Do we really need a Paul Bearer Memorial Thread? Ohhhhhhhhh Yeeeeessss

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[quote name='mitch079']The best of Raw and Smackdown 2012 is also on there somewhere.

Lol at the crowd chanting boring at Cena's promo.[/QUOTE]

I'm proud of my hometown right now.

My birthday was yesterday. Today is April fools.

Normally, one would be on the offensive for pranks and such right?

My girlfriend informed me that we are having a baby.

I laughed. "Nice try!"

She wasn't kidding.

The joke's on me, I'm going to be a dad you guys.


I am freaking out right now.

P.S. You guys are the first people I have told. Consider that a good thing! Haha.

Wish me luck and throw me some advice!
[quote name='mitch079']Congrats, Dr. V![/QUOTE]

My stomach is in knots. She took a test last night and one this morning without telling me. They both came up negative. She neglected to wait the 3-5 minutes before checking it. She happened to see one face-up in the garbage can and screamed. Went and retrieved the other, both had came up positive. Man oh man...

I've always wanted a child, I guess there's no cooler way than to find out right around your birthday! Does this mean I have to be more responsible now? Please say no.
[quote name='Dr. Venkman']My stomach is in knots. She took a test last night and one this morning without telling me. They both came up negative. She neglected to wait the 3-5 minutes before checking it. She happened to see one face-up in the garbage can and screamed. Went and retrieved the other, both had came up positive. Man oh man...

I've always wanted a child, I guess there's no cooler way than to find out right around your birthday! Does this mean I have to be more responsible now? Please say no.[/QUOTE]

No. ;) That's cool though. Congratulations!
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Hhmm, interesting if they go with the first outcome for Cena.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, a Cena heel turn is what I've been thinking. Since tonight & last week, he was hinting during promos where he was starting to act like he didn't give a damn about the fans.

They're also doing something like what happened with Stone Cold/The Rock at WM 17. Where Cena is desperate enough to beat The Rock in his comeback that's he's willing to do anything to win(even turn heel and side with heels). Cena even used the "it's means everything in the world to beat you" line Austin used for that match.
[quote name='Dr. Venkman']TOTALLY UNRELATED SIDE-NOTE:

My birthday was yesterday. Today is April fools.

Normally, one would be on the offensive for pranks and such right?

My girlfriend informed me that we are having a baby.

I laughed. "Nice try!"

She wasn't kidding.

The joke's on me, I'm going to be a dad you guys.


I am freaking out right now.

P.S. You guys are the first people I have told. Consider that a good thing! Haha.

Wish me luck and throw me some advice![/QUOTE]

Paul B. Dangerously to close the show? Priceless.

The show as a whole did nothing to hype much of anything to me though.. granted my mind, much like everyone else's, is made up when it comes to this year's Wrestlemania. Lots of talking. Some good matches (Ziggler/Bryan, Cesaro/Jericho.. IWC was busy cumming in a sock during this match though) in between, but not enough to save the show from a C- grade, which I think is really quite generous.

Also: Congrats Dr. Venkman.

I have a 2 year old son, and let me tell you, get as much sleep as you possibly can right now. Keep it all in reserve, because in 9 months, any chance of it is lost until further notice.
Well...I guess they did a good a job as they could making it seem like Punk has a chance. Pretty sure the urn has only been opened three, maybe four times (including tonight). Hearing Bearer's voice like that was pretty jarring.

I actually thought at first that they were just going to end the show with the druids on the stage staring at Undertaker like they were getting ready to take him away or something, which to me would have been a much more foreboding ending.

Found it odd that the HoF broadcast is supposedly only showing Trish, Trump, and Bruno. Bruno and Trump I get (Trump because WWE has a boner for shouting "SEE? CELEBRITIES LOVE US" at any opportunity), but not putting Foley on there seems weird.

I haven't looked at sites in a while but I noticed a lot of them keep link-baiting with "News about Cena's upcoming heel turn"...I'm assuming this is the usual HOT NEWZ crap and not something that was in the Observer or whatever, unless anyone here knows differently. Only reason I ask is because that promo at the top of the show seemed a little odd, although I guess that could just be because the crowd hated him and it made him change his delivery a little.
Thanks for all the grats and tips everyone, seriously!

I'm wondering who Cesaro pissed off. The guy has been curtain jerking it seems and has gone from an undefeated streak to a quasi-jobber. He's not even on the Wrestlemania card, yet Tons of Funk AND the Funkadactyls have a damn match?

I hate doubting "new" talent, but god I couldn't give less of a shit about Fandango. What a WASTE of a match at Wrestlemania. He couldn't even convincingly stomp on Jericho and the crowd totally caught him on it.

Note: Bitching about them having a match aside, I was pretty damn impressed by Naomi and Cameron last night. The Bellas on the other hand were downright dog mess in the ring. It was awful, and cemented my opinion that The Bellas are pretty worthless. I always got that feeling from them that they care nothing about the business except for a paycheck. They are not even THAT good looking to look past the awful ring work.

Also, way to make the IC title look important by squeezing it into the pre-show...not that I cared about the awful Miz feud, but still.

And someone REALLY needs to give Wade some entrance music that ACTUALLY fits his damn character. It's like if they forced William Regal to come out to Fall Out Boy...just doesn't work.

My money on Taker coming back as Deadman Inc. at Wrestlemania just doubled. It just makes sense and would explain once again why he doesn't NEED the Urn...and give him some much needed reason to trade barbs on the mic with Punk.

This sounds all kinds of dumb but IF he comes back as Biker-Taker I would not be surprised if The Shield interfered on Taker's behalf, revealing Taker to be the leader. It's been awhile since we had a heel ending to a Taker WM match and it'd give more people a reason to care about him even though he is barely on television.
[quote name='Dr. Venkman']
And someone REALLY needs to give Wade some entrance music that ACTUALLY fits his damn character. It's like if they forced William Regal to come out to Fall Out Boy...just doesn't work.[/QUOTE]

Wade said on Twitter that he asked to choose his own entrance music because he didn't like the Nexus theme or Corre theme that he was given.

This current horseshit is what he chose.
Does anyone know if the new WWE Xbox Live app is up yet? I'm really curious if they're going to use it only as a PPV viewer of if they're going to stream Raw and Smackdown as well.
[quote name='Dr. Venkman']I can see Undertaker facing CM Punk this year as "Deadman Inc." It makes sense, Punk stole the urn, which biker-taker never needed/used. His hair is already short and the feud needs a kick in the pants. It'd be a nice change of pace for Taker as well, in my opinion.

I know Vince HATES the Deadman Inc. character but I'm pretty sure Taker can get away with just about anything these days.[/QUOTE]

Ughh that would be horrible.... I hope not..

Atleast casual old school fans can still relate to 'Deadman' Taker
[quote name='bhk']Ah fire great.[/QUOTE]

Is that Saturn game any good? Recently picked one up and All Japan featuring Virtua? Are the menus even navigatable if you don't know any japanese?
Michael Moody, son of the late Paul Bearer, commented on Facebook about the closing segment from Monday’s RAW which saw CM Punk pouring ashes all over The Undertaker.

He wrote:

“If anyone is wondering, yes WWE did come to us wanting approval for tonight’s storyline. The way it was presented to us was ok. Seeing it on screen was a different story. I don’t even know what to say.”

Michael’s brother Daniel also commented saying:

“Totally different.”
Since some of you seemed interested, I'll be posting my WrestleMania weekend (ROH, WWE HoF, and WM) stuff on my Instragram if anyone wants to check it out. It's at . I'll try to cut down on the food pics and keep that on Facebook so Instagram is mainly wrestling heh. I'll probably put some stuff on Facebook too, but I'll make a gallery or something for that later.

If I get any wrestling news I'll try to post here or on twitter. My twitter is
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']Since some of you seemed interested, I'll be posting my WrestleMania weekend (ROH, WWE HoF, and WM) stuff on my Instragram if anyone wants to check it out. It's at . I'll try to cut down on the food pics and keep that on Facebook so Instagram is mainly wrestling heh. I'll probably put some stuff on Facebook too, but I'll make a gallery or something for that later.

If I get any wrestling news I'll try to post here or on twitter. My twitter is[/QUOTE]

Sounds good. Hope you have fun at the show :)
[quote name='pitfallharry219'].[/QUOTE]
I knew they couldn't get through his death without doing at least one thing the Moody family didn't like. Thinking about it though, I can't help but think that it could have been worse.
[quote name='guyver2077']had no idea a wwe xbox app was coming out.. thats awesome[/QUOTE]

Well, I downloaded it. It's an app to watch WWE PPVs, which is actually pretty cool for me since I cut the cable a long time ago. It looks like its still Hulu Raw and Smackdown for the time being and Wrestlemania 29 on Xbox 360.
You know what really chaps my ass? People getting butt hurt over the stupidest shit.

Funny thing about the Bearer storyline is that it was about Paul Bearer, the character, not William Moody, the man behind the character. And it wasn't even really about Bearer to me, when the urn was opened. But whatever... people are always going to find a reason to bitch about something.

[quote name='Dr. Venkman']I'm wondering who Cesaro pissed off. The guy has been curtain jerking it seems and has gone from an undefeated streak to a quasi-jobber.[/QUOTE]

They're testing his dedication before they push him harder.
Ah, so that's why I've been less interested in WWE lately. Cesaro has been relegated to window-dressing status. (It's not like the Flyers are doing so well so as to occupy my tv-viewing time. :lol:)

He's also not on the WM card formally, so it doesn't make sense to push him right now. We can discuss the merit/foolishness of not putting a title holder on the WM card, but if that decision is made, well, no need to have him occupy useful TV time otherwise spent selling the PPV.
[quote name='KillerRamen']Well, I downloaded it. It's an app to watch WWE PPVs, which is actually pretty cool for me since I cut the cable a long time ago. It looks like its still Hulu Raw and Smackdown for the time being and Wrestlemania 29 on Xbox 360.[/QUOTE]

Wish there was some sort of price break though.. probably looking at $60 to order mania on Sunday..
To update yesterday's post, WWE representative Adam Hopkins reached out and asked that we post the following text message that WWE officials received from Paul Bearer's son Michael Moody regarding the closing segment on Monday's RAW with CM Punk and The Undertaker:


"Hey. I woke up in time to watch the tail end of the show. What you explained would happen happened. Which is fine. Just it was a little difficult to watch it play out. I put a message on Facebook last night saying that we approved it but it wasn't what I envisioned. That I didn't have anything to say. Well woke up this morning and that quote is being used all over "media outlets". For the record. I was fine w it. Was hard to watch but y'all are professionals and I trust."
What's the statue of liberty doing in fucking new jersey?


As for how Paul Bearer's son felt about the angle, it does show the salacious side of dirt sheet wrestling media. Being uncomfortable or unable to explain something ≠ "bait and switch" from WWE seeking approval and changing the angle at the last minute. Which, of course, the latter is how the media reported it.
[quote name='mykevermin']What's the statue of liberty doing in fucking new jersey?


The feud rages on!

I REALLY hope it rains Sunday.
A quick bit of smug satisfaction for those of you who frown upon pretentious japanese wrestling fans: Harry Smith and Lance Hoyt are the IWGP Tag Team Champions.

To be fair, Moody's son wasn't extremely clear in what he meant. Granted they could have waited and actually sought clarification before writing a story about how he wasn't happy with the bit they did, but then even legitimate news outlets don't do that sometimes either.

Plus it sounds plausible that Vince would do something to piss off his family.
[quote name='JJSP']Considering picking up WWE 12. It's $9 at Target clearance.[/QUOTE]

This should be on the very top of a list of things you shouldn't do
If this was WWE '13, it would be a "Without a doubt pick it up." For WWE '12? That turns to a "Guess you could check it out."
Headed up to Manhattan later today for an interview tomorrow. Hoping to have a minute to walk around MSG and see what kinda dandy setup they have for Saturday.
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