E3 Sony Press Conference Discussion Thread

[quote name='evanft']Does Gran Turismo even matter anymore? I mean, Forza 1, 2, and 3 will all have come out in between GT4 and 5, and F3 will probably be a much better game, just as F1 and F2 shit all over GT.

And it was a fucking teaser. GT4 came out in like 2004, right? And GT5 won't see the light of day until next year, will it? 6 fucking years to deliver something that won't even be the best racer available.[/QUOTE]

hahahahaha Forza is a good game, but Gran Tourismo it is not. Not even close.
[quote name='slickkill77']For as much hype as people put into this game I don't really think it look all that much better than 1 or 2. I really want to like this game but....[/QUOTE]

I agree I didn't see anything revolutionary

those chains and fists I played on the PSP version


March 2010.. sucks.

It's just one more thing for the annoying Mr. Twist to bitch about

So, what's the good/bad stuff from Sony?

Lift a fucking finger and visit a news site for a summary, lazy ass.
Is God of War basically a better Ninja Gaiden? I'm serious, I've never played any of them. I know there are fuck-minigames and stuff but is the core game essentially that?
[quote name='smiggity']hahahahaha Forza is a good game, but Gran Tourismo it is not. Not even close.[/QUOTE]

Are you fucking stupid? Forza 1 basically made GT obsolete with superior AI, no bullshit races with shitty car, car damage, and better customization.

[quote name='KaneRobot']Is God of War basically a better Ninja Gaiden? I'm serious, I've never played any of them. I know there are fuck-minigames and stuff but is the core game essentially that?[/QUOTE]

Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma basically shits all over the GoW series.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Is God of War basically a better Ninja Gaiden? I'm serious, I've never played any of them. I know there are fuck-minigames and stuff but is the core game essentially that?[/QUOTE]

Yep. I highly, highly recommend GOW2.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Is God of War basically a better Ninja Gaiden? I'm serious, I've never played any of them. I know there are fuck-minigames and stuff but is the core game essentially that?[/QUOTE]

The games play a lot differently actually. I much prefer GoW.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Is God of War basically a better Ninja Gaiden? I'm serious, I've never played any of them. I know there are fuck-minigames and stuff but is the core game essentially that?[/QUOTE]

As far as I know, Ninja Gaiden is about speed and God of War is more beating the sh*t out of massive beasts
[quote name='smiggity']hahahahaha Forza is a good game, but Gran Tourismo it is not. Not even close.[/QUOTE]

Eh, Forza is pretty good, and surpasses GT in some respects. Just get the damn game out already. Overall, the presentation was just waaaayyy too long, but I thought the psp stuff was pretty good, if only the go wasn't 250 bucks I would think about it. I have to disagree with most people, I thought God of War 3 looked awesome, that might be the game that pushes me over to finally buy a ps3. Everything else was kind of meh for me.
[quote name='Mr. Twist']MAG 2010
God of War 3 2010
AGENT 2010

So what is SONY's 2009 Big Game for Christmas??[/QUOTE]

Uncharted 2 and Ratchet and Clank?
[quote name='evanft']Are you fucking stupid? Forza 1 basically made GT obsolete with superior AI, no bullshit races with shitty car, car damage, and better customization.

Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma basically shits all over the GoW series.[/QUOTE]
Um, the damage modeling in Forza 2 is a complete joke. I can slam into a wall doing 180 and drive away. No different than GT.

And God of War eats NG for breakfast.
I think Sony stole the show. That was a RIDICULOUS conference Sony. Jack Tretton is the new Reggie in my mind. I loved it.
[quote name='docvinh']Eh, Forza is pretty good, and surpasses GT in some respects. Just get the damn game out already. Overall, the presentation was just waaaayyy too long, but I thought the psp stuff was pretty good, if only the go wasn't 250 bucks I would think about it. I have to disagree with most people, I thought God of War 3 looked awesome, that might be the game that pushes me over to finally buy a ps3. Everything else was kind of meh for me.[/QUOTE]
I'll admit it, i'm a NASCAR fan, so as soon as I saw it in GT5 (of all places???), i was sold. Waiting for Sony to announce the price cut later this year and i'm getting a PS3.
I'll say it again... overall, that was underwhelming, ESPECIALLY for two hours. The PSP support is impressive, but that Go! price was just an all-around failure.

Spending time with AC2 was cool, but oddly placed. A new RockStar property is cool, but it's not like announcing an exclusive GTA. Could be great, might not be. Speaking of PS3 Rockstar, where is LA Noir at, anyway?

Online FF14? Not the megaton some see it as.

The motion control, though impressive, looked completely weak after the Natal showing. Yes, neither are out yet, but right now is about perception... which Sony didn't win.

GT5 was impressive, but just release the damn thing already. I also echo some of the GoW sentiments. Pretty? Sure... but it looks like more of the same. Not awful, of course, but two games is about my limit for that sort of gameplay.

Team ICO delivered. Then, they always do.

I guess my biggest complaint, outside of lack of huge announcements, is that there was NOTHING that made me go 'boy, it's time to buy a PS3'. Nice looking games, but a ton of what they showed isn't exclusive. Now, had there been a price drop, it would've changed a lot.
Best news? 80% price drop on PSP dev kits. very good.

[quote name='zewone']Jack Tretton sucks. Worst speaker of the three consoles.[/QUOTE]

you have to admit though, he was the most honest. I personally like him alot for at least acting more forward than most stiff scripted presentations. Jack does the script to but at least adds some of his personality.
Hm.. A bit disappointed. I expected Heavy Rain, Ratchet and Clank, and White Knight Chronicles to show up (not counting those short clips). Unless I read wrong, I thought it said MAG was being released Fall 2009.
I like how Sony loves Hyping up PS3 "Exclusives" gee they have a great reputation for keeping "exclusives"

And did they say FF14 in 2009????

And the SQUARE ENIX guy said Final Fantasy 13 in Spring 2010

Jack Trentton drunk again
[quote name='Mr. Twist']I like how Sony loves Hyping up PS3 "Exclusives" gee they have a great reputation for keeping "exclusives"

And did they say FF14 in 2009????

And the SQUARE ENIX guy said Final Fantasy 13 in Spring 2010

Jack Trentton drunk again[/QUOTE]
FFXIV Online is coming 2010, they said so, listen next time. As for exclusives, many of the exclusives Sony showed today will remain exclusives because they OWN the developer/development studio.
Microsoft = B+ (mainly Milo and Natal and stealing Metal Gear)

Nintendo = C- much better than 2008. where all we got was Wii Music and Animal Crossing

SONY = F Delaying God of War 3 till March 2010 and $250 PSP
I thought that was a well-done presentation. Microsoft had a great one this year though, so it was hard to beat. But I think Sony did a good job here.

GT graphics looked amazing, I'm sure that those were in-game graphics, or that the in-game is comparable.

The Last Guardian looks FANTASTIC, I'm sure it will be a great game and will create a bond between the main character and the beast like none other.

I wish they would have had some details about Agent, but a PS3 exclusive Rockstar game is good news.

The Playstation Motion Controller is obviously still in early stages, but I think it looked great, and has a lot of potential. The accuracy you can draw/write with it was very nice, and their examples of how it can be used in games makes it look very viable.

With new MGS, LittleBigPlanet, and all the other PSP games coming, I am actually looking forward to getting a new PSP Go (my last two were stolen/broken).

Mod Nation Racers looks like it will be a whole lot of fun. Mario Kart w/ completely customizable cars/tracks? Yes please! And their track creator demo made it look so easy and was very satisfying.

I was a big FFXI Player, so the FFXIV Online annoucement was good to hear, I don't plan on taking on any more MMOs though.

I will be downloading FFVII so I can finally beat it, haha, one of my discs got cracked back in the day.

Uncharted 2 obviously looked great, will be playing the multiplayer beta tonight!

Also, I am extremely excited to play MAG, even if it looks a bit underwhelming and gimmicky w/ the huge multiplayer right now.

So all in all, I think it was great. I was expecting to hear about MGS for the PS3, maybe even an exclusive version, but maybe it will be at the Konami presentation, or I am expecting too much.
Conference wasn't that great. I don't know if it's because they don't know how to present stuff, or because the content sucked. It's nice to see some PSP support, but that will probably last for a few months then it'll grow dry again. They don't have a good track record. The motion stuff looked good but I honestly do not give a shit about that until it gets applied to full games. The new Ico game looked nice as did God of War. Metal Gear and RE PSP sounds great. The PSP Go is too much money.
anyone have info on how much FF7 on PSN will cost and how big it is? i want to know if i should go buy a new memory card before i get home from work. i havent been able to find any info.
[quote name='Mr. Twist']Microsoft = B+ (mainly Milo and Natal and stealing Metal Gear)

Nintendo = C- much better than 2008. where all we got was Wii Music and Animal Crossing

SONY = F Delaying God of War 3 till March 2010 and $250 PSP[/QUOTE]

How is this idiot not banned yet ? All he does is roam from thread to thread and harass people and thread crap on everything.
[quote name='Mr. Twist']Microsoft = B+ (mainly Milo and Natal and stealing Metal Gear)

Nintendo = C- much better than 2008. where all we got was Wii Music and Animal Crossing

SONY = F Delaying God of War 3 till March 2010 and $250 PSP[/QUOTE]

Keep going Mr. Twist. You're helping me create flash bang grenades of concentrated stupid. You have enough idiocy for me to make sure China never rivals America. Keep on spouting that stupid so I can plan a stupid assault on China. We gotta keep America up there.
[quote name='SoulReaver']So no ps3 slim/price drop?[/QUOTE]
No doubt they want to deplete their stock of current PS3's right now. I expect a price drop a bit later this year, early fall perhaps?
So. Not bad. At best, they might've matched what MS did. Both Sony and MS really blew Nintendo away, but IIRC Nintendo has it's own thing later in the year they do.
[quote name='Mr. Twist']Microsoft = B+ (mainly Milo and Natal and stealing Metal Gear)

Nintendo = C- much better than 2008. where all we got was Wii Music and Animal Crossing

SONY = F Delaying God of War 3 till March 2010 and $250 PSP[/QUOTE]

How is it a delay if they never announced a release date?
In fact, most people expected it to be a late 2009 - early 2010 title. March is 3 months into 2010.
[quote name='SynGamer']How do i block people?[/QUOTE]
When you figure that out, be sure to tell us.
I missed most everything around the time PS3 started. I had a friend stop by with a card for someone in the hospital.

I did see the Final Fantasy XIV though. And I am a big Final Fantasy fan so I think my naughty bits all went to defcon 3. And then I saw "online" pop up in the name and I'm sitting here with the worst case of blue balls. fuck MMO Final Fantasy. I just don't like them and I don't think it works in the franchise.

Final Fantasy VII dropping today was huge. Gran Turismo has hype (I'm not a big racing guy), and there was some good shit shown. Thumbs up on the conference from what I saw.

Not happy with the new on XIV, but you can't win them all.
[quote name='Invin']When you figure that out, be sure to tell us.[/QUOTE]
Click on the username, a menu should drop down. Click ignore, click yes.
Show was good, I like the motion controller a little bit better than Natal, because you may fell a little more connected to the game because you actually have something in your hand.

The GT PSP really surpised the hell out of me w/ the graphics and the 800 cars. Also the 80% price drop on the PSP dev kit is going to be awesome, and I also like the fact that they were using the word "apps" which is good imo. I was definitely disappointed with the price of the PSP go; 249.99... takes it right out of the price range of most people that want one.... however, price drop the regular psp to 99.99 - 129.99 and I think that's good!

GT for PS3... looks great, but I think people need to play it and show some gameplay video so that we can compare it to forza. I think that the both games look good, identically good, but I think GT may win out once people start looking more closely at the games.

MAG--- it looked good graphically, hopefully it plays well. I can't lie, I don't want to see another Final Fantasy until its on store shelves. Sony already talking about XIV and we haven't play XIII... give me a break.

Overall, though I have to admit that PS3 games, just have a higher level of graphics that what I saw on MS. The big name games (God of War, MAG, GT, etc) make Alan wake look like crap, make L4D2 look like crap (for yet a second time).
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Today is comparison day! yay!

Still surprised no one is talking about peace walkers... 4 player co-op... and um 4 big bauses...???????????????????????????[/QUOTE]

I'm pumped for it but don't have a PSP.
bread's done