Do you agree with this list? Seven Best Selling Games That Totally Suck


77 (100%)

(via Digg)

#7 Counter-Strike (Xbox)

"Hey guys, I've got a great idea! Let's take a popular free PC mod, shove it onto a console and charge $50 bucks for it! No one will care that they can play a better version of the same game for free!" No real-single player mode, only a handful of multiplayer modes, sub-par graphics, and this blatant moneygrab still managed to sell over a million copies.

​#6 Resistance: Fall of Man

Resistance is one game on this list that's not awful, just not as good as its sales would suggest. A bland, unimaginative shooter that felt dated even as a launch title, Resistance succeeded not because it was great, but because the rest of the PS3 launch title was just that bad. Resistance's main selling point were its funky and creative weapons, which were neither that funky or creative. Most were so ineffective that I played through the majority of the game with the standard human machine gun. Were it not for the rest of the PS3's launch line-up shitting the bed so completely, far fewer gamers would have bothered with this overly linear run of the mill FPS.

​#5 Any Tony Hawk game after Pro Skater 3

You know it. I know it. Even Activision knows it. The Tony Hawk games have been sliding steadily downhill for years now, largely because of the inclusion of crap like story, stunts and comedy that distracts from the actual skating. Hidden characters are fun and all, but when you build the whole game around them you get, well.. you get the screen you see above. Is it any wonder that Skate has displaced it as the number one skateboarding franchise - or that Tony Hawk Ride is the first true relaunch the series has ever seen?

​#4 Gran Turismo 4

Blandness: The Game. This is what happens when you give an obessive-compulsive millions of dollars and years to make a driving game. It may have car models that are accurate down to the bolts under the dashboard, but actually playing it is about as much fun as playing with a dry bar of soap.

​#3. Marvel Ultimate Alliance

It may have sold over 2 million copies on Xbox 360 alone, but that doesn't change the fact that it blows. After two solid X-Men Legends games, this follow-up shoehorns in every Marvel character you can think of, no matter how lame. Play as Invisible Woman and fight against Paibok, Kurse and Neutron? Whee. The RPG elements that gave the X-Men Legends games some depth were mostly stripped out, leaving a bland brawler with an incoherent story that felt like it was designed by Activision's marketing department.

​#2. LEGO Anything

I won't single out LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Indy, LEGO Batman, or any other once and future LEGO game - they're all terrible. But they're so cute, you cry! They're so funny! I love seeing hilarious LEGO versions of famous movies scenes. I get that. But what you love you could get from a YouTube video. As games, the LEGO titles are just awful. How many times have you jumped in the same pit over and over again because of the one-two punch of floaty jumping and bad camera angles? That's bad game design, folks - and it hasn't gotten any better since the first game. Strip away the beloved Star Wars or Indy license, and no one would play these pieces of shit.

#1. Wii Play.

Let's be honest, you bought it for the controller. I wonder if there's a single person out there who has actually played this piece of shit more than once before putting it back on the shelf - or throwing it in the trash can. To call it a glorified tech demo is insulting to some of the very cool tech demos out there. Wii Play is straight-up crap.
Everything seems right except for Ultimate Alliance.

And also, I think Resistance 2 would be a better fit than FoM.
R2 definitely had a cool co-op/RPG concept to it. My favorite part of the game.

If I wrote a list I would throw GTA 4 on here. This game is unbelievably boring. Everything that was fun about GTA 3 was Santorum'd into oblivion.
I agree that most of those games are overrated at best.

But they really need to add the first 50 Cent game to that list. Didn't it sell way over a million copies?
[quote name='Puffa469']I agree that most of those games are overrated at best.

But they really need to add the first 50 Cent game to that list. Didn't it sell way over a million copies?[/QUOTE]

Yes, because it is actually a decent game (not great, but pretty good, especially for the co-op crowd)
I've seen a kid pick up an xbox copy of Counterstrike, then when his older brother found out, he slapped him across the face.
[quote name='drduranduran']Yes, because it is actually a decent game (not great, but pretty good, especially for the co-op crowd)[/QUOTE]

my bad, you said the first game, yes, it sucks, but BotS is actually pretty good.
actually, the Resistance games (both of them) are pretty good and solid shooters that do stand on their own. I think if the first one had been released after launch, it still would have sold well (partly since the PS3 still has the smallest library of the 3 consoles AND it being a good game that is exclusive).

I also think picking on Marvel UA is a bit dated. Yes, the game is not everything it could have been, but again, it was an early (near launch) title and still pretty fun when you get a group of friends together.

There are much worse mega selling titles:

look at this list:

That crappy NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game sold 4 million ? Mario Party games in general ? Mario and Sonic at the Olympics sold 3.4 Million ? Most Pokemon games ?

I would also go so far as to include the recent Call of Duty games (before you flame, keep reading). The single player games are pretty good on 4 and WaW, but the multiplayer is soooo broken with that goofy perk system. Sorry, but getting insta-killed because some idiot dropped a grenade (because I just used *gasp* "skill" to kill him) counts as a kill for that person ? Someone can rack up a buncha kills by simply calling dogs to help rack up their kill count ? weak. Not to mention how $10 for each map pack is a total rip off (which means, $30 more for all 3) I'll stick with the Rainbow 6 series and the old CoD games for any sort of FPS online action.

Speaking of, as much as I loved RB6 Vegas 2, what a let down that was (especially support wise afterwards). Not only did they destroy the ability to carry your rank from the 360 to the PC version and back, but it got the most minimal upgrades, a few maps, etc.... $60 (and I bought the LE like a retard, so $70 when I could have gotten it on day one at Fry's for $45 for the regular edition.....doh !!!). I believe it sold very well thanks to the first game doing so well, but now it is a near budget title and Ubisoft hasn't released a map pack/update since last year. Still (IMO) a much better game than most shooters out there (since it actually requires care and skill), but it could have been soooooo much more.

and once The Conduits numbers are in i'm sure we can add that to this list - LOL.

Just my 2 cents :D

Where's Halo, Gears, and the rest of those awful FPS's? If it doesn't support M/KB, it's a crappy kiddie game.

I played Wii Play more than twice. No, not more than Sports or most of my other games, but it really wasn't THAT bad considering it was cheap with the controller.
what about WOW or Star craft? yeah and halo? or what about madden?

those are always ontop of like MOST SOLD or something
[quote name='skinsfan56la']Enter the Matrix. Nuff said.[/QUOTE]
This is really only thing that should've been on the list. Plus any of the recent Sonic games come to mind as well.

Plus in the end these lists ALWAYS end up being confused more so by becoming a "name that overrated franchise" by people.
Wii Play tanks is actually fun. I got my $10 worth. Want to know something? All of the following games together could fit on one standard $50 Wii disc.

Excite Truck
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Wii Fit
Wii Music
Wii Play
Wii Sports
Wii Sports Resort
Replace #2 with Fable 2 and #6 with GTA4 and that list would be good for me. The lego games may not be the best but they are fun to play.
tony hawk underground 1 was the shit and i liked the hawk games before that but after underground 1 the series did and does suck. the lego games dont suck unless you play them with someone play them alone and i can see why someone would get bored with them but even then with another players its only worth 2 playthroughs.

my vote for a game that sold well but sucked would be gta 4. horrendous and boring single player and fun but frustrating multiplayer.
[quote name='DPsx7']Where's Halo, Gears, and the rest of those awful FPS's? If it doesn't support M/KB, it's a crappy kiddie game.

I played Wii Play more than twice. No, not more than Sports or most of my other games, but it really wasn't THAT bad considering it was cheap with the controller.[/QUOTE]

You do know they have a K/M adapter for the 360 ? has one (too expensive IMO)
This list is pretty bad. It seems to have been written by an XBox 360 fanboy, considering it targets 2 of Sony's biggest franchises, while leaving 360's sacred cows like Halo alone. I don't think Resistance is any more bland than most other FPS titles (a genre I hate).

And I also think most of the Tony Hawk games were atleast good/decent, while Skate is highly over-rated and I hate the control scheme. Burnout: Paradise City is another game I think is over-rated, it took alot of the fun out of the series.

But I wouldn't say any of those games totally suck, that distinction should be reserved for total crap like 80% of the 3rd party stuff on Wii.
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I would have put Mirror's Edge on that list. Once you get passed the visual style of the game there isn't much there. I wouldn't consider it fun or entertaining.

Easily one of my most hated games this gen.
The only one I disagree with personally is Resistance. It had some of the coolest FPS weapons Iv seen in a long time, and literally all of them (except the bland machine gun you must enjoy using) were very effective.
Sniper the slow-time shot? Got through almost every harder part of the game.
Crazy machine gun the bounced like 50 pellets all around the room like crazy? It raped, and it was cool as hell looking.
Auger? Shoots through walls, makes walls, a great and imaginative weapon.
Bullseye? Takes a normal machine gun and gives it a precise dart machanic to spice it up.

Resistance 1 was a great game IMO.
The Lego games from my experience actually aren't all that bad. Granted, I would never pay for one, but getting Indiana Jones for free when I got my 360 wasn't all that bad.

As for THPS, I would say any game after the 4th one. The Underground series wasn't awful, but I do agree that the series does need to die. Or at least stop releasing a new game once a year or however often it happens to be.
bread's done