E3 2010 Predictions

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Reverse those two for me, though I do hope Sony at least limps to their third place finish this gen before announcing they're outta the gaming biz.

As for my predictions, since I only own a PS3 currently I'll mention my predictions for Sony's E3:

*Move games shown(some lame video shown showing some asshat playing them and looking like a jackass doing so)
*They crow about their PS3 being 'so powerful'

The End[/QUOTE]

First of all Sony isn't just a gaming division its a multi-faceted technological titan of a corporation, because of that they have, I won't say unlimited resources, but they got alotta shit to play around with, so out of the 3 companies I'd say Sony is in the best position to continue the venture to the next generation. Its true that Nintendo made the most money this generation hands down, but they have a long way to go if they plan on stepping up to the same level as the other 2 next gen because they have to make up for lost ground technologically, and all they do is make video game related stuff so they got what they got to work with. Sure with their profits they got this time around they could roll the dice and hope they don't go down in flames like Sega did but Nintendo just might want to fold after this round and spend their money on developing some games that they know for a fact will yield great profits.
As long as Sony as a whole isn't hurt by the video game sector's existence it will continue to exist, and they aren't hurting anymore.
Microsoft will probably continue on as well since they have Computer parts and shit to work off of.
Basically what I'm saying is Sony and Microsoft probably have all the materials they need to build their consoles so they can probably build their consoles for cheaper than Nintendo can.
If Nintendo does go any further I'm predicting next gen will be it's last gen regardless of how well they do, they'll probably still continue to rule the handheld world of videogames, but I think next gen they'll be a 3rd party developer for home consoles, unless they merge or "ally" with a company that has the materials to do something significantly better than what the Wii is capable of.
[quote name='FanboyPS3']First of all Sony isn't just a gaming division its a multi-faceted technological titan of a corporation, because of that they have, I won't say unlimited resources, but they got alotta shit to play around with, so out of the 3 companies I'd say Sony is in the best position to continue the venture to the next generation. Its true that Nintendo made the most money this generation hands down, but they have a long way to go if they plan on stepping up to the same level as the other 2 next gen because they have to make up for lost ground technologically, and all they do is make video game related stuff so they got what they got to work with. Sure with their profits they got this time around they could roll the dice and hope they don't go down in flames like Sega did but Nintendo just might want to fold after this round and spend their money on developing some games that they know for a fact will yield great profits.
As long as Sony as a whole isn't hurt by the video game sector's existence it will continue to exist, and they aren't hurting anymore.
Microsoft will probably continue on as well since they have Computer parts and shit to work off of.
Basically what I'm saying is Sony and Microsoft probably have all the materials they need to build their consoles so they can probably build their consoles for cheaper than Nintendo can.
If Nintendo does go any further I'm predicting next gen will be it's last gen regardless of how well they do, they'll probably still continue to rule the handheld world of videogames, but I think next gen they'll be a 3rd party developer for home consoles, unless they merge or "ally" with a company that has the materials to do something significantly better than what the Wii is capable of.[/QUOTE]
First off, Nintendo took the 'safe' route this gen and didn't go all in like Sony and Microsoft and look at where it put them in terms of hardware and software sales. The last time I checked, I think they were in the number one spot as far as sales go.

Everyone doesn't have to have the biggest and best and the prettiest games in order to make money in this industry. Nintendo has proven that handily this gen.

So if anything Sony and Microsoft need to scale back their hardware plans for next gen if they hope to remain viable competitors in the industry, as they each had their own white elephants as far as getting into this gaming gen is concerned.

They don't need to repeat those mistakes for next gen. A console has to be at least a couple of things: useful to a majority of the consumers it's intended for and not cost prohibitive.

While the PS3 certainly had enough bells and whistles when initially released to make it very useful for many people, it was released at an astonishing $500/$600 each, a price which many(myself included) would not pay for entertainment.

So if Sony and Microsoft go the all in route again, what will the initial cost to grab a next-next gen console be? $1000? $2000? The current pricepoint of the PS3, 360 or Wii is about all I'd be willing to pay next gen for a newer console. Anything over that max price of $300 and they can all kiss my ass. I don't need a super computer with ultra realistic graphics to be entertained. I need something that is affordable to me.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']First off, Nintendo took the 'safe' route this gen and didn't go all in like Sony and Microsoft and look at where it put them in terms of hardware and software sales. The last time I checked, I think they were in the number one spot as far as sales go.

Everyone doesn't have to have the biggest and best and the prettiest games in order to make money in this industry. Nintendo has proven that handily this gen.

So if anything Sony and Microsoft need to scale back their hardware plans for next gen if they hope to remain viable competitors in the industry, as they each had their own white elephants as far as getting into this gaming gen is concerned.

They don't need to repeat those mistakes for next gen. A console has to be at least a couple of things: useful to a majority of the consumers it's intended for and not cost prohibitive.

While the PS3 certainly had enough bells and whistles when initially released to make it very useful for many people, it was released at an astonishing $500/$600 each, a price which many(myself included) would not pay for entertainment.

So if Sony and Microsoft go the all in route again, what will the initial cost to grab a next-next gen console be? $1000? $2000? The current pricepoint of the PS3, 360 or Wii is about all I'd be willing to pay next gen for a newer console. Anything over that max price of $300 and they can all kiss my ass. I don't need a super computer with ultra realistic graphics to be entertained. I need something that is affordable to me.[/QUOTE]

Seriously dude if you're expecting to pay less next gen for a better console than whats already out there, no offense but you gotta be snorting some fairy dust or something.
If you would rather they smacked up their researchers in the head with a hammer so that they think up half cocked versions of good ideas then I think you're alone, I think most people would rather pay a little more for an extremely noticeable difference than to pay a little less and have someone get out a magnifying glass or some shit and point out a few extra pixels here and there.
I just don't see how anyone can say they'd rather them hold back their researchers, these things last us 7-8 damn years, I personally don't mind paying at cost for something thats gonna be one of my main damn sources of entertainment for 7-8 years of my life, and I want it to look as good as they can get it with their researchers and their techys swinging for the fences thank you very much.
[quote name='FanboyPS3']Seriously dude if you're expecting to pay less next gen for a better console than whats already out there, no offense but you gotta be snorting some fairy dust or something.
If you would rather they smacked up their researchers in the head with a hammer so that they think up half cocked versions of good ideas then I think you're alone, I think most people would rather pay a little more for an extremely noticeable difference than to pay a little less and have someone get out a magnifying glass or some shit and point out a few extra pixels here and there.
I just don't see how anyone can say they'd rather them hold back their researchers, these things last us 7-8 damn years, I personally don't mind paying at cost for something thats gonna be one of my main damn sources of entertainment for 7-8 years of my life, and I want it to look as good as they can get it with their researchers and their techys swinging for the fences thank you very much.[/QUOTE]
And I'd rather it be a marginal upgrade from the systems this gen so it'll end up being a REASONABLE price.

Five hundred to six hundred dollars for a gaming console is NOT a reasonable price to me or to many other people.

I waited until they dropped at least $200 off the price of the PS3 before I bought one and I only bought it then because I made out on a deal on CAG to sell all of my prior gen games for 2-3x more than I paid for them.

I'm a real CAG in that I don't like paying out the ass for my gaming systems or games.

tl;dr version: I don't give a damn about everything being 'hd' or not, as long as the price is reasonable and $500-600 or MORE possibly next gen is NOT reasonable to me.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']And I'd rather it be a marginal upgrade from the systems this gen so it'll end up being a REASONABLE price.

Five hundred to six hundred dollars for a gaming console is NOT a reasonable price to me or to many other people.

I waited until they dropped at least $200 off the price of the PS3 before I bought one and I only bought it then because I made out on a deal on CAG to sell all of my prior gen games for 2-3x more than I paid for them.

I'm a real CAG in that I don't like paying out the ass for my gaming systems or games.

tl;dr version: I don't give a damn about everything being 'hd' or not, as long as the price is reasonable and $500-600 or MORE possibly next gen is NOT reasonable to me.[/QUOTE]

Its not a monopoly theres 3 competitors, they don't know what the others are going to put out until its too late to react. If they under estimate what one another plans to put out just one time, and can't stand toe to toe with them, they'll be packing up and going home. Probably the CEO without a job.:cry:

(Just look at Sega with the Dreamcast, and Atari with the Jaguar..all it takes is 1 strike and you're out in the gaming industry as far as hardware is concerned.)
Well you never buy consoles at launch, CAG or not -- there simply isn't anything to play and the consoles are missing tons of features. So I don't really take starting prices too seriously.

Anyways, I'm hoping for just a little bit more footage of The Last Guardian and some gameplay clips of FFXIII Versus (probably won't be until TGS though).

And also, I'm very, very sick of MGS games. From a hardcore fan standpoint, MGS4 was appreciated but it was a pretty stale game at its core. The PSP games have been lackluster, and now there's 2 more MGS titles on the way coming from a guy that keeps telling us he's finished making them. I was really hoping he'd either start a new IP or take an entirely new approach at MGS but he won't leave Snake and his crew alone.

Zone of the Enders 3 -- please.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Ooh didn't put my predictions...
Great list, I wouldn't be surprised if this was dead-on.

I'd like to see some more info on Valkyria Chronicles 2, I'm beginning to wonder why we haven't heard anything about it in so long.

Personally I think FFvXIII on the 360 is an inevitability but I'd love to get real confirmation. I want to be able to play it without buying a new console.

Mass Effect 2 on PS3 would be awesome, the more people who can play that phenomenal game the better, but I don't think Bioware is interested in a version of ME2 that would be totally cut off from its predecessor.

As far my own "never going to happen but wouldn't it be cool" prediction, let's get Tales of Graces in English!
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
Everyone doesn't have to have the biggest and best and the prettiest games in order to make money in this industry. Nintendo has proven that handily this gen.

That's crap... Maybe the console makers don't have to have the BIGGEST, BEST and PRETTIEST games to make money, but hell NO as a gamer. Do you honestly think you can satisfy your game needs just from playing Nintendo stuff?

Nintendo got its run of money from the Wii, but can they continue?

I'm not sure anyone mentioned 3D, but i'm all for it :)
I predict that Nintendo's press conference will, once again, bring the lulz.

But will they be able to top the sheer reverse-genius of the Wii Music presentation? Doubtful.

Also, the Natal and PS3 Wand, or whatever it's called, will be extremely lame.
[quote name='Serpentor']That's crap... Maybe the console makers don't have to have the BIGGEST, BEST and PRETTIEST games to make money, but hell NO as a gamer. Do you honestly think you can satisfy your game needs just from playing Nintendo stuff?

Nintendo got its run of money from the Wii, but can they continue?

I'm not sure anyone mentioned 3D, but i'm all for it :)[/QUOTE]
I personally think Nintendo can only go so far without keeping up with the other 2 technologically, the only reason they survived this time was because they brought about an innovation in another direction, they faked Sony and Microsoft out this time around, but they got Sony and Microsoft..well copying first of all, but also thinking outside the box to be sure it doesn't happen again, they don't want to be second to a party again with Nintendo sitting on a huge mound of money that could have easily been theirs. This showed me Nintendos having a hard time going forward graphically so they're grabbing at straws for an innovation that can justify making a new console, and they can only continue so far down that road before its over and Sony and Microsoft are left to duke it out actually striving for the best console. There will be a third down the road but I think Nintendos coming to the end of the line this gen or the next one.
If Nintendo goes to HD next gen they wont be competing with the PS4 or Xbox Next, they'll be competing with the PS3 and 360 (if Microsoft continues to support it) The PS3 by then will be down to like 200 bucks have BluRay functionality and play games, motion controlled games too.
Considering the Wii started at 250, the addition of HD would only drive that cost through the roof like it did the other 2, noones going to buy a Wii2 over a PS3 when the PS3 has all the same capabilities, BluRay playback and is in the sweetspot range the Wii once sat in.
[quote name='Serpentor']That's crap... Maybe the console makers don't have to have the BIGGEST, BEST and PRETTIEST games to make money, but hell NO as a gamer. Do you honestly think you can satisfy your game needs just from playing Nintendo stuff?

Nintendo got its run of money from the Wii, but can they continue?

I'm not sure anyone mentioned 3D, but i'm all for it :)[/QUOTE]
From the aspect of a gamer who has been playing since the Atari 2600, I can tell you that so long as the games I'm playing are FUN it doesn't matter one bit to me if they've got super ultra realistic graphics. It's a nice addition to the GAMEPLAY(which should be easy to grasp and not overly confusing), but not wholly neccessary. Perhaps in some peoples eyes it is, but not to me. We could still be playing games with Genesis graphics and to me that would be fine as long as they're fun to play.
[quote name='FanboyPS3']I personally think Nintendo can only go so far without keeping up with the other 2 technologically, the only reason they survived this time was because they brought about an innovation in another direction, they faked Sony and Microsoft out this time around, but they got Sony and Microsoft..well copying first of all, but also thinking outside the box to be sure it doesn't happen again, they don't want to be second to a party again with Nintendo sitting on a huge mound of money that could have easily been theirs. This showed me Nintendos having a hard time going forward graphically so they're grabbing at straws for an innovation that can justify making a new console, and they can only continue so far down that road before its over and Sony and Microsoft are left to duke it out actually striving for the best console. There will be a third down the road but I think Nintendos coming to the end of the line this gen or the next one.
If Nintendo goes to HD next gen they wont be competing with the PS4 or Xbox Next, they'll be competing with the PS3 and 360 (if Microsoft continues to support it) The PS3 by then will be down to like 200 bucks have BluRay functionality and play games, motion controlled games too.
Considering the Wii started at 250, the addition of HD would only drive that cost through the roof like it did the other 2, noones going to buy a Wii2 over a PS3 when the PS3 has all the same capabilities, BluRay playback and is in the sweetspot range the Wii once sat in.[/QUOTE]
Nintendo was trying to do something original and unique and now Sony and Microsoft are copycatting them with their own lame motion control garbage.

We've seen attempts at motion controls done before and those have failed miserably in prior gens. Plus the initial investment to get the Move or Natal will most likely be cost prohibitive and be at least 2x the cost of a normal controller.

Personally, I'd prefer to have three options in the gaming market, even if the third company isn't doing the latest and greatest tech or has super hyper real graphical capabilities.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']From the aspect of a gamer who has been playing since the Atari 2600, I can tell you that so long as the games I'm playing are FUN it doesn't matter one bit to me if they've got super ultra realistic graphics. It's a nice addition to the GAMEPLAY(which should be easy to grasp and not overly confusing), but not wholly neccessary. Perhaps in some peoples eyes it is, but not to me. We could still be playing games with Genesis graphics and to me that would be fine as long as they're fun to play.

Nintendo was trying to do something original and unique and now Sony and Microsoft are copycatting them with their own lame motion control garbage.

We've seen attempts at motion controls done before and those have failed miserably in prior gens. Plus the initial investment to get the Move or Natal will most likely be cost prohibitive and be at least 2x the cost of a normal controller.

Personally, I'd prefer to have three options in the gaming market, even if the third company isn't doing the latest and greatest tech or has super hyper real graphical capabilities.[/QUOTE]

You don't make any sense, you want to keep up with the industry, but you don't want it to go anywhere. What is the point?
If Sega Genesis graphics is good enough for you then go buy a Sega Genesis off ebay, and stop wishing the gaming industry to come to a hault.

As I said before the Wii2 is probably going to compete with the PS3 because they will have the same capabilities, so get a PS3 or a Wii2 next gen and wait till the next next gen for the prices to be within your comfort zone. Then you can have the best of both worlds.
[quote name='FanboyPS3']You don't make any sense, you want to keep up with the industry, but you don't want it to go anywhere. What is the point?
If Sega Genesis graphics is good enough for you then go buy a Sega Genesis off ebay, and stop wishing the gaming industry to come to a hault.

As I said before the Wii2 is probably going to compete with the PS3 because they will have the same capabilities, so get a PS3 or a Wii2 next gen and wait till the next next gen for the prices to be within your comfort zone. Then you can have the best of both worlds.[/QUOTE]
Normally I do wait till the 'current gen' systems are $200 or under before I get into a gaming gen, but I had the extra cash from selling my old games and some DVD boxsets I bought stupid cheap so I jumped in and got a PS3.

Actually I'm on my second PS3, as I had a 40 gb PS3 when I first got one, then when Gamestop was offering the $150 TIV for the old fat models towards a slim once they dropped to $299.99 I upgraded.

As far as the industry grinding to a halt, I do want newer tech to keep coming out, but not if it means the expense to get into the newer systems is 2-3x the amount it cost in the prior gen.

Sony has used the Cell tech, the Blu-Ray drive and has made wifi and hard drives almost standard this gen. I'm fine with them keeping all of that tech for next gen and maybe upgrading to a faster BR drive, better Cell processor and bigger HDD's. But if they add in some cockamamie new tech that costs way more than what it costs to make the system(like they did this gen) and then pass that cost onto the consumers, they can kiss my ass.

I use my PS3 as a gaming console(and for a small while as my PC to surf the net with when my two PC's broke down)and that's the ONLY function I use on it. I don't see myself using it to do any of the extraneous shit they put on the console either. I have no interest in HD movies(unless they become $5 each on sale every week at Best Buy), no interest in streaming shit from my PC's HDD, no interest in Linux, no interest in Folding @ Home, no interest in Facebook, no interest in Playstation Home and so on and so forth.

So strip out all of that shit and tell me how much it'd cost for a PS3 and make a base model for people like me who don't want or need an all-in-one machine because we have a thing called a personal computer to do all of this with if we want to.
My predictions. Motion control will be the cats pajamas across all systems, consumers still won't care.

Microsoft- Gears of War 3 Footage/Gameplay
Slim Announced
Super Slim (Aka PS3 for Microsoft) with built in Wireless and Blu Ray player priced competitively with PS3

Nintendo- Probably a new Zelda Game and I wouldnt be surprised to see New Super Mario Bros. 2 announced. Maybe a new Donkey Kong Country style game? (Okay thats just wishful thinking).
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Normally I do wait till the 'current gen' systems are $200 or under before I get into a gaming gen, but I had the extra cash from selling my old games and some DVD boxsets I bought stupid cheap so I jumped in and got a PS3.

Actually I'm on my second PS3, as I had a 40 gb PS3 when I first got one, then when Gamestop was offering the $150 TIV for the old fat models towards a slim once they dropped to $299.99 I upgraded.

As far as the industry grinding to a halt, I do want newer tech to keep coming out, but not if it means the expense to get into the newer systems is 2-3x the amount it cost in the prior gen.

Sony has used the Cell tech, the Blu-Ray drive and has made wifi and hard drives almost standard this gen. I'm fine with them keeping all of that tech for next gen and maybe upgrading to a faster BR drive, better Cell processor and bigger HDD's. But if they add in some cockamamie new tech that costs way more than what it costs to make the system(like they did this gen) and then pass that cost onto the consumers, they can kiss my ass.

I use my PS3 as a gaming console(and for a small while as my PC to surf the net with when my two PC's broke down)and that's the ONLY function I use on it. I don't see myself using it to do any of the extraneous shit they put on the console either. I have no interest in HD movies(unless they become $5 each on sale every week at Best Buy), no interest in streaming shit from my PC's HDD, no interest in Linux, no interest in Folding @ Home, no interest in Facebook, no interest in Playstation Home and so on and so forth.

So strip out all of that shit and tell me how much it'd cost for a PS3 and make a base model for people like me who don't want or need an all-in-one machine because we have a thing called a personal computer to do all of this with if we want to.[/QUOTE]
Fair enough, I do agree Sony shoves products down your throat, they are a
multi faceted corporation, so I suspect whoever proposed the idea of the PSX to the head of the whole damn thing said if we make a console we can get Cd players out in homes on a massive scale then we can sell blank cds and music cds, and then they probably kept proposing a new form of massive scale distribution of a particular product they happened to be developing, its probably the Gaming department of Sony's way of convincing the corporation as a whole that they need to be kept around because they bring in revenue on a massive scale.
They do make good things though so I guess I just eat up what they shove down my throat. lol.
I see why that could upset you though.
If they stop then the corporation probably wouldn't keep them around because they would only benefit their own "department".
I want a lot of things from E3, too many to list, so I'll just post one which I'm sure some may disagree with.

No new consoles announced.

Please, stop it. We don't need any new consoles yet, we don't even need a PSP2. We are fine where we're at right now. That... and the fact I've never been this close to owning all consoles this generation. I bought a Wii and PS3 back in October, and I just bought a PSP. Once I get a DS (I keep putting this off cause right as I'm about to buy one, they announce a new model) and 360 (not till it's insanely cheap, cause otherwise it's a PS3 with less features and less exclusives I care about) I have this entire generation. I wanna finally be able to say I owned a whole generation!

But beyond my own selfishness, we really don't need new consoles. Developers still haven't achieved the full potential of the consoles we got now. We need our current consoles to be cheaper, not our current consoles being lowered in price cause new ones are coming out. Save the new consoles for E3 2012, least that way we won't have to feel guilty about planning to buy new consoles for very long as the Apocalypse comes and kicks our asses.
I kind of wish that Rare would announce they're remaking the N64 version of Conker's Bad Fur Day for XBLA. Not the horrible Xbox 1 one, either with all of its' horrid censoring.
[quote name='Buuhan1']I want a lot of things from E3, too many to list, so I'll just post one which I'm sure some may disagree with.

No new consoles announced.

Please, stop it. We don't need any new consoles yet, we don't even need a PSP2. We are fine where we're at right now. That... and the fact I've never been this close to owning all consoles this generation. I bought a Wii and PS3 back in October, and I just bought a PSP. Once I get a DS (I keep putting this off cause right as I'm about to buy one, they announce a new model) and 360 (not till it's insanely cheap, cause otherwise it's a PS3 with less features and less exclusives I care about) I have this entire generation. I wanna finally be able to say I owned a whole generation!

But beyond my own selfishness, we really don't need new consoles. Developers still haven't achieved the full potential of the consoles we got now. We need our current consoles to be cheaper, not our current consoles being lowered in price cause new ones are coming out. Save the new consoles for E3 2012, least that way we won't have to feel guilty about planning to buy new consoles for very long as the Apocalypse comes and kicks our asses.[/QUOTE]

3DS will already be there.

I don't think we'll see the 720, PS4, or Wii 2. That's all next year. I bet we'll get some rumblings about those systems though.
I still have this feeling that Nintendo will announce a new Wii peripheral at E3. Last year it was the Vitality Sensor, before that the Wii Motion Plus, before that it was the Wii Wheel and Balance Board. What will come next?
[quote name='Richlough']If there is a slim 360 it had better have a Blu-ray drive in it .[/QUOTE]

That's not going to happen.
[quote name='FanboyPS3']If Nintendo goes to HD next gen they wont be competing with the PS4 or Xbox Next, they'll be competing with the PS3 and 360 (if Microsoft continues to support it).[/QUOTE]

Are you a full-blown retarded person?

Your argument would suggest, in turn, that the Wii doesn't compete with the PS3 and the 360, only with the PS2, which makes no sense. A product's competition is EVERY other box on the shelf in the same product category that someone could buy instead. Whenever Nintendo releases a new home console, it's competition will be everything else being sold at the time. The average buyer doesn't classify consoles according to graphical fidelity.

Also, if you want to consider market timing, the overwhelming likelihood is that Nintendo would be the last to consider releasing a new console, whereas Sony would have the greatest incentive to kill the PS3 early. The Wii's lead is nearly insurmountable. The only way to dominate the industry for MS or Sony would be to force a next-generation earlier, if anything, since each generation of hardware is more-or-less winner-take-all.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']At E3? Not a chance. Maybe if we we're talking about TGS, though.[/QUOTE]

Why not? Tons of Japanese games make their debut at E3. I was at TGS last year and I can't remember one memorable Japanese game that made a debut.
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Why does everyone want a PS4, or 720, or Wii HD, now or even next year. The way things are going, it would be too premature to put something out there right now. Isn't that what the Move, Project Natal are doing... expanding the console out further that just a few years. My prediction is big titles and the obvious Move and Project Natal sprinkled with a little of big name titles compatible with them. That is it. There are gamers on a budget right now, you all can agree. To come out with a new system or even talk of one is just plain dumb right now. I am perfectly content with my system now and will stop on this gen and play a backlog of games to last me into next decade.
Yah, the systems haven't even hit 149 or below yet. Theres alot more time, especially for the PS3 obviously which could go another 5+ years without needing another new system. It is in EVERYONES best interest to keep this gen going for as long as possible. Sony is on track with 3D, Move, and just lots of great gaming. Microsoft is trucking along and doing well. Both sony and ms gaming divisions are now profitable, so now is the time to make as much as possible. Same for third party devs with engines up and running. Pumping out more games is where its at.

Nintendo will need another gimmick to keep up with the jones'. Wii sales are slipping worldwide by a large margin. 3DS is going to be fine, but wii isn't doing record breaking sales like before. We'll see if Vitality sensor + Wii Relax is going to do it.
HD has been bankrupting developers for 5 years now. I dont think Nintendo needs to do anything in particular except let 360/PS3 continue to drive the industry into the ground.
I have not read a single word in this thread. But I, Nostradamus, am blessing you with my detailed description of the days ahead!

Behold, the future of gaming!!

A shit ton of waggle. And Fusion Frenzy 3
Don't give two shits about the Move or Natal. I just want to see more info on some games. Other than Microsoft's heavy hitters (Gears of War 3, Reach, Fable III) I feel like a lot of highly anticipated future titles are mostly undercover at the moment. I'm hoping Sony has something big up their sleeve. But some games I'm hoping to see more of:

-Agent (somewhat likely)
-L.A. Noire (50/50 I'd say)
-GTA V (doubt it)
-Metal Gear Rising (not sure on this one)
-Rage (probably)
-Crysis 2 (probably)
-Dead Space 2 (probably)
-Gears of War 3 (guaranteed)
-The Last Guardian (Even if it's small, I'd love to see something)
-Saint's Row 3 (unsure, but I'm betting it'll be there)
-Medal of Honor (guaranteed)
-Arkham Asylum 2 (probably)
Forza 4 announcements
GT5 getting pushed back AGAIN
journalists around the globe reporting massive amount suicides among fans of certain sony franchise

no seriously i hope that new Nintendo handheld won't be just DS with 3d capabilities but completely new handheld(DS2) with Virtual Handheld store(simillar to Virtual Console) where you could get all Gameboy and DS games for 100-800Nintendo Points.
My main hope/prediction is that Microsoft will announce that online play is now free, or that Gold subscriptions are now per-console instead of per–profile. Either would make me happy, the former very happy.
Also, I predict the announcement of games for 360/PS3 that have you doing the same shit as before, only more of it, and with more M rated-ness.
[quote name='sofik88']Forza 4 announcements [/QUOTE]

Uh, err... we JUST got FM3... ? Not to mention the DLC they once again "promised". Also, I think FM is getting old... I haven't picked it up for ever and doing the same races over and over again for each game is getting old.
Starhawk (Warhawk Sequel)
New portable media device will be unveiled but will not inherit the PSP name
XMB to be completely redesigned

Zune game store announced to be integrated with Xbox Live
Xbox 360 slim.

Nintendo will announce GBA store only for 3DS.
New Zelda exclusive for 3DS.
New Nintendo IP for 3DS.
All in all, what I want most out of this years E3 is to not be disappointed. Example: Not the last couple of E3's.
Pretty sure Xbox is going to get the MLB.tv thing that PS3 announced a couple months ago, and I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Farmville will come to 360. Seems like the kind of thing they'd go for.

Also, to make a 3-peat of blown Sony surprises at E3, PSP2 details will probably leak out next week, and absolutely no one will be surprised by its reveal during Sony's conference.
Honestly the Wii is awesome and still has tons of potential, I don't see the point in having a Wii HD as long as the games include 16:9 mode (looks fine from the couch). E3 is one of my favorite things about the start of the summer, I can't wait to watch the conferences.

[quote name='crunchewy']My main hope/prediction is that Microsoft will announce that online play is now free, or that Gold subscriptions are now per-console instead of per–profile. Either would make me happy, the former very happy.[/QUOTE]

What do you mean by per-console? Are you saying currently we pay for one Gamertag to play online and you want multiple Gamertags to be able to play online as long as the system is Gold?
i want to see games that will finally show true wii power.
yeah we have Last Story which probably become best looking wii game to date considering first gameplay screens and is definitely game that could not be made on ps2 or gamecube(that's a first for the wii), but wii is more powerful than first xbox which was never maxed out and we have yet to see wii titles on par with some of the best looking xbox games(Riddick, PGR series, Doom 3 etc.). while i doubt any 3rd party will spend enough money on wii game to push this console i hope Nintendo will show its true power with Zelda and other titles..
Simple fact is, if a developer wants their game to look great they will more than likely develop it for an HD console. I'm not saying there's not a developer out there who wants to push the Wii to its graphic limit, I'm just saying many would rather not bother.
i hope to see the next GTAgame even if its just a teaser for where it will take place and what era. also give me some ghost of sparta footage. then i hope to see mortal kombat 9.

anyone know what time and day nintendo, sony, and ms will have thier shows on G4?
Square reveals some new info regarding Versus XIII.

And then they announce it will also be released in the 360; PS3 fans RAGE :wall:while 360 fans gloat :lol:

It will be the same linear experience as XIII thanks to time constraints. :whistle2:#
[quote name='glemtvapen']Square reveals some new info regarding Versus XIII.

And then they announce it will also be released in the 360; PS3 fans RAGE :wall:while 360 fans gloat :lol:

It will be the same linear experience as XIII thanks to time constraints. :whistle2:#[/QUOTE]
you forgot that, after this Versus XIII won't be a good game according to PS3 Fans. personally i hope some meteor will kill all dudes in charge of Square Enix and their development studios so we could finally get good games from them on consoles and something that's not a port/remake on handhelds. i can count on one hand current gen Square Enix games that were good and not even single game was made by Square Enix development teams but some independent studios.

blitz6speed and Buuhan1, so since wii is less powerful they should just keep releasing games that look like early ps2 games?
No one knows anything about Versus besides some really great CG trailers, and a few words from the developer.

And yes, XIII was made linear due to time constraints :roll:
[quote name='panzerfaust']No one knows anything about Versus besides some really great CG trailers, and a few words from the developer.

And yes, XIII was made linear due to time constraints :roll:[/QUOTE]
it's been in the works for like 6 or 7 years - time constraints is NOT an excuse. it's been made that way to please the masses and casual gamers(just like Call of Duty or Assassins Creed games) so they could sell a lot of copies of the game.

i hope that Simbin will show on E3 new GTR and that it will be released on 360 too just like Race Pro. we need more true racing simulators on consoles and Race Pro is amazing.
[quote name='sofik88']blitz6speed and Buuhan1, so since wii is less powerful they should just keep releasing games that look like early ps2 games?[/QUOTE]

Wii owners obviously do not give a crap what the games look like. The top selling wii games of all time could be done in the same exact graphic fidelity on the N64 or PS1. So really, you have no reason to complain, you want good graphics, you obviously purchased the wrong system to get them.

[quote name='sofik88']i hope that Simbin will show on E3 new GTR and that it will be released on 360 too just like Race Pro. we need more true racing simulators on consoles and Race Pro is amazing.[/QUOTE]

Pssssst. Hey, sofik88. Racing Genre is dead if your name isnt GT. Pass it on.
[quote name='blitz6speed']Pssssst. Hey, sofik88. Racing Genre is dead if your name isnt GT. Pass it on.[/QUOTE]
so you're sony fanboy and/or graphics whore. i feel sorry for you if you think that since you've never been graced with actual racing simulator. truth be told even GT5(if that last demo is any indication) couldn't be compared to the old pc sims made by Papyrus like Grand Prix Legends. let's be honest here Nascar and Indycar racing games from early 90's made by Dave Kaemmer are still considered to have better physics than newest Gran Turismo game by many. GT5 has still to prove that it's better than Forza in physics department even though both are more(Gran Turismo games) or less(Forza series) arcade games.

Race Pro is barebone pc racing sim on console made by the best developer of racing sim games and have updated physics engine from Race On - one of the best racing simulators ever created to date and i can tell you that myself since i've been playing mostly on pc between 1996-2007 and all i've been playing were: rpgs, real-time tactics games and racing simulators
bread's done