District 9 - "The Official Movie Thread" In Theaters NOW! Post your reviews here!


55 (98%)
You are not welcome here
This August 14


In the movie, aliens made first contact with Earth twenty-eight years ago while humanity waited for the hostile attack, or the giant advances in technology. Neither came. Instead, the aliens were refugees, the last survivors of their home world. The creatures were set up in a makeshift home in South Africa's District 9 as the world's nations argued over what to do with them. Now, patience over the alien situation has run out. Control over the aliens has been contracted out to Multi-National United (MNU), a private company uninterested in the aliens' welfare - they will receive tremendous profits if they can make the aliens' awesome weaponry work.

So far, they have failed; activation of the weaponry requires alien DNA. The tension between the aliens and the humans comes to a head when an MNU field operative, Wikus van der Merwe (Sharlto Copley), contracts a mysterious virus that begins changing his DNA. Wikus quickly becomes the most hunted man in the world, as well as the most valuable - he is the key to unlocking the secrets of alien technology. Ostracized and friendless, there is only one place left for him to hide: District 9.





Official Trailer-


Official Website-

Official Poster-

Official RT.com Review:

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Yes, I've been super excited for this movie. But, I'm pretty sure it is not directed by Peter Jackson. I think he is just presenting it.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Yes, I've been super excited for this movie. But, I'm pretty sure it is not directed by Peter Jackson. I think he is just presenting it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah i got to edit that...:D
Trailer 2 is way better then the first one that came out a month or so ago. It looks awesome. I really hope it delivers.
A quick little thing i heard was that originally this movie was suppose to be the Halo movie Peter Jackson wanted to make but since it fell threw, D9 is our "replacement" movie in a way...
The director is the same guy who did that live-action Halo short film. I forget the title of it, but he's known for blending real footage with fairly naturalistic CG elements.

Movie looks really great, the trailer has me really curious about the aliens' feelings towards humans.
Yeah im interested in it but i just hope it doesnt get too caught up in trying to prove a political point. And Remebers that its just a Sci-Fi Movie....♠
[quote name='Rollett']Yeah im interested in it but i just hope it doesnt get too caught up in trying to prove a political point. And Remebers that its just a Sci-Fi Movie....♠[/QUOTE]

and yeah we need a good sci fi movie this year
there's a number to call. its damn scary. it looks kind of like a "Cloverfield" nock off though. but, hey, you never know.

oh the number is,

866-666-6001 press 0 when you get the voice. also, you can "report a sighting". cool.
There's a comercial for this every 3 minutes on the tvs at Gamestop. Made me somewhat interested in it.
[quote name='Ziv']There's a comercial for this every 3 minutes on the tvs at Gamestop. Made me somewhat interested in it.[/QUOTE]

I cant tell if those commercials are serious or just joking. But this movie probably will be like Cloverfield, minus the subject of it...
Been looking forward to seeing this since it's announcement. Blomkamp's shorts are all great including the Halo one, so it will be interesting to see how he handles a feature film. The buzz from the Comic-Con screening last week has been really positive. Can't wait!
I saw Bruno last week (don't ask) and the theater had a viral poster forthis saying that the theater was for humans only. I so want that poster. I know one of the managers. I may ask him to hook me up.
I have no idea why but I am very intrigued by this movie. This seems like an interesting idea to make an original movie dealing with an Alien species. I also like the documentary style they are going for.
This movie has been getting tons of praise from critics. They are talking about this movie as one of the best Sci-fi movies of this decade and one of the best movies of the year. I would like to see this in theaters but don't know if I will get around to doing so.
The wife and I caught a screening of this last week up in Chicago.

Awesome fuckin film. Any fan of sci-fi, action or just good films owes it to themselves to check this out. The movie doesn't play too heavy on politics or delivering a message. There are some underlying themes, but they play a backseat to the characters, film and style.

I'm gonna go ahead and throw this out there...Star Trek was great but District 9 owns.

I won't spoil the ending...but lets see what happens in 3 years.
Man I was interested in seeing this movie in theaters before reviews came out for it. I can't believe this has a 95% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes after 60+ reviews. Now I really want to see this movie.
just came back from the midnight screening of it...

The drunk crowd wasn't as bad as the drunk crowd at the midnight showing of Transformers 2.

This was an amazing film. Liked it a lot better than Transformers 2.

The mech sequences were amazing. I am glad the director did not over due it with explosions like some ass clown director who loves explosions :\

This film need a sequel period.
[quote name='DaChicagoBear1']going to edit a few things to make the thread look good :)[/QUOTE]
Start with "tomorrow".
I'm pretty sure that this was originally a short film, right? I remember seeing something very similar in one of my video classes. Loved the short film for the way it mixed real footage with CG, and the underlying theme of apartheid.

Definitely want to see this. I didn't know it had good reviews; hopefully I'll see it with some friends this weekend!
This movie was fucking awesome. My favorite movie of the year so far just ahead of The Hurt Locker (if I'm not forgetting any movie).
the movie was awesome. I heard there was something shown @ the end of the credits? If so can someone tell me? I had to leave as the credits rolled because my friend was not feeling well.
Haha, if there was really something after the credits my friend is going to be pissed.

I saw this "yesterday", and it was fucking epic. I haven't left a theatre on that high of a note in a good while. The story was great, the effects were awesome, and the movie didn't need any bullshit big-name actors to do it. I agree that a sequel is needed, and I am eagerly awaiting it.

Also, I have never seen so many exploding people, and I have never seen people explode so well. Kick. Ass.
My fiance wants to see this due to Peter Jackson's involvement. He's even more intrigued that it has a relatively unknown director and unknown actors. I'm willing to see it with him thanks to the high 90s RT rating. Hopefully we'll have time to see it this weekend.
[quote name='tenzor']the movie was awesome. I heard there was something shown @ the end of the credits? If so can someone tell me? I had to leave as the credits rolled because my friend was not feeling well.[/QUOTE]

Was there? We waited till the end and the film literally burnt up Grindhouse style, I don't think that was on purpose though.
I just came back from it and ill i can say is it was AWESOME. Great movie, and i recommend it to anyone who wants to forget about bad movies like Transformers 2 and see a good summer movie.
Great to hear all the postive reviews from CAGs! Might try and catch a showing tonight, otherwise I definitely will be checking it out tomorrow!
It's funny, when I asked the cashier about the movie when I was buying my ticket if she saw it...she said she saw part of it and it was like "Cloverfield".. I gave out a big *sigh* and lowered my expectations going in, but thankfully when walking out (after the movie was done) I was happy with the end results.
I Liked it alot. My only complaint is some of the characterization seemed a bit sudden by the end, but man the movie had amazing pacing and went by quick. It kinda reminded me of Children of Men after awhile I gotta say, which isn't a bad thing at all of course.
[quote name='ITDEFX']it was like "Cloverfield".. I gave out a big *sigh* [/QUOTE]

I was going to say it was like War of the Worlds minus the big fat FAIL. Either way, going off of just the previews I say both are insults to this movie... Still need to see this, I told my friend I'd "brave" the crowds to see this...
EXCELLENT movie...only other movie which could come close to being as good this summer was Star Trek for me, but I still think this one might have been better.
good movie. tbh if i had to watch 1 film again between my top 2 summer films, i would rather rewatch 500days of summer than district 9. Its a solid action film with AMAZING sound design. I didn't read any reviews for the film but I kept hearing about the great CG. I was more impressed with the sound of the film. Not only the sound of the bullets being shot but the sound in what it was hitting had an equally impressive effect. The CG was solid but 1 part
mech using gravity to catch bullets
was way off. The lighting on the cg object was inconsistent with the rest of the film which was outstanding.

I ate up the first half of the film. It was great. A little after the
hospital breakout
I started not to enjoy the film as much.
maybe it was because our hero who didn't like the aliens and started to help them to benefit himself
not sure exact what was it but it wasn't as enjoyable as the first half. and of course the alien tech weapons throughout the film is just badass. I didn't care for them shaking the camera the last half of the film just because. It felt natural when they were doing it doc style with a cameraman following. The later half just felt like we should do it because we think it adds more excitement/power to the action scene.
Definitely worth a watch, but it wasn't as cool as I'd hoped it would be, but I dunno', it struck me as one of those movies I'll like a lot more upon a second viewing.

My biggest problem was that I sort of hated Wikus. I really wasn't sure when I was supposed to start liking him. He had this whole "ignorant Christian Children's Fund activist" vibe going. Y'know, thinking he's helping when he's really just as much of a bigot douche as everyone else. Then when all the bad stuff started to happen to him
we were just suddenly suppossed to sympathize, and I didn't.

It was a fun movie (with some fantastically cool kills ;)) but it wasn't as deep and character driven as I'd hoped it would be.
bread's done