EA Insider Deal (live at 8EST/500 likes): 70% Off DS2, Bullestorm, Crysis, BF:Vietnam

[quote name='Meatyflakes']Code is live - ds2c2bsbcv . Only seems to work w/one title though (IE Bulletstorm and Dead Space 2 in the cart, only one drops to $9).[/QUOTE]

Purchasing through separate orders seems to work if you wanted more than one of the games for 70% off.
Ah, thanks for the tip. A bit off topic but is cheapassgamer.com broken for anyone else. I'm seeing a mess of formatting errors and art assets (pics) not being loaded.
Come back when you get some pubes (a PC), another great reason a serious gamer needs at least a mid-range PC is these new EA deals. Picked up Bulletstorm.
[quote name='Muthafodder']....And 1-Star for not mentioning this is exclusive to PC only.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for sharing.
[quote name='xxjonoxx']$18 for Crysis 2 still seems like too much. Need it for $10. Also, Bullestorm for $5 .[/QUOTE]

Crysis 2 was a great game IMO. I originally had it on Xbox, but sold it since none of my friends really had it, and I had done everything pretty much short of getting to level 50 online. Played through the campaign three times, really enjoyed it. Tried the demo on PC and it seemed so much better than when I played it on the 360, so $18 is a definite buy for me. As for Bulletstorm, that's a pretty good game as well, very underrated. Also originally purchased on 360 as well, played through campaign twice, and then sold for same reason as Crysis, no friends had it. From what I played of the demo on that, it seems a lot better on PC as well. $9 seems like a great price for that...don't see it going under that any time soon. Multiplayer is fun if you have friends to play with. Re-playability depends on who you ask. I think it has great replay value though, but then again I enjoy trying to rack up higher scores, and get new skillshots I haven't unlocked before, when I play it.
[quote name='bigant262']Is Crysis 2 worth it?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='xxjonoxx']$18 for Crysis 2 still seems like too much. Need it for $10. Also, Bullestorm for $5 .[/QUOTE]

Crysis 2 was a great game IMO. I originally had it on Xbox, but sold it since none of my friends really had it, and I had done everything pretty much, short of getting to level 50 online. Played through the campaign three times, really enjoyed it. Tried the demo on PC and it seemed so much better than when I played it on the 360, so $18 is a definite buy for me. Probably one of my favorite games to play online, free-for-all was especially fun.

As for Bulletstorm, that's a pretty good game as well, very underrated. Also originally purchased on 360 as well, played through campaign twice, and then sold for same reason as Crysis, no friends had it. From what I played of the demo on that, it seems a lot better on PC as well. $9 seems like a great price for that...don't see it going under that any time soon. Multiplayer is fun if you have friends to play with. Re-playability depends on who you ask. I think it has great replay value though, but then again I enjoy trying to rack up higher scores, and get new skillshots I haven't unlocked before, when I play it.
[quote name='Decker']Thanks. Figured I'd eventually grab a 360 copy, but for $9, I picked up Dead Space 2 on the PC instead.[/QUOTE]

That's a steal. :)
Picked up bulletstorm for $9 download. Awesome price. Same thing for Dead Space 2 (already had it though). Crysis 2 is worth getting, but its not an amazing price. I got it for cheaper months ago. Good sale from EA though, I will give them 2 thumbs up! :)
Yea dunno what's going on, logged in, purchased using paypal, and now nothing. No email, no way to check my account. Very strange.
fuck, I was so freakin excited when I saw this deal. Then I was extremely dissapointed to see it's only PC games. Where's the 360 and ps3 versions dammit? What a fucking let down lol. I have total "CAG blue balls" right now.
Purchasing + Downloading was a little wonky. Took a bit before Origin actually recognized that I owned Bulletstorm, but installing now. I figure worst case scenario I'll simply run it separate. Great deal, and much thanks for the heads up Op!
Note to whoever is thinking about BC2 Vietnam. If you just register your BC 2 key on Origin you get Vietnam free because you can register the deluxe edition.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Note to whoever is thinking about BC2 Vietnam. If you just register your BC 2 key on Origin you get Vietnam free because you can register the deluxe edition.[/QUOTE]

Oh god please don't start this. Thanks.
[quote name='CACG']How much did Dead Space 2 sell for during Steam's summer sale? $9.99?[/QUOTE]

I think it was $15 or higher.
[quote name='phantomfriar2002']Might want to put PC only on the title...[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Especially when it's a time-sensitive deal. You come on here thinking it pertains to your system, and then rush to find out that it's ... not for your system. OP, those two little letters "PC" in the title of this thread clear everything up.
I guess it's dead now. Damn, EA. I wanted to give you money and this is how it goes. At least have sales that last longer than an hour or two.
Nuts missed out, was ready for it too. Then watched some baseball and got some frozen yogurt.. oh well lol one less game to sit in my digital library to waste away I suppose =) SC2 still keeping me busy
Anyone with experience paying through paypal? I placed the order, it shows "pending" under my account. But have not received any notification, nor paypal invoice nor anything from EA. Does it just take a while? Thanks.
[quote name='gunstar808']Anyone with experience paying through paypal? I placed the order, it shows "pending" under my account. But have not received any notification, nor paypal invoice nor anything from EA. Does it just take a while? Thanks.[/QUOTE]

Paypal verified?
Welp. I just got home from work and I noticed that the deal's over. So much for getting Bulletstorm.
[quote name='sph0nz']Welp. I just got home from work and I noticed that the deal's over. So much for getting Bulletstorm.[/QUOTE]

Not a huge loss, as fast as that game has been falling it won't be too much longer till another deal comes.
i traded bulletstorm for 22 at bestbuy. it's a great game but after the single player and plat, there isn't much replay... price will go down fast as it already has. for those who missed dont fret, 12.99 gamefly by the end of the year.
bread's done