Do you play your 360 without Xbox Live?


I usually don't because most shooter games(halo3,cod4) get boring when you beat the story once,but playing on Xbox Live is what brings new life to my games:)
Yes, I play without a gold membership. I use live for updates, etc. I'm not an FPS guy, so I don't that much use out of live. Plus, when I've had it, my connection has been laggy as hell. I have a feeling my connection at home isn't the best.
not really. To be quite honest, I really don't play my 360 as much as I thought I would before I bought it. It just kinda.... sits there. But when I'm not able to connect to xboxlive, it just really becomes unattractive to me to play it, don't know why.
I'm always wirelessly connected to Live.
When i get on i like to see if theres any new free stuff or demo and chat with some friends.
I occasionally play COD4 online.
I use to play it a lot more but now i find myself only touching my xbox every 3-4 days.

But i agree LIVE is great... if you can find the time/mood to play.
I have a LIVE card I have yet to activate from when I bought the system. I have yet to see a compelling reason to do so.
No Xbox Live here. My Xbox only hooked up to the net when I need to download soemthign like new Rock Band songs, or a demo. I don't like online gaming. Bring on the single player games! Oblivion, Bioshock ftw.
It looks like the OP doesn't play much of anything on Xbox Live according to his Gamercard ... :lol:

But in all seriousness, online gaming is great. I don't know what I did before I was on Xbox Live. IMO I don't think you're getting your money out of the system unless you have a gold membership.
I can't imagine owning a 360 without using Live. I play COD4 when ever I have free time, or when my friends ask to team up. I imagine not using the 360 to its fullest would be somewhat unfulfilling.
[quote name='RudyPants']It looks like the OP doesn't play much of anything on Xbox Live according to his Gamercard ... :lol:

He probably just got a 360. To be honest I still have a pretty low GS: around the 900's. :oops:
I'm at college so i rarely ever get on xbox live, but now that i got a new system i kinda have to be in order to get all the good bought stuff to work... lame. i need to call those jerks at ms before too long so i can atleast rebuy stuff.
I got my 360 recently and I'm content with XBL Silver for now. Most of my friends don't have Xboxes anyway, and I'm not that into random matching. If I ever get the urge to play some Bomberman, I have about a month's worth of 2-day codes.
No way. Xbox Live is > than 50% of the 360 experience. Plus I moved across the country last year, so it's the only way that I can play with my friends.
[quote name='RudyPants']It looks like the OP doesn't play much of anything on Xbox Live according to his Gamercard ... :lol:

I was willing to look past that statement after I saw your Seattle Mariners gamerpic, but changed my mind when I saw on your list of played games TMNT, and Avatar: The Last Airbender.

I hope the 30 seconds it took to get the 1000gs was worth it, because you look like a fool for doing it.. haha
I play without Xbox Live, however, whenever I want to check out content that's on live, I hop on my brothers account. So, I can't say never, only most of the time.
Prolly wouldn't have a 360 without Live Gold. Been addicted to the service since the first XBox. It just works, and nicely centralized. I appreciate that, having started with multiplayer gaming in the early 1990s on PCs. Clunky as they could, and still can be.

Although I got a few friends that never touch liveplay, but still enjoy all the quality singleplayer games, or multiplayer games with good singleplayer components. I'd give them shit, but I spend half my gaming time on my PS2 it seems. Single, multi, it's all cool.
multiplayer is where it has been at for me (started online gaming with PCs, don't you guys remember that peripheral for the SNES that had a built-in dial-up modem so you could play people over dial-up?), so I'm mostly always on Live.
Nah, I usually finish the story, and then start playing on XBL. It really makes the game more entertaining, for a longer time.
I'm always connected to Xbox Live when my Xbox 360 is turned on unless my net is down or Xbox Live is down. Though with a majority of my games I don't bother playing online as I have little to no interest in it. So far the only one that has interested me enough to play more than a few games online is Halo 3. So no, I don't play very much online multiplayer in the overall picture. It's mostly dominated by the single player experience and local co-op and multiplayer on a single television.
I have 4 RLF who have just Silver, and a 5th is going into the military and I don't know exactly what he's going to do (he had been paying monthly even though he spends 99% of his free time on WoW.)
I had to resetup my xbox for this new wifi router i got and while i was setting up my xbox and seeing how it was not being online I felt like omg im never gonna play my xbox again if i can't get this to work lol

I pay monthly for my gold and I love it got tons of friends, and the free/pay for stuff is pretty good.

Whats wrong with playing avatar and TMNT? I actually kinda liked TMNT.
[quote name='sayHey']I was willing to look past that statement after I saw your Seattle Mariners gamerpic, but changed my mind when I saw on your list of played games TMNT, and Avatar: The Last Airbender.

I hope the 30 seconds it took to get the 1000gs was worth it, because you look like a fool for doing it.. haha[/quote]

Hey, stop taking things so seriously and taking offense to jokes. I don't have to justify my playing habits to anyone ... it's a perfectly relevant point I brought up.

If the OP starts a new topics (basically just saying that Xbox Live is nice), he deserves a little bit of jabbing all in good fun, especially if he has barely even used the service he is talking about.

That's all. And also, stop going through my games played because it makes YOU look like a fool.
[quote name='RudyPants']Hey, stop taking things so seriously and taking offense to jokes. I don't have to justify my playing habits to anyone ... it's a perfectly relevant point I brought up.

If the OP starts a new topics (basically just saying that Xbox Live is nice), he deserves a little bit of jabbing all in good fun, especially if he has barely even used the service he is talking about.

That's all. And also, stop going through my games played because it makes YOU look like a fool.[/quote]

Right Like I posted above whats wrong with playing those games? Its not our fault that the developers took 2 seconds to make up achivements. Btw how was enchanted arms i seen u had most of the points for that it looks good.

Back on topic get live like another poster said its 50% of the 360 experience even if you don't have friends and mp games its still nice to go online and see some of the stuff and don't forget u can use msn messenger chat to friends etc
[quote name='Mrcapcom']Right Like I posted above whats wrong with playing those games? Its not our fault that the developers took 2 seconds to make up achivements. Btw how was enchanted arms i seen u had most of the points for that it looks good.

Back on topic get live like another poster said its 50% of the 360 experience even if you don't have friends and mp games its still nice to go online and see some of the stuff and don't forget u can use msn messenger chat to friends etc[/QUOTE]

i completed enchanted arms, im 7-8 hours in blue dragon, and blue dragon destroys it IMO
that said, i did enjoy enchanted arms. its pretty easy except for the optional dungeon. if you havent played blue dragon and need a jrpg fix, id say its silly to buy enchanted arms over it.
The room I keep my xbox in has only one wired LAN outlet, so I use it for my u-verse box and swap to my xbox when I need it, which can be a hassle (I don't want to add in a wifi adaptor or router to that room). So I play it without live all the time, but I hate the fact that the xbox360 clock gets reset if you don't keep it plugged in, so game saves will have strange dates on them.
Playing without XBox Live and playing without a Gold account are two different things. If I didn't have XBox Live at all, the system's value to me would be greatly decreased.

However, I may let my Gold membership expire in May. I hardly ever play with/against people online - the last time I played anything online for an extended period of time was when I played through Halo 3 with Kendal the week it came out. So yeah, I don't get much use out of it. Silver would probably be enough for me; as long as I can get some of the downloads (ie Rock Band content) I'm fine.
The great integration with its online service is one of the 360 main draws. Being able to take a game like CoD4 or Halo 3 and getting months of great multiplayer on top of the time I spend on the single player definitely makes the $60 price tag seem like a deal.
I rarely play games that dont have multiplayer. And on the games with MP I beat the campaign/story/career/etc. once or twice and then its multiplayer till the games death.
[quote name='sayHey']I was willing to look past that statement after I saw your Seattle Mariners gamerpic, but changed my mind when I saw on your list of played games TMNT, and Avatar: The Last Airbender.

I hope the 30 seconds it took to get the 1000gs was worth it, because you look like a fool for doing it.. haha[/quote]

Go. Away. He wasn't even being a prick.
I have over three years in Gold subscription cards sitting on the desk next to me. my Gold subscription ran out over a week ago and I haven't felt the need to renew it.

Playing online is fun and all. But right now I barely have time to play through the SP portions of the games I own. Not to mention I prefer playing shooters on the PC.
i have a 2 year live gold membership but I dont need it right now because i'm playing dynasty warriors and theres no online play for that besides the leader boards. I'm not on the 360 a lot so I don't really need it, only when playing FPS.
Some day I'll spring for the gold membership but now I don't have enough free time to make it worthwhile. All my free time gets sucked up by Oblivion anyway.
Right now, no xbox live, though I do have a year card I've been holding onto since KMart was clearancing them for $32. I've just been lazy to set it all up.
I only hook up my 360 to Live whenever there's something I want to download. Otherwise, I'm not bothered. I don't have any friends who play online and to tell you the truth, my skills aren't what they were. Once upon a time I could breeze through Mega Man II, SMB Lost Levels and Tecmo Bowl; however I plain suck at FPS games, driving games and Madden. Being pounded by some shit-talking thirteen year old isn't the most appealing use of my time.
I burnt myself out on CoD 4 and Halo 3 online. Right now I'm really getting into the single player experiences. I just beat Assassin's Creed so I'm looking to get Oblivion or Crackdown next. It wouldn't kill me not to have a gold subscription.
[quote name='Thomas96']I'm not using Live... Since I have a PS3, I don't see a reason to pay for Live.[/quote]

Some would argue with you that point seeing the feature set available on Xbox Live compared to PSN. But I won't because I don't want to start a war in the 360 forum ... :)
[quote name='RudyPants']Some would argue with you that point seeing the feature set available on Xbox Live compared to PSN. But I won't because I don't want to start a war in the 360 forum ... :)[/QUOTE]

yeah I know.. no need for a war. Everyone argues that point against me.

that's why I phrased my comment as "I Don't See" a reason..
bread's done