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[quote name='lord_ebonstone']I love how dorks are so easily offended.

You're going to sue them, AdamOfWales? You do realize lawsuits require you to leave your house, don't you?[/quote]

Newsflash: you're posting to this site.
[quote name='snipegod']Let's go through this step-by-step so that your incorrect logic can stop impressing five year old children (zion).

1) He orders a game, NCAA Football 2005 with a 2 month Xbox Live trial card.
2) They ship him NCAA 2005 without the 2 month Xbox Live trial card.
3) He calls GameStop, who incorrectly tells him that it's not their problem. He then calls Microsoft, who informs him that their are two UPC codes for NCAA Football 2005, one for the game with the card and one for the game without the card.
4) They then ship him an opened copy of the wrong game again.

Now, if the numbers confused you: They sent him the wrong game (the wrong UPC), because his game (UPC) was supposed to come with a 2 month Xbox Live trial card. Without the card is a different game.

Speaking of games: Game Over. Your faulty logic lost.[/quote]

No, I understand it quite well. Do you realize the kind of volume Gamestop goes through? Do you think they take the time to sit down and check every single copy of a game to make sure its the one with the Xbox Live trial in it? He ordered NCAA 2005. They shipped him NCAA 2005. They did no wrong here. Do you think he ordered the game simply due to the fact that it had an Xbox Live trial card inside? Obviously the kid wanted to play the game, and they sent him the game. They just didn't send him the FREE EXTRA as well.

Microsoft, if anyone, is the guiltiest party here. Why would they include the certificate with only select copies of NCAA 2005? The trials are good through March of 2005 as far as I know. It doesn't make sense why some of the NCAAs would have them and some wouldn't. It sure isn't Gamestop's fault for not knowing they didn't have a trial card inside the one they shipped him.

Gamestop wasn't going to ship him a new game, so they shipped him a used one. Most used games don't have Xbox Live trial cards. Makes sense to me. The communication was probably messed up between the customer and Gamestop because I seriously doubt Gamestop has ever had anyone call and complain over something as trivial as an Xbox Live card.

Mistakes happen, companies fuck up, but to make such a big deal out of it is lame and childish. It's like a kid stomping his feet over not getting as many sprinkles on his ice cream as the kid next to him.
Why is this an issue? It's pretty damn easy to get a 2 month trial for free. I wwent on the xbox board, asked nicely, and got one for free with a couple hours. There are nice people on this site. Before you go nuts just asked.

BTW - What you discribed isn't possibly a felony, and frankly is no BFD. Calm down.
[quote name='adamofwales'][quote name='lord_ebonstone']I love how dorks are so easily offended.

You're going to sue them, AdamOfWales? You do realize lawsuits require you to leave your house, don't you?[/quote]

Newsflash: you're posting to this site.[/quote]

You beat me to it.

Not only do you play video games, but you post on an internet site about video games. Hello, Kettle? This is Pot calling.
Frankly, if you want to get screwed over by be my guest, I really could care less.

In fact, with the behavior of some of you on this board, you ought to get screwed over a few times.

I'm just letting the majority of decent people on this board know what's up. We're living in a George W. Bush world, one that's full of deciet, deception, corporate greed, and virtually no accountability. We have to look out for ourselves even more than ever now.

Hopefully, on Nov. 2 things will change, and we'll be on the right track again.
Didn't someone actually file suit against EB for selling opened games as new? I thought I saw that a while back on their site last winter.

Why is everyone giving the guy a hard time? He bought the game from Gamestop thinking he would get the XBox live, so I think he has a right to complain to them when he doesn't get it TWICE.

The part where pain and suffering is mentioned was funny though - I don't think that'll hold in any court not even on tv court shows.
[quote name='mmn'][quote name='snipegod']Let's go through this step-by-step so that your incorrect logic can stop impressing five year old children (zion).

1) He orders a game, NCAA Football 2005 with a 2 month Xbox Live trial card.
2) They ship him NCAA 2005 without the 2 month Xbox Live trial card.
3) He calls GameStop, who incorrectly tells him that it's not their problem. He then calls Microsoft, who informs him that their are two UPC codes for NCAA Football 2005, one for the game with the card and one for the game without the card.
4) They then ship him an opened copy of the wrong game again.

Now, if the numbers confused you: They sent him the wrong game (the wrong UPC), because his game (UPC) was supposed to come with a 2 month Xbox Live trial card. Without the card is a different game.

Speaking of games: Game Over. Your faulty logic lost.[/quote]

No, I understand it quite well. Do you realize the kind of volume Gamestop goes through? Do you think they take the time to sit down and check every single copy of a game to make sure its the one with the Xbox Live trial in it? He ordered NCAA 2005. They shipped him NCAA 2005. They did no wrong here. Do you think he ordered the game simply due to the fact that it had an Xbox Live trial card inside? Obviously the kid wanted to play the game, and they sent him the game. They just didn't send him the FREE EXTRA as well.

Microsoft, if anyone, is the guiltiest party here. Why would they include the certificate with only select copies of NCAA 2005? The trials are good through March of 2005 as far as I know. It doesn't make sense why some of the NCAAs would have them and some wouldn't. It sure isn't Gamestop's fault for not knowing they didn't have a trial card inside the one they shipped him.

Gamestop wasn't going to ship him a new game, so they shipped him a used one. Most used games don't have Xbox Live trial cards. Makes sense to me. The communication was probably messed up between the customer and Gamestop because I seriously doubt Gamestop has ever had anyone call and complain over something as trivial as an Xbox Live card.

Mistakes happen, companies shaq-fu up, but to make such a big deal out of it is lame and childish. It's like a kid stomping his feet over not getting as many sprinkles on his ice cream as the kid next to him.[/quote]

not worth commenting on.
[quote name='adamofwales']Frankly, if you want to get screwed over by be my guest, I really could care less.

In fact, with the behavior of some of you on this board, you ought to get screwed over a few times.

I'm just letting the majority of decent people on this board know what's up. We're living in a George W. Bush world, one that's full of deciet, deception, corporate greed, and virtually no accountability. We have to look out for ourselves even more than ever now.

Hopefully, on Nov. 2 things will change, and we'll be on the right track again.[/quote]

ahh now he's just asking to get flamed :twisted:

(and yes I hate bush to)
I like how one whiney post spawns many whiney counter-posts.

1. Yes, your ordeal is irritating, and in the end, it was poor customer service. You are right to be frustrated.

2. Receiving a used game, no matter what the condition, when it is listed as 'new' just plain sucks. What if you were buying it as a gift? What if it was wrong but you can't return 'opened' software. I hope Amazon and other companies don't follow GameStop's trendsetting definition as to what is considered 'New'.
Letter was going fine until that last paragraph of bullshit.

"The least you could do is send me out some type of gift certificate for all of the pain and suffering which you’ve made me have to endure."

Way to make yourself look like another run of the mill jackass that wants a free handout just for complaining. They get stuff like this all the time. Revealing your motivation up front only hurts, it never helps.

"In legal speak, that equates to exemplary damages. (i.e. $$$$$$$$$$$$) "

In legal speak, you are a moron that is grossly misusing terms I have to assume you've overheard other people talking about.

"I’m sure that you don’t want to find yourself in a Texas courtroom trying to explain the mail fraud charges that you could easily be facing, which isn't a threat, it's just the plain truth. "

Jesus, where to start...
1) Who is this "you" that is supposed to be scared? certainly not the CSR who is reading this. Certainly not the supervisor who this gets forwarded to. There is no one that would ever care about this. You can't intimidate corporations. When you have money and lawyers, specific nonsense like this is laughable, because no one who will ever read this will DIRECTLY BE IMPACTED by any legal action you may take. The fact that no one could ever go to jail because of this doesn't help matters much.
2) Do you know how many empty threats they get like this a day? Do you know how many are actually followed through on? Letters like this are a dime a dozen.
3) Your costa and time actually getting this to cour would be 100-1000x the value of that game. It would be a total joke if it did see the light of day in court, and even if you won you would probably get oh, the $50 the game was worth. There is no pain and suffering for you not being able NCAA 2K5. Cry me a river, but remember to build a bridge so you can get the fuck over it.

"defrauding a client by means of interstate mail carriers (i.e. when the defrauding crosses state lines) is classified as a felony, and is handled in federal courts, not state courts. It's actually a really big deal."

Interesting but irrelevant. Gamestop isn't defrauding you. You got sent the wrong item. End of story. They aren't refusing to give you a refund or disappearing with your money. They aren't intentionally misleading thousands of people with deceptive business practices. They aren't intentionally using the mail system to swindle someone. YOU GOT SENT THE WRONG ITEM, and they have yet to remedy the situation. That's the bottom line no matter how you spin it.

"You need to relax first off, and second off go to law school before you start talking about stuff that you don't know anything about. It just makes you look really really really ignorant."

POT. KETTLE. BLACK. I really hope you aren't in law school, because the only thing you have to look forward to is dropping out or being the part of the class that makes the top 95% of the class possible. Perhaps you should look into a career with sanitation or sewage treatment, because you obviously know shit.

The next time you want to bluff legal action and make it believable, I'll give you some pointers.

Dave Olson
you got to admit there are some people working the phones at gamestop who have no clue what they are doing. I ordered the zelda collectors ed game when it was buy 1 get 1 the woman on the other line had no clue what the game was., I had to talk to 3 people before they knew that it was the 4 in 1 zelda game disc but they exchanged it very fast for a working one.

Personlly i like Ebgames better for instore returns (though the dudes there are getting sick of me)
[quote name='punqsux']ok he's been OLSON'D can we get a lockjob?[/quote]

I'm considering it (and have been), but he's making such a whiney ass of himself, I may let it grow.
[quote name='slidecage']you got to admit there are some people working the phones at gamestop who have no clue what they are doing.[/quote]

Well, gamestop isn't hiring people for their expertise; like anybody else, they are hiring based on who will work the cheapest. I can't think of any customer service rep who had any semblance of common sense.

Even my local (Cincinnati) phone company has CSRs out of two places: Texas and Nova Scotia.

MMN, what don't you understand here?

THEY SHIPPED HIM THE WRONG ORDER ... TWICE. He did not order NCAA 2005 without the Xbox Live trial; he ordered NCAA 2005 with the Xbox live trial.

They then proceeded to ship him a game without the trial, therefore not what he ordered, and then the second time around they sent him a used game (while still charging him the price of a new game) and it still didn't have the Xbox Live trial card.

Because they process many orders doesn't excuse the fact that they sold him the wrong game. "Hey, my new Honda Accord was shipped to me with a Tape Deck instead of a 5 disk CD changer. Oh well. Honda processes a lot of vehicles, so I won't ask for my CD changer that I payed for."
[quote name='MightySlacker']

Interesting but irrelevant. Gamestop isn't defrauding you. You got sent the wrong item. End of story. They aren't refusing to give you a refund or disappearing with your money. They aren't intentionally misleading thousands of people with deceptive business practices. They aren't intentionally using the mail system to swindle someone. YOU GOT SENT THE WRONG ITEM, and they have yet to remedy the situation. That's the bottom line no matter how you spin it.[/quote]

Actually, I already called them regarding this, and they put me into some random voicemail, so I left a message. They haven't responded as was requested in the voicemail, so by their lack of response, YES THEY ARE ACTUALLY DEFRAUDING ME.

POT. KETTLE. BLACK. I really hope you aren't in law school, because the only thing you have to look forward to is dropping out or being the part of the class that makes the top 95% of the class possible. Perhaps you should look into a career with sanitation or sewage treatment, because you obviously know shit.

Dave Olson

This simply proves that you are a fucking idiot. Nothing more, nothing less.
[quote name='adamofwales'][quote name='MightySlacker']

Interesting but irrelevant. Gamestop isn't defrauding you. You got sent the wrong item. End of story. They aren't refusing to give you a refund or disappearing with your money. They aren't intentionally misleading thousands of people with deceptive business practices. They aren't intentionally using the mail system to swindle someone. YOU GOT SENT THE WRONG ITEM, and they have yet to remedy the situation. That's the bottom line no matter how you spin it.[/quote]

Actually, I already called them regarding this, and they put me into some random voicemail, so I left a message. They haven't responded as was requested in the voicemail, so by their lack of response, YES THEY ARE ACTUALLY DEFRAUDING ME.

POT. KETTLE. BLACK. I really hope you aren't in law school, because the only thing you have to look forward to is dropping out or being the part of the class that makes the top 95% of the class possible. Perhaps you should look into a career with sanitation or sewage treatment, because you obviously know shit.

Dave Olson

This simply proves that you are a shaq-fuing idiot. Nothing more, nothing less.[/quote]

Actually he's Dave Olson the sloothe of CAG and you left a voicemail and expect them to get back to you? :lol:
one nice thing about gamestop their game boxes dont come covered in sticky glue type stuff on them (at least i hope its glule ) :lol:
[quote name='zionoverfire']
Actually he's Dave Olson the sloothe of CAG and you left a voicemail and expect them to get back to you? :lol:[/quote]

I don't care who he is, he's just another dick you run into from time to time.
[quote name='adamofwales'][quote name='zionoverfire']
Actually he's Dave Olson the sloothe of CAG and you left a voicemail and expect them to get back to you? :lol:[/quote]

I don't care who he is, he's just another dick you run into from time to time.[/quote]

man if there was ever a reason to ban all noobs from posting this would be it. :roll:
[quote name='adamofwales']
Actually, I already called them regarding this, and they put me into some random voicemail, so I left a message. They haven't responded as was requested in the voicemail, so by their lack of response, YES THEY ARE ACTUALLY DEFRAUDING ME.
Oh what, did you give them an ultimatium? No, just because they didn't call you doesn't mean they are defrauding you. As a consumer you have a right to pursue a remedy, but there's no timeframe on this shit. Until they tell you "No, you get nothing, cease contact with us" you aren't getting defrauded. Don't respond until you understanf the words and concepts you are using.

This simply proves that you are a shaq-fuing idiot. Nothing more, nothing less.

Actually your non-responsiveness speaks for itself. You are out of your league. Go play with someone lower down the chain. Actually don't, I'm sure everyone is burnt out on this already, so it and you have ceased being any kind of useful.

Dave Olson
[quote name='adamofwales'][quote name='zionoverfire']
Actually he's Dave Olson the sloothe of CAG and you left a voicemail and expect them to get back to you? :lol:[/quote]

I don't care who he is, he's just another dick you run into from time to time.[/quote]

Sounds like you run into a lot of dick. Backward. And repeatedly.

And as we watch the topic grow, false statements of legal action that can't be substantiated, and we watch people's number of posts grow in the process for getting pissed...
Just do what I do. Get smelly old 75 cent Atari 2600 games at the flea market. You know what you're getting, and no more fumbling with those ethernet cables in the back of your console :)
Actually, on the site, it says with bonus item.. so I think they might have been talking about an extra two months or something.

Anyways, quit bitching. Go to any random local EB or Blockbuster, take out the trial, ask an employee if you can have it, and leave. That simple. If they say no, put it back.. or buy a new game, or something. Who cares.. I have seven of these stupid two month trials.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky'][quote name='adamofwales'][quote name='zionoverfire']
Actually he's Dave Olson the sloothe of CAG and you left a voicemail and expect them to get back to you? :lol:[/quote]

I don't care who he is, he's just another dick you run into from time to time.[/quote]

Sounds like you run into a lot of dick. Backward. And repeatedly.


Dood, fucking brilliant. a god are you.
[quote name='MightySlacker'][quote name='adamofwales']
Actually, I already called them regarding this, and they put me into some random voicemail, so I left a message. They haven't responded as was requested in the voicemail, so by their lack of response, YES THEY ARE ACTUALLY DEFRAUDING ME.
Oh what, did you give them an ultimatium? No, just because they didn't call you doesn't mean they are defrauding you. As a consumer you have a right to pursue a remedy, but there's no timeframe on this shit. Until they tell you "No, you get nothing, cease contact with us" you aren't getting defrauded. Don't respond until you understanf the words and concepts you are using.

This simply proves that you are a shaq-fuing idiot. Nothing more, nothing less.

Actually your non-responsiveness speaks for itself. You are out of your league. Go play with someone lower down the chain. Actually don't, I'm sure everyone is burnt out on this already, so it and you have ceased being any kind of useful.

Dave Olson[/quote]

My league??? Dude, just cause you love to hang out on gaming boards doesn't put you in my league.

And yeah, they can continue to not respond, and I can continue to contemplate serving them. Once they get served, they have to respond.
Not trying to flame you or anything, but I highly doubt you'll find a court to hear your case. I don't even think you can take someone to small claims court for something that's free. Anyways, good luck trying to get your 2 months free (if that's what your still after).
Look, I'm not going to waste any more time on it, hell I've already had to put up with some of the most ignorance I've ever seen in this thread, so why waste any more effort on it.

It was only a 2 month live certificate, and considering my live subscription expires sometime in late 2005, it's not really affecting me.

I'm just surprised that there's so much hatred toward other members on this website. I mean hell, you're already getting good deals on your gaming habit, what else do you need?
[quote name='adamofwales']Look, I'm not going to waste any more time on it, hell I've already had to put up with some of the most ignorance I've ever seen in this thread, so why waste any more effort on it.

It was only a 2 month live certificate, and considering my live subscription expires sometime in late 2005, it's not really affecting me.

I'm just surprised that there's so much hatred toward other members on this website. I mean hell, you're already getting good deals on your gaming habit, what else do you need?[/quote]

why in the fuck were you so pissed off over something that you cannot even use?

Flame on everyone. This kid fuckin deserves it
[quote name='adamofwales']Look, I'm not going to waste any more time on it, hell I've already had to put up with some of the most ignorance I've ever seen in this thread, so why waste any more effort on it.

It was only a 2 month live certificate, and considering my live subscription expires sometime in late 2005, it's not really affecting me.

I'm just surprised that there's so much hatred toward other members on this website. I mean hell, you're already getting good deals on your gaming habit, what else do you need?[/quote]

So after all this bitching and whining, you just stop? Like that? You attention grabbing bitch.
[quote name='adamofwales']Look, I'm not going to waste any more time on it, hell I've already had to put up with some of the most ignorance I've ever seen in this thread, so why waste any more effort on it.

It was only a 2 month live certificate, and considering my live subscription expires sometime in late 2005, it's not really affecting me.

I'm just surprised that there's so much hatred toward other members on this website. I mean hell, you're already getting good deals on your gaming habit, what else do you need?[/quote]

You to leave this site and never return :twisted:
Dude, just PM me your address and I will send you 5 of these fucking 2 month cards. BTW, I wasnt clear (or maybe I just started ignoring what you posted) but was your first copy sealed? If so, then MS screwed up and forgot to put the card in the box. I have seen it happen a lot. Hell, I have seen brand new games come from the factory that, when I gut them, have had no instructions in them. Shit happens.
[quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='adamofwales']Look, I'm not going to waste any more time on it, hell I've already had to put up with some of the most ignorance I've ever seen in this thread, so why waste any more effort on it.

It was only a 2 month live certificate, and considering my live subscription expires sometime in late 2005, it's not really affecting me.

I'm just surprised that there's so much hatred toward other members on this website. I mean hell, you're already getting good deals on your gaming habit, what else do you need?[/quote]

why in the shaq-fu were you so pissed off over something that you cannot even use?

Flame on everyone. This kid shaq-fuin deserves it[/quote]

WTF... ? I take back my last post. He doesnt deserve crap.
[quote name='FREAKMIKE3']Dude, just PM me your address and I will send you 5 of these shaq-fuing 2 month cards. BTW, I wasnt clear (or maybe I just started ignoring what you posted) but was your first copy sealed? If so, then MS screwed up and forgot to put the card in the box. I have seen it happen a lot. Hell, I have seen brand new games come from the factory that, when I gut them, have had no instructions in them. Shit happens.[/quote]

Yeah, the first copy was sealed, but when I called microsoft, they said that there are different SKUs, and after I gave them mine, they could tell that it wasn't a "promo" copy, which includes the 2 month certificate. They then referred me back to gamestop.

If you want to give me a 2 month live card, that's cool, just pm the card into my CAG mailbox and I'll take a look at it.

Look, I almost didn't even call about it in the first place. It had been a month, and I just didn't really want to deal with a return, but then I thought, shit, I did buy this game under the pretence that it did include a bonus 2 month live trial, and then I was on xbox live talking to this guy in Ohio, and he said that he had like 10 of those things, so I was like, "damn, I want mine, screw it, I'll check into it."

Now, I have an older used game than my original and I was out of the game for about a week, and I love that game.

I guess I just got really miffed that you know, they post this great deal of $39.99 for the game, $10 less than almost everywhere else, and advertise "free 2 month xbox live" on the site, and then they scam me and others.

I guess their thought is that since you got it for $10 off, you probably aren't going to complain, and if you do, we'll really shut you up by sending you some used, seal broken copy.
[quote name='adamofwales']And yeah, they can continue to not respond, and I can continue to contemplate serving them. Once they get served, they have to respond.[/quote]

[quote name='WhipSmartBanky'][quote name='adamofwales']And yeah, they can continue to not respond, and I can continue to contemplate serving them. Once they get served, they have to respond.[/quote]


more you got served pictures please

cheapy stopped using them for his server updates
Well lets see if you've learned your lession today: Instead of posting about how gamestop screwed you, simply post nicely in the requesting a cheapass deals forum and you would have recieved several xbox live cards.
[quote name='zionoverfire']Well lets see if you've learned your lession today: Instead of posting about how gamestop screwed you, simply post nicely in the requesting a cheapass deals forum and you would have recieved several xbox live cards.[/quote]

Ha! I doubt that.

Anyways, I'm audi.
[quote name='adamofwales'][quote name='zionoverfire']Well lets see if you've learned your lession today: Instead of posting about how gamestop screwed you, simply post nicely in the requesting a cheapass deals forum and you would have recieved several xbox live cards.[/quote]

Ha! I doubt that.

Anyways, I'm audi.[/quote]

Doubt? someone already offered you several until he'd learned what a big duche you've been. Oh well don't let the door hit you on your way out. :p
[quote name='adamofwales']The least you could do is send me out some type of gift certificate for all of the pain and suffering which you’ve made me have to endure.[/quote] :rofl: We haven't had a new idiot like you in awhile so it's good of you to post this. I'm sorry about your suffering, but you can drop it, man. What kind of bullshit is that?
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky'][quote name='adamofwales']And yeah, they can continue to not respond, and I can continue to contemplate serving them. Once they get served, they have to respond.[/quote]


that made me spit my chocolate milk out of my nose.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky'][quote name='adamofwales']And yeah, they can continue to not respond, and I can continue to contemplate serving them. Once they get served, they have to respond.[/quote]


fucking weak! I just saved that to print and hang in my store. You just moved up two spots on my hero list. :rofl:
[quote name='sj41'][quote name='adamofwales']The least you could do is send me out some type of gift certificate for all of the pain and suffering which you’ve made me have to endure.[/quote] :rofl: We haven't had a new idiot like you in awhile so it's good of you to post this. I'm sorry about your suffering, but you can drop it, man. What kind of bullshit is that?[/quote]

Uhm, the truth bro, you should check it out sometime. It can be liberating.

So...can I have some trial cards? When do they expire? I just got me Xbox, and need to pick up some games for it so I won't be able to afford a year of live on my college salary.
[quote name='FREAKMIKE3']
Reality's Fringe]So...can I have some trial cards? When do they expire? I just got me Xbox said:
PM sent. Even though you are a GS hating bastard also. :D

Yes, but his thread on it was hilarious and it wasn't us laughing at him :D
What the hell? Why is everyone saying that this guy doesn't deserve to receive what he ordered? Maybe he does or does not deserve compensation for this inconvenience, but I would also be feeling pretty frustrated if this happened to me too. Regardless of whether or not you think it was stupid for him to try to tell Gamestop he wanted to take legal action, how does that change the original situation he was talking about? Whether or not he's actually going to use the trial offer doesn't matter. What does matter is that he ordered a product that was being advertised as one thing, yet received a different product. Even if the game itself is the same, if the two products have different skus, then he has indeed received something different than what he ordered. Let's say that I wanted to buy the non greatest hits package of socom 2, and I ordered it off a site that had it listed as the non greatest hits version and had the sku listing of the non greatest hits version. A few days later, I receive the greatest hits version. Although both releases of the game will play the exact same way, for some reason I just wanted to have one that was not greatest hits. I am sure that some people here like ordering games like that that only have a minor difference between another product, and I don't think that these people should have to explain why they want to have a slightly different product from what they ordered. The bottom line is they ordered a product, and received a different one.

I think it's understandable as someone said that a company shipping this much volume will make a mistake every once in a while. However, responsable companies will work with the customer to try to get the situation resolved. I think he has a good reason to be disappointed in the service he received; he called the company and they told him it was not their problem. Then he had to jump through hoops by calling around only to end up back with them, and only then did they agree to do something about it. What is with everyone defending the company's conduct? When did people start having this belief that the company is doing you a favor by allowing you to buy something from them, and that if they screw up it's just a part of the system? I think if anyone here ordered one product and received another, they would want to get what they ordered. Having established that the two products in this case were different, however slight the difference may be, Gamestop should have sent him what he ordered.

adamofwales, your major mistake was to post this here and keep responding to it. It's obvious that some people on these forums have more influence than others, and it's unfortunate that some of these people decided that you were wrong. After that happens, you end up having everyone else jumping on the bandwagon to denounce you. The whole attitude of the community is a fairly belligerent one; casual forum members and n00bs deserve flaming while the "leaders" of the community get outright adulation. Don't get me wrong, I think that many of these people deserve respect and gratitude for how hard they work to pass along deals to the community, but it's ridiculous how many young members of the community take the judgements of others and become increasingly harsher and harsher in their criticism of the target. It is because of this overall attitude that I would be extremely hesitant to share any information on these forums if I were to receive word of a great deal; my post would be under intense scrutiny by members of the community who seem like they would rather find ways to flame than learn of a good deal from a well-intentioned but not well-established member. Honestly adamofwales, if you expected sympathy from other consumers for your situation, you should have posted on a site with an older community, like Fatwallet; most older consumers have a more well defined opinion on what they ought to get from a company. Let's face it, for many of the younger members here, games are the only thing that they buy regularly. They may be very inconsistent consumers, sometimes demanding that a company follow a policy that they do not have clearly laid out (such as some people saying that they should be able to use the target raincheck in any way they wish), and other times saying that someone is stupid because they wanted to receive the product that they ordered when they received a distinctly different product, as is the case here.

Bottom line adamofwales: stop posting about this because no one seems to be buying your side of the argument. I also don't think you should have escalated the situation by becoming even more aggressive about the situation; what do you have to prove to anyone? If you want sympathy for what happened originally, you have it from at least me. That being said, I am pretty much expecting flames from anyone who actually read through this.
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