Do we really need a Paul Bearer Memorial Thread? Ohhhhhhhhh Yeeeeessss

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Should've had it been someone.. hell, ANYONE other than him. They could have revealed him as the VP at the PPV and saved the President reveal for either another PPV or a ways down the road.
While I am not surprised at the situation regarding the Aces&Eights story-line, I believe it provides a nice story-line to follow as TNA moves out of Orlando. If they can keep this stable up for the next year, then they have a chance to be ranked as one of the best stables next to some of the legendary ones from the past, like the BWO or the Job Squad :\ Hogan be damned.
Bully was stuck in that ridiculous angle with Brooke Hogan, but now can actively be that lovable heel that broke out in the past couple of years.

I'm actually more intrigued by the ROH SCUM build-up, possibly climaxing at Final Battle this year. SCUM has 8 members (Steen, Corino, Jacobs, Fat Hardy, Mr. 1859, Brett Titus, Jimmy Rave + Rhyno as a "hired merc") , but they feel like they're more than half of the roster, an actual overwhelming threat. While it does show the shallowness of the roster, there are some good guys returning soon, like Ciampa and I'd put Mondo there as well (who was getting some steam before his injury) + young guys like ACH so I am hoping for some good match-ups in the near future. In all, both companies, a distant 2nd and 3rd to the WWE, are getting some steam and recognition, all good for the companies, but someone told me that the most recent ROH TV tapings only had about 400 people, can people confirm this?

But i can't wait for PWG All-Star Weekend 9 this year. Card seems stacked.
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Speaking of PWG's All Star Weekend 9, here's the card taking place in two weeks!

Number One Contender Guerrilla Warfare Match
Sami Callihan vs. Drake Younger

Tag Team Match
AR Fox & Samuray Del Sol vs. Inner City Machine Guns (Rich Swann & Ricochet)

Singles Match
Roderick Strong vs. Trent?

Tag Team Match
Future Shock (World Champion Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly) vs. Unbreakable F'N Machines (Brian Cage & Michael Elgin)

Singles Match
"Intrepid Traveler" Paul London vs. "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen

Non-Title Tag Team Match
Johnny Gargano & Chuck Taylor vs. The Young Bucks (World Tag Team Champions Matt & Nick Jackson)

Singles Match
Eddie Edwards vs. Jay Lethal


World Championship Title Match
Adam Cole (Champion) vs. Winner of Sami Callihan & Drake Younger on Night One

World Tag Team Championship Title Match
The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson - Champions) vs. DojoBros (Eddie Edwards & Roderick Strong - Challengers)

Singles Match
AR Fox vs. "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen

Tag Team Match
Inner City Machine Guns (Rich Swann & Ricochet) vs. Unbreakable F'N Machines (Brian Cage & Michael Elgin)

Singles Match
Kyle O'Reilly vs. Loser of Sami Callihan & Drake Younger on Night One

Singles Match
"Intrepid Traveler" Paul London vs. Trent?

Tag Team Match
RockNES Monsters (Johnny Goodtime & Johnny Yuma) vs. Johnny Gargano & Chuck Taylor

Singles Match
TJ Perkins vs. Samuray Del Sol

Singles Match
Jay Lethal vs. Willie Mack
Eh, kind of tasteless but I'm OK with it. They turned it theatrical (although appropriate) when 'Taker came out anyway.

At least they didn't go the flat out "HA HA HE'S DEAD" route. Yet' anyway.

I'm actually a little more offended that they carried through the "Kane is his son" thing. Feel like he probably should have been out there with Undertaker in the first place, but lay off the son thing...especially when his real sons are in attendance.

Wouldn't be surprised to see Kane take a beating before the show is over.
With the way the like to make deaths and near deaths into jokes anymore, I wonder how they will treat the death of any of the McMahon family.
[quote name='Yggy87']In all, both companies, a distant 2nd and 3rd to the WWE, are getting some steam and recognition, all good for the companies, but someone told me that the most recent ROH TV tapings only had about 400 people, can people confirm this?[/QUOTE]

Based off of my "early bird preview" watching of this upcoming weekend's ROH TV I would say 400 looks about right from the recent TV taping. I dunno if ROH doing the TV taping the afternoon after the 11th Anniversary iPPV was the best idea. At least they should have done the taping at night instead of afternoon in hopes of drawing a better crowd.

That "Hoopla Uncut" segment on the show is awful beyond belief. I'd say the "parental advisory" they aired before is appropriately right for once but for the wrong reasons. Looks like ROH might finally get their second induction on Wrestlecrap with this its that bad.
[quote name='Genocidal']I agree with Michael Cole. This may be the worst segment in the history of Raw.[/QUOTE]

I actually have no issue with TNA seeing the Aces and Eights angle to conclusion. One of WCW's biggest mistakes: Not knowing when or how to wrap up the nWo angle. And just because the angle will not be the main story in TNA, doesn't mean that the faction will need to disband. And you-know-who as the President works fine and makes sense. Additionally, it adds some importance to the World Heavyweight title. Someone would work around and within the system for so long just to finally become World Heavyweight champion adds prestige to a title that needs it.

Looking add WWE's uploads. This caught my eye.

Sandow is a gem and Rhodes Scholars would be a great tag team if WWE had a tag team division.

Edit: Dang it. Hydro beat me to the punch.
Would have liked to see them end the show without the attack on Kane since it would have been the nice moment for Bearer that they messed with at the top of the show, and Punk already got his heat then, but oh well.

Assume Punk will just carry the urn around from here on out to be a dick until Undertaker gets it back at WM.

Kind of wondering how the crowd will be at Mania. It'll be an interesting mix of New York crowds cheer for heels vs New York crowds love The Undertaker.
I doubt Bearer would have been bothered by anything on the show for him. Dude did business and never really criticized anyone or anything. Was a professional.

Less professional than, perhaps, the champion or the challenger at Mania. Who's the main event at the show, now? And who wasn't on the show last night? Yeesh.
[quote name='mykevermin']I doubt Bearer would have been bothered by anything on the show for him. Dude did business and never really criticized anyone or anything. Was a professional[/QUOTE]

Yeah, loved the rasslin' and probably would have thought the Punk stuff was good work. Likely wouldn't have cared a bit that it was at his expense. Still would have liked to see one of the two segments end without someone having to get some bad guy reaction though.


I'm fine with Sandow/Rhodes as a team...they aren't incredible but they're fine. At this point though they need to commit to them being a team. Have them or the Outlaws get the tag belts next week, then have RS beat the Outlaws in convincing fashion at WM, sort of using NAO to try to springboard them the same way they used LOD to springboard the Outlaws. The Kane/Bryan thing has more than run its course and the tag division is nearly back to being as stagnant as it was in the Otunga/Mcgillicutty period. I would say a face-turned PTP would be good rivals for Sandow/Rhodes, but I don't see Darren Young being around long term. That team is all Titus.
[quote name='KaneRobot']I would say a face-turned PTP would be good rivals for Sandow/Rhodes, but I don't see Darren Young being around long term. That team is all Titus.[/QUOTE]

Put the now-unmasked El Generico with Titus O'Neal and they could rekindle the Two [insert adjective here] Black Guys gimmick.
I was a tad miffed the way they booked the Del Rio/Cesaro match. I felt if they had Swagger come down and distract Del Rio, thus allowing Cesaro a win that it would make MUCH more sense. That was the WORST Cesaro match I have ever seen yet, which is something I thought I'd never say. They didn't give it time or anything. Just awful.

Also, what in the hell are they doing with Miz now? He couldn't beat Cesaro so now he's after mid-card belt number 2 and they book it around them both being in a movie? Gag. Just make the damn thing a triple-threat with Jericho at WM so it'll be at least entertaining.

With the upcoming Mark Henry/Ryback match on Smackdown! and the way they tried to "one-up" each other last night, I sense a tag-team forming based on the whole mutual respect angle. They have run out of ideas for Ryback at the moment, so why not? Pair him with Henry and put the belts on them at Wrestlemania. Down the line they can feud with The Shield and/or "We're best friends for no reason, fella" (Sheamus and Orton)
[quote name='Genocidal']I agree with Michael Cole. This may be the worst segment in the history of Raw.[/QUOTE]
You mean Vince McMahon, right?
Nice, looks like it comes with a Vudu download as well. Last year, when they had the two packs on sale around this time, you were able to get one of the Manias between 1-15 on Vudu. Maybe it will be similar.
My Walmarts never have these magical $10 DVD sales. The last time one of these pics showed up on the net I checked 3 or 4 different stores and found nothing. For some reason, wrestling DVDs look like ass on my TV anyways.
[quote name='Demolition Man']

Looks like the WWE revisionism machine is at full work on Mania 15.[/QUOTE]

Seems like a lot of minor stuff. But the main ones(Bossman/Taker, Austin/Rock getting choked) & especially the Bossman hanging from the Hell in a Cell scene seem to be a wtf? moment. Guessing maybe to make it more PG, but I doubt kids would be the ones to pay and watch these DVDs.
Forgot that I have originals of every WM from XV on, so I'm not concerned about that.

I'm really disappointed that they didn't bother to "un-edit" the Anthology releases on the others. Looks like I'll just pony up the money for the Silvervision UK DVDs (which are totally unedited Coliseum Video editions of the shows).
Damn it, I was at Walmart earlier today. I meant to look out for any displays but completely forgot about it while I was there.
[quote name='mykevermin']I doubt Bearer would have been bothered by anything on the show for him. Dude did business and never really criticized anyone or anything. Was a professional.

Less professional than, perhaps, the champion or the challenger at Mania. Who's the main event at the show, now? And who wasn't on the show last night? Yeesh.[/QUOTE]

So I have been reading actually. Not sure how true this article is (dirt sheet as usual)
[quote name='Vulcan2422']So I have been reading actually. Not sure how true this article is (dirt sheet as usual)[/QUOTE]

Dirt sheet or not, I think it makes sense.

To those who think it's tasteless or ran with disapproval, I would ask if they truly think that (a) Undertaker would not have spoken up if he thought it was in poor taste, or (b) lacks the clout in the company to say "no, I'm not going to do that?"

Also keep in mind that WWE just shitcanned their last creative lead the other week - the last straw that did him in (according to dirt sheets) was booking the 4-way match last week, where the winner took on Undertaker. I think there's much validity to that as well, since it's kind of absurd to book an Undertaker WM match in that way. I'm not totally able to articulate why it's absurd, but perhaps one of you fine folks can do that for me.
So I was just going through my closet and I found my Public Beta volume 1.0 disc for the first Smackdown vs Raw for PS2. This was mainly just to beta test the online functions. Does anybody know if there is any collector value to these discs?
[quote name='mykevermin']Dirt sheet or not, I think it makes sense.

To those who think it's tasteless or ran with disapproval, I would ask if they truly think that (a) Undertaker would not have spoken up if he thought it was in poor taste, or (b) lacks the clout in the company to say "no, I'm not going to do that?"

Also keep in mind that WWE just shitcanned their last creative lead the other week - the last straw that did him in (according to dirt sheets) was booking the 4-way match last week, where the winner took on Undertaker. I think there's much validity to that as well, since it's kind of absurd to book an Undertaker WM match in that way. I'm not totally able to articulate why it's absurd, but perhaps one of you fine folks can do that for me.[/QUOTE]

Don't forget about the one they booked by having Triple H point at his dick.
This is a bit tasteless and morbid obviously, but if Bearer had died a week earlier they wouldn't have had to do the dumb 4 way match. Do what they did this week a week earlier and it would have had a more interesting build-up from the outset. "Everybody's talking about tragedies, what about the tragedy of me not being in the main event of Wrestlemania?!" type stuff.
[quote name='mykevermin']
I'm really disappointed that they didn't bother to "un-edit" the Anthology releases on the others. Looks like I'll just pony up the money for the Silvervision UK DVDs (which are totally unedited Coliseum Video editions of the shows).[/QUOTE]

Same minus the buying the Silvervision DVDs.

Unless it's a ECW, WCW, or *some* specific wrestler sets, I'm not one to go out of his way to buy a wrestling DVD. If the early WMs were fully restored and I could buy 1 or 2 each time I bought some groceries at Walmart, I could see gathering up most of them. Without fixes, the WWE won't make money off me with them (see also the lack of a Money in the Bank 2011 Blu release).

The newish WCW Nitro set has been fun to watch though. I forgot that Bischoff got back on commentary towards the end there.
*ears perk up*

Did- Did someone mention WCW?

Speaking of executives on commentary, Vince was pretty terrible. Combination of the voice he used and adding nothing by being a commentator. He was the Jay Leno of wrasslin commentary. Just the worst.

And I read somewhere that TNA has yet to renew Van Dam's contract. I think it would be for the better if they let him go. If he didn't botch the finish against King, he would still be the Triple H of the X-Division. It would be nice to see the X-Division revitalized under some new blood.
Couldn't agree more. Let him show back up in the dobble dobble. Anyone who thinks that RVD is a linchpin for TNA is overthinking things.

Let him and most of the big name, ex-WWE guys walk. Keep Bubba and D-Von, of course. Maybe Angle.

Anderson stinks.
[quote name='mykevermin']Let him and most of the big name, ex-WWE guys walk. Keep Bubba and D-Von, of course. Maybe Angle.[/QUOTE]

D-Von in this sergeant-at-arms role has been a true breakaway from his Dudley Boyz persona. And he's been cutting some fantastic promos. Love it.

And I think TNA could do without most of the WWE expatriates. One thing I have seen on Twitter before the Bellator main card is non-wrasslin folk commenting on WWE expats as a flaw in TNA's programming. (Primarily Jeff Hardy.)

[quote name='mykevermin']Anderson stinks.[/QUOTE]

Yep. I think Garrett Bischoff has more upside than Anderson, and Garrett Bischoff is horrendous.

Got to watching this last night.

I love this Michael Elgin guy. Thinking about subscribing for 12 months so I can watch the archive and get the latest episode instead of having to wait a week.
So Rock is now telling anyone who will listen that he wants to be in the new Star Wars movies.... That is all we need. Already made the new G.I. Joe movie all about him, so why not do the same to Star Wars.
[quote name='Spyder187']So Rock is now telling anyone who will listen that he wants to be in the new Star Wars movies.... That is all we need. Already made the new G.I. Joe movie all about him, so why not do the same to Star Wars.[/QUOTE]

I know for a fact that I do not want to see The Rock in the new Star Wars movie.
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