Do I really need a Hori screen protector?


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Thanks in advance fellow cags-

I am about to buy a DS for the 1st time and I keep seeing all these threads about the screen protectors and I was curious if I really need it or is it more for kids/teenagers/college students because they are so hard on their stuff?
If you plan on doing anything fast paced then yes, it's a very good investment. i take great care of my ds phat, and have had it since launch and it only has a few noticeable scratches, but msot of those came from Meteos. I wish I would have invested the few bucks then to protect it, because although it's only a few and i don't notice them while playing, it still nags at me.

When I get my lite I will be getting protectors for sure.
Yeah definately get it if you're playing games that get to a "frenzy" level of play. Ouendan, Feel the Magic, Wario etc. If you're not playing those games, and you're the only one playing it, then you can skip the screen protectors if you want.
I think it depends on how much pressure you put on your touchpad. Personally I find DS touchpads to be very flimsy compare to my other touchpad devices. Thing about DS screen protectors are unless you're some expert at applying it, you'll have some air bubbles. And is a pain to remove the screens because I think you could literally pull out or warp the DS screen if you pull them hard enough. But you might have to when removing them.

My DS screen is just like new with more than 3 months use. I take good care of it by using lint free camera lens quality disposable paper and using anti-static ammonia free camera lens cleaning solution to it. Same stuff I use on my really expensive camera lens :D. For games with both touch or button controls, try to use the buttons first to preserve your touchpad. Lastly I only touch the pad gently with the stylus. Is a pain but you'll get used to after few days.

Edit>Depending on what kind of person you are, some air bubbles might drive you crazy when you can see it every time you use the DS.
The answer is YES! The 5-6$ spent for a screen protector could save you alot of hassle later on. It sucks pretty bad when the screen gets all scratched up and you can barely see the things on the screen...

Also if you do get one, make sure the screen is COMPLETELY free of dust when you put the protector on. I read somewhere that the dust is what causes the air bubbles. If you mess up, just remove it using tape and put it back on again.
$5-6 is a small amount to pay for scratch insurance on a $130 item. No matter how careful you are, you *will* get scratches sooner or later. I think that's reasonable to expect if you're going to be playing with the thing for another 2-3+ years. If you don't mind screen scratches, then don't get one. If you think it might bother you, they buy a screen protector.
I never used any screen protectors on my phat and it is still free of scratches. I just deburred the styli when I got them and wipe the screen before/after each session of games and have never had a problem 2+ years now.

As for should you use them? It's like condoms... it's always good to have extra protection.
[quote name='megasupa']
Also if you do get one, make sure the screen is COMPLETELY free of dust when you put the protector on. I read somewhere that the dust is what causes the air bubbles. If you mess up, just remove it using tape and put it back on again.[/quote]
For me even with cleaning the screens before applying the protectors gave me air bubbles. This was with 2 different brands. Waste of about $15 right there. :cry:
no, if you scratch your screen then you are doing something wrong. ive had a ds damn near since launch and have had no scratches at all. and ive gone through heavy sessions of ouendan, elite beat agents, meteos and more.
well all it takes to scratch up your screen is for you to put your stylus down on an unlucky dust particle when you start spinning.
No, you don't need it. I think you'd have to try to scratch the screen to the point where it will affect game play or be visible with the system on. That said you will minorly scratch it to where the scratches can be seen with the system off and in good light. Up to you if that's a big deal or not.
I've never used a screen protector and I have no major scratches. I bought my lite the first day it came out stateside. I'm the only one who uses it though and I'm pretty careful with it. Just use the stylus and keep your play area clear.

I had a screen protector for my Palm pilot. Works fine if your worried about your screen. Apply in a clean room with no wind. Never apply outside! Wash your hands first and take your time. No need for dust and dirt particles trapped inside if your careful.
[quote name='banpeikun']well all it takes to scratch up your screen is for you to put your stylus down on an unlucky dust particle when you start spinning.[/quote]

Saying "I don't need one because I've never scratched my screen" is like saying you don't need to wear a seatbelt because you've never gotten into a car accident. It has nothing to do with how frenzied or controlled your playing is. These are plastic parts that can carry small static charges. All it takes is one little particle sticking to the wrong place at the wrong time. And bear in mind, scratching the screen isn't covered by the warranty. If it happens one time, you're out of luck.

I guess technically the answer to the question is no, since you don't need to use the Hori brand. I've used Pelican's protectors and they performed fine. There's no magical shift in the properties of plastic after it's been blessed with the Nintendo seal.
I haven't used any yet and I've had 2 DS Lites. I sold my first one just because I was bored with it, but it had only fairly fine hairline scratches after about a year of owning it.

My second one, I've had since Pokemon came out, whenever that was, and again only very faint scratches that are only visible in certain light.

I personally think screen protectors are a complete pain to put on. Trying to not have any air bubbles or dust trapped is tedious.
i'd just like to not worry about my screen getting scratched a bit less, thats the reason i grabbed a hori, didn't even start playing ouendan until i did
You probably won't scratch the screen without a protector. You definitely won't scratch the screen with it. You decide.
Just got a DS lite and was wondering what you guys use to clean the screen. The first thing I tried was my cameras cleaning cloth but that left a bunch of tiny little fibers (not sure what to call them) on the screen. Is there anything I would have at home that would works well for cleaning the screen?
[quote name='Sockey']Just got a DS lite and was wondering what you guys use to clean the screen. The first thing I tried was my cameras cleaning cloth but that left a bunch of tiny little fibers (not sure what to call them) on the screen. Is there anything I would have at home that would works well for cleaning the screen?[/QUOTE]

I use the cleaning cloth I got from my Hori Screen Protectors package (ironic). Try a different cleaning cloth if its leaving those little fibers behind, doesn't seem too high quality. Any kind of microfiber will work.
There are those of us who would put Screen Protectors on our Screen Protectors.

That said, if you are the type that will look closely for marks on the screen and then fret about it, get a protector.
I never used any screen protectors on my DS phat (girlfriend has it now) that I bought at launch, or my DS lite which I bought at its launch.

Neither has any scratches that are visible during gameplay.
I have screen protectors that i bought when i bought my DS lite. Put them on as soon as i got it out of the box. and i have zero air bubbles. Theres a few tricks to work them out properly but ive also installed vinyl and tint before as well.
Where's the cheapest place to order Hori screen protectors, I remember reading a thread that mentioned some import shopt had them for $2. Much cheaper thant the $6 Amazon is charging.
I ordered 2. Seemed fine to me. Except I only applied one package, then took it off out of frustration because I couldn't get the air bubbles out.
I would highly say yes you need screen protectors for you ds. I NEVER play my ds without some kind of protection on the bottom screen, especially if you're going to be playing games like EBA, hotel dusk and metroid prime hunters.
it's more than static cling, they definately feel sticky when you touch the surface that goes on the screen. it's similar to the feel of new vinyl stickers, but stickier, imo. but it's not something that comes off on your screen.
they're high quality and really they're the perfect screen protector: stays on, never moves, and is nearly impossible to tell they're on. on the other hand, when it's time to take it off, it comes off easily without leaving anything on your screen. if you think about it, a vinyl sticker wouldn't stay on your screen quite as well as you'd want for a screen protector.
You guys certainly made me paranoid about scratching up my new DS. But I'm looking at Play-Asia and they have two different Hori protectors, a liquid crystal filter (the cheaper one) and a protection filter. Which one do I get? D:
This makes 4 of these Hori protectors I have for our DS/GBAs I have. You cant beat them. None of the others stay on better or come off cleaner if needed. They are not fogy while on and I will add they fit tight on the screen.

Once I somehow got one dirty while putting it on and I couldnt believe how easy it was to clean it and reapply it.
what is the best way to put on the protector w/o having the dirt or dust get in?? Cuz on my it always have some kind of dust in it.
i usually clean up the screen using that wipe that came with the hori protectors then use a air spray can to make sure no dust is left then just slab on one of the protectors on.
[quote name='luffy21']what is the best way to put on the protector w/o having the dirt or dust get in?? Cuz on my it always have some kind of dust in it.[/quote]my advice is to clean your DS under a bright light. you can see all the particles given that your light is strong enough.
personally i use the wipe as well, make sure i'm in the cleanest room i can find, blow away any extra specks and just put it on
[quote name='banpeikun']it was dealextreme, but the people who got them said they were fakes.[/quote]

To be fair, DealXtreme never said they were real. The site says they're generics and being sold as generics. But in all honesty, they're far better quality then anything I got at Gamecrazy or Gamestop.
[quote name='wubb']No, you don't need it. I think you'd have to try to scratch the screen to the point where it will affect game play or be visible with the system on. That said you will minorly scratch it to where the scratches can be seen with the system off and in good light. Up to you if that's a big deal or not.[/quote]

I agree. The DS in particular was made for the stylus and only concerted effort would scratch the screen to the point where permanent damage would affect gameplay. If you're scratching that hard, there's something wrong.

That said, I understand why a person would feel more comfortable having one on, and if you are one of those people, then Hori is the best, IMO.
[quote name='Paco']To be fair, DealXtreme never said they were real. The site says they're generics and being sold as generics. But in all honesty, they're far better quality then anything I got at Gamecrazy or Gamestop.[/quote]i don't know how showing a photograph of a brand-name product with a nintendo seal doesn't lead someone to believe they're not generics.
[quote name='banpeikun']i don't know how showing a photograph of a brand-name product with a nintendo seal doesn't lead someone to believe they're not generics.[/quote]

DealExtreme sells them as generics. They also have genuine Hori Screen protectors at an inflated price at around $7.50. I can't imagine them being too much better then the generics.

Though you're right about the nintendo seal. But they do use that hori style packaging and stuff. They should at least change it to something else since their screen protectors are actually good enough to stand on their own to where they don't need to fake someone elses stuff.
does anyone have comparison photos for the hori screen protectors? i want to make sure i'm getting a real product

Edit: nm found the link

for the one i got
1. the pic is kinda blurry
2. the pack is resealable
3. the microfiber cloth does NOT say hori, its the plain white one
4. there is english on the tabs

however after applying it, the screens seem to be perfectly fine as is, i haven't noticed any problems so far, perfect fit, seems to increase sensitivity, and looks the same
bread's done