EA scraps Madden '09 on PC [and nothing of value was lost]

I bought NHL 08 and while it doesn't compare graphically (wtf?) to the 360 version the franchise is pretty decent.

I'm assuming that will get cut this year which really sucks for me and my Dad, as he only has a PC. Guess I might have to buy him a 360 or Wii in the future.
Yeah. Unlike Madden, NHL still seems to be a popular game for my PC buddies. Would be sad if they took that away.
madden pc versions have looked like absolute crap....

i am shocked though that they killed it... its so unlike ea to not have a version on every platform.. and theyve always had a pc version since like 4ever
Overall, PC gaming seems to be in a decline. Heck, I once used a PC for 100% of my gaming. Now it's more like 75% 360, 25% PC.

For the average gamer, it's just too complicated and time consuming to set up a system, keep drivers up to date, hook up a controller and map controls within a game, etc.

I played Madden on the PC from 2001 to 2007. However, I switched to the 360 version last year... still, I was hoping that the PC version would get updated eventually to next gen graphics...
I honestly had no idea people bought Madden on the PC.

And PC gaming isn't in decline; stop repeating that nonsense. Crappy PC games may be in decline; overwrought console ports may be drying up; muscle-men "camo and fatigue" PC games are no longer cash cows. But frankly none of that bothers me. There are still plenty of fantastic PC games, especially from indie devs.
Back in the days before the 360, the PC version had much superior graphics to the PS2, xbox, and GCN versions. Plus it had better customization/modding options with good rosters, a nice community on maddenmania, and quality PC leagues. However, in the last few years, they've been cutting features and outsourcing the game's port to small companies with small budgets... I bet they just didn't want to go to the trouble of updating the PC version to next-gen.

It pains me to say that MAINSTREAM PC gaming is in decline currently, but it sure looks that way to me... personally and in my circle of friends at the very least.

To clarify, I still do play PC games, but it's mostly adventure games and the like, which do not make their ways to the 360: e.g., Sam and Max and other games on http://www.adventuregamers.com/
No offense, but I'm not believing the "mainstream PC gaming is in a decline" stuff. Not when you take the whole world into account, and not just perception generated in North America or on predominantly-American gaming blogs.

I'm on the other side of the fence. I've hardly used my 360 since I've built myself a new rig this year. Most of my coworkers only play PC games and use their PS3s mostly as a dedicated Blu-Ray player or Cancer-destroying device. The multi-gaming clan I've been part of for several years also mostly plays PC games, and while some of them have 360s they've modded them and don't bother touching them until something like Assassin's Creed hits the internets.

This is still a VERY popular hobby in Europe and parts of Asia. I won't deny that PC games lose a chunk of sales in North America compared to consoles. But PC gaming on a decline as a whole, when you take the Euro and Asian markets into account? Yeah... not really.
PC gaming is not dead.

I hate when people say things like this.

I think the days of the AAA( AAA as in terms of money to make the game) PC Exclusive are long gone.
People say piracy is hurting them, but if your game is good enough people will buy it. People who Pirate the thing were never going to buy it in the fist place.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']I bought NHL 08 and while it doesn't compare graphically (wtf?) to the 360 version the franchise is pretty decent.

I'm assuming that will get cut this year which really sucks for me and my Dad, as he only has a PC. Guess I might have to buy him a 360 or Wii in the future.[/quote]

NHL 08 is the same POS game NHL 2005 was with updated rosters and a few tweaks. It still amazes me that considering they develop the series in Canada they apparently can't find any developers that know anything about hockey.

I'm surprised they cancelled madden 09, how much can it cost to port a game from 3-4 years ago?
[quote name='guyver2077']madden pc versions have looked like absolute crap....[/quote]

That's cause they have been using the same engine they're using for the Wii & PS2 versions. EA claims that they're using that one since the PC isn't powerful enough to support the engine used for the PS3 & 360 version. Which is BS.
[quote name='n25philly']NHL 08 is the same POS game NHL 2005 was with updated rosters and a few tweaks. [/QUOTE]

And I still enjoy it.

The problem is not everyone owns consoles, and there is no Wii Hockey (yet) so theres no way I can convince my dad to burn $250 + $50 for the game just to own ONE game. My dad only plays Diablo 2 and Guild Wars (he kinda liked Titan Quest) along with NHL, so it would be a big bust for us.
i dont understand why they continue to use the ps2 engine for their madden pc games..

last i remember though fifa gets the next gen treatment on pc but i could be wrong..

nba live looks like garbage as well
[quote name='Monsta Mack']I bought NHL 08 and while it doesn't compare graphically (wtf?) to the 360 version the franchise is pretty decent.

I'm assuming that will get cut this year which really sucks for me and my Dad, as he only has a PC. Guess I might have to buy him a 360 or Wii in the future.[/quote]

NHL 08 is the same POS game NHL 2005 was with updated rosters and a few tweaks. It still amazes me that considering they develop the series in Canada they apparently can't find any developers that know anything about hockey.

I'm surprised they cancelled madden 09, how much can it cost to port a game from 3-4 years ago?
[quote name='guyver2077']madden pc versions have looked like absolute crap....[/quote]

That's cause they have been using the same engine they're using for the Wii & PS2 versions. EA claims that they're using that one since the PC isn't powerful enough to support the engine used for the PS3 & 360 version. Which is BS.
[quote name='n25philly']NHL 08 is the same POS game NHL 2005 was with updated rosters and a few tweaks. [/QUOTE]

And I still enjoy it.

The problem is not everyone owns consoles, and there is no Wii Hockey (yet) so theres no way I can convince my dad to burn $250 + $50 for the game just to own ONE game. My dad only plays Diablo 2 and Guild Wars (he kinda liked Titan Quest) along with NHL, so it would be a big bust for us.
i dont understand why they continue to use the ps2 engine for their madden pc games..

last i remember though fifa gets the next gen treatment on pc but i could be wrong..

nba live looks like garbage as well
[quote name='Monsta Mack']And I still enjoy it.

The problem is not everyone owns consoles, and there is no Wii Hockey (yet) so theres no way I can convince my dad to burn $250 + $50 for the game just to own ONE game. My dad only plays Diablo 2 and Guild Wars (he kinda liked Titan Quest) along with NHL, so it would be a big bust for us.[/quote]

I certainly understand. I still play nhl2004 on the pc as it's the most recent nhl game to resemble hockey.
[quote name='Trenchalicious']EA caters to stupid people, so it's no suprise for them to drop a PC version.[/quote]

EA owns the company of the game found in your avatar.
[quote name='Trenchalicious']EA caters to stupid people, so it's no suprise for them to drop a PC version.[/QUOTE]

Congrats on making one of the dumbest remarks I have read in a long time. EA has been one of the best publishers in the PC market for nearly two decades. I would even say that they probably have been the best publisher on the PC this decade.
It's Microsoft's own fault for any PC gaming decline. Thats all they do is port their 360 crap over to the PC two years later. And Vista doesn't help at all and is currently worthless unless you have to play the few games that are Vista only. If Madden on the PC was any good i wouldn't have bought a PS3. There are still plenty of AAA titles for the PC that the consoles can't touch like company of heroes, world in conflict, Stalker, civilization IV, Dawn of war. If you think about it there are more AAA titles for the PC then the 360 and PS3. FPS still rule on the PC. Microsoft sucks!
[quote name='ronfear'] Microsoft sucks![/QUOTE]

This has nothing to do with PC games coming out two years after 360 titles with the exception of Bioware's games and Halo. Most of the time games don't come out the same time because of the developers putting the PC on the back burner.

Hopefully the "super alliance" that was mentioned will help bring back the PC market, but I think piracy has ultimately hurt it for the long haul as it has hurt the PSP.
It's funny because that "super alliance" has done more damage to PC gaming than piracy ever will. We can thank NVIDIA, ATI, and MS for endless driver issues; MS forcing gamers to "upgrade" to Vista to experience DX10...MS implementing shitty Games for Windows Live in a futile effort to further sandbox PC gamers into its universe.

The Alliance is like some guy burning down a house and then showing up 10 minutes later dressed as a fireman proudly proclaiming how he's going to save the day.

Besides there's only one game studio represented in that supergroup: Epic. One could argue that hardware manufacturers and MS actually benefit from piracy, since you still need graphics cards and Windows to play pirated games...
I just think it's ridiculous to say PC gaming is dieing especially with the success of all these casual games and the Sims empire and all these triple A titles. Any PC gamer has herd this kind of blather for years. I believe PC gaming is losing a lot with the sports fan and EA just put the nail in the coffin with their decision to drop their Sports titles on the PC.
There are still segments in which PC games are doing very well. Especially World of Warcraft and the The Sims series. Other than that, maybe some FPSs like COD4 and Orange Box sell pretty well... but after that, the well starts running dry.

In terms of numbers, console games outsell PC games 5:1 and portable games outsell them 2:1.

WOW outsells everything else on PC by a margin of 10:1.

There are still segments of PC gaming that are doing well, but I'd be hard pressed to get all my gaming needs met with a PC nowadays... there's just less variety, e.g., looks like sports games on PC are dying...
No real loss, it looked like crap and was a ps2 port.
Maybe if they reworked it and put the next gen versions on the pc people would buy it.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']And I still enjoy it.

The problem is not everyone owns consoles, and there is no Wii Hockey (yet) so theres no way I can convince my dad to burn $250 + $50 for the game just to own ONE game. My dad only plays Diablo 2 and Guild Wars (he kinda liked Titan Quest) along with NHL, so it would be a big bust for us.[/quote]

Wii hockey:

I would've bought NHL 08 for PC if it wasn't a port of the PS2 version (plus it got horrible reviews.) I'm waiting for NHL 09 on the Wii.
[quote name='BigT']
It pains me to say that MAINSTREAM PC gaming is in decline currently, but it sure looks that way to me... personally and in my circle of friends at the very least.
New friends.

Also, what the hell is mainstream PC gaming? PC gaming itself has never really been mainstream.
[quote name='Serik']It's funny because that "super alliance" has done more damage to PC gaming than piracy ever will. We can thank NVIDIA, ATI, and MS for endless driver issues; MS forcing gamers to "upgrade" to Vista to experience DX10...MS implementing shitty Games for Windows Live in a futile effort to further sandbox PC gamers into its universe.

The Alliance is like some guy burning down a house and then showing up 10 minutes later dressed as a fireman proudly proclaiming how he's going to save the day.

Besides there's only one game studio represented in that supergroup: Epic. One could argue that hardware manufacturers and MS actually benefit from piracy, since you still need graphics cards and Windows to play pirated games...[/quote]

Uhhh .... I want to play PS3 games on my PS2 and Wii games on my Gamecube. Yet since I can't do that I'm forced to upgrade to a 250$ - 500$ machine, then 200$ more in accessories, then if I want a system that has an amazing amount of internet features and such I'll need a subscription or something of the sort. Then I have to worry whether or not I can even play an older game on my new system. Can't forget about the constant hardware and software updates they make you download as well ... some probably even drivers.

How are these problems any different then the "upgrades" and simple and easily managable driver issues. Heck how can drivers be the fault of the hardware company, what about the people who made the buggy game on current drivers in the first place? Hell your lucky that ATI / Nvidia / Creative / etc etc keep up to date on newer applications as much as possible.

As for any Vista "issues" people are claiming. How about try it out first .. on a computer that can run it. Preferably one not from the 90s or one you bought in 2004 that should have been bought in the 90's. I run both XP and Vista, been running XP since it has come out, I have more (but nothing dramatically important) problems on XP and have yet to hit a hic-up with Vista.

I love the arguements though ... everyone will go out and spend 500$ on a PS3 because your PS2 doesn't run the new stuff, everyone gets excited no matter what is wrong with it and expect it to be perfect from launch. Yet when a company like Microsoft puts out a new product to play the new stuff ... everyone takes a shit on Bill Gates steps.
It's not that PC gaming is dead... It's just that pretty much all PC gamers have shifted over to playing casual games and MMO's. Hence, WoW and LOTR-MMO both being successful. However, once Starcraft II comes out, that will ALL change.
My issue with Vista is as follows: it uses more resources and the only value it offers me is DX10 support. At the time, DX10 isn't worth the cost of the upgrade. I also avoid giving MS money whenever possible. But I understand why MS would make DX10 Vista exclusive: to lure people to upgrade. While this may help MS's bottom line, I don't think it helps PC gaming as a whole.

To clarify: GFWL concerns me because of MS's huge influence in the PC gaming world. The system is terrible (the marketing-droids somehow thought PC gamers would want XBL style crap) and poorly implemented. It would be disastrous if MS used its power to encourage more games to utilize this broken system. Gamers are already sandboxed into Windows; that should be enough. If GFWL was a third-party deal I wouldn't be bothered by it. But given MS's history, it concerns me.

As for drivers: let me just say the people who know how to manage them are a minority. For example, the only way I can play Source Engine games is by forcing them to run in DX8. This is either Valve's fault or ATI's fault. Users without technical experience would understandably be frustrated by this workaround. Years of this crap can easily turn people off of PC gaming, at least the AAA "hardcore" titles (to use that stupid label).

I pretty much play only PC games and find them incredibly rewarding. But the barrier to entry to these games is steep when compared to console games. My cynicism about the Alliance is that it was formed to tear down barriers its members essentially created. That, and there's nothing that indicates the Alliance has any real power beyond sounding good in press releases. Not that these barrier should stand; the power-that-be should've done something sooner. But competition (always good) with the consoles forced them to action.
Madden takes the cake it should be the only ea sports game on the 360 NASCAR should only be on the sony systems
I know this is a old post, but i find this topic interessting.

I think it is the question from what standpoint you see this problem.
If from sales or use only, PC's are not death.
But you could draw the point from a development point, the big games which are mostly developed for consoles first.
I see only a few games which are coded just for the PC in mind.
So PC gaming lost momentum, in that it is not as important anymore.

But there are some games which are only found and run best on a PC, like stratgiegames ala C&C. Once they get something like that run better on a console the picture changes for that too, perhaps.

Thanks and out.
For the record, lots of people play Madden and NHL on the PC, myself included. Also, Madden 10 was planned for PC, and dropped recently. NHL, however, had been scrapped sometime in spring. If anyone played NHL 09 for PC, it was horrendous, it was simply EVERYTHING that already existed in NHL 07---player entrances, announcing and color commentary, graphics and animation----repackaged with new rosters. THAT is why the sports games aren't selling on the PC. I for one, would LOVE to have a good NHL game on PC, but EA hasn't made it since the next-gen systems came out, they only port the PS2 versions to PC. There is also a good size mod community that tries to fill in the gaps for the crappy EA sports ports, and I'm sure if the games were better, the mod community would be better, but it's dwindled down to only the supreme hard core fans. Even the Goalie feature was missing from NHL 09's new online modes, you could only play as a forward or defenseman----a feature added in 09 for PS3 and 360. EA-----if you make crappy ports, they won't sell, it's a simple concept. For anyone who missed NHL 09 on the PC, fire up NHL 07 on your PSP and it is VERBATIM, minus the roster changes. Shame on you EA.
[quote name='Holy_Headshot']For the record, lots of people play Madden and NHL on the PC, myself included.[...][/QUOTE]

Agreed. I guess it's a he-said-she-said relationship between EA and PC sports gamers: EA cites piracy and low sales for minimal PC effort, and PC sports gamers refuse to buy poorly made PS2 ports.

Oh well, enjoying NHL 2K10 for the Wii.
bread's done