Do you prefer long games or short games?


88 (100%)
we were recently having this discussion in a sly cooper thread, so which do the majority of cags prefer?

for most games im content in about 7-10 hours of gameplay, out of rpgs anywhere from 15-30 suits me. but if level building is done right in games, rpgs could be shorter as well.
As a CAG, I tell myself I love long games because I think I am getting more for my money. Most of the time I don't finish 60 hour RPGs so I guess I really do like the shorter games better. They are much easier to swallow if I only pay $10 or so for it though. If I went out and bought every $50 game I wanted I think I would be dissapointed if the game was 5-7 hours.
i totally agree, if i pay $50 for a game (yeah right) and can only play it for 7-10 hours, i wouldnt feel i got my moneys worth, but to me $50 is anywhere between 5-20 games, and i like being able to just finish something and move on to the next rather than dwell on a game forever, because i usually end up abandoning games..
[quote name='punqsux']i totally agree, if i pay $50 for a game (yeah right) and can only play it for 7-10 hours, i wouldnt feel i got my moneys worth, but to me $50 is anywhere between 5-20 games, and i like being able to just finish something and move on to the next rather than dwell on a game forever, because i usually end up abandoning games..[/QUOTE]

Same here. I'm notorius for starting games and never finishing them. For some reason, I just can't put more than 30-40 hours into one game before I get bored with it.

I'm just about finished with RE4, and I think the length is perfect.

I much prefer games that I can beat in about 15-25 hours.
I'd say shortter games generally. I think 10-15 hours is a good length. I'd say RPGs should be a little longer though. Maybe 30-40 hours. Especially given that I rarely have a couple hours to sit and really get into a game, shorter games are a little more appealing at this point in life.

I'll second (actually third) the notion about paying full price on games. The only games I will pay close to full price for are RPGs that I think will never see a drop or be gone off the face of the earth byu the time they do. SMT: Nocturne would fall into this category. Even with those though I will still try and get some sort of deal on them (Nocturne was purchased at the TRU B2G1 sale).
I primarily play RPGs, and I prefer those to be under 20 hours. After I hit the 20 hour mark, I usually have to take a break for a little while and come back to them later.

I rarely pay more than $20 for a game, so I don't have any problems with a game being on the short side.
I really love shorter games... with the little time i have to play games it's nice to be able to get through a game in 10-15 hours, that to me is the perfect length. I hate when developers put in things like a lot of backtracking or a lot of fetch quests, all it does is burn you out and it stops being fun.

Two of my favorite games as a kid were Super Mario Bros and Capt. America & the Avengers (both of which can be beaten anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half) and i cant tell you how many times i've played through both of those games.
I like it when my RPGs last me from about 20 to 40 hours (including extras and whatnot), all other games Im content with a 10 to 15 hour lifespan.
It Varies for me personally, it all depends on how much fun and involving the game is when i play.

Halo 2= enjoyable but got boring because it had the been there done that 10 hour feel too it.

Breakdown= one of the best 15 hour spots i spent in a game ever, i never got bored.
All games should be $20 MSRP and between 5 and 10 hours in length (with no backtracking). I'd rather play five great 10 hour games than one great 50 hour game regardless of price. There's just too many great games I'm missing because they take too damn long to play.
7-10 hours is a fine lenght for a game to me. I've payed full price for titles like Shinobi and Dynasty Warriors II and find the play time to be perfect. I find myself wanting to replay them again on harder diffculty levels and then again to do custom challenges.
[quote name='javeryh']All games should be $20 MSRP and between 5 and 10 hours in length (with no backtracking). I'd rather play five great 10 hour games than one great 50 hour game regardless of price. There's just too many great games I'm missing because they take too damn long to play.[/QUOTE]

I don't know about that. If they were all pick up an play games that would be nice. That way I could get multiple 30-60 minute sessions out of it. But on the rare occasions that I do get to sit down and play a game for 2+ hours, I don't want to be done in two or three sittings. Thus, I'd vary it a bit and say, pick up and play games = 5-10 hours. Others = 10-15.
This is a tough question because I think it can really vary game to game. I think the two games I finished the quickest in this generation of consoles were Ico and Rygar. For some reason I was satisfied with Ico's length, but Rygar left me feeling a bit short-changed. I'm just about finished with God of War right now, and while it's taken me just a bit longer than those games, I'm completely satisfied with the pacing and length.

I've given up on games that pad out their length with too much backtracking, but then again it took me 5 months to finish San Andreas (mostly due to long stretches of very little free time), and I never really got bored with it. I was more than ready for something different by the end, but the game was still fun to me. I don't really play RPGs very often, so that long with one game is very unusual for me.

Even though most games I buy are $20 or less, I still like to feel I'm getting value for my dollar in the form of hours of enjoyment. I guess I'd have to vote "short games", with the idea that 10-20 hours is fine as long as they're 10-20 hours of fun.
If you're going pay $50 for a new game (or even $20 for that matter), why would you prefer a shorter 8-10 gaming experience over a longer 15-20 hour experience for the same money. It's simple economics; the longer game gives you more value for your money.
[quote name='MaxBiaggi2']If you're going pay $50 for a new game (or even $20 for that matter), why would you prefer a shorter 8-10 gaming experience over a longer 15-20 hour experience for the same money. It's simple economics; the longer game gives you more value for your money.[/QUOTE]

You can't put a price on fun. If it's a 20 hour game that's 2 hours too long then I want no part of it but if it's a 10 hour game that's 2 hours too short then it's time well spent. Plus, I'm more likely to buy the sequel. Also, all things equal in the fun department, I'd rather pay twice as much for two separate short games than for one game twice as long. Variety is the spice of life.
I tend to go towards shorter or medium length games, especially since school's getting more hectic. Lately I've just been playing sports games as it doesn't require more than 30 minutes at a time.

[quote name='MaxBiaggi2']If you're going pay $50 for a new game (or even $20 for that matter), why would you prefer a shorter 8-10 gaming experience over a longer 15-20 hour experience for the same money. It's simple economics; the longer game gives you more value for your money.[/QUOTE]

That is if you pay retail. :D
In my youth, I would've said longer games are better, becuase I'd actually sit and play through one game at a time. Now, in college, I don't have that luxury. My Xbox probably hasn't been played more than two hours this entire week, and it's the only system I have here... :whistle2:# :cry:

I was actually lying awake last night thinking about doing the scariest thing ever:

...selling off my collection.

I'm still thinking about it. Not giving up on games, but just clearing out all of my games. (500+)
Generally, I prefer something shorter. I want to play it and actually have the opportunity to finish it. Of all the Final Fantasies in existence, the last one I have finished was 6, simply because my attention span just doesn't reach that far into a game anymore.

There are exceptions (NFL 2K5, and most fighting games) but often times I simply play any game for as long as I feel like and am content to have gotten out of it what I did.
Most of my favorite RPGs are 25-30 hours long. Perhaps 35-40 hours with sidequests. I would actually prefer shorter games (8-10) w/ replay value.

When I see that an RPG has a 100 hours of play, I usually delay starting it as I fear I have no time to complete it.
I enjoy playing short games because I don't have the time nowadays to dedicate to longer games. Any game that I can play through from 10-20 hours I can deal with. Anything that takes longer I just don't have time for.
In general I prefer shorter games. That is why I like games with online mulitplayer components like Halo 2 or Elite Force. The single player game is short but the mulitplayer can be as short or long as you want it to be.

I still buy RPG's but I really don't have much time for a 40+ hour RPG everyday. I buy them more for collecting purposes now.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']As a CAG, I tell myself I love long games because I think I am getting more for my money. Most of the time I don't finish 60 hour RPGs so I guess I really do like the shorter games better. They are much easier to swallow if I only pay $10 or so for it though. If I went out and bought every $50 game I wanted I think I would be dissapointed if the game was 5-7 hours.[/QUOTE]

I agree totally. I have too many games after a while i stop and move to another game and never finish it. I'm near the end of final fantasy 7 and shadow hearts but have yet to finish them.
[quote name='Rig']In my youth, I would've said longer games are better, becuase I'd actually sit and play through one game at a time. Now, in college, I don't have that luxury. My Xbox probably hasn't been played more than two hours this entire week, and it's the only system I have here... :whistle2:# :cry:

I was actually lying awake last night thinking about doing the scariest thing ever:

...selling off my collection.

I'm still thinking about it. Not giving up on games, but just clearing out all of my games. (500+)[/QUOTE]

Even Lunar?
Long games.

I'm into RPG's and career modes in sports games. So, yeah.

I don't even play games all that much... maybe 10 hours a week, but it's cool having a career that's going on for a long time. I still have a Madden 2000 career on my PC that's gone on for almost 6 years now. It's one of those stupid things that I'm proud of.
[quote name='Rig']:cry: I'm thinking about it... :cry:[/QUOTE]

It's a sad sad day indeed. :( I hear you though...if you have gotten all you can out of it, then it makes sense. Even if it is your favorite game.
Here in college, I've developed an affinity for games with no clear-cut ending. We've got all 3 consoles in our room, but all we play nowadays is doubles Top Spin. It just never, ever gets old. The competition gets ridiculously fierce (our screaming usually draws a crowd from the other side of the hall), and it's the kind of experience that you can replicate again and again, as you can't really "beat" the game.

I still love the single-player games, be they 10 or 100 hours, but I don't like to make people watch me play something like Skies of Arcadia, which isn't all that entertaining to watch, so I've got a huge pile of RPGs to play through.
I tend to enjoy the shorter games because they give me quicker satisfaction. I have so many RPG's that I've started, played a few hours, and never touched them again. I have one example that defies that, Jade Cocoon 2, which I've put 60+ hours into and still couldn't beat it. I like the feeling of beating a game and I can get that feeling more often in shorter games than not. 7-10 hours is just fine for me with my dwindling amount of free time, and the long RPG's give me hope that for beating it in the future. I think that's a coherent response.
I'm an RPG player so I prefer the longer ones. My ideal time is 30-45 hours in a game on a straight play through (without a guide) and not counting any side quests. The side quests should bring me back and give me some more time with the game. I'm happy if I've spent a total of 60-75 hours in a game and have done everything I've wanted to.

The only RPG I've spent over 100 hours on was Star Ocean: Till the End of Time and it didn't even feel that long....except when I was synthesizing items/weapons ;-)

The downside to loving long RPGs is that I've got a HUGE stack of RPGs to finish: Xenosaga (in the next-to-last area now), Xenosaga 2, Chrono Cross, Suikoden 1 & 4, Lunar: SSS, FF X-2, SMT: Nocturne, SMT: DDS, Dark Cloud 1 & 2, Grandia 2 & Xtreme, Legaia 2, Star Ocean: Second Story, Shadow Hearts, and Shadow Hearts: Covenant.

Geez, I didn't realize just how bad it was until now...I think I'm gonna go start playing these, I'll see you guys sometime in '06 :p
[quote name='hasaki_cb']

The downside to loving long RPGs is that I've got a HUGE stack of RPGs to finish: Xenosaga (in the next-to-last area now), Xenosaga 2, Chrono Cross, Suikoden 1 & 4, Lunar: SSS, FF X-2, SMT: Nocturne, SMT: DDS, Dark Cloud 1 & 2, Grandia 2 & Xtreme, Legaia 2, Star Ocean: Second Story, Shadow Hearts, and Shadow Hearts: Covenant.

Geez, I didn't realize just how bad it was until now...I think I'm gonna go start playing these, I'll see you guys sometime in '06 :p[/QUOTE]

I'm in the same boat as far as RPGs go. I have alot of the ones on your list plus Disgaea, La Pucelle, Phantom Brave, etc., etc.....I really need to start one of them soon!
[quote name='Rig']:cry: I'm thinking about it... :cry:[/QUOTE]


I never, ever thought I would hear you say that about Lunar. You do what you have to do though. Actually since you are a student it would at least help with paying back loans (if you went that route). At least the PS One versions aren't too hard to find if you want them again.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']:shock:

I never, ever thought I would hear you say that about Lunar. You do what you have to do though. Actually since you are a student it would at least help with paying back loans (if you went that route). At least the PS One versions aren't too hard to find if you want them again.[/QUOTE]

No loans. (yet) I still have enough money in the bank to (probably) pay for one more year of college. My parents try and help, but neither work (retired) and although they get Social Security, it's not a whole lot... But, I haven't completely made up my mind yet. I think I will start getting rid of my more rare titles and see what happens.
[quote name='punqsux']wow, when i posted this, i honestly thought i would be in the minority here...[/QUOTE]

I think most people just don't have time multiple games that clock in over 40 hours anymore, especially as they get older. When I was in high school beating Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 2, Final Fantasy III, and The Legend of Zelda: ALTTP seemed to breeze right on by. Now it is a chore to set aside that kind of time.
That may also be because RPG's suck now... but, I'm one of those crabby people who only love the classic ones. ;)
[quote name='Lina']That may also be because RPG's suck now... but, I'm one of those crabby people who only love the classic ones. ;)[/QUOTE]

I have yet to play a modern RPG that I enjoyed as much as Chrono Trigger and FF III. I am a sucker for old-school 2D graphics anyway though. It's not that I hate FF X, FFX-2, or the lot it's just the older ones mean more to me.
hmm.. i would have to say long if it is a really good game because once i finish it i dont usually play it again. On the other hand, i am not an RPG'er but i just like longer games
short games, i didnt even finish donkey kong jungle beat but it was fun for the first 12 kingdoms
games just dont hold my interest like they use to, prince of persia was great length IMO
beat ninja gaiden then got my file erased with the 100 scarabs and didnt wanna do it all over again

i guess i ike games that i can pick up and enjoy for a short while only
i love games but nothing seems good enough anymore, beat halo 2 just to beat it
started minish cap finished 3 dungeons and quit it
started mario party advance and left the gba in my car and still havent got it out

but will definitely beat the new zelda when and if it comes out this year
I think 15 hours is the sweet spot for me. Any longer than that and I tend to lose interest, especially with games that pad their actual game content with filler to stretch out the game a few hours. In RPGs, they call this "combat" or "leveling up" which bores me to death. Give me a solid 15 hours of story and that's all I need.
As a cheapass I want the most for my money so I want long - really long - games. I think $50 for a 5 hour game is a joke and a major ripoff. I don't care if I get bored or if I never finish it as long as I know I got enough game for my money. I can always go back and finish it so there is no downside.
It depends really...I always complain that REALLY good games are too short and ones that I give up on are too long. But 20 hours with a bunch of extras is perfect. Like Ninja Gaiden, RE4 and Devil May Cry-- they are about 20 hours each and have a bunch of extra stuff you can do.

I play RPGs in spurts.. like 20 hours over the course of a few weeks, put it down for a while, pick it up again, 20 more hours...
I don't mind either, because usually if a game is shorter, I can play through it a couple of times. But if it's long, then I feel like I'm getting my money's worth. The only thing that I don't like about longer games is the long periods of leveling up at the end of some RPGs before you're ready for the final battles.
[quote name='radjago']I think 15 hours is the sweet spot for me. Any longer than that and I tend to lose interest, especially with games that pad their actual game content with filler to stretch out the game a few hours. In RPGs, they call this "combat" or "leveling up" which bores me to death. Give me a solid 15 hours of story and that's all I need.[/QUOTE]

There's nothing wrong with combat or leveling up as long as the pacing is ok. I agree that getting to level 30 and fighting a boss only to find out I need to mindlessly level up to 60 is boring as hell. But if the leveling up doesn't feel like a chore then it's fine. It still feels like part of the game and not an unnecessary piece of filler.

I like long games as long as they don't have too much useless filler. I'm getting annoyed with shorter games that have great gameplay and could have been longer, but they seemingly just didn't care enough to go further. Star Wars: Republic Commando is a game that screams at me that it was intentionally kept short just to tease me for Episode III. It could have easily been lengthened and achieved the same goal.
bread's done