Does anyone still play Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO on Live?

Santorum X

19 (100%)
I am thinking about picking up CvS2 EO for $10 and wanted to know if people still play this on Live. I know it won't have players lining up to play such as Halo 2, but how is the community for CvS 2?
I haven't played it in a few months, but before SF:AC was released there were a few games going. Just don't expect to run into any middle class or new fighters, everything will be pretty top notch on Live. I think most of them actually went to (don't laugh) SVC Chaos when it came out on release. When I got that game there were also about 3 or 4 lobbies going and about 20+ games going on, and people were of mixed skill. Now with SF:AC out I think everyone went there.
I was playing EO a couple weeks ago, but like Monsta Mack said I bet most of those people moved to SF:AC. However they are very different styles of games, so I'm sure there are still a few who play EO.
I just picked this up myself and would like to try it.

I generally suck at fighting games so if you're looking for a noob to beat up on, keep an eye out for me.
I have it. I played it some when I first got it last year but stopped playing after getting my ass whooped by one guy. I got beat so bad I suspect he was cheated because I am damn good at Street Fighter and I am not kidding. I just can't believe it is possible for me to not even win a round against the guy for like 2 hours.
I still play it on occasion. Although I am decent in most other fighters, I think my CvS2 record is like 2 and 84. I still like the game though. It's just that I run into the top tier players almost always. I guess beatdowns can run off noobs. I haven't found any to beat on.... :twisted:
Thanks for the input guys. I have the full Japanese version from the XBox Exhibition, but I figured for $10 it's worth it to save and possibly, play some games online.
I have it and played it online before. If interested send me an friend request and if I see you online I'll pop it in and challenge you.

I am not a top tier player but I have won my share of matches.
I also have the new Anniversary Collection.

Unlike Guilty Gear in which I get whooped by anybody and everybody.
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