Does your wife/girlfriend earn more than you?

[quote name='mykevermin']Heh. So sez you.

By the time you'll have paid off her student loans, you'll be clamoring for Cabernet Sauvignon and Coltrane records. (meaning that you'll be old and feeble, and not effete upper-class types who are too good for games).[/quote]
Not necessarily. I've got a friend who has two kids and is finishing up his residency before moving into dermatology and he still regularly plays 360, Wii, and even WoW. How he finds the time, I couldn't tell ya.

And for the record, I love a good Cab and don't mind a little Coltrane and still love my games. Good taste and gaming are not mutually exclusive. ;)
My wife and I go back and forth. I make pretty good money, but she's a nurse and has the advantage of being able to work overtime when we are short on cash or want to splurge on things.

So years where we don't buy a lot, I make more. Years where we spend a lot, she works more and makes more to pay for it.
[quote name='Tybee']I'm managing editor for a trade magazine covering the solid waste and recycling industry.[/QUOTE]

Hmm, sounds kinda interesting.

I'm just a lowly newspaper reporter. :lol:
Yes my Fiance makes more mola then me, she has gotten some lucky breaks and sometimes I think it may have something to do with her :bouncy: :bouncy:

I think alot of these people are bullshiting on this forum saying that they make 35K +:roll:. Because trust me if you were actually making that much you wouldn't even be crawling on these forums!!!!!!!
[quote name='XxSmityxX']I think alot of these people are bullshiting on this forum saying that they make 35K +:roll:. Because trust me if you were actually making that much you wouldn't even be crawling on these forums!!!!!!![/quote]

I think your wrong, it seems to hold pretty true that the more money people have the cheaper they get.

You ever see how many Lexus SUV's are parked at goodwill lol
[quote name='XxSmityxX']I think alot of these people are bullshiting on this forum saying that they make 35K +:roll:. Because trust me if you were actually making that much you wouldn't even be crawling on these forums!!!!!!![/quote] You can't be serious?

Unless you were making 7 figures a year, anybody can benefit from a few bucks saved here or there.
[quote name='XxSmityxX']I think alot of these people are bullshiting on this forum saying that they make 35K +:roll:. Because trust me if you were actually making that much you wouldn't even be crawling on these forums!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

35k isn't a huge amount.. I guess it just depends on where you live, and if you're comparing that salary to the salary of a person who works in retail or something. I make about 30k, and while I'm pretty comfortable and don't necessarily have to worry, I definitely don't have money to just blow.
[quote name='XxSmityxX']I think alot of these people are bullshiting on this forum saying that they make 35K +:roll:. Because trust me if you were actually making that much you wouldn't even be crawling on these forums!!!!!!![/quote]

You would think wrong. Derrick1979 hit it on the head.

I make about $38,000/yr at my job (not including bonuses) and I have become disgusted at all the games I have bought, so I am selling them. I have been spending less and less because I want to save for more important things down the road. You can't do that paying full price for stuff.

Red Flare is right, the worth of 35k depends on where you live. The cost of living where I am is very reasonable, but if I were to go to say, Charlotte or DC, 35k doesn't stretch as far.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']You would think wrong. Derrick1979 hit it on the head.

I make about $38,000/yr at my job (not including bonuses) and I have become disgusted at all the games I have bought, so I am selling them. I have been spending less and less because I want to save for more important things down the road. You can't do that paying full price for stuff.

Red Flare is right, the worth of 35k depends on where you live. The cost of living where I am is very reasonable, but if I were to go to say, Charlotte or DC, 35k doesn't stretch as far.[/quote]

Sorry, still think you are BSing. This is a forum and basically word of mouth there is no proof of you making this much nor will you be able to prove it, Internet wise, nor will I ask you too because of the same reason. So I leave it at that and have a good day sir.:cool:
God damn I wish my girlfriend would make more than me.

Then maybe she would shut the fuck up about the stuff I buy.
[quote name='XxSmityxX']Sorry, still think you are BSing. This is a forum and basically word of mouth there is no proof of you making this much nor will you be able to prove it, Internet wise, nor will I ask you too because of the same reason. So I leave it at that and have a good day sir.:cool:[/quote]

Don't remember me even stating how much I made?????
[quote name='Derrick1979']Don't remember me even stating how much I made?????[/quote] He was replying to Guile.

and I find Smity's logic a bit inane. Sure, we probably couldn't prove our salary (or probably don't want to be assed to do so). But is it really so hard to believe some people here make more than $35k?

I make 47k, so you can add me to your people BSing tally, I guess.
[quote name='mrelusive']He was replying to Guile.

and I find Smity's logic a bit inane. Sure, we probably couldn't prove our salary (or probably don't want to be assed to do so). But is it really so hard to believe some people here make more than $35k?

I make 47k, so you can add me to your people BSing tally, I guess.[/quote]

Well at my chit job I make roughly 26k a year and with my old lady lol im not sure exactly what she rakes in we are sitting around or a little more than 57k a year but even then I can not or she can not spend like it is air..

Add in bills, rent, insurance,car payment's, kids lol, etc... who the hell doesnt want to save some money when it comes to getting something... If I would have known about this site from it's beginning I would have saved thousands on games,dvd's,etc...
Mrs. javeryh is a successful CPA (and well-paid, I might add) but she doesn't out-earn me because I'm the King of Boggle - there is none higher. I get 11 points off the word quagmire.
[quote name='XxSmityxX']Sorry, still think you are BSing. This is a forum and basically word of mouth there is no proof of you making this much nor will you be able to prove it, Internet wise, nor will I ask you too because of the same reason. So I leave it at that and have a good day sir.:cool:[/quote]


Welcome to CAG.
I live in the SF Bay Area. Between my girl and I we make $85k (90k this year because she got a bonus). We share a 400 sq ft studio and really can't afford much more. Granted, we have a very nice studio in a very desirable location, but if we wanted, say, a 1BR with 800 sq ft or so we could pretty much only afford it way out in the suburbs or in some really sketchy parts of Oakland and SF.

So after putting things in perspective, we make what many would consider to be a solid household income, but it really doesn't go very far at all in these parts. Things will be a bit better once her loans are paid off, but by then I'll be starting med school and will have my own loans.
[quote name='XxSmityxX']I think alot of these people are bullshiting on this forum saying that they make 35K +:roll:. Because trust me if you were actually making that much you wouldn't even be crawling on these forums!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

It's been covered but you are WAY wrong here. I make somewhat more than that (probably nowhere near javeryh but not a bad salary ;)). However I have a wife who stays home (thus I answered an emphatic HELL NO to the poll question) and now, 4 kids (holding my 2 week old as I type this). Toss in a hefty mortgage and a little bit of retirement saving (in the form of a 401K matched by my employer) and we pretty much have NO leftover money from month-to-month. It is only because of my CAG ways that I am able to enjoy as many games and systems as I have, as I've gotten all of it for pennies on the dollar (compared to full retail, anyway) thanks to exploiting trade-in deals and clearance sales posted here.
[quote name='io']It's been covered but you are WAY wrong here. I make somewhat more than that (probably nowhere near javeryh but not a bad salary ;)). However I have a wife who stays home (thus I answered an emphatic HELL NO to the poll question) and now, 4 kids (holding my 2 week old as I type this). Toss in a hefty mortgage and a little bit of retirement saving (in the form of a 401K matched by my employer) and we pretty much have NO leftover money from month-to-month. It is only because of my CAG ways that I am able to enjoy as many games and systems as I have, as I've gotten all of it for pennies on the dollar (compared to full retail, anyway) thanks to exploiting trade-in deals and clearance sales posted here.[/QUOTE]

good point..

only people with responsibilities care about Cheap prices. When I was a kid and parents were paying for games, I didn't care about sale prices. When 19.99 games were first introduced, they were the 'not-so-great games' so I didn't even want them. When its your own money supporting a household... you want more bang for your buck.
[quote name='io']It's been covered but you are WAY wrong here. I make somewhat more than that (probably nowhere near javeryh but not a bad salary ;)). However I have a wife who stays home (thus I answered an emphatic HELL NO to the poll question) and now, 4 kids (holding my 2 week old as I type this). Toss in a hefty mortgage and a little bit of retirement saving (in the form of a 401K matched by my employer) and we pretty much have NO leftover money from month-to-month. It is only because of my CAG ways that I am able to enjoy as many games and systems as I have, as I've gotten all of it for pennies on the dollar (compared to full retail, anyway) thanks to exploiting trade-in deals and clearance sales posted here.[/quote]

IMO, Smitty sounds like some kid with no concept of money. I might be wrong, but the fact he thinks 35K is large salary is ridiculous. If I was going to lie, I could a lot better than that.
[quote name='javeryh']He should do a google search on first year lawyer salaries in NYC... ;)[/quote]

then do a search on the cost of living in NYC...

At least the small hole in the wall apartments you pay 1200 a month for there come with complimentary rats and roaches...
[quote name='javeryh']He should do a google search on first year lawyer salaries in NYC... ;)[/quote]

My uncle's a 20-odd year lawyer and just relocated to NY. Dude pulls in $2.2 million last I checked. I don't know what the hell i'd do with that kinda cash. Oy!
Two people in a 400sqft? Jesus. The SMALLEST studio I've found in MN starts at 600sqft. I can't imagine living in a place like that. We just looked at a 1000sqft condo and thought it felt a bit small. Mortgage on that woulda been about 1000 a month. What's the rent on your studio?

[quote name='TahoeMax']I live in the SF Bay Area. Between my girl and I we make $85k (90k this year because she got a bonus). We share a 400 sq ft studio and really can't afford much more. Granted, we have a very nice studio in a very desirable location, but if we wanted, say, a 1BR with 800 sq ft or so we could pretty much only afford it way out in the suburbs or in some really sketchy parts of Oakland and SF.

So after putting things in perspective, we make what many would consider to be a solid household income, but it really doesn't go very far at all in these parts. Things will be a bit better once her loans are paid off, but by then I'll be starting med school and will have my own loans.[/quote]
She does now (for the first time in the relationship, although Im not horribly far behind her, plus I supported the household while she was in nursing school
We earn the same literally.

We're both in college, and have the same exact 2 part-time jobs. We've each been working one of the jobs a year longer than than the other, and we meet each other while we were both applying for the other job (randomly, not through either job). So basically:

Job A: I've worked 4 years, she's worked 3.
Job B: She's worked 4 years, I've worked 3.

Pretty odd, I know.
[quote name='lordwow']We earn the same literally.

We're both in college, and have the same exact 2 part-time jobs. We've each been working one of the jobs a year longer than than the other, and we meet each other while we were both applying for the other job (randomly, not through either job). So basically:

Job A: I've worked 4 years, she's worked 3.
Job B: She's worked 4 years, I've worked 3.

Pretty odd, I know.[/QUOTE]

Which job pays more? A or B?
[quote name='ananag112']Which job pays more? A or B?[/QUOTE]

Eh, it's tough to say, the compensations are pretty equal. One is hourly, and one is salary. It really depends on how much work you do. I think job A (salary) is better, as it gives me free housing, free food, but is an "on-call" job (so work varies dependant on needs, (the compensation is equivalent to about $15k/year)), but almost no "spending cash."

Job B is paid well hourly, I make about $15k/year (part-time). I could make more if I didn't work Job A, but a lot of that money would be going towards housing, etc.

They're pretty much even I'd say.
when she is working she makes just a tiny bit more than me. Maybe $4-5k through the year. However I have no debt and she's over $30k in the hole.
bread's done