Do you hate GameFAQs TOS?


Instead of saying ****, I said S***....I lost 10 karma and was warned...That's so gay...*goes back to playing Counter-Strike*
I've been posting there over a year and haven't been modded once. You just gota watch your language and try to disguise your flames if possible.
Well just about a week ago I recieved my first moderation in over a year for calling someone a loser, which is lame. I don't think the ToS is strict but it sucks at times.
Sometimes it is a bitch.

There needs to be an option for "Complete stupidity".

There was a moron on the GBA board that was claiming his GBASP wouldnt turn off. No battery, not plugged it, but it is still on. It was a lie, but was annoying.

And a option for "Fanboy". Self explanitory. PS2 has a better/wider (IMO) game selection than XBox (Excluding FPS's and possibly another catagory or 2). It has oodles of great games. XBox does not totally own it.

And another for "Lack of English skills". Some people are just bad.
See, the thing is that when you click "yes" on the GameFAQs ToS screen, you're legally agreeing that you've read, understand, and will follow the rules of the boards. Though they may seem strict, they're there because that's the way the boards are. The creator (in this case, CjayC) decides what age group will be visiting the boards most, and decides what they can and can't see. Yes, it's censorship, but you agree to it. I've been modded a few times, but 99% of the time I knew my post would be deleted before I even sent it. Just things that I wanted to say to people, about things, yadda yadda. My posts were deleted as I expected them, I didn't lose any karma (607 currently), life goes on. Even if you think it's harsh, you're using their free service, so if you go by their rules, you'll have nothing to worry about.

And there are options for complete stupidity, lack of english skills, etc. it's called the "Other" box. :D
these are the same Highly Intellectual individuals who modded me for posting a link to IGN freeboard's-- saying that it was illegal pirated IGN content -- AND I WAS AN IGN MOD AT THE TIME!

I even linked them to my username there so they could p.m. me to prove my identity if it was such an issue-- also modded"LOL"

so I went to their version of board issues asking why it was against the terms of service of gamefaqs to be an IGN mod, and just when I thought the circus freak show was over, several users informed me that gamefaqs mods are not required to read what they delete because it would take too much time LMAO!

after pointing out what would happen to any mod who pulled the same stunt on IGN, I just let it was just silly to argue about something so petty, when it was far more fun to make fun of them over it ;-)

got to love the lack of the accountability on those mods ;-)

Every time I've been modded there, I'm always told by a form letter that because I lost no karma,I'm not allowed to defend myself........... however,

Game piracy is okay

lying for negative attention is okay {usually system bashers }

Not checking a link before you mod it is okay

Falsely marking other users for moderation is okay

saying "poof you" Shall be the end of the world as we know it ;-)
I kind of like it. I wish more boards had a karma/moderation system similar to that one. I think the restrictions on language use are a bit harsh, but considering the audience, it's ok. I also have to be a bit more creative when I need to commit a violation on someone who really deserves it without getting modded myself. :)

I'm at about 330 karma and I've only been modded once for flaming. No karma loss. This guy posted on the Dreamcast board about how his DC wouldn't work. Thing was probably as long as this post, with not one punctuation mark to be I posted right underneath his post:

"run-on sentence (n.) 1. is an ungrammatical construction in which two or more independent clauses are improperly joined without a conjunction or appropriate punctuation."

It was well worth it.
The main problem I have is with the lazy censor rules.

They say they allow suffixes (****ing) but saying something like s*** is a MAJOR violation in their eyes. That is not logical because you can tell what each is. They ought to simply delete a message like that. Or actually get a good message board system that can auto censor in case of a slip up. I never had a problem though.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']The main problem I have is with the lazy censor rules.

They say they allow suffixes (****ing) but saying something like s*** is a MAJOR violation in their eyes. That is not logical because you can tell what each is. They ought to simply delete a message like that. Or actually get a good message board system that can auto censor in case of a slip up. I never had a problem though.[/quote]

Were you so bored that you had to go looking for the oldest thread you could bump?
I've said it before, I'll say it again...all depends on the board.

If you go to ANY of the social boards, poll of the day board, general boards, etc, the level of intelligence (or lack of, actually) will make even the hardest heart weep for the future of the human race.

I remember the Dynasty Warriors 4 board used to be great for both game info and intelligent discussion right after the game was released state-side. But then all the pre-teens and 'too cool for school' teenagers showed up and you got posts like "who u think is hotter" and "Wu is best". I used to add boards to my favorites, now I just keep certain esoteric (read: sparsely populated) ones listed.
I've been a GameFAQs member for a couple of years now and I haven't been modded once. It's a great site, but I don't like the TOS, too strict.
I go there rarely. It's like a train wreck. It's horrible, yet you can't look away. You can troll those boards by being an anti-troll, just being logical and level-headed there seems to go against the norm.

And yes, their terms are stupid. Once I got modded for putting a link to Something Awful in my signature because "they have ROMs". Yeah, they have a handful of ROMs from horrible, horrible NES and SNES games as part of the reviews where they rip the games apart. OH NOES warez!

But that's not even the funny part. This was in my signature for several months before someone cracked down.

The problem is they are too strict but in the wrong ways. They shouldn't mod/suspend/ban people who say s***, they should reserve that for the fanboy asshats that dominate the site.
....I dont get it...why are you guys even bothering with Gamfaqs forums? You;re all obviously rational people with IQs in the positive numbers.

Why do you persist in trying to civilize that which is for the most part a digital version of Lord of the Flies?

Gamefaqs: good for faqs, bad for intelligence.
Meh...I just deal with the TOS. I post here far more often, though.

If I do post there, it tends to be at the Forum. That board has earned a reputation as being the "most intelligent" if someone posts something stupid, we can rip into them and no one cares. :D
Why do I even bother with Gamefaqs?
Because between that board a couple of others I visit, I've talked to a lead character designers for Capcom (worked on Maximo vs Army of Zin), a translator for Capcom (who just recenlty worked on, and has his voice in, Resident Evil Outbreak), and the owner operator of a couple of great videogame related sites that consistantly have thier content taken and used by IGN.
It's stupid. They pretty much censor you for censoring yourself! What I mean is by "censor bypassing". I mean, come on, typing things such as bulls**t , f**k, a**hole (or a-hole), f**kface, d**khead, g*y and the like IS CENSORING. Basically you're telling people not to "fill in the balnks". I bet they would even get you on a TOS violation for the following:

"This is such bovine excrement! The mother fornicating TOS policy is such a lords-name-in-vain pain in the posterior! Man, this is very homosexual. A gaggle of female dogs, they are."

Because, right there, that's implied cursing. That's one reason why I don't like using their message boards. The other is the fact that you have a group of assholes bitching on a daily basis that "Nintendo Will Fail", and NOT have the facts to back that up. I have yet to see any of that crap here.
Heh, I remember Lord of the Flies.

Gamefaqs members have commited countless US Federal offenses, and most foreigners avoid those forums like the plaque.
bread's done