DSi Are you guys holding off on buying?


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I've always been a huge fan of Nintendo's portables and have gotten them at launch. Although I want a DSi I've been holding off for something substantial to come along. I just find it odd that no DSi only games were announced (at E3) yet and for the most part DSi Ware has been pretty underwhelming.

I've recently begun to think of getting one because there will be newer DSi games at some point and the PSP Go! doesn't seem to be swaying away from the current offerings (new games can be played on the older systems). I guess I've held off because right now I can play DS games so what is the point?

So do you guys already own one or are holding off like me?
I was hoping there would be a price drop after E3 so I waited, but still nothing or news about it dropping, so I might just go ahead and buy one instead of continuing to wait.
I'm waiting for a color or edition I like. Then I'll buy.

I want the Blue Badger Perfect Prosecutor one, but it's Japan... with the downloads and games and region issues, it'd be a waste.
I got one from that Borders sale for $99.

I'm very pleased with it so far. I'm using the camera way more than I ever thought I would and Pictobits is pretty fun, though very hard. The bigger screens are nice and insanely bright. I'd been using a DS phat prior to owning the i.
I actually don't think I will ever get one until it gets really cheap. I don't really care for the downloadable games since I already have a wii.
I have one and I like it. I did take advantage of the trade-in offer at Gamestop, trading in my DS Lite. I'm not sure I'd pay for it outright, though. It is a very good improvement over the DS Lite in a variety of ways (with the obvious exception). In the end I ended up also buying a used GBA SP (brighter screen) from ebay and actually I'm really glad I did. Not only can I play GBA games, but GB and GBC, plus hook it up to our Gamecube and also my son and I have played some two-player GBA games, none of which you can do with a DS Lite. So in the end I'm really happy with this combination, but if you don't already have a GBA SP, you've got to factor that into the equation.

PictoBits is really good. My other DSiWare downloads have only been fair, but PictoBits gives hope. It is really nice having PictoBits on there all the time and not having to carry a cartridge. I wish they'd offer full DS games as downloads as well. There's absolutely no reason why they couldn't. There's a number of games I'd be willing to buy as a download.

Better, of course, would be some system for being able to buy games on cartridge and then load them onto the DSi. This, I believe, could be done via hybrid cartridge that when loaded on a DSi allowed you to copy it to internal memory, and then it would set a kill switch, of sorts, disabling the cartridge from use on a DSi or DS Lite. You could then re-enable the cartridge by "unloading" from your DSi back onto the cartridge, thus still allowing for reselling or lending games, and avoiding piracy (sure, somebody will work around it and pirate the games, but that's happening like wildfire anyway even without this feature - this scheme would allow for people who don't want to pirate to be able to legally install onto their DSi, which is uber nice, and probably would reduce piracy in that it would give people on the fence less reason to go the illegal route, which inevitably, regardless of initial intentions, leads to outright piracy - I know that from experience!) This would be a super wonderful thing, but I doubt they are ever going to do it.
My brother has a DSi and it honestly doesn't seem worth it to me. The minor boost is screen size is hardly noticeable and it really doesn't look any better. The camera is useless since my phone has a much better camera (and I really don't care for the picture editing features). The webbrower is slow and very buggy.

The DSi shop is the one reason why I would consider getting it but only if it was transferable with my games from the Wii Shop. But it's not...

The only good thing about the DSi is that the speakers are much better than the DSL.

Plus, since they don't let you use flash devices, it means I would actually have to carry all of my games with me instead of one simple, convenient cart.
No VC announcement = no interest. Nintendo has a habit of sitting on gold mines (where is my online-enabled Smash Bros DS?) and never seeing them to their full potential.
bought a used one to test out. although its cool, there are still too many design flaws that sort of piss me off about it. gonna hold off until theres a price drop of some sort
I'm holding off for similar reasons. I think the big thing for me is the inability to play my GBA games. Perhaps down the road when I finish the GBA games in my backlog I'll trade up.
I pre-ordered my black DSi. I kept my crimson DS lite for GBA/alt and also have a sealed Pokemon DS Lite.

DSiware is the big thing for me and I am disappointed that there hasn't been anything for me to purchase. I am patient tho, so I am OK with my purchase but recognize that there is a lot of untapped potential. It is a good piece of hardware, just no killer app right now.
i got a light blue one the week they came out from amazon. i like it, the camera is fun to mess with, nothing spectacular but i'm not much of a picture taker to begin with but taking pics of people and putting a stache on them never gets old. the dsiware is sweet but like everyone else there needs to be more but i'm not too worried. it's a work in progress and i'm sure nintendo will come up with something good.
Holding off because I like the GBA BC and longer battery life. I can see a game or two coming out involving the cameras that might make me think about it, but nothing solid. The wpa2 is nice but also not a dealbreaker on the dsl either. A nice limited edition version like the gold PH would tempt me though.
I was thinking about it at first, just to play the the Phantasy Star : Zero demo early. But held off and just imported the game like normal. Just doesn't seem worth it yet. Maybe down the road, but not now.
I'm looking at buying a handheld and took a look at the DSi and it doesn't seem worth it. I'll probably buy the Lite instead.
Doesn't have a gba slot, don't really need the camera, never been a fan of download shops and point buying, hate the price. I'm still mad that I stupidly sold my DS to get a flimsy lite; been through 3 lites in the same span I had the phat without a scratch on it. Probably skip the DSi altogether. :/
[quote name='VioletArrows']Doesn't have a gba slot, don't really need the camera, never been a fan of download shops and point buying, hate the price. I'm still mad that I stupidly sold my DS to get a flimsy lite; been through 3 lites in the same span I had the phat without a scratch on it. Probably skip the DSi altogether. :/[/QUOTE]

Three! Really? Do you travel a lot? I use to have a DS PHAT and it was a brick....no doubt.
[quote name='steveinneed']So, the general consensus from CAG's on the DSi is that it is bad. :)[/QUOTE]

Not bad but just not worth purchasing yet (especially at the current price).
[quote name='emg28']Not bad but just not worth purchasing yet (especially at the current price).[/QUOTE]

yeah, I know. I think that we have been discussing whether or not it is worth the upgrade from the DSL. Most have said "no". But what if one doesn't own a DS of any kind yet? I still don't don't think it is worth it...

Maybe if the exclusive games for DSi are a hit in a year or two.
Well, let me clarify what I said before. There are a number of improvements on the DSi that I would have a difficult time giving up. For example the ability to adjust screen brightness while in game and the volume controls are now up/down buttons instead of the awful slider. Plus it just generally works better. I like the little things like not having to turn it off to change cartridges, etc.

In terms of DSiWare, PictoBits is GREAT and the new Mario vs. DK game looks good (but I don't have it yet myself.)

I do really like my DSi and I wouldn't go back to a Lite (or a phat - are you kidding? That dim screen, teeny tiny stylus and behemoth size?)

So... if you can afford it, I say get one.
Might pick up one next year if they hit $110 or less at dell.com with a combined price drop ;)

If Nintendo makes more titles download only (outside of Mario vs Donkey Kong) that really good it would be more tempting.
There is no harm in waiting. I say wait it out until Christmas. By then, there might be a bundle or something, plus you'll have a lot more options on the DSiWare Store by then.
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[quote name='crunchewy'] PictoBits is GREAT[/QUOTE]

that game reminds me of being 7 and getting a GB when those first came out. This game is crack to me
i'm holding off for two reasons. New colors and a price drop. I already have a ds lite, I don't really see the point in paying $169 for it. Unless an amazing deal comes along where it's about $100 like what Border's offered.

I'm going to wait until Thanksgiving weekend, they usually have a special DS that time of year. I'm still kicking myself for not buying the Zelda DSL
[quote name='steveinneed']Three! Really? Do you travel a lot? I use to have a DS PHAT and it was a brick....no doubt.[/QUOTE]

I used to, but that's the thing. I remember my DS would fall out of my bag onto cold marble floor and be just fine. The screens were just normal, and so was the sound (though I'm sort of hard of hearing, so whatever). The first lite I turned it on one day and the screen was all shadowy, the second had that shitty yellow faded screen, and the third was a nightmare out of the box and made a high-pitched wail when it was on. I gave replacement one from Nintendo with the yellow screen to my brother, and a few weeks later, half the pixels were dead. My current one is the Zelda gold one which was the one that squealed at me, and they gave that one back without really fixing it, citing they couldn't figure out what was wrong with it. Shaqfuin' morons.
I bought a DSi for $99 recently and gave it to my g/f as a present. She loves the thing. I figured if I had a chance to buy a DS, I'd probably pick up another DSi. I haven't owned a handheld system since the grey brick gameboys. So, I don't have any GBA games, nor any desire to ever buy any. The browser would be something that I would use. I like the interface and the chance to buy extra games through the shop (though I would admit it would few and far between). I like the finish and design of the DSi compared to my friends DS lite.
[quote name='VioletArrows']I used to, but that's the thing. I remember my DS would fall out of my bag onto cold marble floor and be just fine. The screens were just normal, and so was the sound (though I'm sort of hard of hearing, so whatever). The first lite I turned it on one day and the screen was all shadowy, the second had that shitty yellow faded screen, and the third was a nightmare out of the box and made a high-pitched wail when it was on. I gave replacement one from Nintendo with the yellow screen to my brother, and a few weeks later, half the pixels were dead. My current one is the Zelda gold one which was the one that squealed at me, and they gave that one back without really fixing it, citing they couldn't figure out what was wrong with it. Shaqfuin' morons.[/QUOTE]

Wow. You seem to be a lot like a colleague of mine who always seems to have stories of disasters to tell. Our DS Lites have done pretty good. I won't say perfect, but they've survived reasonably well. One of my kids' got a cracked hinge, which I stupidly failed to get fixed while in-warranty, but CAG protonx fixed it for me for a reasonable price and even gave him white buttons with a black case, which is pretty damn slick looking.

The yellow screen issue some of ours did/do have, but that problem hasn't changed with the DSi. My DSi does have a slight, emphasis on slight, yellow cast on the touchscreen, just like most DS Lites, including my previous DS Lite. The amount of yellow cast seems to vary and I think it's pretty much random. One of my kids' Lite has a yellow cast and my other kids' doesn't, and they were purchased at the same time from the same source. In any case, if you just don't worry about it you won't notice it. The only time you notice it is if you look for it. If it really bothers you, you can exchange it for another and see if it's any different.
The top sreen on my DS Lite is starting to die (for the second time, and I probably can't get it fixed for free this time because I'm sure the warrantee is up). When it goes completely, I will probably pick up a DSi, but I'm not holding my breath for any price drops. I will still keep the DS for the GBA slot, since the only other GBA I have is the original without a frontlight, and I have to be able to see when I'm playing Castlevania Aria of Sorrow.

When was it $99 at Borders? I would have bought one at that price.
The main reason I'm holding out is that if I upgrade mine, I'll have to upgrade 2 others or suffer the complaints of my children.
[quote name='eugaet']The main reason I'm holding out is that if I upgrade mine, I'll have to upgrade 2 others or suffer the complaints of my children.[/QUOTE]

I have two kids as well, boys 6 and 8. I just told them that they would not be getting a DSi because it is too expensive and because downloaded games can't be shared, also noting the lack of GBA compatibility. However, I also told them that when I'm home they can play it (on their video game allowed days). They've accepted that fine. Mind you, some day I might get them a DSi, when prices fall or I can find a deal, but I didn't tell them that.
[quote name='bvharris']I'm waiting for a compelling reasons its worth upgrading over the DS lite. None yet. I feel the same way about the PSPGo[/QUOTE]

I think everyone feels that way about the PSPGo.
I'm waiting for a color or edition I like. Then I'll buy. I'm also waiting for some DS-i enabled titles and better selection of DSiWare titles.. I didn't get Lite so I will definitely upgrade to this model when time is right...
I have a DS Lite now, and I've promised myself to never /ever/ buy the first version of any Nintendo handheld.

Eventually there will either be a DSi Extreme edition, or Nintendo will introduce a new handheld altogether.
My philosophy on the matter is, if I like something, I'll buy it. If and when a new version comes out, I can always sell the old system towards that and probably not have to pay that much towards the new one.

I'm not going to wait another year (more or less) for a price drop or "better bundle" when I could be enjoying the new features now, because as soon as you get the new old version, another newer version is right behind the corner that's usually better. It's a vicious cycle.

I can definitely understand those who don't think the features are worth it though.
Ah. The trade in eternally philosophy of life. The same way many people buy cars. My mutual fund approves! Go forth and buy, my friend. Go forth and buy.
Well I have the pokemon DS Lite, which I don't plan on selling, so no trade ins for me to make the price a bit better.

The main reason I am not buying a DS Lite is the camera. I have a zune so I could care less about music, but I don't own a digital camera. I would loved to buy this and have a nice digital camera to take anywhere and play games but since there is none I wont be buying it unless it drops to $100.
bread's done