Dragon Age: Origins - Gen. Discussion & Info

Oh man. I've got to play an Arcane Warrior on my next play through. I want to play a Rouge City Elf, but I want the Dex bug fixed 1st.
Ok, after putting around 45 hours into the game (still havent come close to beating it..had to restart 3 times) I love/hate a lot of the things that are in the game.

The story in the game is fantastic and I am really enjoying playing through it, there are just certain things that kill me when I come across them.

For example, I just walked into a room in the Market District, although I have been in this store 50 times during the game all of a sudden there was a quest marker in there. I walk up to the marker and automatically get sucked into a conversation with a guy who simply says, "I knew this was coming.......ATTACK!" After killing him I am left thinking..."who the fuck is this guy?"

And that happens a lot to me, with all the information in this game I dont know what the hell is going on half the time. (Clearly this could boil down to me just needing to pay attention more but give me the benefit)

Also, for a such a high profile RPG it has some god awful loot. I got over my OCD of picking up everything about 20 hours ago and find myself just skipping anything that is not a boss or semi boss. I have Crow Daggers coming out of my ass here......

But still love the game.
[quote name='Soodmeg']

For example, I just walked into a room in the Market District, although I have been in this store 50 times during the game all of a sudden there was a quest marker in there. I walk up to the marker and automatically get sucked into a conversation with a guy who simply says, "I knew this was coming.......ATTACK!" After killing him I am left thinking..."who the fuck is this guy?"


Are you sure he wasn't a character you had to kill for the Blackstone Irregulars? You probably just went to one of their drop boxes and accepted every quest they had available without reading the flavour text. I know I did that a lot too.
I absolutely love this game, about as much as I loved Mass Effect when I first got it, if not just a little more. First character was a Dwarf duster Warrior that used sword+shield, and I had a blast... although I had to bump down to easy to beat the boss.

The character I just finished was a Noble Human Warrior with two handed weapons, and I liked the game even more and I was determined not to have to lower the difficulty. Things went fine.

I'm considering doing a female Mage next, possibly an elf? Although after reading the last page of this topic, I'm curious to try out a Rogue Archer, as until now I thought Rogues would be useless as a main character.

I really wish Return to Ostagar would come out already. If Mass Effect 2 turns out to be everything it promises to be, I might not touch Dragon Age for months.
[quote name='poison_SHADOW']
I really wish Return to Ostagar would come out already. If Mass Effect 2 turns out to be everything it promises to be, I might not touch Dragon Age for months.[/QUOTE]

uh... check the thread title, youre in luck.
[quote name='Larfox']Few posts back, it's unavailable because of a bug.[/QUOTE]

hmm. i assumed the cag talking about finishing it meant it was indeed up.
oops. i read a review saying it was an hour long and while the weapons/armor were nice it wasnt near the quality of wardens keep or stone prisoner.
Eh, for some reason the length doesn't bother me. I mean, I bought Wardens Keep and liked it even though the quest was extremely short and I hardly ever went back after it was finished. I've got 1100 Microsoft points just sitting on my account, ready for any new DA:O or ME2 content that may be on the way.

And I can't wait for Awakening, although if it's true that certain story options have to have been chosen in order to import your character, then that sucks.
[quote name='paz9x']hmm. i assumed the cag talking about finishing it meant it was indeed up.
oops. i read a review saying it was an hour long and while the weapons/armor were nice it wasnt near the quality of wardens keep or stone prisoner.[/QUOTE]

It was up, but then pulled due to a bug it creates causing all your specializations to lock. Big problem.
fuck, finally beat this game.

It was good enough to earn the title, "Lazy Sunday." Which means it will be kept in my collection to play again slowly when there is nothing else to do.
Also, did anyone else think the random Punk rock that played during the credits was out of left field? It had be chuckle for some reason.
I'm about to give up on Return to Ostagar. Was really hyped up about it, but the wait has managed to kill any interest for me, considering Mass Effect 2 is right around the corner. I'm sure I'll buy it eventually (assuming, of course, Bioware ever gets the damn bugs fixed and re-release it) but probably not until after I've run through several ME2 playthroughs.
I feel the same way. I am just now replaying DA:O and was looking forward to playing the DLC, but once Mass Effect 2 comes out, I probably will be shelfing the game. Darksiders comes in the mail tomorrow for me, so I will probably buy the DLC when it goes on sale instead of day-of.
I'm actually not sure now if I'll go back to Dragon Age. I know ME2 will keep me playing for months when I'm not forced to play Modern Warfare 2 with friends. Plus I just found out Alan Wake is --according to the developers-- being released sometime between March and May this year. Survival Horror is my favorite genre, so that game will be like crack to me. Just like Condemned.
one of the best RPG's out there...kudos to Bioware..they are good at what they do ...and they rock at developing RPG's....KOTR,JE,DA:O,ME....and now ME2(week to go..yay!!)
Finally put some time into this game last night, started as a female warrior. I gotta say, I'm digging the story a lot but the gameplay is kinda dull. I just beat the first troll on top of the castle, so I'm not to deep in, so I hope it picks up as I want to see where the story goes.
It starts slow but by the 10 hour mark you'll get sucked in. It's one of those games where you need to know all the game mechanics to really appreciate it.
I also just started the game. I'm running through it as a male human mage, boring I know but still. I am digging the game though, I feel more compelled to play it than I was with KOTOR (the last bioware game I attempted).
The game has a really deep story and I really wish I can play this game once without skipping through the cutscenes. My time playing is limited, so I don't have time to watch much of the dialog.

I purchased the two novels that were written about Dragon Age; prequels, and it puts a lot more depth into some of the other characters you don't much about. It makes the game much more immersive and emotional.
Beat this game twice, I loved it, but the stupid travelers achievement has avoided me twice and it bugs me.
I'm at the dwarven city and I'm suppose to do this Battle which is like 6 waves and fighting for one of the guys to be king. And I can do it all just fine, but I die hardcore at the last battle. There is like 5 guys and one super strong guy that 2 hits all my characters... what do I do?
Kinda depends on your party/level/class. Playing as a fighter or a rogue, I'd usually have a teammate use cone of cold/crushing prison/things like that to keep enemies more on the manageable side. If you're playing as a mage, arcane warrior/blood mage is pretty holy fuck powerful...
Just finished preordering dragon age awakening and the strategy guide and tomoroow im going to the midnight launch!

anyone else why isn't this on the front page!
[quote name='BoneMonkey80']Just finished preordering dragon age awakening and the strategy guide and tomoroow im going to the midnight launch!

anyone else why isn't this on the front page![/QUOTE]

For me this would be a day one but there are just too many games coming out right now and it's making my head hurt. I probably wont pick this up until next month but I'm definitely excited to play it.
This EXPANSION PACK includes a bunch of stuff including the following:

- A continuation of the main storyline taking place after the ending. 15 hours of story.
- New sidequests.
- New parts of Fereldan to explore.
- 6 New companions plus 1 returning.(Oghren)
- The ability to respec your character and companions.
- Over 200 new items
- 2 new tiers for weapons and armor
- Runecrafting
- 6 new specializations
- A third specialization at level 22
- Ability to play as an Orlesian grey warden transferred to the Amaranthine region of Fereldan.
- Can transfer over your origins character.
- An upgradeable keep
- New level cap of 35

come on ppl get it!
Looking forward to Dragon Age Awakenings also, have had it preordered for some time! Yes there is a lot of playing with other games to do, but this one will be extremely good! Eventually i will replay it all from the very start....
Can't wait to pick it up on Tuesday. Just got RTO recently and it was a joke. Didn't even last half an hour. I ripped it a new one so fast. My lvl 23 2h warrior was cleaning house doing 200 crit 2h sweeps on every thing in sight.

They need to stop doing stuff like RTO which is just an old area and just tossing in some enemies, it's such a money grab. If you're gonna do that, at least make it longer. I love Bioware but their dlc is always kinda subpar (Mass Effect).
Amazon.com items (Sold by Amazon.com, LLC):

1 Dragon Age: Origins Awaken... $36.99

She's shipped! I got it for 26.99 with the $10 Bioshock 2 credit from amazon, my shopping home away from home!!!
does this DLC works like Fallout 3 DLC? as im you download the dlc via disc to you hard drive and never need the expansion disc again?
[quote name='Poor2More']does this DLC works like Fallout 3 DLC? as im you download the dlc via disc to you hard drive and never need the expansion disc again?[/QUOTE]

Any bonus to buying Awakening in disc form vs. dlc. Got a ton of ms points to use, and would rather get it through dlc unless I'd be missing out on something.
So I bought this expansion on disc in hopes that I could share it with both mine and my girlfriends 360's... is that possible?

Or are we boned?
Man it was pretty weird importing my rogue Warden since ya know
he freaking died at the end of Origins!!! I was assuming that if I imported a dead Warden that I would play as the Orlesian Warden and that there would be a tomb or a statue of my original dude. Pretty weird that he's still alive!
[quote name='Tony208']Do you play off the Origins disc or Awakening disc on the PS3?[/QUOTE]

So I think I've figured out how it works on the :ps3: version.

If you buy the download version, you'll need the Origins disc to play Awakening.

If you buy the disc version, you'll use the Awakening disc to play Awakening. You can get rid of the Origins disc if you want and you don't even need it to install Awakening. You only need Origins installed on your hd.
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seems like downloading it is the cheaper and more insured option...cheaper as in, there's no tax on MS points, DA:O's retail price will more than likely drop faster than the expansion in the unlikely event that you scratch it beyond repair, and you're probably going to install the expansion to your HDD anyway. A shame, you'd think they'd include something in the retail version of their game like a code token or something.
bread's done