do think Grand Theft Auto IV will get a GOTY version with all the DLC

I actually wouldn't be surprised. Seeing it in some form (and on disc is not DLC ;) ) down the road would not be out of the question. In the very least, I would expect some episodes to make it to PS3 even if not the ones on 360.

Some people think the first two DLCs will stay 360, while some new ones will be available for PS3 (and 360 well).

As for a GOTY edition... no idea. Probably not. And more than likely not with the first two DLC editions. But stranger things have happened.
Most likely not. MS paid for the content, not a time exclusivity, but the actual content to stay unique to 360. But you never know as we don't really know the specifics of the DLC agreement.
[quote name='Saint Noir']I actually wouldn't be surprised. Seeing it in some form (and on disc is not DLC ;) ) down the road would not be out of the question. In the very least, I would expect some episodes to make it to PS3 even if not the ones on 360.

Some people think the first two DLCs will stay 360, while some new ones will be available for PS3 (and 360 well).

As for a GOTY edition... no idea. Probably not. And more than likely not with the first two DLC editions. But stranger things have happened.[/QUOTE]

if it were going to happen dont you think they would have said something by now just to keep ps3 owners inerested in it? i really think when it comes to gta4 on the ps3 what you see is all you get.though if they did a remake of san andreas id be up for that and only that.
No. I personally don't. In the land of exclusives and timed exclusives, there seems to be a year or so window. GTA IV is approaching 1 year old. If nothing is announced by the end of November, I would say it probably isn't going to happen in any form. But until then, who knows. Not me, that's for sure.
I think it will happen. How long were the PS2 games out before the Xbox ports came out?

Once whatever exclusivity MS paid for runs out, we will probably see this content for the PS3. Maybe a Greatest Hits disc with everything on one BR disc.

I wouldn't be surprised is R* were working on the ports for PS3 already, so when the exclusivity period ends they can get the content out quickly.
I see the dlc coming to the ps3 some day. I haven't even finished the story yet because I am having to much fun online. This is the funniest game I have ever played and I can't believe nobody is playng it on here. My real friends don't play it anymore cause they never got good with auto aim off, and that's were all the fun is. People can't possibly be having as much fun playing socom as I am having playing this game.
I hate this game on the 360, bought a second copy for the dlc, and would love to see it move to the ps3. Could happen with future dlc, but I don't know if it will happen with the first two.
Rockstar originally had a deal to keep GTA3 on the PS2 exclusively with Sony but then got around the contract by releasing it as a double pack (with Vice City) on the XB/PS2.
Unless someone here has inside information the answer is. Wait and see. When Microsoft was asked they said "The content is exclusive" while Rockstar I think said no comment. I think it's just a matter of time. Even if they straight up denied it I still wouldn't believe it. Bethesda said we would never see Fallout 3 dlc on the PS3, look how that turned out.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Unfortunately for PS3 only owners, MS has 50 million reasons to have Rockstar say no.[/QUOTE]

This. 50 mil bought that exclusivity, permanently. Forget it, PS3 owners.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']This. 50 mil bought that exclusivity, permanently. Forget it, PS3 owners.[/QUOTE]
Pretty sure it was a $50 million loan.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']This. 50 mil bought that exclusivity, permanently. Forget it, PS3 owners.[/QUOTE]

Yeah just like all those other exclusives Microsoft paid for and never hit the PS3... err wait... yeah... seems like lots of them have. So, it is just a wait and see. Could not happen... but it also very likely could. Fallout DLC is a great example.

You know no more than anyone else. I personally don't are either way... I never played GTA IV. :lol:
[quote name='Saint Noir']Yeah just like all those other exclusives Microsoft paid for and never hit the PS3... err wait... yeah... seems like lots of them have. So, it is just a wait and see. Could not happen... but it also very likely could. Fallout DLC is a great example.[/QUOTE]

Microsoft didn't pay Bethesda for permanent exclusivity. They paid Rockstar for the GTAIV episodes, and the terminology indicated that the exclusivity is permanent.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Microsoft didn't pay Bethesda for permanent exclusivity. They paid Rockstar for the GTAIV episodes, and the terminology indicated that the exclusivity is permanent.[/QUOTE]
Why do you even care, you probably don't even have a ps3. It is more likely that it will come out on the ps3 than not.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Microsoft didn't pay Bethesda for permanent exclusivity. They paid Rockstar for the GTAIV episodes, and the terminology indicated that the exclusivity is permanent.[/QUOTE]
You have as much proof as the people saying it will come. All I'm going on is what has happened in the past. Rockstar hasn't even ruled it out, and from what I've heard that 50 mill was actually a loan. Even Ninja Gaiden 2 which was published by Microsoft is now on the ps3.
At this point, I wouldn't even care if the DLC came out on GTA IV with a GOTY edition. I really didn't like the game at all. Mostly due to driving being horrible. I know that there's an exclusive contract, but its sad to see how the PS3 version of this game got absolutely NO support from Rockstar...
I would hope rockstar is now gonna focus on GTA5 and move on from Gta 4 and the episodes. I dont see a GOTY edition coming to the PS3 because i dont think the deal was a timed exclusive (but what do we know) I think they made too much fuss about the 50 million dollar thing to let the episodes go to the PS3. Now all sony has to do is focus on getting something like that for GTA 5.
[quote name='jrsmaster411']You have as much proof as the people saying it will come. All I'm going on is what has happened in the past. Rockstar hasn't even ruled it out, and from what I've heard that 50 mill was actually a loan. Even Ninja Gaiden 2 which was published by Microsoft is now on the ps3.[/QUOTE]

An optimist could see it as Microsoft giving them a 50 million dollar investment...Do you think they made it back or will make it back when it comes out? And then after a year or so, maybe it will come out for PS3.

Probably not though.
yeah by now most peple have moved on from gta4 so unless it came out at a reduced price or for free ( yeah i doubt that will happen) i dont see too many people going for it. theres too many other games on the ps3 to worry about that stuff. still if they ever did a remake of san andreas id be up for that.
[quote name='afilgueirasjr']I would hope rockstar is now gonna focus on GTA5 and move on from Gta 4 and the episodes. [/QUOTE]

Or a game I actually want to play and am hopeful for... AGENT. :cool:

[quote name='Saint Noir']No. I personally don't. In the land of exclusives and timed exclusives, there seems to be a year or so window. GTA IV is approaching 1 year old. If nothing is announced by the end of November, I would say it probably isn't going to happen in any form. But until then, who knows. Not me, that's for sure.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Saint Noir']Yeah just like all those other exclusives Microsoft paid for and never hit the PS3... err wait... yeah... seems like lots of them have. So, it is just a wait and see. Could not happen... but it also very likely could. Fallout DLC is a great example.

You know no more than anyone else. I personally don't are either way... I never played GTA IV. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Well then, since you've never played it and don't care either way, then can do something for the rest of us and please kindly STFU?:D Thanks.:)

FYI, the game is OVER a year old(4/29/08)already and I don't see the DLC coming to the PS3 in ANY way, shape or form.

Anyway, I really don't care about the DLC one way or the other either, but it would've been nice had Rockstar actually left in some of the more fun things to do(parachutes, for one). Even though I haven't touched the game since I finished it, I enjoyed Saint's Row 2 alot better, since it included planes and parachutes, two major things that R* took out of GTA IV.

Hopefully that will come back in the likely remake of Vice City that they're probably already working on.
As posted by D_Icon:

If this post is accurate; basically MS said:
"Well Rockstar, you will make $50M with these DLC's some day, so I'll just give you $50M now so you only release them for the XBox... once enough people buy them to pay off these $50M, you are free to release the DLC wherever you want..."

So I say: "xbox users, please buy the DLC so Rockstar can be done and over with this loan and finally release them in the sony store :)"

Although I love the game, I dont see myself playing those DLC's... but it would be nice to have the option.
Right. Like Microsoft would be that free with their money without putting major stipulations on the deal and every blog that someone posts on the internet is 100% true and accurate. :lol:

If that's the case, I'll go and post a blog that the PS4, Xbox 720 and Wii 2 are all coming out next week, since everything you read in a blog is absolutely true, right?:roll:
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Well then, since you've never played it and don't care either way, then can do something for the rest of us and please kindly STFU?:D Thanks.:)

Anyway, I really don't care about the DLC one way or the other either, [/QUOTE]

Did't know it was such a touchy subject for you... but if you too don't care... take your own advice.
It's not exactly a touchy subject, I guess you didn't notice the smilies?

As for me, I'd like to see a new version released with the DLC on the disc, since I despise paying for digital crap unless it's super cheap and to me anything above $5 ain't cheap enough for my liking.

That being said though, I wouldn't pay over $15-20 for a new version of the game, since I already bought it at full price and I'm not gonna pay $60 again for the fuckin' thing.

I think companies that release DLC are a bunch of milking aholes, since they could've put said content in the original release but know SOME suckers.....errrrrr gamers will pay for this shit perpetually.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Right. Like Microsoft would be that free with their money without putting major stipulations on the deal and every blog that someone posts on the internet is 100% true and accurate. :lol:

If that's the case, I'll go and post a blog that the PS4, Xbox 720 and Wii 2 are all coming out next week, since everything you read in a blog is absolutely true, right?:roll:[/QUOTE]
Just ignore all the facts, IATCG thinks it wont happen therefore anyone who says it will is an idiot. This is the logic this man uses. It's happened with every single third party exclusive 360 has got this generation, not just one or two. It would be more accurate to say only one or two have actually stayed exclusive.

The game being a year old doesn't matter cause Fallout 3 is a year old and the dlc came out a few weeks ago. Bioshock was a year old, Ninja Gaiden II, Castle Crashers, Braid, anything made by Namco Bandai, etc. One year seems to be the sweet spot for the 360 exclusivity deal. The Lost and Damned released sometime in February of this year so I would say look out for it to be announced around February of next year for PS3

Also, how would you explain Rockstar releasing a Trophy patch for the ps3 version of GTAIV? They gain nothing from this unless they plan on still supporting the game.
[quote name='jrsmaster411']Also, how would you explain Rockstar releasing a Trophy patch for the ps3 version of GTAIV? They gain nothing from this unless they plan on still supporting the game.[/QUOTE]

Because people are trophy/achievement whores?:D Well, except me that is, since I think they're fuckin' utterly useless and a waste of time(like I'm sure many of you would say about me:razz:).

Nowadays, if some game doesn't have trophies or achievements the game will go from a 'must buy' to a 'whatever' on many people's radars.

As for prior games that were 'exclusive' but went multiplatform later on, I don't really pay attention to the 360's 'exclusives' since I only have a PS3, but MS paid real money to keep this content exclusive and you better believe they'll lawyer up if R* tries to port it over .

Anyway, there would have to be quite a bit of content and it'd have to be well worth it before I would consider either rebuying the game in a GOTY dealie or a standalone add-on content disc. But there's no fuckin' way in hell I'd ever pay for some digital garbage, since I have no ownership rights to it and I can't sell/trade it if I get sick of it.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Because people are trophy/achievement whores?:D Well, except me that is, since I think they're fuckin' utterly useless and a waste of time(like I'm sure many of you would say about me:razz:).

Nowadays, if some game doesn't have trophies or achievements the game will go from a 'must buy' to a 'whatever' on many people's radars.
Trophys didn't exist when the game came out so they had no effect on the sales of the game. The game released 4/28/08 and the patch released 10/27/08, the sales boost would be so small and most of those sales would be used games that they would see no profit from. So your argument doesn't make sense.
If they planned on still supporting the game on PS3, then they would've fixed the damn glitches in the multiplayer, one of which cause you to be booted from a game randomly and not allowed back until the game leader makes a new game. Another one that I truly love is in Bomb Da Base II, where most of the areas around and above the container ship are glitched and kick you out to single player.

So yeah, if they were going to truly support this game, I think they would've fixed the fuckin' glitches first, since many of us(myself included) get very aggravated when you have to pick and choose where you land and be constantly annoyed when you get kicked 3-6 times in one night.

How the game has ANY supporters left playing it is beyond me, though I rarely play the modes that seem to cause the kicked glitches, unless it's with friends.

To everyone that I know, it seems like R* has completely given up on the PS3 version of the game. I'd be very shocked if they came out with a GOTY version or DLC for it now, especially since I just saw a Greatest Hits version of it at Target last week(full on red case and all).

It only took them forever to put it out, so I doubt they'll say 'oops we screwed up, here have some DLC and/or a new version of the game with the DLC in it'. They seem pretty well done with the game on PS3.
bread's done