DMC3:Special edition thread



Just wondering what people's impressions are of this so far. is it easier than 3? are the graphics smoothed out or changed at all?

edit: changed title
i just picked one up from EB, but haven't had a chance to play it. I played the original all the way through though and from what I've gathered from the reviews it keeps everything intact and just adds bonus features if you want them (like the new continue system and playing as Virgil).

And about the difficulty, it's easier than the orginal, but the difficulty level from the original is still there too. See, Normal in the SE eas easy on the original. And Hard is what normal used to be. Very Hard is what Hard used to be. And Dante Must Die and Heaven Vs Hell are kept intact. So once you shift the difficulty levels down one, you realize that really the only new difficulty level is the new Easy, which is even easier than the Easy in the original. Does that make sense?

But I'm sure the new optional continue system will make the game much less frustrating, so in that way it should be easier.

Personally, I only bought the game for the new continue system, but playing as Virgil sounds interesting. I've heard he's a little too powerful and thus makes the game easier, but it might be nice to try playing as him on one of the higher difficulty setting to balance things out a bit. his moves look pretty badass at least.
Well, share how awesome it is to play as Vergil when you get the chance to play.

I feel like I'm the only person that can't find this game. Everywhere in town either hasn't gotten it yet or is sold out.
I want this, bit that fucking Greatest Hits logo makes me feel sick.

One day this andVirtua Fighter 4: Evolution will be reprinted with normal cover art for me. ;)
[quote name='whoknows']Well, share how awesome it is to play as Vergil when you get the chance to play.

I feel like I'm the only person that can't find this game. Everywhere in town either hasn't gotten it yet or is sold out.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry to dissapoint you, but I don't know when I'm going to get around to playing it. I bought a DS earlier this week (yeah, right before they decided to revamp it), so I've only been playing Castlevania in the little bit of free time I can manage between school and work. Also I've beaten DMC3 before, so I don't know when i'm going to get around to it. If I get a chance I may sample it for a bit tonight, but it's hard to say at this point.
I'm actually considering picking up a ps2 tomorrow, so hopefully I can find this with it.
this would be the 3rd time i've rebought a ps2 after swearing there would be no more games I want for it :lol: good thing i've got a ton of reward zone points.

Webscud-- that would be a shame to miss out on 2 amazing games because of some writing on the package.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']I'm sorry to dissapoint you, but I don't know when I'm going to get around to playing it. I bought a DS earlier this week (yeah, right before they decided to revamp it), so I've only been playing Castlevania in the little bit of free time I can manage between school and work. Also I've beaten DMC3 before, so I don't know when i'm going to get around to it. If I get a chance I may sample it for a bit tonight, but it's hard to say at this point.[/QUOTE]

Haha, thats cool.

It doesnt matter too much since I've decided to go out looking for it tomorrow and not return home until I find myself a copy :D
I know that Gamestop wasn't taking pre-orders on the game. I tried to but it wasnt in the system.

As for copies, the same GS only got one copy which was for me.
[quote name='Apossum']Webscud-- that would be a shame to miss out on 2 amazing games because of some writing on the package.[/QUOTE]

I know. Maybe I'll print custom art or something. I guess I could put the GH games in a double disc case with the original releases. Ugh. Hehe. Snackbar Games crew attack! Then I could but all my PSone and Dreamcast games in DVD cases too. Hmm. Aye.

Look what you started. ;)
i got it yesterday from gamestop.

yeah the greatest hits logo makes it stick out like a sore thumb when it's chillen with my other games on the shelf. i hate that stupid red logo.

you can choose a yellow or gold mode right in the begining. yellow means when you die you can start at the specific location you died at by using a yellow orb. gold means you can start off at the last checkpoint you had by using a gold orb.

there's also a bloody palace mode once you beat the game. you try to battle your way through levels with fuckloads of enemies i guess. 9999 levels. sounds intimidating.
[quote name='WebScud']I know. Maybe I'll print custom art or something. I guess I could put the GH games in a double disc case with the original releases. Ugh. Hehe. Snackbar Games crew attack! Then I could but all my PSone and Dreamcast games in DVD cases too. Hmm. Aye.

Look what you started. ;)[/QUOTE]

see kids-- don't get picky about your collection. you might turn into THIS ^^^

me and a friend went all over san diego looking for it, but no one had it. the gamestops and ebs told us we should have preordered it, but apparently some of the gamecrazy's are getting them in on friday. I might just end up ordering it online.
[quote name='Apossum']see kids-- don't get picky about your collection. you might turn into THIS ^^^


It's scary people. You don't want to see my organizational madness.
Okay, so I started the special edition and I'd have to say that while it's pretty great, there are a couple of significant flaws that I can't understand.
1.) Though the game is smart enough to verify whether or not you've beaten the original DMC3 and unlocks Virgil and bloody palace for you, it DOES NOT unlock hard mode and very hard mode (i.e. normal and the unlockable hard on the original). Thus, my initial run through of the SE will be easier than my virgin run through the sadistic "normal" mode of the original (which would be "hard"here, get it?) If the game couldn't read your memory card info for the original at all that would be understandable, but the fact that it can and they chose to give you some of your deserved unlockables and not others is a huge oversight on their part.
2.) While you can play as Virgil, you must start Virgil on normal mode, and he and Dante have seperate campeigns/unlockables/data. So if you unlock very hard mode with Dante, you can't just switch to Virgil for that difficulty, but will have to work Virgil all the way up to that level too. I can't for the life of me figure out why they did this, and didn't just make it like Viewtiful Joe where you unlock a character after beating it, then have the option who to play as for whatever difficulties you've unlocked.

Aside from these complaints, the game is uniformly excellent. After playing for a little over an hour I was reminded just how cool the original game was, and the new continue system makes it infinitely less frustrating. And despite my complaints about having to start from the beggining of normal mode, even that mode, while easy for veterans, is still really really fun. Ultimately it's deffinitely a better overall package than the original, but it's best for those who haven't already braved through the original. Otherwise it's still great, if you don't mind your memory card info not carrying over and having to start on easy/normal.
[quote name='xrickyb86x'] you can choose a yellow or gold mode right in the begining. yellow means when you die you can start at the specific location you died at by using a yellow orb. gold means you can start off at the last checkpoint you had by using a gold orb.[/QUOTE]

Actually I think it's the other way around, but I could be wrong. That's the impression I got from the card that came with it...

Anyways, yes I picked it up today. Nobody had it but EB, which they only had like two copies left. So I snatched one up. It's pretty fun to far. Sort of repetitive though.
[quote name='whoknows']Turbo mode is the greatest thing ever created!!

I always knew DMC3 was too slow of an action game. :p[/QUOTE]

I just came in to post the same thing :)

Software Etc got more copies in today. wish I didn't have 200+ pages of reading to do between today and tomorrow :bomb:
I really wish Vergil had his own storyline to go through. He is cool to play as though. I love the Yamato sword. Dante is still the better one though. Also kind of wish they made Dante less of a dork than he was in the original version.

"This party's getting crazy!"
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I really wish Vergil had his own storyline to go through. He is cool to play as though. I love the Yamato sword. Dante is still the better one though. Also kind of wish they made Dante less of a dork than he was in the original version.

"This party's getting crazy!"[/QUOTE]

agreed...his "angst" is so dorky :lol:

i wish I had my old save from when I beat DMC3 last year..."normal" mode is a bore!
[quote name='Apossum']agreed...his "angst" is so dorky :lol:

i wish I had my old save from when I beat DMC3 last year..."normal" mode is a bore![/QUOTE]

It wouldn't matter. Even if you did have your old save you'd still have to start on "normal." The only difference is that you'd already have Virgil and Bloody Palace unlocked.
[quote name='Apossum']agreed...his "angst" is so dorky :lol:

i wish I had my old save from when I beat DMC3 last year..."normal" mode is a bore![/QUOTE]

I actually like the way he acts in the game. It gives him...uh....personality :D
[quote name='whoknows']I actually like the way he acts in the game. It gives him...uh....personality :D[/QUOTE]

true but c'mon, one man can only take so many references to "the party." there are other metaphors, like "the shindig," "the hoedown" or even "the gangbang" :lol:
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I really wish Vergil had his own storyline to go through. He is cool to play as though. I love the Yamato sword. Dante is still the better one though. Also kind of wish they made Dante less of a dork than he was in the original version.

"This party's getting crazy!"[/QUOTE]wait so Vergil aint got his own story?!?!

so it's jus playing thru the regular levels with a different character, story-less tho??

coz dat sucks man... saves me like $20 tho.
[quote name='Apossum']true but c'mon, one man can only take so many references to "the party." there are other metaphors, like "the shindig," "the hoedown" or even "the gangbang" :lol:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but Capcom didnt want the game to look like it took place in some backwater town.
I will be getting this, hopefully tomorrow. Although hearing that you HAVE to go through on Normal is a little disappointing.
It's not that bad. If you're a vet of the game, like me, you'll breeze through it. I never played easy in the original, so I'm flying through it at the moment.
Does the game automatically adjust the difficulty level after you die a certain amount of times? Let's just say the boss you defeat to get your first new weapon just layed down for me to slash at after I died a few times.
[quote name='Sway']Does the game automatically adjust the difficulty level after you die a certain amount of times? Let's just say the boss you defeat to get your first new weapon just layed down for me to slash at after I died a few times.[/QUOTE]

I noticed the same thing too. It definately did NOT do that it the original version. It happened to me when I fought the boss you get the second weapon from too.
I dont know what Capcom did, but they definatley messed around with the difficulty level.
[quote name='Sway']Does the game automatically adjust the difficulty level after you die a certain amount of times? Let's just say the boss you defeat to get your first new weapon just layed down for me to slash at after I died a few times.[/QUOTE]
Well if you attack that boss's paw enough he falls down and allows you to slash at him a bit, could be that is what happened.
[quote name='guardian_owl']Well if you attack that boss's paw enough he falls down and allows you to slash at him a bit, could be that is what happened.[/QUOTE]

I eventually figured out that strategy but I could only get a couple of hits when the heads were on the ground. When I did eventually defeat it, I slashed at the paw a few times, took maybe 10% total of his health, he fell down, I slashed and slashed while it did absolutely nothing, then I beat it. So I was sitting there going "Wtf just happened?"

I tried reasoning that the basic sword combo stunned it at the very end so I was able to repeat the combo, but I'm just making some BS up.
[quote name='Sway']I eventually figured out that strategy but I could only get a couple of hits when the heads were on the ground. When I did eventually defeat it, I slashed at the paw a few times, took maybe 10% total of his health, he fell down, I slashed and slashed while it did absolutely nothing, then I beat it. So I was sitting there going "Wtf just happened?"

I tried reasoning that the basic sword combo stunned it at the very end so I was able to repeat the combo, but I'm just making some BS up.[/QUOTE] is icy...and the boss is old...maybe he slipped and broke his hip?
I couldn't wait so I picked this up a couple days ago. which was probably a bad idea because I still have a bunch of stuff I need to finish :)
I picked it up today and played until the 3rd level. I've enjoyed what I've played so far.

So for all the DMC3 veterans here, which style do you prefer using? Right now I'm leaning toward trickster but I'm only on level 1 with all of them. Also, these guns seem to weak to ever be useful. Am I just missing something here?
[quote name='gambitmachete']I picked this up at Best Buy tonight, I'm gonna start it once I finish up Ratchet: Deadlocked. :D[/QUOTE]

hmmm so BB has it now?
[quote name='whoknows']Well, share how awesome it is to play as Vergil when you get the chance to play.

I feel like I'm the only person that can't find this game. Everywhere in town either hasn't gotten it yet or is sold out.[/QUOTE]

hehe, i tried to buy it on sale at fry's but they were all sold out!:cry:
[quote name='cletus'] Also, these guns seem to weak to ever be useful. Am I just missing something here?[/QUOTE]

Have you upgraded them yet?
[quote name='cletus']I picked it up today and played until the 3rd level. I've enjoyed what I've played so far.

So for all the DMC3 veterans here, which style do you prefer using? Right now I'm leaning toward trickster but I'm only on level 1 with all of them. Also, these guns seem to weak to ever be useful. Am I just missing something here?[/QUOTE]
I leaned more toward the sword master style, the more moves I had at my disposal, the more variety in the combat, and the harder it is to get bored with the combat system. It would probably be a good idea to go on gamefaqs or the like and read about the styles so you can decide which best meets your own preferences.

As I understand, guns are relegated to secondary weapons and are not recommended to be used as your primary method of attack unless you plan to go gunslinger style.

Even if you don't go gunslinger they have their uses, Often I'll fire off a blast with a shotgun to stun an enemy as I approach, then cut into them with my weapon. The pistols also have their uses to chip away at enemies from a distance when they are out of range of your melee weapon.
Ok random fact for people like me who hate Greatest Hits box art:

The game is coming out (here) in Japan later this month with NEW (non-GH) box art and supposedly you can set the game to be COMPLETELY in English.

I'll pick it up once it comes out and let everyone know!
I'm definitely a Swordmaster guy. I love tearing into enemies with my blades. Though I would really like to get good with Royal Guard. Gunslinger just doesn't seem worth it. The guns don't do enough damage. As was mentioned, I only use them for small damage while I'm dodging an attack, or far from an enemy.
Once I get time tomorrow I'm gonna try swordmaster more. I see what you mean about the combat getting stale if I don't have the variety of moves to play with. I like this styles system they put into this game.

I guess I preferred trickster because I use to play Shinobi (PS2) so much. I want to try getting good with royal guard too but I don't know if I have the reflexes for it. This is why I don't play Guilty Gear XX very often anymore. Growing up sucks.

Should I spend time leveling the guns up? From what I used of them today I wasn't going to bother with it but if they get better then I'll give them a chance.
I've been using trickster almost the whole game. I also like royal guard alot, which is what i plan to use on hard and vh.
I use Gunslinger personally, it may not have the same power as the Swordmaster style, but it does open up the moves you can do quite a bit. Spiral Canceling is also awesome, and Artemis fully powered up does some pretty wicked things too.
just beat normal mode. 10 hours, 30 minutes, which was about half the time it took with dmc3 on normal. turbo mode rules!

final virgil seemed much harder for some reason. only took me 2 tries in the original, but i just spent a half hour on him.

if i could keep my eyes open, i'd check out the extras...
So far, I have been playing for over 20 hours in Dante's quest. Beat normal mode and kept replaying Mission 20 to gain lots of red orbs (so many that I maxed everything except styles). I maxed out trickster on Normal, so I'm playing Hard using Gunslinger.

Current Hard Status: Mission 9, Gunslinger lvl. 2
let me get this straight before i go ahead with the extras...everything earned in every mode of the game goes towards the character you use in the Devil Tower? if anyone can clarify,i'd appreciate it.
bread's done