Do you hate flippers?

I don't care either way. Flipping is cool because there's nothing wrong with trying to earn some extra money and hoarding is just funny because I love watching people waste their money.
[quote name='SaraAB']
At this point you are spending money for things you don't really need and that is just being wasteful with your money.

While I get what you're saying, and agree I don't see the point of those people on the TV that have added rooms onto their house to store thousands of tubes of toothpaste....there is one point that I think you're missing in all that and I just wanted to bring it up as someone who actively uses coupons and understands how some couponers shop: You keep saying that people are 'wasting their money buying more of these items' when they may have hundreds of an item all ready. toothpaste for example, but the thing is that a lot of time, they are not paying any money for those tubes of toothpaste, so it's not really wasting money. If you can get an item on sale, and then use a coupon on it, *especially* if you have a store that doubles or triples coupons, then that will often create an overage. That overage goes towards items that you don't have a coupon for..milk, meat and vegetables for example. stuff that spoils and is not 'hoard-able'. I use this technique often at the grocery store...use a coupon on something like toothpaste or deoderant that's on sale, get overage from the coupon to apply towards meat or milk, and end up paying less for the items I really wanted, plus get the other item for free. So it's not so much wasting money buying things you won't's saving money on stuff you are going to use. Now, in my house, those items that we got for free or used as a way to lower the bill on stuff we needed, those items get put into a box and when the box is full it get's dropped off at the local homeless shelter. Homeless shelters are always grateful to get toiletry items donated. The one I deal with can get massive discounts on food, but not on toiletries and soap, so they are always happy to see that box come in. And one more benefit of that: you get a receipt for your donation for tax deduction purposes.
I guess that's the thing that bothers me the most about the people that clear the shelves, like on the tv show....I understand the drive, I understand how it works, I like the thrill of getting a cart full of stuff for cheap, but if more of those people would just donate all that free could do a world of good. I just wish more of these mega couponers would use their skills to help some people. (I'm sure there are such people that use their couponing prowess for good, but they never seem to get the press that the hoarders do)
/rant off
It's still a waste of money because time = money and it takes WAY too much time to get fancy with coupons like that for every trip to the grocery store.
[quote name='Javery']It's still a waste of money because time = money and it takes WAY too much time to get fancy with coupons like that for every trip to the grocery store.[/QUOTE]

Exactly how much money is time worth?
[quote name='Javery']It's still a waste of money because time = money and it takes WAY too much time to get fancy with coupons like that for every trip to the grocery store.[/QUOTE]

I guess for you. I typically spend an hour cutting out coupons and making a shopping list...this is only for main food buying trips to the store which is typically once every 2 weeks. Reality is not like that TV show where they spend 40 hours making multiple lists...doing it on a small, reasonable scale doesn't need to take much time to make an impact on you bottom line
When I had to leave my job to stay home with our newborn daughter, flipping became my source for supplementary income.

I made a small killing selling the Guitar Hero bundles that Sears had on sale nearly two years ago. I want to say I made approximately 600% profit off of those. I guess I can thank the clearance sections of Sears and Target for helping my family through some tough times.
[quote name='Jodou']Here I thought this was going to be a discussion on the 1960's TV show about a dolphin who helps fight crime.[/QUOTE]

As a person who snorkels, I was initially thinking...
Flipper = someone who buys a game and resells it
Hoarder= someone who buys all the games on the rack
Asshole = someone who buys all the games on the rack*, resells them, and comes on CAG to tell you about it.

* or snags all the DLC for free and tells you about it 3 days later so he has a chance to wipe out his entire area.

only one of those is inherently wrong.
[quote name='confoosious']Flipper = someone who buys a game and resells it
Hoarder= someone who buys all the games on the rack
Asshole = someone who buys all the games on the rack*, resells them, and comes on CAG to tell you about it.

* or snags all the DLC for free and tells you about it 3 days later so he has a chance to wipe out his entire area.

only one of those is inherently wrong.[/QUOTE]
But if you're a hoarder, aren't you buying all the games to resell anyway? It seems like that would automatically make a hoarder an asshole too. Does any non-asshole (and non-retailer) sit on stacks of the same game?
[quote name='Vader582']But if you're a hoarder, aren't you buying all the games to resell anyway? It seems like that would automatically make a hoarder an asshole too. Does any non-asshole (and non-retailer) sit on stacks of the same game?[/QUOTE]

you should watch hoarders on TLC. People are weird.

But it's conceivable that people have big extended families and buy em up for that reason. Unlikely but possible.

I know most hoarders are flippers. Early bird gets the worm - what can you do. But what I really object to are the guys who rub it in your face. There was a guy who got banned who used to just post about flipping 30 copies of a game while people were like "man, I wish I could get one in my area. I got denied by the manager." It was when Blur was like $10 at Best buy. He was a real asshole.
I guess I'm still confused as to what "flipping" is and what "hoarding" is. Personally I define flipping as buying copies of an item you intend to resell at a profit. Hoarding is doing the same, but on a larger/longer scale. You flip a copy of FO:NV LE on ebay right away for $60+ when you bought it from GS for $30. A hoarder buys all the FO:NV LEs and waits 4-5 months for the supply at GS to drain down, then puts them up on ebay for $150 each. And to me, it's just different degrees of the same problem.

I guess the thing I can never understand is how this whole thing is an efficient use of your time and/or money. I mean, between all the ebay fees, shipping, etc. and competing with major retailers, profits have to be taking big hits. Which is probably why people who get really into it start to hoard- because then they control the supply on the market and can charge outrageous premiums. But consider the time spent finding the deals, or the fact that the money you have is tied up in goods when it could be in a bank account or on the market earning you interest/dividends, etc. I've seen some pretty good opportunities and to be honest I have been tempted to try it myself, but in the end it's just not worth my time to go through the trouble. Plus I hate ebay and the rampant price inflation that goes on there so not giving them any business is always a plus too.

It's like that one guy who started with a mp3 player and made a series of trades on CL and ended up a couple years later with a used porsche. Sure from the start to the end it seems like a large gain, but consider the time it took him, he could have just gotten a job at minimum wage and bought the porsche in the same amount of hours.

And that I think is the saddest part of the whole thing, people think they're gaming the system by flipping/hoarding, when really it's almost the reverse.
[quote name='salty tbone']Exactly how much money is time worth?[/QUOTE]

I bill out at $450/hour so some people out there think my time is worth that much (they are dumbasses). That said, I place a much higher value on my time than the few dollars I'd save each week by cutting coupons for groceries... although I do find it worth it to scour the forums here for VG and other deals (but it's also a source of entertainment for me). I guess it's just whatever you think is important.
[quote name='confoosious']Flipper = someone who buys a game and resells it
Hoarder= someone who buys all the games on the rack
Asshole = someone who buys all the games on the rack*, resells them, and comes on CAG to tell you about it.

* or snags all the DLC for free and tells you about it 3 days later so he has a chance to wipe out his entire area.

only one of those is inherently wrong.[/QUOTE]

Inherently, no question. (grins)

I've certainly done moderate flipping. If I picked up Singularity at the Blockbuster B1G1 sale, I'd pick up FO:NV to flip if I couldn't find anything else I'd like. If I wanted some cheap Goozex points, I might grab a Rock Band 3 and pair it with Bayonetta for $9.99. And I might even check on my phone to see if it was worth my time and money. But that'd be about it.

Hoarding - well, if no one else is going to buy them, then hoard away. Hard to know when or if anyone is gonna buy stuff at a particular store, though. I can't say it's "wrong" to hoard, but it's not generally in the spirit of CAG - we share sales, deals and such, with each other - so taking everything for yourself kinda defeats that. Inherently.
[quote name='Ruahrc']I guess I'm still confused as to what "flipping" is and what "hoarding" is. Personally I define flipping as buying copies of an item you intend to resell at a profit. Hoarding is doing the same, but on a larger/longer scale. You flip a copy of FO:NV LE on ebay right away for $60+ when you bought it from GS for $30. A hoarder buys all the FO:NV LEs and waits 4-5 months for the supply at GS to drain down, then puts them up on ebay for $150 each. And to me, it's just different degrees of the same problem.

I guess the thing I can never understand is how this whole thing is an efficient use of your time and/or money. I mean, between all the ebay fees, shipping, etc. and competing with major retailers, profits have to be taking big hits. Which is probably why people who get really into it start to hoard- because then they control the supply on the market and can charge outrageous premiums. But consider the time spent finding the deals, or the fact that the money you have is tied up in goods when it could be in a bank account or on the market earning you interest/dividends, etc. I've seen some pretty good opportunities and to be honest I have been tempted to try it myself, but in the end it's just not worth my time to go through the trouble. Plus I hate ebay and the rampant price inflation that goes on there so not giving them any business is always a plus too.

It's like that one guy who started with a mp3 player and made a series of trades on CL and ended up a couple years later with a used porsche. Sure from the start to the end it seems like a large gain, but consider the time it took him, he could have just gotten a job at minimum wage and bought the porsche in the same amount of hours.

And that I think is the saddest part of the whole thing, people think they're gaming the system by flipping/hoarding, when really it's almost the reverse.[/QUOTE]
Flippers will sell all their copies for profit. Hoarders will take all the copies and keep them. Hoarders sell nothing. If you ever watch the show Hoarders, you can see what they mean when they say they keep everything. I hoarder has no intent on reselling.
[quote name='iiinightmar3ii']Flippers will sell all their copies for profit. Hoarders will take all the copies and keep them. Hoarders sell nothing. If you ever watch the show Hoarders, you can see what they mean when they say they keep everything. I hoarder has no intent on reselling.[/QUOTE]

yeah, that's the real definition but on CAG we use hoarder/el hoardo to mean someone that cleans out a store of a great deal solely to resell.
[quote name='Javery']I bill out at $450/hour so some people out there think my time is worth that much (they are dumbasses).[/QUOTE]

If I were you, I'd never sleep. Say you sleep 8 hours a day, you're losing $3,600 every day. Multiply that by a week, that's $43,200 you're losing. If you spend an hour on CAG, well you just lost $450.

If you think that's absurd, well that's exactly how I feel about people saying it's a waste of money to clip coupons.
I still love the whole "spirit of CAG" that comes up all of the time. I've been a member here for what, 8 years or so? I've seen so many great deals come up but never, ever, is someone willing to pick one up for you at cost + shipping and a nominal fee for their time. Penny guides? 10.00 shipped. Unless it's rare, then they'll trade you for something worth it's ebay value. No matter what a CAGer paid for an item, the moment it gets in their hands, it's immediately worth "ebay value"...and that's what they want in return in trade or cash minus a tiny discount since they won't have to pay fees. That's why it's stupid to even brag about anything on here, because all you get is a flooded inbox of "hey man show the CAG spirit we're best friends remember me we traded once 5 years ago. How about letting that 50.00 game go for 5.00 plus actual shipping and no I'm not paying for a bubble mailer".

CAGers are the equivalent of the friend who only calls when he needs something and is never willing to help when you are in need.

If you ask me, there is not "CAG spirit", never has been and never will be. It's a pipe-dream. Hoard the shit out of everything, resell it for your own personal gain, pay your bills/buy more games whatever you want and just don't post it on here. You people would hate me if you knew the shit I've hoarded in the past to resell, I've at times had over 100 copies of a single big-name game I bought at a clearance sale for a buck each, and once had over 600 copies of a smaller but equally valuable game that I didn't pay nearly that much for. You don't want to know the profit I made on that shit.
What really pisses me off is hoarders who clean out a store to make a couple bucks on ebay, at that point you have no excuse for not just getting a real job.
[quote name='zionoverfire']What really pisses me off is hoarders who clean out a store to make a couple bucks on ebay, at that point you have no excuse for not just getting a real job.[/QUOTE]

If you make more flipping than you would at a "real" job, then why not flip?
[quote name='Cmosfm']I still love the whole "spirit of CAG" that comes up all of the time. I've been a member here for what, 8 years or so? I've seen so many great deals come up but never, ever, is someone willing to pick one up for you at cost + shipping and a nominal fee for their time. Penny guides? 10.00 shipped. Unless it's rare, then they'll trade you for something worth it's ebay value. No matter what a CAGer paid for an item, the moment it gets in their hands, it's immediately worth "ebay value"...and that's what they want in return in trade or cash minus a tiny discount since they won't have to pay fees. That's why it's stupid to even brag about anything on here, because all you get is a flooded inbox of "hey man show the CAG spirit we're best friends remember me we traded once 5 years ago. How about letting that 50.00 game go for 5.00 plus actual shipping and no I'm not paying for a bubble mailer".

CAGers are the equivalent of the friend who only calls when he needs something and is never willing to help when you are in need.

If you ask me, there is not "CAG spirit", never has been and never will be. It's a pipe-dream. Hoard the shit out of everything, resell it for your own personal gain, pay your bills/buy more games whatever you want and just don't post it on here. You people would hate me if you knew the shit I've hoarded in the past to resell, I've at times had over 100 copies of a single big-name game I bought at a clearance sale for a buck each, and once had over 600 copies of a smaller but equally valuable game that I didn't pay nearly that much for. You don't want to know the profit I made on that shit.[/QUOTE]

Your eBay ID is the same. We know already. :roll:

And you're wrong about the Cag spirit. Maybe nobody helps you out because you never help others. You're too busy making a buck on eBay. I've had good Cags offer me guides and games at cost.
[quote name='Cmosfm']I still love the whole "spirit of CAG" that comes up all of the time. I've been a member here for what, 8 years or so? I've seen so many great deals come up but never, ever, is someone willing to pick one up for you at cost + shipping and a nominal fee for their time. Penny guides? 10.00 shipped. Unless it's rare, then they'll trade you for something worth it's ebay value. No matter what a CAGer paid for an item, the moment it gets in their hands, it's immediately worth "ebay value"...and that's what they want in return in trade or cash minus a tiny discount since they won't have to pay fees. That's why it's stupid to even brag about anything on here, because all you get is a flooded inbox of "hey man show the CAG spirit we're best friends remember me we traded once 5 years ago. How about letting that 50.00 game go for 5.00 plus actual shipping and no I'm not paying for a bubble mailer".

CAGers are the equivalent of the friend who only calls when he needs something and is never willing to help when you are in need.

If you ask me, there is not "CAG spirit", never has been and never will be. It's a pipe-dream. Hoard the shit out of everything, resell it for your own personal gain, pay your bills/buy more games whatever you want and just don't post it on here. You people would hate me if you knew the shit I've hoarded in the past to resell, I've at times had over 100 copies of a single big-name game I bought at a clearance sale for a buck each, and once had over 600 copies of a smaller but equally valuable game that I didn't pay nearly that much for. You don't want to know the profit I made on that shit.[/QUOTE]

I only have 1 feedback for CAG Marketplace. It was when I helped a Canadian CAG get a DS game from Frys. I didn't ask for extra, just enough to cover sales tax and shipping. (No, I didn't charge him for the mailer.) I went out of my way to return to Frys to get him a copy; he was really nice and threw in a little more money.

CAGs like him and me do exist. It's too bad that you did not experience the same in your 8+ years here.
[quote name='parKer']I only have 1 feedback for CAG Marketplace. It was when I helped a Canadian CAG get a DS game from Frys. I didn't ask for extra, just enough to cover sales tax and shipping. (No, I didn't charge him for the mailer.) I went out of my way to return to Frys to get him a copy; he was really nice and threw in a little more money.

CAGs like him and me do exist. It's too bad that you did not experience the same in your 8+ years here.[/QUOTE]

See? That's totally right on.

Once, someone needed a power cable for Kinect and, while I prefer to keep it complete for when I eventually sell it, I didn't need it so sent it to him for what we guessed was the right price and I picked up shipping. Dropped a few DLC codes I got, too, from having sold a game near release and then picked it up again later with unused DLC.

No one's ever asked me to pick up anything at a sale, but I've gotten so many ridiculous deals and heads-ups on sales and such, that I'd be glad to if I had the word at the right time. I don't know how guys like Io and everyone else sniff out these deals so quickly, but jeez, if someone tells me they're looking for something and I happen to find it? I'm on it.
I have my altruistic moments, but there are limits to my patience and generosity. At least a handful of CAG's have reached that limited and pushed beyond it.:booty:
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I have my altruistic moments, but there are limits to my patience and generosity. At least a handful of CAG's have reached that limited and pushed beyond it.:booty:[/QUOTE]

you reap what you sow.
[quote name='salty tbone']If I were you, I'd never sleep. Say you sleep 8 hours a day, you're losing $3,600 every day. Multiply that by a week, that's $43,200 you're losing. If you spend an hour on CAG, well you just lost $450.

If you think that's absurd, well that's exactly how I feel about people saying it's a waste of money to clip coupons.[/QUOTE]

That's not how it works though - I don't take home $450/hour. I'm sure my employer would love it if I didn't sleep but the amount of hours I bill doesn't help me earn more money.

[quote name='confoosious']And you're wrong about the Cag spirit. Maybe nobody helps you out because you never help others. You're too busy making a buck on eBay. I've had good Cags offer me guides and games at cost.[/QUOTE]

Same here. A few years ago I even sold 3 copies of the Oblivion CE for $10 to some CAGs - I could have easily made $70+ on each copy at the time (which I did on a couple of them). I cleared out a local BB when they went on clearance.
[quote name='Javery']That's not how it works though - I don't take home $450/hour. I'm sure my employer would love it if I didn't sleep but the amount of hours I bill doesn't help me earn more money.[/QUOTE]

I know, I was just using an extreme example because every time flipping comes up, someone uses the "I make more money working" or "Time is money" cliche. But it doesn't work like that because if I wanted to make extra money, I can't just tell my boss "I'm working a couple extra hours, pay me."
[quote name='zionoverfire']What really pisses me off is hoarders who clean out a store to make a couple bucks on ebay, at that point you have no excuse for not just getting a real job.[/QUOTE]

I fail to see how running a business isn't a "real job." In fact, I'm more beneficial to society than you are since I'm actually creating a job so why don't you get a "real job?"

[quote name='salty tbone']I know, I was just using an extreme example because every time flipping comes up, someone uses the "I make more money working" or "Time is money" cliche. But it doesn't work like that because if I wanted to make extra money, I can't just tell my boss "I'm working a couple extra hours, pay me."[/QUOTE]

That's such a stupid cliche to use too. I have absolutely nothing to do this summer since school is done, so why am I going to sit around browsing the internet all day when I could just be out making money? If I had a career already, I probably wouldn't flip, but as a college student, there really is almost nothing better to do for a job.
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[quote name='DarkRider23']
That's such a stupid cliche to use too. I have absolutely nothing to do this summer since school is done, so why am I going to sit around browsing the internet all day when I could just be out making money? If I had a career already, I probably wouldn't flip, but as a college student, there really is almost nothing better to do for a job.[/QUOTE]Exactly, I'm a high school student, have been a powerseller on ebay since I was 15 and make way more money than any of my friends. All I can get at this age is a mcjob, so i would rather flip stuff. i have no problems with flippers or hoarders, i hoard things myself if I can make money off them.
[quote name='confoosious']you reap what you sow.[/QUOTE]
So you're telling me you'd make a special trek to a store you saw X or Y item at, then ship it where you're LOSING money just to be a 'good guy'?:applause:

Good for you then. More power to ya. Let me know when you're fed up doing that and I can say I told ya so.:razz:

That's what I've had to put up with before. People who don't even want to pay the initial cost plus my real shipping costs back. Everybody on here expects ya to have mailers lying around en masse(I don't) and pay for shipping via Paypal just to save a fuckin' nickel.

But again, if you wanna do it, go right ahead.;)
I never expected anyone here to sell me an item for cost plus shipping plus nominal fee for time even when I first signed up. Market prices will always prevail.

I have no problem with someone who uses coupons during their regular grocery shopping, I do it too so I know the ropes. Most stores here do not allow overages while they do have double coupons the registers won't take the coupons if the coupons are more than the item costs. If the coupon is more than the item costs then the cashier just keys in the value of the item so you essentially get it for free. This is true for all stores here. Unless you get a stupid cashier that lets it go through but this is rare since it has to be overridden by the register and some stores you have to get a supervisor's key for all overrides and the supervisor would never let that go through.

When you start making extra trips to get those coupon items specifically for the purpose of getting those items is when it gets ridiculous. I am not going out of my way to get a coupon item, is it really worth the gasoline, wear and tear on vehicle or time to do that constantly? I know someone who went to one store at least 3 times a week for 5 weeks trying to get a single coupon item, she never got the item because they never restocked on the item.... this is a case where it is not worth the time or gasoline to get the coupon item. Making specific trips to get just 1-2 coupon items is never worth it. We probably spend about 1-2 hours a week sorting coupons and save $10 off our grocery bill on average each trip (usually more) and we shop about 2 times per week, so for us that level of couponing is worth it.

If I lived within walking distance of a grocery store that was good for coupons or video game clearance etc. I would probably do more coupons and pick up more clearance items since I would be able to get the schedules down of when to go and when not to go but I am not gonna waste gasoline and wear and tear on a vehicle to do it.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']So you're telling me you'd make a special trek to a store you saw X or Y item at, then ship it where you're LOSING money just to be a 'good guy'?:applause:

Good for you then. More power to ya. Let me know when you're fed up doing that and I can say I told ya so.:razz:

That's what I've had to put up with before. People who don't even want to pay the initial cost plus my real shipping costs back. Everybody on here expects ya to have mailers lying around en masse(I don't) and pay for shipping via Paypal just to save a fuckin' nickel.

But again, if you wanna do it, go right ahead.;)[/QUOTE]

No I wouldn't.

But somehow in the history of me selling stuff or giving stuff away, no one has ever asked me to take a loss on an item. Yet, it happens to you all the time? I call bullshit. I think it's happened to you once or twice and now you act like it happens 90% of the time so you don't bother helping people out.
[quote name='confoosious']No I wouldn't.

But somehow in the history of me selling stuff or giving stuff away, no one has ever asked me to take a loss on an item. Yet, it happens to you all the time? I call bullshit. I think it's happened to you once or twice and now you act like it happens 90% of the time so you don't bother helping people out.[/QUOTE]

Not speaking for him, but it's happened to me way more than once. Probably like 3-5 times. I don't mind so much, if people returned the favor. But most don't, so I personally said fuck it.
[quote name='confoosious']No I wouldn't.

But somehow in the history of me selling stuff or giving stuff away, no one has ever asked me to take a loss on an item. Yet, it happens to you all the time? I call bullshit. I think it's happened to you once or twice and now you act like it happens 90% of the time so you don't bother helping people out.[/QUOTE]
It's not that they've specifically asked me to take a loss on an item, but rather that they're 'only willing to pay X amount for shipping, which usually ends up being UNDER what it costs me to ship an item via USPS first class mail.

Couple that with the fact that many seem to think we all live in Delaware where there's no sales tax and people quote the flat price for an item with no sales tax added in.

On a $10 item that's about $.60 lost if someone underestimates, add that to the undervalued shipping and you're soon close to losing $$2-3 per trade/deal.

Then you have the folks who expect eBay lowest auction prices with shipping included for multiple items on your trade list(2 current $19.99 value games for $15 or UNDER shipped). I can see $10 a game and shipping extra, but $15 or under for multiple games in great shape when places like GS are selling them for $18 used EACH? Noooooooo. Not happening.

That's why my PS3 game list on my TL went bye bye. You could have set prices listed all the live long day and every week you'd get 'ill give you $7 SHIPPED for (game marked $20 shipped)'.
[quote name='confoosious']So just ignore them. You make it sound like every single CAG is always lowballing you.[/QUOTE]
Oh I have ignored the lowballers, both literally and figuratively.:booty:;) It's definitely not ALL of CAG, but it seems like a good portion of the really low lowballers are newbies with less than six months on the site.

I do applaud them for trying to get the best deal for the price they want to pay, but they've got a better chance of getting blood from a stone than lowballing me.:razz:
A long time ago (prob. 2-3 years) I tried to list some stuff here on CAG. I got the same response. I listed a pretty fair price, even a little below what the standard ebay rate was. All I got in response was that "this is CAG" and because of it, my asking price was too high. They expected me to practically give the stuff away because they were CAGs and only bought things in a good deal. Ever since, I have not bothered trying to sell/trade here.

Not to toot my own horn, but I have been a generous CAG in the past too. The thread that brought me to the site, the "make your own GBMicro>GC cable" thread, every so often you get people looking for materials to make their own cable (they're getting harder to find). I bought the necessary cabling to make one for myself, but the cable I got (some pelican cable I think) had enough cords and plugs to almost make a second cable. When someone asked for some materials to make their own, I sent the spare stuff I had to him at no charge. I wasn't using it, didn't have enough to complete a 2nd cable, and accepting the $2-3 for the envelope + postage was just not worth it (I did not have a PayPal at the time). I told him to pass the favor along someday, who knows if he did or not. But another example of "the spirit of CAG".

People like to rip on "that other site" (SD) here all the time for being greedy bastards, and if there was no "spirit of CAG" this site would quickly devolve into the same. Truth be told I think it has become a lot more like SD than it used to be, but I guess that's human nature for you.

[quote name='DarkRider23']I fail to see how running a business isn't a "real job." In fact, I'm more beneficial to society than you are since I'm actually creating a job so why don't you get a "real job?"

The last thing this country needs is more middlemen leaching money out of the system and claiming their existence is paramount to the health of this nation, nice try though.:lol:
I had a "real job" working in a factory for a couple summers. That was all the incentive I needed to do well in school so that I could get a "fake job."

Sure we can wax poetic about the beauty of the rugged blue collar America, but when faced with actually living that life where your knees and back are shot by the time you are 40, well ...
I see no problem in get a game for cheap and turning around and selling it. If I didn't go to the vintage game shops or resale shops then sites like this would start to drop in the quality of products that are here. For example, I found the Arc the Lad Collection in mint condition for cheap that someone traded me a couple newer games for. People have a right to say something at the resale shops and here if they feel they are getting cheated. Anyone, here who wouldn't buy something dirt cheap and sell it high are either stupid or naive.
I thought since its summer time, this was about people and their junky flip-flops walking around with their dogs barking all day. Cause yeah, im not a fan.

Resale is ok with me.
I, for one dont care. If the person buys up and resells, then they have every right to. Yes, it sucks for others that just want to buy it to play/collect, but remember there are other places to buy it (of course buying at a higher price)
I know this is CAG, but sometimes if u wait a bit, maybe another deal will come along and besides, the flippers have to take Time and Effort to run out and get the games. They are taking a chance of not selling, paying ebay fees, etc.

Im a play/collect and wish the CAG people that go around buying many copies of games in the area would be fair to sell it at the cost+ shipping + maybe adding just $5 for gas, time, but they have the right to make a bigger profit. I think this is reasonable, but we need to stop hatein since we live in the world of greed.
Personally, I only buy games that I want to collect and/or play, and I'd prefer to leave the other copies on the shelf so some fellow traveler who actually wants to own the game can find it. It would be awesome if everyone had that attitude (and I do think there are plenty of people on CAG, probably the majority, who are happy to take one copy for themselves and then help other CAGs to share the deal too).

That said, retail is first come first served and it's anyone's right to buy as many copies as they can afford and do whatever they please with them. If someone else doesn't like that, then they should have gotten there first. I'm not going to get up in arms about it.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Personally, I only buy games that I want to collect and/or play, and I'd prefer to leave the other copies on the shelf so some fellow traveler who actually wants to own the game can find it. It would be awesome if everyone had that attitude (and I do think there are plenty of people on CAG, probably the majority, who are happy to take one copy for themselves and then help other CAGs to share the deal too).

That said, retail is first come first served and it's anyone's right to buy as many copies as they can afford and do whatever they please with them. If someone else doesn't like that, then they should have gotten there first. I'm not going to get up in arms about it.[/QUOTE]

+1 !

A bit off topic. Would it be a good idea to thread about people that was able to find the game/deal in stores to buy up many copies and resell it on CAG so others can have the game to play/collect? The system would be:

Game (example: sin and punishment, target,etc. $12) + Shipping cost+ $5 for time.

The flaw to the system would be:
Picky CAG of the condition of item.
Want to return it.
The item was never shipped..(Fixed by adding confirmation)

Just a idea so please dont bash.

"Cant we all get along?"
[quote name='The Punisher']+1 !

A bit off topic. Would it be a good idea to thread about people that was able to find the game/deal in stores to buy up many copies and resell it on CAG so others can have the game to play/collect? The system would be:

Game (example: sin and punishment, target,etc. $12) + Shipping cost+ $5 for time.

The flaw to the system would be:
Picky CAG of the condition of item.
Want to return it.
The item was never shipped..(Fixed by adding confirmation)

Just a idea so please dont bash.

"Cant we all get along?"[/QUOTE]

It wouldn't be a bad idea to start a COST + Tax + $5 thread. Take out the cost of shipping because then people start whining and complaining. The $5 would be enough for me to ship things out to help other CAGs.

Everything must be sealed. No haggling. If you don't want to pay the $5 or if you think $5 is not enough to cover your cost of mailing + gas + mailer, then go elsewhere.

All trades would be subject to standard cag trading rules.

Go for it Punisher.
bread's done