into Gamestop then and they had 3 Zebs out of which I grabbed one and bought with credit. I passed TRU and Target and decided against going in either figuring I had enough for today and could just get Ezra and Sabine at BB with GCU and a promo later.

Total with all my credit I had for BB as well as Gamestop and Walmart I spent $36 for everything. Less than $40 out of pocket for 11 figures as well as two playsets and the toybox takeover and of course the game itself... I am pretty damn happy.

So far this game looks pretty darn cool! My son (7) is loving it and I'm loving watching him play. I'll get my turn later on when the kids are in bed. The little enabler talked me into getting 4 more figures than I planned (Sadness, Disgust, Micky, Minnie and Flynn) on getting, lol. Now I just need my Ezra and Sabine, which are coming in the mail.

I'm still debating getting Yoda. I know I should just wait for the light FX version. But Yoda man. Yoda.
Yoda is actually my favorite of the characters to actually play as by far. I have run around with everyone and had my little brother over to play as well and so we got tons of playtime in and hands down Yoda is the most fun. Ashoka is a close second I think for the Force users. Zeb and Boba Fett are really fun but after playing with lightsabers they just didn't have the same punch I wanted right now. I was really surprised with how much I enjoyed playing with Quorra as well!

I think it is pretty much a given that black suit spiderman is going to released as a single figure for 3.0. he is listed as a 3.0 figure in the collection section on the main menu of the game.
I was going to say the same thing. He is the only one on there that hasn't been 'officially announced' but having him in there listed as a 3.0 character pretty much seals the deal. The damn collection section of the game bothers me because I have everyone EXCEPT the Crystal Variants and yet they are in there just as prominent as the other ones and so my list is not full because of those : (

In regards to the game itself I have played a couple hours in the starter playset and messed around in the Toybox and holy poop is this an improvement over the past DI titles. The combat is genuinely fun (and space combat too!!), the Jedi characters especially still feel distinct despite all being so similar, the huge worlds and areas to go through are awesome and the Toybox has some amazing new additions and tools to work with. I am impressed.

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Power discs are almost like cheat codes - they give you more health, power, etc. They also unlock new costumes and weapons, and some give you a sidekick who fights with you for a little while.

The hexagonal discs contain vehicles and level themes (each has a terrain and sky).

The discs are optional, and you can have plenty of fun without them.

As for your choices, I'd definitely get Mulan instead of one of those you have, as she's a melee beast, with an awesome staff, and she looks cool too.
So maybe I can get rid of Olaf and get Mulan instead? Just wanted Olaf cause he looked cute LOL

Yeah: he's got some funny animations, but as far as his abilities, he doesn't really offer anything new. I'd wait on him.
Awesome sounds good..see I am so new at this so I wasnt sure what to go with..the others that I chose are good? Really into Inside Out so figured why not :)

Went target today picked sabina & tron and few more things. Target charged me $14 each figure instead 2 for $20. I will stop by later this week they better gimma extra discount for my time & gas. Arghhhhhh
kinda regretting not preordering at bb for rewards and gcu..

for us existing users.. the base game download is 29.99. Factor in a playset.. it's already more than a new starter set after gcu.

So this is kind of a shitty question...

I got the Sage bundle and would much prefer it on X1. I opened it up and it is all completely standard packaging including the starter... Would it be possible to exchange it at Walmart for and X1 version of the starter then since the SKU looks totally normal?

I know that is frowned upon but I am not really profiting just swapping consoles?
Wow, I'm surprised they didn't think about this when they packaged it... seems obvious that a lot of people will go this route.

And for right/wrong, obviously if you told them the situation they wouldn't allow you to do it so it's "wrong"... but it's also their store policy to accept returns without receipts so there's nothing they can really do about it. Not to mention the fact that Sony made a deal to have those items exclusively tied to their version of the game.

(and I'm not judging... I've actually done it myself. Wife preordered the Incredibles movie way back in the day at the disney store for a promo deal they had but when she picked it up they only had the fullscreen version. "exchanged" it at walmart for the widescreen. Not something I like to do but there are times I've said fuck it and taken advantage)

They couldn't find the Toybox Takeover but came back with a stack from the warehouse. It didn't ring up as free so he manually did it plus I had my Mover's coupon so that sweetened the pot.
FYI, when I picked up my set today at Best Buy, they needed to scan a printed out barcode that was next to the Store Pickup register to have Toybox Takeover ring up free. Not a big deal if they are willing to manually override, but if someone is having issues at the store, hopefully this may point them in the right direction.
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I got all the figures except Kanan. Went to 3 different Walmarts, not on the floor at any of them. Finally at the last stop, my local store, I checked online stock: supposedly in stock at every store I went to. So when I looked and he wasn't out AGAIN, I asked the employee:

"Do you guys have this Infinity figure? *shows pic on phone"

"Was it over there?"

"No that's why I thought I'd ask."

"Then we don't have it."

"Well I checked online, it says you have it...is there any way you could check?"

*points out dates on tag of 8/30-9/whatever* "See this? It just came out today. It's probably in the back. Try again later"

"Ok whatever. Thanks."

Some employees are unbelievable.
"May I speak to your manager please?"

Awesome sounds good..see I am so new at this so I wasnt sure what to go with..the others that I chose are good? Really into Inside Out so figured why not :)
Yeah, Quorra is awesome, and if you're into Inside Out, you're one away from all five. Each has different abilities: Joy can float and "yoshi flutter", Digust can get a jump boost from clouds, Sadness can walk on clouds without them disappearing, Fear has super speed, and Anger is immune to lava and can walk on it safely (in the playset, not the Toybox and Toybox Games). I heard that this means each character can enter sections the others can't, and you'll need all five to see it all.

Is the saga pack something I need to buy now or can I wait for a black friday deal? In otherwords, is it a one time printing ce type of thing?
More than likely once they are gone that's it, But there is nothing special in them. The Empire set is going to be out in a month, and Boba Fett sometime in the start of the year (January).

The saga pack will probably dry up soon as it's the only way to play the extra play set and boba for a limited time. Those come out seperately in November I believe. There are no savings over buying the bundle instead of seperately
I think I'm just gonna do the 20$ PS4 digital upgrade. Considering you can get PSN credit at 33% off it really only comes out to like 14$, and I'm sure the Star Wars play set will go on sale for 20$ eventually.
Yeah, Quorra is awesome, and if you're into Inside Out, you're one away from all five. Each has different abilities: Joy can float and "yoshi flutter", Digust can get a jump boost from clouds, Sadness can walk on clouds without them disappearing, Fear has super speed, and Anger is immune to lava and can walk on it safely (in the playset, not the Toybox and Toybox Games). I heard that this means each character can enter sections the others can't, and you'll need all five to see it all.
Joy is only found in that bundle pack right? I checked out the bundle pack and it didnt look cute enough for me LOL. So will just go ahead and order the ones in my shopping cart cant wait to get this thing played with it looks so cool in those youtube videos

I think I'm just gonna do the 20$ PS4 digital upgrade. Considering you can get PSN credit at 33% off it really only comes out to like 14$, and I'm sure the Star Wars play set will go on sale for 20$ eventually.
You are lucky its $20.. why the hell is it 29.99 on xbox. I factored in paying that plus a playset that i might as well order a starter set with GCU.

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This. I'm wondering if I can still get the Toy Box Takeover expansion when I purchase the game in store. I feel like it would've been nice to know the digital pricing prior to launch day to allow consumers the choice. It's bad enough that we lose out one the $10 preorder certificate, but the actual preorder incentive as well.
This. I'm wondering if I can still get the Toy Box Takeover expansion when I purchase the game in store. I feel like it would've been nice to know the digital pricing prior to launch day to allow consumers the choice. It's bad enough that we lose out one the $10 preorder certificate, but the actual preorder incentive as well.
We knew the price for the digital version at least a week ago...
We knew the price for the digital version at least a week ago...
I must've missed that... But it still feels odd that they wouldn't allow digital preorders to get the expansion that way. Not to mention the digital version wasn't available for XB1 until 8:00pm EST and won't be available for PS4 until tomorrow...
So I'm currently standing in my local Best Buy fuming, because they have ALL their 3.0 stock locked behind the service desk, the shelves have 3.0 space allotted,but it's completely empty. And the clueless employees are under the impression it's all been preordered, and won't allow any to be sold until they do a complete inventory on all preorders.

I tried explaining to them there's no way in hell every last piece of 3.0 merch was preordered. I mean I can go to bestbuy.com right now and order items for in store pickup at the store I'm standing in.

This is the most f'ed up release I've ever encountered of any game at any store. Preorders should have been inventoried and set aside last night, and the damn product should be on the shelves and ready to buy NOW. This is asinine.
So followup to my earlier post (Quoted above for convenience):

Getting my game/figures was an ordeal, but silver lining, it seems I cheesed a free figure out of it, allow me to explain:

So as per my first post, I waited 20 minutes fuming for them to do inventory on their preorders. Upon finishing, they finally told me (surprise surprise) it WASN'T all preorders, and I could buy some of it now...

I had already preordered the starter bundle for XOne, so I picked out 7 figures to get the B3G1 deal twice. Of course, since the game was already bought in an online transaction, one of the figures doesn't ring up free... so the lady says she'd have to refund the original online purchase, and re-ring it. I say that's fine. (I already know this is going to screw up my $10 rewards credit, but I'll just call or e-mail 1-800-Best Buy and they'll fix it. It's happened before. They're usually real good about it, as long a your account history shows you did indeed preorder one, and did indeed buy one. Which it does, since I did.)

So she re-rings it, I end up paying for the game and 5 figures, 2 figures ring up free, all seems right with the world.

I get to my car and realize she didn't apply my rewards account... she did ask me if I was a member, and I did say yes, but it took so long to ring up that by the end we both apparently forgot. So not only will I not get points, but I didn't get my GCU discount taken off the top *Facepalm* ... this cannot stand. (I probably should have noticed the higher price, but I'd been waiting for like a half hour at that point, and frankly I was so eager to get out of there, it just blew right over my head until I looked at the receipt.)

SO I went back in... told her we'd forgotten to apply it. So she does a return/rebuy... their system is lagging this morning, so the return takes about another 20 minutes to process. But FINALLY goes through, after a long wait... then she re-rings the transaction (for the third time if you're keeping score)... and here's the fun part.

The Game & 7 figures got returned, the ones I paid for got refunded, the 2 free stayed at $0. The rebuy then processes, the 2 free figures again, stayed $0, but HERE'S THE KICKER... the 6 other items (Game + 5 figures) processed as a new transaction, so the B3G1 deal was RE-Applied to them... IE. The 2 original free figures stayed $0, and now an additional 3rd figure also rang up $0, because it read as a new transaction and applied the b3g1 deal one more time. So instead of paying for the game & 5 figures, and getting 2 free, I essentially paid for the game & 4 figures, and got 3 free.

She didn't catch it after the many hurdles in our proceedings... and I was not about to point it out after the morning I'd had.

SO... all told it took me an hour and a half to get my game/figures... but hey... I got an unexpected freebie out of it. So... it sort of worked out.

(Though as said, I already know I'm going to have to call 1-800-Best Buy later to get that damn $10 rewards credit back)

I then went to Target on the other hand, and they had their 3.0 merch stocked and ready to buy. I bought Sabine and Disgust, and as many have reported, Disgust didn't ring up for their 2 for $20 (seems Disgust and Sadness aren't flagged for the deal in their system, for whatever reason) the cashier however said to me, "These are supposed to be 2 for $20 right?" I said, "Yep" She clickity clacked a few keys on the register, voila, 5 seconds later, they're $10 a piece.

So way to be a hell of a lot more on the ball than Best Buy today Target. *High Five*

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bread's done