Do you like/dislike seeing "make offer" in CAG Trading threads?

To be honest, I use to mostly just make a list because I felt depending upon what someone wanted, I'd try making a fair price. But after having some issues, I decided to just put price tags on things.

It's hard at times because if I'm shipping a bundle of games, cost of shipping varies whether I'm shipping to nearby (like when I sold my N64 to someone who lived just over an hour from me) varies from shipping to someone who lives on the other side of the country as me.

Mostly I have an idea on pricing and will tell everyone via PM. However, sometimes I hate putting a price because I'm not 100% sure myself on pricing and the LAST thing I want to do is rip someone off (A few times I priced way too low, kind of like the price I'm selling Lufia II to someone I know for).
[quote name='devildr1ver']:applause:

couldn't have said it better myself! I find it extremely annoying because when a person puts "make an offer" they obviously have a price set in mind and are just waiting for some jackass to offer more than what its actually worth and scam the poor bastard.[/quote]Other people have noticed the hypocrisy in this thread and so have I.
Ok...I gotta call you out on this one...I've watched you claim to be against hoarding in past threads but I can't bite my lip on this one.
I tried to buy a copy of Okami :ps2: (sealed) from you a while back...You told me to make an offer. Fine. I made one. It was much more than the $8 bucks you had been lucky enough to pay at some Circuit City clearance. It wasn't enough. I make another offer $35, if I remember correctly. I believe your exact words were, "the game is kind of expensive. thanks though".
It's totally your right not to sell to me but I despise the fact you come in these threads and pretend like you're some goodie-goodie trader when you're really out to make a buck. I don't really have a problem with either stance but don't be a wuss. Own up to how you do business.
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Don't forget about the guy that told devildr1ver about the CC clearance for Valkyrie Profile Lenneth, and asked him, that if his CC had extras, would he sell one for cost+shipping+extra. Devildr1ver proceeded to go to CC, buy all 3 copies they had left, and then flipped them all on ebay (I believe he bought at $16.96 and sold them at ~$40), completely ignoring the guy who did him the favor of telling him about the sale in the first place.
bread's done