draft survey


1 (100%)
Im suppose to do this survey for a class, and need around 20 people. so i thought this would be the best way to do it :)

All you have to do is say yes or no to a question. thanks

1. Should the draft apply to both men and women?
2. Should the draft be reinstated?
3. If the draft was present would you volunteer on your own?
4. Should all US residents be elligible - citizen and non-citizen?
5. If drafted for a war you didnt support, would you "y" fight or "n" flee?

kthnx :eek:
1. Should the draft apply to both men and women?

2. Should the draft be reinstated?

3. If the draft was present would you volunteer on your own?

4. Should all US residents be eligible - citizen and non-citizen?

5. If drafted for a war you didnt support, would you "y" fight or "n" flee?
[quote name='epobirs']Where is the entry for "There isn't going to be a draft, you scare-mongering idiots!"[/quote]

Well good luck dealing with Iraq for the next 4 years without one.
1. yes
2. no
3. no
4. no
5. thats not a yes or no answer, i wouldnt fight, but i cant say what exactly i would do.
1. Should the draft apply to both men and women? yes
2. Should the draft be reinstated? no
3. If the draft was present would you volunteer on your own? no
4. Should all US residents be elligible - citizen and non-citizen? yes
5. If drafted for a war you didnt support, would you "y" fight or "n" flee? no
[quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='epobirs']Where is the entry for "There isn't going to be a draft, you scare-mongering idiots!"[/quote]

Well good luck dealing with Iraq for the next 4 years without one.[/quote]

Bullshit. You're an ill-informed dolt if you believe that. The modern military is not in the cannon fodder business anymore. None of our advantages can be applied with a conscripted force. I know a fair number of serving military personnel, including several whose careers extend back to when there was last a draft in effect, and not a one has any interest in dealing with conscripts.

Despite all the whining from certain sectors the issues in Iraq are not about numbers but rather the willingness to apply force as needed. No additional feet on the ground make the slightest difference if they aren't put to use. Pacification comes from the demonstrated capability to enforce one's will, not from shipping in a crowd to do nothing. This is the lesson of Fallujah.
[quote name='dynamite99']Im suppose to do this survey for a class, and need around 20 people. so i thought this would be the best way to do it :)

All you have to do is say yes or no to a question. thanks

1. Should the draft apply to both men and women?


2. Should the draft be reinstated?

No, quit policing the world.

3. If the draft was present would you volunteer on your own?

Depends on the circumstance - yes if it's more likely that a serious draft is being held, no if unlikely.

4. Should all US residents be elligible - citizen and non-citizen?


5. If drafted for a war you didnt support, would you "y" fight or "n" flee?

Won't fight for something I don't believe in.
1. Should the draft apply to both men and women?

2. Should the draft be reinstated?

3. If the draft was present would you volunteer on your own?

4. Should all US residents be elligible - citizen and non-citizen?

5. If drafted for a war you didnt support, would you "y" fight or "n" flee?
1. Yes (we get them in the draft and we get to leave sinking ships with them, then they get equal pay)
2. No
3. Depends on circumstances (age, education status, incentives)
4. Yes
5. I would fight. My country has given me too much not to fight...
1. Should the draft apply to both men and women? No
2. Should the draft be reinstated? Yes
3. If the draft was present would you volunteer on your own? Nope
4. Should all US residents be elligible - citizen and non-citizen? Yes
5. If drafted for a war you didnt support, would you "y" fight or "n" flee? Y

There is just not enough people to fight right now! If we are attacked and another war starts who will fight it? The draft is a nescecrry evil! Uncle Sam needs You! Plus not to sound mean but the draft means men have to leave jobs to become soliders soliders die jobs are opened up. A draft helps are economy but hurts the miltary. Both pres canaidates of course are going to say that right now there will be no draft. They need the young peoples votes. But watch what happens if another war starts or if we are attacked again. The draft WILL be reinstated. SOrry chralie but thats the way the world works. You have to have soliders to fight a war.
[quote name='"CaseyRyback"']depends on the war (Iraq no, but if it was just then yes)[/quote]

Read the question. It says a war you didn't support. Unless you would consider a war you don't support just. But that seems stupid.
no....but i wouldn't flee....flee sounds too cowardly....i just simply would refuse to fight for something i didn't believe in....i'm more than a pawn, whether thats in my eyes only or not
1. Should the draft apply to both men and women?

Ans: Yes

2. Should the draft be reinstated?

Ans: No and unless you're foolish you won't think it will be

3. If the draft was present would you volunteer on your own?

Ans: I can't...well I could but they wouldn't take me.

4. Should all US residents be elligible - citizen and non-citizen?

Ans: Yes, but there's no way to do this.

5. If drafted for a war you didnt support, would you "y" fight or "n" flee?

Ans: Yes, I'd still fight if I had it my way.

*6. Should I have put this in the politics and controversy forum?


*= the OP didn't really write this, but I offer a humorous opinion.
[quote name='guyver2077']why would anyone want to send women to a draft. are you all crazy?[/quote]

they have bitched for years about equal treatment, and I think if they want equal pay, equal rights, then they should have equal responsibility.
[quote name='dynamite99']Im suppose to do this survey for a class, and need around 20 people. so i thought this would be the best way to do it :)

All you have to do is say yes or no to a question. thanks

1. Should the draft apply to both men and women?
2. Should the draft be reinstated?
3. If the draft was present would you volunteer on your own?
4. Should all US residents be elligible - citizen and non-citizen?
5. If drafted for a war you didnt support, would you "y" fight or "n" flee?

kthnx :eek:[/quote]

no to all
[quote name='Tromack'][quote name='CaseyRyback']depends on the war (Iraq no, but if it was just then yes)[/quote]

Read the question. It says a war you didn't support. Unless you would consider a war you don't support just. But that seems stupid.[/quote]

I know I was vague with that question, but that is because it is hard for me to anwser(exp. with Iraq in the news). That is why I made such an anwser

I would go and fight in Iraq if the American public actually took it serious and were not focing the troops to go and fight under the circumstances they are. the special they showed on 60 minutes was disheartening, and it is a shame that people are pretty much being sent on suicide missions.

As long as people show the troops some support and give you the equipment to fight an effective war, I would not mind going.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']It makes things diffacult with women in the front lines. Plus women make the babys fellas. No women means no US.[/quote]

Because women are eligieble for a draft they aren't going to die out or anything. Plus I have news for you, it usually takes sperm to make a baby too. As for your 1st statement, your 2nd statement easily sums up why you think that and you're likely one of these people that won't change their mind so I'm not even going to waste my time & energy.
yes I know but the men don't carry them around now do they.

I don't think women should be on the battle field if they do not want to be. I women want to join then by all means go ahead. I don't think the mother bearers should be forced to fight in a war.

The women are not the problem in the military its the MEN. All men think about ti getting their next booty call. There is to much rape and other mistreatment of women now. It makes it worse if you have morewomen trown into the mix.
1. Should the draft apply to both men and women?

2. Should the draft be reinstated?

3. If the draft was present would you volunteer on your own?
Already did my time.

4. Should all US residents be elligible - citizen and non-citizen?
Yep. Come to this country, do your duty.

5. If drafted for a war you didnt support, would you "y" fight or "n" flee?
Fight, cowards flee!
[quote name='epobirs'][quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='epobirs']Where is the entry for "There isn't going to be a draft, you scare-mongering idiots!"[/quote]

Well good luck dealing with Iraq for the next 4 years without one.[/quote]

Bullshit. You're an ill-informed dolt if you believe that. The modern military is not in the cannon fodder business anymore. None of our advantages can be applied with a conscripted force. I know a fair number of serving military personnel, including several whose careers extend back to when there was last a draft in effect, and not a one has any interest in dealing with conscripts.

Despite all the whining from certain sectors the issues in Iraq are not about numbers but rather the willingness to apply force as needed. No additional feet on the ground make the slightest difference if they aren't put to use. Pacification comes from the demonstrated capability to enforce one's will, not from shipping in a crowd to do nothing. This is the lesson of Fallujah.[/quote]

1. Should the draft apply to both men and women?
2. Should the draft be reinstated?
3. If the draft was present would you volunteer on your own?
4. Should all US residents be elligible - citizen and non-citizen?
5. If drafted for a war you didnt support, would you "y" fight or "n" flee?
Depends on who was president- Dumbass (I.E. Bush- no way)
1. Should the draft apply to both men and women? Yes. Ladies, you wanted equal rights.. now you're gonna get it.

2. Should the draft be reinstated? Absolutely not.

3. If the draft was present would you volunteer on your own? Absolutely not. I have a disqualifying condition.

4. Should all US residents be elligible - citizen and non-citizen? Yes. You flee to the US for a better life, but you won't defend it? Kinda lame.

5. If drafted for a war you didnt support, would you "y" fight or "n" flee? "n". I am not going to fight for something that I don't support.
well i'm only going to address one question.. i don't think they will ever have women drafted if they did reinstate the draft because if your a woman all you have to do to get out is get pregnant... and if your married it provides to be quite easy, also women are under no cercomstance allowed on the front lines and that is why we draft people to put them in harms way... women arn't allowed there because it could decrease the mens ability to fight... they don't like to see women hurt.

But if there is a draft just remember guys if you don't want to get in just tell them your gay and act it for a while... if you really don't want in it's a sur fire way out
[quote name='auralia']well i'm only going to address one question.. i don't think they will ever have women drafted if they did reinstate the draft because if your a woman all you have to do to get out is get pregnant... and if your married it provides to be quite easy, also women are under no cercomstance allowed on the front lines and that is why we draft people to put them in harms way... women arn't allowed there because it could decrease the mens ability to fight... they don't like to see women hurt.

But if there is a draft just remember guys if you don't want to get in just tell them your gay and act it for a while... if you really don't want in it's a sur fire way out[/quote]

I'm pretty sure you can be drafted gay.

And SS was after authorization to draft women.
[quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='epobirs'][quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='epobirs']Where is the entry for "There isn't going to be a draft, you scare-mongering idiots!"[/quote]

Well good luck dealing with Iraq for the next 4 years without one.[/quote]

Bullshit. You're an ill-informed dolt if you believe that. The modern military is not in the cannon fodder business anymore. None of our advantages can be applied with a conscripted force. I know a fair number of serving military personnel, including several whose careers extend back to when there was last a draft in effect, and not a one has any interest in dealing with conscripts.

Despite all the whining from certain sectors the issues in Iraq are not about numbers but rather the willingness to apply force as needed. No additional feet on the ground make the slightest difference if they aren't put to use. Pacification comes from the demonstrated capability to enforce one's will, not from shipping in a crowd to do nothing. This is the lesson of Fallujah.[/quote]


Roll your eyes all you like, child, but keep in mind I'm old enough to remember when there really was a draft that I expected to still be in place when I came of age and what the average soldier was like back then. Things are hugely different today. The Army was once the job of last resort for high school drop outs. Nowadays they turn people away who don't make the grade on academic ability as an indication of trainability. This isn't like WWII when my father did six weeks at Ft. Dix and was on his way to Austria days later. Conscription simply isn't a practical staffing method for a modern military where each soldier receives a level of technical training that would have been solely for high-level specialists in the Vietnam era.
[quote name='dynamite99']Im suppose to do this survey for a class, and need around 20 people. so i thought this would be the best way to do it :)

All you have to do is say yes or no to a question. thanks

1. Should the draft apply to both men and women?
2. Should the draft be reinstated?
3. If the draft was present would you volunteer on your own?
4. Should all US residents be elligible - citizen and non-citizen?
5. If drafted for a war you didnt support, would you "y" fight or "n" flee?

kthnx :eek:[/quote]

So are you tabulating these ? I'm curious to know the results.

The draft contradicts the basic premise of our existence as a nation; the right of self determinination, or freedom. Any congressman or president proposing these restrictions on free people should be shot for treason. (after being convicted, of course)
Another thing some folks need to remember is that only one presidential candidate has spoken in favor of mandatory national service. It wasn't the incumbent.
[quote name='epobirs'][quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='epobirs'][quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='epobirs']Where is the entry for "There isn't going to be a draft, you scare-mongering idiots!"[/quote]

Well good luck dealing with Iraq for the next 4 years without one.[/quote]

Bullshit. You're an ill-informed dolt if you believe that. The modern military is not in the cannon fodder business anymore. None of our advantages can be applied with a conscripted force. I know a fair number of serving military personnel, including several whose careers extend back to when there was last a draft in effect, and not a one has any interest in dealing with conscripts.

Despite all the whining from certain sectors the issues in Iraq are not about numbers but rather the willingness to apply force as needed. No additional feet on the ground make the slightest difference if they aren't put to use. Pacification comes from the demonstrated capability to enforce one's will, not from shipping in a crowd to do nothing. This is the lesson of Fallujah.[/quote]


Roll your eyes all you like, child, but keep in mind I'm old enough to remember when there really was a draft that I expected to still be in place when I came of age and what the average soldier was like back then. Things are hugely different today. The Army was once the job of last resort for high school drop outs. Nowadays they turn people away who don't make the grade on academic ability as an indication of trainability. This isn't like WWII when my father did six weeks at Ft. Dix and was on his way to Austria days later. Conscription simply isn't a practical staffing method for a modern military where each soldier receives a level of technical training that would have been solely for high-level specialists in the Vietnam era.[/quote]

See you just keep writing paragraphs of shit and expecting me to read it.
bread's done