Disney Infinity Deals Compilation Thread Mk. II - Adios Infinity - Best Buy Flash Sale 5/20


26 (100%)

Best Buy Flash Sale!

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No playset packs come with bad guys and there are no droids at all in terms of figures. If I had to guess I would say Rex and Hera if anything.

In terms of Ahsoka we would get a power disc costume change if anything to make her look like she does in Rebels.
If they did a Rebels playset, I want Hera and Rex and them to add the 7th Sister as a standalone baddie.

Then do a disc pack with Rebels Ahsoka, Clone Wars era Rex, Helmeted Sabine, the Phantom, and Ezra's Speederbike.

Rebels does not have the version of Ahsoka in the starter pack. Anyone with can easily tell the difference between Clone Wars Ahsoka and Rebels Ahsoka. See below to be enlightened.
Right... because it makes that big of a difference... her little tentacles are a bit longer. That's about as dumb as having another Captain America figure... or crystal figures... or FX figures. It's nothing more than milking of the money.

Dude, I would fuck ing love it if the added a Darkwing Duck figure (and maybe some characters from Ducktales, Talespin, Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers, and Goof Troop to make the nostalgia trip complete)... (Yeah I left you out "Bonkers." You kind of sucked).

New Star Wars, new Full House, and possibly new Darkwing Duck stuff? I don't know if my inner child can handle all of this excitement in such a short period of time.
Dude, I would fuck ing love it if the added a Darkwing Duck figure (and maybe some characters from Ducktales, Talespin, Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers, and Goof Troop to make the nostalgia trip complete)... (Yeah I left you out "Bonkers." You kind of sucked).

New Star Wars, new Full House, and possibly new Darkwing Duck stuff? I don't know if my inner child can handle all of this excitement in such a short period of time.
Ducktales is being rebooted for the Disney channel next year, so one can hope!

Right... because it makes that big of a difference... her little tentacles are a bit longer. That's about as dumb as having another Captain America figure... or crystal figures... or FX figures. It's nothing more than milking of the money.
Ahsoka's appearance changes even within the Clone Wars series. Just because you can't see the difference doesn't mean everyone else doesn't. We are talking about an almost 18 year gap between Clone Wars and Rebels, she goes from teenager to adult in that time frame. I'm sure OT fans will jump at the opportunity to get ANH version of Obi-Wan but your myopic view thinks ROTS Obi-Wan is enough.

Someone, with absolute no say on weather Disney makes or does not make a certain character, makes a suggestion you disagree with and you must express your disapproval of the suggestion.

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Don't waste your money on playsets if you've gone the digital route - you can buy the loose shards (crystal pieces that activate the set) on Amazon for less than $5 on the first two Star Wars games. Inside Out is a little more (around the $10 range), and TFA is too new to get good deals on, but wait a while.
Hadn't though of that. I'd still want Luke and Leia figures, though, so if I can get the play set for that for $20 I'd prefer to go that route. Same for Inside Out and Force Awakens. I could definitely snag the one that comes with Anakin (from the starter pack) that way if I get it digitally (though I wouldn't have the other figure then). Looking right now the crystal for that is just $4.94 - will snag that for sure. Do I need the Ahsoka Tano figure to be able to play it though?

I guess the digital version is on sale right now on PSN for $19.99. It just doesn't show as a sale price there but the CAG thread indicates that it is (and it is $29.99 on Xbox). So I should probably grab that. I swear it was $14.99 a few weeks ago though.

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Someone, with absolute no say on weather Disney makes or does not make a certain character, makes a suggestion you disagree with and you must express your disapproval of the suggestion.
It's my acknowledgement of your want, however, unlikely due to the fact the character already exists. There has been precedence of repeat characters (Mickey, Capt, etc) but the likelihood of that over say Hera or a new/different character is marginal. But bully for you that you want it. For the same reason that, I probably would prefer the ANH Kenobi to the one I got but it's just a figure and at the end of the day I don't know if I'd buy another of the exact same thing (which is why I'm not investing in Fx).

It's my acknowledgement of your want, however, unlikely due to the fact the character already exists. There has been precedence of repeat characters (Mickey, Capt, etc) but the likelihood of that over say Hera or a new/different character is marginal. But bully for you that you want it. For the same reason that, I probably would prefer the ANH Kenobi to the one I got but it's just a figure and at the end of the day I don't know if I'd buy another of the exact same thing (which is why I'm not investing in Fx).
I never said I wanted another Ahsoka figure, someone else did. All I pointed out was that the suggestion of characters were from the Rebels cartoon, where Ahsoka looks different than she does in the current Infinity figure. You went on to belittle the actual changes.

You know these marginal likelihoods because you are involved in the production somehow and can quote them as facts because? At the end of the day, no one is forcing you to buy anything.

Hadn't though of that. I'd still want Luke and Leia figures, though, so if I can get the play set for that for $20 I'd prefer to go that route. Same for Inside Out and Force Awakens. I could definitely snag the one that comes with Anakin (from the starter pack) that way if I get it digitally (though I wouldn't have the other figure then). Looking right now the crystal for that is just $4.94 - will snag that for sure. Do I need the Ahsoka Tano figure to be able to play it though?

I guess the digital version is on sale right now on PSN for $19.99. It just doesn't show as a sale price there but the CAG thread indicates that it is (and it is $29.99 on Xbox). So I should probably grab that. I swear it was $14.99 a few weeks ago though.
All any of the sets require are one good character from the native set, so Anakin, Obi Wan, or Yoda would work for the first one, Luke, Han, or Chewie for the second. Even Inside-Out is possible to finish with one figure, via the "disguise" mechanic, where you can turn into any other character, whether you own them or not. Disguise stations are always placed when a particular character is required to progress in the game, such as a lava covered floor only Anger can traverse.

Right... because it makes that big of a difference... her little tentacles are a bit longer. That's about as dumb as having another Captain America figure... or crystal figures... or FX figures. It's nothing more than milking of the money.
Your choice of words makes it pretty obvious what your opinion is, I am not adding commentary to them. I even highlighted the words you typed that led me to choose the word belittling to describe your opinion.

I typed words. Your interpretation of them shows that you are adding your own mental context to them. I'm done discussing it with you as this thread is derailing and that wasn't the point.
Pretend to take the high road, when you can't argue, defend or retract you hastily formed, narrow minded, way you see the universe, all you want, You will insult/name call someone else because they don't see the world the way you do tomorrow or the next day.

All any of the sets require are one good character from the native set, so Anakin, Obi Wan, or Yoda would work for the first one, Luke, Han, or Chewie for the second.
Bit puzzled why people would want to buy the playset piece loose for this reason. You need one of a small number of figures to be allowed to start the playset and grab crossover coins. I guess if you went straight to the LightFX figures because you're collecting those but also looking to get a complete set of regular figures (e.g. Leia)? Seems like a pretty small payoff for a potentially significant inconvenience or duplicate purchase, especially since prices on playsets are only going to fall further like they did last year.

Bit puzzled why people would want to buy the playset piece loose for this reason. You need one of a small number of figures to be allowed to start the playset and grab crossover coins. I guess if you went straight to the LightFX figures because you're collecting those but also looking to get a complete set of regular figures (e.g. Leia)? Seems like a pretty small payoff for a potentially significant inconvenience or duplicate purchase, especially since prices on playsets are only going to fall further like they did last year.
Unless your playset includes Spider-man and has become rare ... Damn it Spider-man, I saw you everywhere a year ago and now you're gone ...

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Bit puzzled why people would want to buy the playset piece loose for this reason. You need one of a small number of figures to be allowed to start the playset and grab crossover coins. I guess if you went straight to the LightFX figures because you're collecting those but also looking to get a complete set of regular figures (e.g. Leia)? Seems like a pretty small payoff for a potentially significant inconvenience or duplicate purchase, especially since prices on playsets are only going to fall further like they did last year.
I just bought the Light FX Luke from Walmart using a Coke Rewards gift card from last year that I never used. Unfortunately I had to do store pickup to save on the $5 shipping. And I hate going to Walmart - but there you go ;). So now I'll probably buy both of the crystals for Star Wars (except Force Awakens - will still look for that playset for around $20-ish). Sure, I won't have Leia or Ashoka but I can probably snag those from Gamestop at some point.

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Wow, CAG makes it seriously difficult to ignore someone.

Honestly, io piecemeal is harder (in my opinion) but you may be able to get things cheaper that way.  You, unfortunately, missed a couple of the fantastic sales but I think you're doing it right with the way you're doing it.

I don't think you're forced in either of those sets to use a specific character (for SW) but you need to have one of the handful of starter characters because you have to unlock the other characters by collecting their tokens.  Marvel, only let you do this with like 2 special characters per level.  In SW, you can eventually unlock all the other SW characters by finding a single token.  I think this makes it hands down better/quicker/less tedious.

Wow, CAG makes it seriously difficult to ignore someone.

Honestly, io piecemeal is harder (in my opinion) but you may be able to get things cheaper that way. You, unfortunately, missed a couple of the fantastic sales but I think you're doing it right with the way you're doing it.

I don't think you're forced in either of those sets to use a specific character (for SW) but you need to have one of the handful of starter characters because you have to unlock the other characters by collecting their tokens. Marvel, only let you do this with like 2 special characters per level. In SW, you can eventually unlock all the other SW characters by finding a single token. I think this makes it hands down better/quicker/less tedious.
Not one single token to unlock them all, it's one token per character, but fortunately, they're not all that hard to find. If they're not right in your path, they're in places you'd probably poke around in when exploring. It sure is better than 2.0, where I'd fail to unlock the character due to missing a single of the 10 tokens.

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Not one single token to unlock them all, it's one token per character, but fortunately, they're not all that hard to find. If they're not right in your path, they're in places you'd probably poke around in when exploring. It sure is better than 2.0, where I'd fail to unlock the character due to missing a single of the 10 tokens.
This is what I meant. I didn't phrase it as well as you. But that was the intent. Looking for the 9th and 10th token in Marvel sucked, especially if you found them out of order on their path.

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In terms of Disney owned characters not represented on DI so far I would think Captain EO would be pretty far down on the priorities list. It would be crazy for there to be a Michael Jackson figure before Goofy or Kermit the Frog.

Only a small percentage of you will probably care about this. When Windows 10 came out the upgrade messed up the Disney Infinity: Toy Box (1.0) app. It would display off center. The latest update to Windows 10 has fixed it. Nothing to write home about but it's free in the Windows Store and will even play on low end laptops, unlike 2.0 and 3.0.

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I was at BB today and was able to get the free figure price matched to the toybox takeover I got last week, so I went with the Anakin FX figure since I wouldn't have bought it otherwise. Now I guess I might as well get Luke since I already have 5/6. They're pretty nice, and aside from Vader's red lightsaber, I don't find the lights that annoying.

With this 3 for $24 sale at BB, I'm probably going to just finish off all the Star Wars characters except for Ezra since I figure he'll get an FX figure eventually or be pretty cheap at some point.

I was pleasantly surprised to get a Darkwing sidekick in game, but I'd love to get a Darkwing Duck figure. Maybe Gizmo Duck too? :)

Bah, damn you guys for talking about the light-up figures.

In addition to the Anakin as part of the 3 for $24 sale, I ordered a Luke for store pickup at Walmart (and got it tonight).  I also picked up Yoda at Target for $10.68 and a Darth Vader at TRU for the ridiculous price of $15.99.  I can just return the Yoda and Vader from the Best Buy sale when they arrive.   But I'm not sure about the $16 Vader (sucks that I missed out on him for $9).  Of all of them, he'd probably be the coolest with the light effect, but I just can't really justify paying double for him.  I grabbed it just in case they become super-rare, but otherwise I'll probably return it in January unless I can get it cheaper/price adjusted.

Now I just need to get Leia and Ashoka cheap used from GS and then the Force Awakens pack on sale somewhere - but I can wait on that.  I'm ignoring the other series with characters I've never even heard of (Rebels I guess?  I didn't watch any of the cartoon versions beyond the original Clone Wars).

So I guess the only light-up one I still might want to get is Obi-Wan from GS.  I have credit there so maybe I'll pick it up next time I'm there.

(Edit: And I also just bought the game on PSN for $19.99.  So there's no going back now!)

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Bit puzzled why people would want to buy the playset piece loose for this reason. You need one of a small number of figures to be allowed to start the playset and grab crossover coins. I guess if you went straight to the LightFX figures because you're collecting those but also looking to get a complete set of regular figures (e.g. Leia)? Seems like a pretty small payoff for a potentially significant inconvenience or duplicate purchase, especially since prices on playsets are only going to fall further like they did last year.
I've been buying loose playset pieces for $5-$10 on ebay since DI 2.0. I'm not collecting every character, so if the kids would rather have Groot/Rocket for Guardians or Han/Chewie for the original trilogy then there's no point to paying extra for starter set characters that won't be used. I did buy the full Spider-man playset though because Spider-man and Nova are both great characters.

Man I've been trying to avoid buying Disney Infinity Figures but rewatching Star Wars makes me want to collect them all now.

Between BBY 3 for $30 figure sale

and Toys R Us $25 Play set (stacking with Get $10/25 GC with $50/$100 of Star Wars Purchase)

I feel the gap in my wallet widening by the second. 

[quote name="rbenns2" post="13115357" timestamp="1450806015"]
He was supposed to make a reappearance in TFA, but I don't recall seeing him, unless it's a brief, background thing, like the E.T.s in Phantom Menace.
He was in the briefing at the Resistance base, when they were planning the Starkiller assault. Even had at least a couple of lines.

And I was ninja'd.
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Yea.. but how did you not see him.. he was like RIGHT FRONT AND CENTER next to Leia during that briefing.  He even had a line or two where you saw his gigantic fish face.

They never specifically say it's him. All fish people look alike to you people? Racists.
I was thinking about that as well. I kinda just assumed it was Akbar, but if you watch the clone wars animated series there's a couple episodes that take place on their home planet, and there's an entire species of them that all look pretty similar. I think it's a safe assumption though to say that it was him. I didn't watch the entire credit reel to see if they announced him specifically.

I was thinking about that as well. I kinda just assumed it was Akbar, but if you watch the clone wars animated series there's a couple episodes that take place on their home planet, and there's an entire species of them that all look pretty similar. I think it's a safe assumption though to say that it was him. I didn't watch the entire credit reel to see if they announced him specifically.
A quick look at the imdb includes Akbar in the cast, portrayed by the same actor that played him in Jedi. Now I've got another reason to see it again.

Good lord, TRU. I ordered 6 Star Wars Infinity characters from them a few days ago when they were 9 bucks each with a 15 dollar giftcard I had. I just received the figures in the largest box humanly possible. A 5-year old child could have fit inside. No padding or anything, just figures crashing around. 2 of them actually were out of the box, but luckily no damage to the actual figures. I'll be sending them an email to perhaps use better judgement in their shipping methods in the future. 

EDIT: Well, they no longer have email contact. Oh well. I'll just stop complaining now.

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I was thinking about that as well. I kinda just assumed it was Akbar, but if you watch the clone wars animated series there's a couple episodes that take place on their home planet, and there's an entire species of them that all look pretty similar. I think it's a safe assumption though to say that it was him. I didn't watch the entire credit reel to see if they announced him specifically.
They did call him admiral too so it is safe to assume it was him. Looked older as well and sounded just like him. I was so happy to see him, just wish we could have seen more of their ships as I love the design.
Unless your playset includes Spider-man and has become rare ... Damn it Spider-man, I saw you everywhere a year ago and now you're gone ...
That set is still all over the place here. I held off the last time it was on sale due to the rumors of a separate character release. If it goes on sale again, I think I will probably scoop it up.

And now that I glance at eBay, maybe not even then. Hmm.
Good lord, TRU. I ordered 6 Star Wars Infinity characters from them a few days ago when they were 9 bucks each with a 15 dollar giftcard I had. I just received the figures in the largest box humanly possible. A 5-year old child could have fit inside. No padding or anything, just figures crashing around. 2 of them actually were out of the box, but luckily no damage to the actual figures. I'll be sending them an email to perhaps use better judgement in their shipping methods in the future.

EDIT: Well, they no longer have email contact. Oh well. I'll just stop complaining now.
everything I've ordered from them has shipped the same way. I had to make a return to them and they ask you to pack it well so it doesn't get damaged, I damn near included a note with my return telling them this is how you properly send a package.

Nein Numb (Lando's copilot from JEDI) shows up, too. I was super happy to see him and Ackbar!

What would his figure do, though? Sit in a floating chair, I hope. Set up traps, maybe.

Man I've been trying to avoid buying Disney Infinity Figures but rewatching Star Wars makes me want to collect them all now.

Between BBY 3 for $30 figure sale

and Toys R Us $25 Play set (stacking with Get $10/25 GC with $50/$100 of Star Wars Purchase)

I feel the gap in my wallet widening by the second.
Dammit! Why didn't I know about this!? I would have bought a playset or two if I knew about the Star Wars gift card deal. When I was there last night I even went through the whole Star Wars toy section and there was nothing about this.

Some of my Best Buy figures came in today - double stuffed into small padded envelopes. It's a good thing I was planning on opening these as the packaging is pretty much mangled.

Edit: Actually, they sent some two to a bubble mailer and then some singles securely in their own boxes. Crazy.

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bread's done