Dusty's Muffler vs Brock Lesnar's Wang Sword Wrestling Thread

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[quote name='Demolition Man']:rofl:

Ending of Big Show vs Cody Rhodes will for sure be on the next Botchamania.[/QUOTE]

Why? What really makes you think that wasnt the planned finish? It honestly makes sense if you think about it.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Who could it be?! Flo Rida? Carlos Cabrera? Alex Rodriguez?

The suspense is killing me.[/QUOTE]

Brodus Clay's momma!? :pray:
[quote name='Spyder187']Why? What really makes you think that wasnt the planned finish? It honestly makes sense if you think about it.[/QUOTE]

I'm actually surprised that anyone would think that wasn't scripted.

The person coming back.. I'm betting JR to call either/both CM Punk/Jericho and/or Cena/Brock. Booker T is awful on commentary.
[quote name='Spyder187']Why? What really makes you think that wasnt the planned finish? It honestly makes sense if you think about it.[/QUOTE]

If anyone sees that as anything other than scripted, god bless there soul.
[quote name='benjamouth']Really, a squash match on a PPV ?


Two. Brodus/Ziggler, then Goldberg Van Ryback.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Breather match.[/QUOTE]

There's still a divas match left, but I guess they'll use that as the downtime match between Punk/Jericho and Cena/Brock.
[quote name='Scorch']This may be the night that I officially stop watching wrestling.[/QUOTE]

I stopped watching Raw and haven't watched SmackDown in years, and tuned in at the end of the PPV to see what's up. Definitely gonna stick to scrubbing through NXT and Superstars. In my eyes, they are the "A" shows and far less disappointing.

I fail to see the purpose in bringing back a monster heel for 5-million dollars and 22-appearances if he's gonna lose his first wrasslin match. This is the short-term booking that pushed me away from WWE all throughout 2002 to 2009.

It's simply illogical to job out the heel in the first match of a feud. Dumb dumb dumb.
[quote name='Chase']I fail to see the purpose in bringing back a monster heel for 5-million dollars and 22-appearance if he's gonna lose his first wrasslin match. This is the short-term booking that pushed me away from WWE all throughout 2002 to 2009.

It's simply illogical to job out the heel in the first match of a feud. Dumb dumb dumb.[/QUOTE]

The only logic I can apply to this is that it's a bigger picture situation.

Cena destroys Brock but it takes all of his energy so he steps out. Brock is uncaged and destroys everyone on the roster for a while. The only person that can stop Lesnar is gone. Massive campaign is started to bring Cena back, he comes back and ousts Brock once and for all.
Poor Scorch can't use the NHL playoffs as an excuse to not watch wrestling for awhile.


(what happened w/ Pekka, man? he's not the monster he was in the first round.)

Brock lost? Super Cena overcame the odds? Yowza. I read the Sheamus/D. Brine match and Punk/Jericho match were quite good.
[quote name='Scorch']The only logic I can apply to this is that it's a bigger picture situation.

Cena destroys Brock but it takes all of his energy so he steps out. Brock is uncaged and destroys everyone on the roster for a while. The only person that can stop Lesnar is gone. Massive campaign is started to bring Cena back, he comes back and ousts Brock once and for all.[/QUOTE]

That sounds like something WWE would do.

Now, I agree that Lesnar should eventually job out to Cena. He's only here for X amount of appearances, while Cena makes his living working for WWE. I have no issue with Lesnar losing—as he should—and will only find issue with how they handle the storytelling. WWE seems to have improved in recent months, but not enough to secure my interest for longer than it takes to watch clips on their YouTube channel.
You know, I'm really glad that Jericho is extending this run into the summer. I mean, if there's one thing that WWE is sorely lacking, it's heels that can't get the job done.
I'm sorry guys. I thought the show was excellent and Bryan/Sheamus, Punk/Jericho, and Lesnar/Cena all delivered. At heart what you guys are griping about is the fact that the guys you liked didn't win. But isn't that what professional wrestling is all about? It's what draws every ten year old in and it's what draws you.

The three main events all delivered from a professional wrestling standpoint to me. Sheamus held his own from a technical standpoint, Cena bled like a wounded pig, and Lesnar nearly broke his leg tossing himself at Cena. I can't share your disappointment on this one.

The Lesnar/Cena match was among the most physical wrestling matches I've seen in a LONG time in that it was pretty much styled like a MMA contest. Cena got the crap BEAT out of him by Lesnar. Like literally fucked him up. Lesnar didn't hold back and protect Cena much at all. It wasn't a Super Cena finish by any means either.

Sure Cena one with his one move of doom. But he basically lucked into the move after Lesnar made a dumb mistake. Lesnar had his number physically and he clearly looked stronger than Cena in the match. Cena on the other hand looked MAJORLY banged up by the end. He sold his arm like a champion and the stand-up spinebuster with Lesnar on him was spectacular.

Bryan/Sheamus: ****
Jericho/Punk: ****1/2
Lesnar/Cena: ****1/4
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Sorry but it was the same Super Cena comeback finish that has been done time and time and time and time again. Yes it might of been played out a little better this time around however in the end it's still the same end result. Super Cena on top once again while all that build up for Lesnar is already flushed down the drain. How can anyone take Lesnar as an legitimate threat when he lost his first match?
Do they normally show the arena crowd a different camera feed compared to the home audience? I never really noticed it before, but it was kind of weird to see the people in the front rows staring at the big screen instead of the match happening right in front of them or putting away their "Yes" signs.

Also, did anyone also notice the crowd was louder during replays? Weird stuff.
All I can say is that it was an absolutely fantastic show to be at live. This was our view:
There has to be *something* in the plans if Brock, on a multi-million finite appearance contract, jobs in his first match back. However I do agree that it's a dangerous gambit since they might have derailed the Brock Hype Train before it had a chance to re-establish itself and the E might find itself with a white elephant on its hands.
[quote name='sykotek']Do they normally show the arena crowd a different camera feed compared to the home audience? I never really noticed it before, but it was kind of weird to see the people in the front rows staring at the big screen instead of the match happening right in front of them or putting away their "Yes" signs.

Also, did anyone also notice the crowd was louder during replays? Weird stuff.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, at least from my feed, it sounded like WWE was doing a live edit of the crowd.
[quote name='Scorch']Did you run that through an instagram filter, Tsel?[/QUOTE]

Yep. And no, I'm not one of those people that instagram every picture ever taken. I just wanted to filter out some of the grain. It came out pretty nicely if I say so myself.
The whole end of the PPV didn't make sense to me. Like others have said, why bring Brock back just to have him lose his first match back, to someone who just lost to fucking Lord Tensai of all people. Are we supposed to believe that Tensai is better than Brock?

Add to that what Cena said after winning. He's going on vacation. Isn't the norm in wrestling when you are taking time off to either lose your last match, or to get beaten or injured, not in a match, so there is a storyline reason as to why you are taking time off?

I'm also rather pissed that Layla came out instead of Kharma. Layla still can't wrestle or talk for shit.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Sorry but it was the same Super Cena comeback finish that has been done time and time and time and time again. Yes it might of been played out a little better this time around however in the end it's still the same end result. Super Cena on top once again while all that build up for Lesnar is already flushed down the drain. How can anyone take Lesnar as an legitimate threat when he lost his first match?[/QUOTE]

You can't define a match by the who won and who lost. By definition, that's what a mark does and if we're discussing this as marks, I am happy Cena won. Lesnar's kind of an asshole!

But if we're discussing this as intelligent fans of professional wrestling, and objectively breaking down the match itself, that was easily the most breathlessly brutal match the WWE has put on in five or more years. Whoever won doesn't take away from that.

The blood. The absolute bludgeoning Cena took. The missed top rope legdrop. The crazy Kimura. The one armed spinebuster reversal on the steps. The INSANE breathtaking suicide leap by Lesnar over the top rope. The big fight feel. You can't take any of that away from the match because both men delivered.

But if you're crapping on the match because the "wrong" guy won, it's not your job to worry how Lesnar can be taken as a legitimate threat. That's the WWE's job. Why stress for something you ain't being paid to stress about? Alternatively, there is a simple reason Lesnar lost to me. He was giving back the win he had on Cena from Backlash 2003. We all complain that the WWE thinks we're stupid and don't have a memory past the previous PPV, but my memory works, and that's the reason why Lesnar lost.

Lesnar in NO way, shape, or form, looked weak in defeat. In fact, it's tough to believe from the match last night that ANYONE apart from Triple H, Undertaker, John Cena, or maybe Randy Orton could legitimately keep Lesnar down for a three count. To appear confounded as to how Lesnar could be taken seriously, DID YOU SEE THE MATCH?!
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I'm betting he won the lottery or something where he doesn't have to work but has plenty of money and now he is the WWE version of a Dead-head...
The ending didn't bother me as much as it usually did, mostly because I'm more or less desensitized to the whole SuperCena shtick, that and it was fine brawl in its own right. but yeah I definitely agree that Cena should have done the job last night, especially if he's gonna be sidelined for awhile.

Now the question is: where does Brock go from here? Say Cena got a fluke win, call him out week after week and destroy the locker room until he returns? That's be an interesting progression to the story, but Lesnar's property value took a hit last night losing his return match. This is another example of WWE's by-the-seat-of-your-pants booking. They have this "we'll cross that bridge when we get to it" stigma to certain storylines and match outcomes, but when the time comes they're stuck with their thumbs up their asses.
Well, you could argue that the ending to Triple H-Undertaker at WM27 set up the rematch at WM28, what with UT being carted out on a...whatever that was.

UT won the match, but let's be honest: Triple H went over.

I didn't see the PPV last night, but perhaps that's what happened here?

Also: it's not like Cena's won a whole lot lately in big PPV matches, so I'm not sure the "same old same old" complaints apply here.
I'm going to side with Golden Idol on that. Cena won but got absolutely messed up. Anyone who saw the match would easily be able to tell you Brock was the better man last night, but he lost due to a mistake that Cena took advantage of. Even if Brock lost, he still is going to be able to say that he put Cena on the sidelines. Not even just physically, but mentally. Besides, it wasn't that long ago where I remember people mentioning how is the face of the WWE going to lose to 2 guys who hadn't even stepped into a wrestling ring in years? Three guys, if you want to change that to a WWE ring.

Anyway, I like the idea of Brock challenging all comers and singlehandedly destroying them. Probably start with Orton. Then move onto more "dominant"guys. Kane, Mark Henry, Big Show, Khali. Hell, push the fuck out of Ryback and make him seem credible. Even if he loses, I imagine that as a Saturn vs Goldberg match from back in WCW.

Part of me does want to see a wily heel pull a Cena and sneak a win past him, though. I could definitely imagine the scenario where Miz, Cody, or Ziggler beat Brock with a rollup and then absolutely book it out of the arena. Or bring back something remenscent of the WCW Jericho/Goldberg feud, where one of them beats a fake Brock and parades it around as a real victory. Since Brock isn't going to be there every week, I could see that happening very easily.
That WCW battle royal video is wonderful. Ridiculous overselling by commentators, Schiavone calling Hogan "Terry Bollea", Hogan's "FUNB" shirt...lovely.
Next to him is the Cena fan in the White Suit jacket that shows up a lot also, particularly in the Chicago area shows in that Extreme Rules pic of Punk celebrating.
[quote name='Scorch']At Extreme Rules..






Wearing the same damn shirt again.

Also, who said Layla can't wrestle? I thought the diva's match was surprisingly decent and Layla has come a long way since she debuted. She's actually one of the better divas on the roster.
I said she can't wrestle. She almost killed Brie Bella with that neckbreaker last night.

There are a total of 3 divas on the entire WWE roster I would say belong in the ring. One is "injured", one farts uncontrollably, and the other we haven't seen since the Royal Rumble. The rest are terrible workers at best, and nothing but eye candy at the worst...

Also, did you end up getting a shirt at the event?
Enjoyed Orton-Kane more than I thought I would. I liked Kane's redone pure-red flame on his gear - it's still Memphis-riffic stuff, but looks slightly better. Wound up being a perfect opener. I'm glad Dolph got a payday, but man does it suck to see him in a comedy deal, especially with his new shiny gear. Swagger looked like an overgrown kid at an elementary school recital in his outfit. Cody-Show being in a table match was quite random since they did nothing to lead to...well any stip really. And then the match kinda sucked, the finish was awful, and they killed Cody for a month to lead to him super-lucking into a title and then getting his ass kicked. At least he got a Cody chant out of it. Bryan-Sheamus was awesome. Probably Sheamus's best match yet - certainly his most diverse match. I HAVE TIL 5 came back. YES! I didn't mind the DQ loss for the first fall since it fit into the idea of losing a fall, but doing longer-term damage. It was ridiculous for Booker to say the arm was black and blue though. Ryback's TRTminator tron is hilarious, and the Goldberg chant brought the LULZ.

Loved Jericho wearing new, slightly flashy jeans while the hometown guy Punk came out with tattered jeans for the street fight, hugging his cute sister, then holding the WWE Title high in the air with Pepsi signs in the background. I loved the fire extinguisher counter to the Walls. Codebreaker with the chair looked awesome - I hope they're able to put that into WWE '13. I'm glad that they had Punk win and I'm amazed, pleasantly so, that they had a title feud that didn't go even steven. Punk won decisively both times. Beth's poor ankle wasn't cleared, but that didn't prevent her hard nipples from being on the show. Very odd to have them talk about Kharma out of nowhere. I guess she'll come back and kill them on Raw. That's not nearly as good as having her win the title, but I'm glad to see Layla back. Sucks to see her have to come back with a knee brace though - at least it's all blinged out.

Brock-Cena was something special. The pre-match Cena/Cena Sucks chant ruled, especially when they panned to a guy in his '20s decked out in Cena gear with a Cena sign jumping up and down constantly. Couldn't believe that within SECONDS Brock already sliced Cena's head open with elbows. That was nuts. The constant ref stoppage teases were great, and I liked Brock using the double German suplex. The never-ending Kimura spots ruled - kudos to Booker for actually calling the move by its name and both King and Cole saying that Brock's body is a weapon. The chain being used to trap John was great, and man did I laugh when Brock hoisted up Charles Robinson and just tossed him in the ring. Loved the spinebuster counter to the Kimura onto the steps. Thank God Cena's leg didn't hit the steps when he missed the fameasser - that would've ended badly. GODDAMN did Brock ever take a crazy bump over the top after leaping off the steps. He just went clear over the ropes. And then he just no-sold near death and mocked Cena to get in the ring with him again. And he did - and bonked with him a chain. Cena won, but like Taker-HHH last year, all he won was the battle, and it took a chain and steps to do it - Brock won the war. And Cena even did a concession speech afterwards. Great show overall outside of some shaky stuff.

The Brock-Cena match was unforgettable and Brock doing an MMA gimmick in a field where he can be booked to be an ass-kicker is perfect. His physical charisma really shined tonight, and if I wore a hat, it'd go off to him for busting his ass in this match. He went through the motions in Japan and I figured he'd do the same thing here since he's probably set for life. But it looks like he'll give WWE the very best he can. Gotta give Vince McMahon some credit too for allowing Brock, a guy HE SUED, to manhandle Cena like he did. It could've have been easy for someone who's usually so petty to do that, but he did and yeah Cena got banged up for it, but still, at least he showed that he can let bygones be bygones to a degree.

Screens -

[quote name='masked lemon']I said she can't wrestle. She almost killed Brie Bella with that neckbreaker last night.

There are a total of 3 divas on the entire WWE roster I would say belong in the ring. One is "injured", one farts uncontrollably, and the other we haven't seen since the Royal Rumble. The rest are terrible workers at best, and nothing but eye candy at the worst...

Also, did you end up getting a shirt at the event?[/QUOTE]

I guess we'll have to disagree there because I find her in-ring work to be above average in terms of all the other divas. She's certainly not up there with Natalya or Beth, but I think she can hold her own. The neckbreaker was nasty though.

And no, shirts were $30. I didn't feel like spending that much for a shirt, especially when the one I ordered should be here today. I'll just keep this one for the next event I go to.
I just noticed something, Lesnar has kind of a Gorilla face. Looks like his forehead has a balcony overlooking his face.
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