Dragon Quest IX coming to Nintendo DS!

Write this day down as the day the PSP was officially killed. If you look at next week's Japanese sales, I'm sure you'll see PSP sales slip and Nintendo DS sales skyrocket. There is not one other game out there that Nintendo could have pulled this kind of "OMFG" in Japan and I commend them for pulling this 'coup'.

Sure, the DS is selling like hotcakes, but if DQ9 had come out on any other system (than the Wii), Nintendo would have had a hell of a job competing with Sony (Microsoft is a non-factor). As it is, Nintendo has effectively put Sony down with a right hook to the temple. In fact, if we look closely enough, I believe we may just be able to spot tears of blood rolling down their face.

Dragon Quest for a lot of Japanese consumers represents a lifestyle. It's like EA. If you don't get their support, you're not going to make it. Dragon Quest is much the same; at least in Japan. The system/company with a true Dragon Quest game will push a system that is selling well and put its sales into overdrive.

Personally, with the installed user base of the DS (not to mention those who'll buy a system just for this game), I completely expect over 10 million units of Dragon Quest 9 to sell in Japan, especially with the lowered price point of the software (down from console pricing). That's just in Japan. I'm not sure how high sell-through will be outside of Nippon, but if the Wii launch was 'The Return of the King', then this was the victory at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.

I'm sure Sony has known about this for a while, and quite frankly, no matter how many shots Microsoft may take at them, they've known in earnest that their true competition lies in Nintendo. I think that's why they've pretty much ignored all of Microsoft's barbs. Microsoft may run their mouths, but at the end of the day, Nintendo is the company leading the current
next-gen marketshare majority and that's the piece of the pie Sony wants back.

Quite frankly, this announcement has changed everything. I think around July-August of 2007, third-party support will hit an all-time high and you'll see a crazy amount of new games hit the DS. Now whenever a developer thinks about creating a game, they're going to think about the Nintendo DS first (and quite probably the Wii) and everything else second and really, that's just good news for us gamers; even if some of us aren't going to be picking up Dragon Quest 9.

[quote name='ahmedmalik']
[/COLOR]Quite frankly, this announcement has changed everything. I think around July-August of 2007, third-party support will hit an all-time high and you'll see a crazy amount of new games hit the DS. Now whenever a developer thinks about creating a game, they're going to think about the Nintendo DS first (and quite probably the Wii) and everything else second and really, that's just good news for us gamers; even if some of us aren't going to be picking up Dragon Quest 9.


I think this is kind of an interesting development... we've seen some fantastic games on the DS so far, but it looks like we're getting the big guns now. I mean, DQ9, the FFXII sidestory, a Zelda game... these are the sorta things that are absolutely huge. I think the DS hasn't even come close to it's potential yet, but we're probably going to see that coming in this next year.
[quote name='Backlash']Hmmm. This might push me to get a DS. I really enjoy gaming on TVs more, though, because it's so much more comfortable for my eyes and my body. Also my wife likes to watch and help me navigate and solve puzzles :) Guess that can't happen on a handheld :([/QUOTE]
I like to play DS WHILE I watch TV. Some call it multitasking, others call it ADD.
What Nintendo needs to do now if make the DS and Wii more connected. The DS is like freaking Elvis in Japan, if it was a real person then you could say its got the most wanted jock there. Nintendo is simply crazy if they dont start making the two systems work more together.

I think the three big things they need to do that will result in the Wii piggy backing on the DS popularity is.

1. As mentioned before Wii needs something that lets you through it play DS games on your TV .

2. Virtua Console games need to be downloadable to the DS. This would not only create more popularity for the Wii but also for Virtua console making Ninny ALOT of bank.

3. There need to be games that let a Wii and DS version connect together or downloads availabe through the Wii. For instance Zelda twilight princess could have connected to the DS Zelda to add some mini games, a new sword etc etc. The DS and Wii DQ games could connect to again offer extra items or maybe upping a DQVIII charcter into the Wii version.
Pokemon Battle Revolution is the first game to connect to the DS, it's already possible. Downloading VC games would be great, but they'd need to have some method of storing them, which the DS does not have.
[quote name='botticus']Pokemon Battle Revolution is the first game to connect to the DS, it's already possible. Downloading VC games would be great, but they'd need to have some method of storing them, which the DS does not have.[/QUOTE]

But its not hard to come up with a storage medium. Iv bought a device(which im not mentioning to not break the ToS)that lets me play backup/rom DS games and it also will play mp3s, movies and even show pictures. It holds a whole gig of info and fits into the GBA slot. I see no reason Nintendo couldnt do something similar. Hell arnt they putting out an MP3 player for the DS in Japan?

I bet Nintendo could make something that stores a few dozen VC games and charge like $50 and still make a huge profit.
Im sure if nintendo made a simple and easy to use VC cart for the DS it would sell pretty damn well.

As for the announcement, I guess this means I'll finally be able to finish a DQ game (me and console RPG's dont mix well)
[quote name='argyle']Am I the only one who doesn't relish looking at a 2" screen for 80+ hours? Guess so... :whistle2:([/quote]

My guess is the game won't be that long now since it's going portable.
[quote name='Setzer']My guess is the game won't be that long now since it's going portable.[/QUOTE]

There are DS RPG's that pass the 30 hour mark... Magical Starsign and FF 3.

Hell, there are even some GBA games that come close. I beat FFV in 24 hours without ever doing the bonus dungeon.

The only thing stopping them is the size of the cart. I think this one will top out at 40 - 50 hours.
[quote name='Roufuss']The only thing stopping them is the size of the cart. I think this one will top out at 40 - 50 hours.[/quote]

Hmm that's funny, I was told the length of the game has nothing to do with the capacity of the DS cart. They should be able to make an 80hr RPG on the DS, no problem....


because this is being developed for a portable system I doubt you're going to see an 80hr DQIX on it, that was my point.
[quote name='Roufuss']There are DS RPG's that pass the 30 hour mark... Magical Starsign and FF 3.

Hell, there are even some GBA games that come close. I beat FFV in 24 hours without ever doing the bonus dungeon.

The only thing stopping them is the size of the cart. I think this one will top out at 40 - 50 hours.[/quote]

Agreed - I'm about 1/3 of the way done with Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and I've put in ~30 hours :) I realize this isn't a GREAT comparison, but I wouldn't mind a long DQ for DS...
Wait a second... that guy in the video is from the Dotch Cooking Showdown that they subtitle and broadcast here (in L.A., at least).
The RPGs I've played on portables over the years have always been the same lengths as console RPGs.

And personally I prefer portable gaming to doing it on a TV, all things being equal. Especially for long periods, on a portable you can get up and move around, switch chairs, etc. Plus on the DS and PSP you can put them to sleep any time, which is super convenient (ie don't need a perfect save system necessarily).
As long as they use a new engine, I'll be happy. But I have a feeling they'll just reuse the FFIII engine (they're using for FFCC DS) to save time. I have reused engines unless they're refined with each use.
You guys are forgetting that this isn't FF Legends or Mystic Quest or Crystal Chronicles, it is a bona fide numbered sequel to DQ8. It's going to be long, real long.
[quote name='Kendro']You guys are forgetting that this isn't FF Legends or Mystic Quest or Crystal Chronicles, it is a bona fide numbered sequel to DQ8. It's going to be long, real long.[/quote]

I sure hope so! I can't wait!
Couldn't they use 2 DS cards if need be? I guess that wouldn't be ideal in terms of price though they still could do it.
[quote name='Roufuss']There are DS RPG's that pass the 30 hour mark... Magical Starsign and FF 3.

Hell, there are even some GBA games that come close. I beat FFV in 24 hours without ever doing the bonus dungeon.

The only thing stopping them is the size of the cart. I think this one will top out at 40 - 50 hours.[/QUOTE]

While I thoroughly enjoyed the 120 hours I sunk into DQ8 (the last 30 hours or so being the extra stuff) I'd be perfectly fine with a 40-50 hour DQ9 on the DS. Too many games to play!
[quote name='jkam']Couldn't they use 2 DS cards if need be? I guess that wouldn't be ideal in terms of price though they still could do it.[/quote]No. CD based systems could do this because they had memory cards for save games and even onboard RAM -- the caveat being that the system had to be left on to switch discs. The DS doesn't have a way to do this.
[quote name='Genocidal']No. CD based systems could do this because they had memory cards for save games and even onboard RAM -- the caveat being that the system had to be left on to switch discs. The DS doesn't have a way to do this.[/QUOTE]

Technically it does. Remember - DS software can sense whether or not something is inserted into the GBA slot.

So theoretically you could have a DS card + GBA cartridge for the same game.

I am NOT saying this will happen, and I'm not even that much in support for it, as it would drive the cost of the game to incredible heights. I don't need a 50-60 dollar portable game peeking at me from behind a glass counter, with its promises of beautiful graphics and online gameplay.
I'd easily pay $75 for a FFVII port which includes 2 DS carts and 1 GBA transfer cart.

Anyways, I think its safe to say that 1 DS cart can hold the game fine considering RE DS is a pretty big game.
Isn't the DS cart based on SD card technology? If so, they might be able to go up to 2GB on one cart, which is certainly enough space.
[quote name='Kendro']I'd easily pay $75 for a FFVII port which includes 2 DS carts and 1 GBA transfer cart.
You would? Why?
[quote name='Giygas']Isn't the DS cart based on SD card technology? If so, they might be able to go up to 2GB on one cart, which is certainly enough space.[/quote]

That was the impression I was under as well. Therefore I think they're even upto 4GB SD cards, though they are expensive, but it can be done. And even the 2 DS carts and 1 GBA Rom for transfers would be a viable option. At this point with the amount of GBAs/DSes sold the proprietary software for the GBA cart has to have come down with Pokemon games pricing in at $20.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Yes yes yes! Hopefully this shows more developers that gamers dont care about graphics as much and are happy to support handheld versions of a main series! Come on Square KH3 for DS![/quote]

Hey KH on a console would be fine by me, but make sure that it's either the Wii or 360 has a port at least. no fucking way in hell am I paying $600 for the PS3 to play even one of my favorite games. It's just not reasonable. Hell put a decent port on the PSP and I'd be semi-happy. KH Chain of Memories was one of the most underrated games for the GBA. Everybody kept bashing it because it had cards, but the game was incredible for what it was able to do on a GBA and truly pushed the system. And the game was a ton of fun.
[quote name='Kendro']QFT! Correct me if I'm wrong but they actually made a law in Japan refusing to sell Dragon Quest games on weekdays because too many businessmen would skip work and kids would skip school. What surprises me (in an awesome way) is that this is an official numbered DQ game. It is the next game in the series and not a spinoff.

PSP is finished. It's OVA.[/quote]

Yaeh pretty much. I think the law is that all DQ games, even spin-offs, must be released on Weekends/Sundays.

[quote name='Supercake']Freakin great news! DQ on the DS, my god this will sell like mad. It's gotta come over here, this can't be passed up! It's official, DS destroys PSP hands down now. (If Castlevania wasn't enough)[/quote]

Yaeh, pretty much. Unless Sony pushes a quick price drop of at least $50 plus a free game or something to that affect, there really isn't much hope/left for them.
If I'm not mistaken, they apparently priced FFIII at $40 because they were using a higher capacity DS cart to hold the game, hence higher cost. Doesn't mean a lick to the consumer, but I wouldn't be surprised to see that trend continue. Of course, those costs should go down pretty quick with how fast storage gets cheaper, but it won't.
[quote name='Backlash']Hmmm. This might push me to get a DS. I really enjoy gaming on TVs more, though, because it's so much more comfortable for my eyes and my body. Also my wife likes to watch and help me navigate and solve puzzles :) Guess that can't happen on a handheld :([/quote]

I'm sure that there will be a DS/GBA player in the pipeline for the Wii if there isn't already one. It's either going to be a connector or a full blown DS player add on that will do it.

[quote name='MSI Magus']Isnt Nintendo supposed to put out connectivity between the DS and Wii to allow you to play the DS on your TV at some point?[/quote]

Like I said, I'm sure Nintendo has something in the works.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']I'm sure that there will be a DS/GBA player in the pipeline for the Wii if there isn't already one. It's either going to be a connector or a full blown DS player add on that will do it.

Like I said, I'm sure Nintendo has something in the works.[/QUOTE]
I still don't see how that would work. Are they going to make a little touch screen that plugs into the wiimote?
[quote name='BIG5']I still don't see how that would work. Are they going to make a little touch screen that plugs into the wiimote?[/quote]

Could be that or it could just transfer your screen to your tv and you would still use the DS as a controller.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Could be that or it could just transfer your screen to your tv and you would still use the DS as a controller.[/QUOTE]
That makes more sense, but I wonder how good DS games would look on a big tv.
This is freaking amazing. DQ8 was one of my favorite PS2 games. I'm a tad worried about the new battle system, but if they can pull it off like FF12, I'll buy it for sure.
[quote name='BIG5']I still don't see how that would work. Are they going to make a little touch screen that plugs into the wiimote?[/QUOTE]

You could use the Wii mote as the stylus... you just aim it and hit B or whatever to start touching the screen. The classic controller could take care of all the other controls.
[quote name='Chacrana']You could use the Wii mote as the stylus... you just aim it and hit B or whatever to start touching the screen. The classic controller could take care of all the other controls.[/quote]
I thought the remote is disabled when using the classic controller? There's just not enough buttons on the remote/nunchuck to accomodate for that.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I thought the remote is disabled when using the classic controller? There's just not enough buttons on the remote/nunchuck to accomodate for that.[/QUOTE]

I think the Wiimote still works for the Wii's system menus when the classic controller's plugged in... I could be wrong I suppose, but I doubt that the Wiimote would automatically be disabled by having the classic controller plugged in.
[quote name='botticus']If I'm not mistaken, they apparently priced FFIII at $40 because they were using a higher capacity DS cart to hold the game, hence higher cost. Doesn't mean a lick to the consumer, but I wouldn't be surprised to see that trend continue. Of course, those costs should go down pretty quick with how fast storage gets cheaper, but it won't.[/QUOTE]
Resident evil and rub rabbit use the same cart, but they dont over chage. SE is just being greedy.
[quote name='Chacrana']I think the Wiimote still works for the Wii's system menus when the classic controller's plugged in... I could be wrong I suppose, but I doubt that the Wiimote would automatically be disabled by having the classic controller plugged in.[/quote]
I'm talking about in-game. I think that the CC only takes over when a VC game's started.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']It's official! Dragon Quest 9 WILL NOT be ported to any other systems.[/QUOTE]

Of course they will say that, just like how Rockstar swore up and down that Liberty City Stories was PSP exclusive, and Tekken Dark Resurrection was PSP exclusive.

I don't really trust any "Exclusitivity Claims" these days.
They aren't going to "port" a DS game to home consoles. It would probably take just as much work as making an entirely new game. I have no doubt there will be spin-offs in some form or another.
[quote name='botticus']They aren't going to "port" a DS game to home consoles. It would probably take just as much work as making an entirely new game. I have no doubt there will be spin-offs in some form or another.[/QUOTE]

These were the same things said about GTA for the PSP as well, and we saw how that ended up.

SE is probably already working on a home console version they will drop a year or so after the DS one to double their sales, and to snag all the people who don't want to play DQ on the DS.

Wouldn't surprise me if they plopped it on the Wii.

It's all speculation but SE is all about $$$ so you better believe they have tons of plans involving whoring out their biggest franchise in Japan.

But, like I said, exclusitivity rights mean nothing anymore unless it's a 1st party title. We'll see how this plays out... but yea, it's definitely exclusive for now, we'll see what they decide to do with it a year or so after its release. This is also the company notorious for re-releases and special editions.

"You liked DQ 9 on the DS? Now buy it on the Wii with special Wii specific features and a bonus dungeon!!"

They may never port it, but just because SE says its exclusive, that dosen't mean jack shit anymore.
um DQ1-5 has been remake/re-relase, some of them multiple times. Heck even the side game Dragon Quest Monsters, originally on GBC, got a remake on PSOne.
[quote name='Roufuss']These were the same things said about GTA for the PSP as well, and we saw how that ended up.
[/quote]Difference is a PSP is like a portable PS2. I guess you could look at the DS in the same way relative to the Wii, but they aren't going to put it on Wii anytime soon, not enough install base.
[quote name='jkam']Couldn't they use 2 DS cards if need be? I guess that wouldn't be ideal in terms of price though they still could do it.[/QUOTE]

No need, it's probably more of a price limitation than a hardware one (probably).

Or is the 128MB limit a hard limit? Anyway 128MB is HUGE when you consider that Chrono Trigger was 4MB, and Final Fantasy 6 was 3.

[quote name='Genocidal']No. CD based systems could do this because they had memory cards for save games and even onboard RAM -- the caveat being that the system had to be left on to switch discs. The DS doesn't have a way to do this.[/QUOTE]

Technically you could do this with passwords. You can transfer your party from Golden Sun 1 to 2 by a GIGANTIC multipage password. Took me forever to enter it, but it was worth it and just a one time thing.

[quote name='hiccupleftovers']KH Chain of Memories was one of the most underrated games for the GBA. Everybody kept bashing it because it had cards, but the game was incredible for what it was able to do on a GBA and truly pushed the system. And the game was a ton of fun.[/QUOTE]

I loved that game too. Actually I hated the first Kingdom Hearts (gave up after a few hours), but really enjoyed Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. It was a bit repetitive I suppose, but that's the only real complaint you could make about it IMO.

Okay, in another thread I was saying how Square had only released one new game for the GBA, but I totally forgot about Kingdom Hearts...
[quote name='62t']um DQ1-5 has been remake/re-relase, some of them multiple times. Heck even the side game Dragon Quest Monsters, originally on GBC, got a remake on PSOne.[/QUOTE]

Dragon Quest 1, 2, and 3 got remade for the Gameboy Color, but I don't think 4 and 5 were ever released here (5 ever, actually). DQ4 was awesome when I rented it back in the day. I wish they would rerelease it (hey, I FINALLY just got Phantasy Star 4 thanks to Sega Genesis Collection on the PSP :) )
bread's done