EA Sports Active 2

Today's workout really kicked my ass. I have been cruising along on the hard program, but the training wheels have finally come off in phase 3.

I just found out today that you can view the graph for any day's workout, you just have to go to the workout on the Tracker from Day or Calendar and then click on it again to bring up the information.

660 stride jumps, 225 mountain climbers, 48 alternating split squat jumps and a bunch of squats/lunges in between. Tried to post the link since it looked unique but it didn't work for me copying/pasting it.
I had to leave for a trip today for a few days but didn't want to get behind on my workouts so I changed my workout days to skip the free days. Just finished my sixth workout day in a row and it was pretty brutal. Just 3 more workouts and I'll be done with the 9 week program on hard level.
Does anyone else have this problem? On the opening intro scene and possibly sometimes during other cutscenes, the audio and video seems to skip for about 1 second, like it has a problem reading the disc. Not sure if it's the disc or my ps3 or just a normal issue with how this disc buffers. Not a big deal, but just curious if it's widespread.
[quote name='scottman']Does anyone else have this problem? On the opening intro scene and possibly sometimes during other cutscenes, the audio and video seems to skip for about 1 second, like it has a problem reading the disc. Not sure if it's the disc or my ps3 or just a normal issue with how this disc buffers. Not a big deal, but just curious if it's widespread.[/QUOTE]

Mine doesn't sound like it skips, but audio sounds really "scratchy", so I turn off and on my receiver, or switch outputs, and that fixes the issue for me.
[quote name='Sinistar']Mine doesn't sound like it skips, but audio sounds really "scratchy", so I turn off and on my receiver, or switch outputs, and that fixes the issue for me.[/QUOTE]

Exact same thing for me, but only when the game starts up and it does the "heartbeat" sound.
To everyone in CAGWork2 -- are you able to log in and see a group stats page? A member emailed me that the stats page wasn't showing everything that it used to. I hadn't even realized you could check online so I'm not sure what was there before.

Has anyone else noticed this problem?
Hey what happened to the free DLC? I heard there was some Nike workout used to charge for now they made free, but if I go to online Store in the game, nothing is there, and I don't see anything in the PSN store either.
They yanked it, with no explanation given on the boards. The lack of support for this game from EA is really starting to piss me off.

And mountain climbers. Mountain climbers really piss me off.


EDIT: From a dev "No additional exercise packs will be available for EA SPORTS Active 2 in the future. We are currently working on fixing all the tech issues with EASA 2 to make this a better experience."
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I thought they had turned it into a free item, but maybe not. I also thought it was showing up as one of the trophies, but I might have been mistaken.

I think they definitely have some sensor-related issues, especially with the heart rate sensor. Sometimes it just gets "off" for no discernable reason and then on the next exercise it gets back on track. Sounds like a software problem to me, so hopefully they can fix it.

I also was checking my workout schedule in the game late last night and it wouldn't connect to the online site even though my PS3 was online w/o any problems. Maybe the EA site was down for maintenance?
The CAG group is full, I created my own, lol. I don't see any trophy related to working out in a group except the create/join a group.
[quote name='Serpentor']The CAG group is full, I created my own, lol. I don't see any trophy related to working out in a group except the create/join a group.[/QUOTE]

Yes, all you need to do is join/create a group...no additionally trophy for actually working out in a group.
[quote name='MightySlacker']There was a 28 MB patch this morning, but I still get booted trying to check the member list. Weird.


I noticed the same problem with checking other group members last night...kept causing EA Sports to disconnect from the EA servers (PS3 was still online). I was able to check the members of my own group (a second group I created for my family), but maybe it worked because I'm currently the only member in the group.
Oh suck balls! I just learned that the Workout Buddies trophy requires two sets of sensors!!!!! SUCK BALLS :whistle2:( Should have bought a second set from TRU when it was $20... Damn it!
Hi fellow Active CAGs! I have an usual question... Since I already have the PS3 version and I'm planning to get another set for the Workout Buddies trophy. I wonder if I get the Xbox 360 version and use its monitors/sensors? I don't see why not, since they look the same to me...
[quote name='Serpentor']Hi fellow Active CAGs! I have an usual question... Since I already have the PS3 version and I'm planning to get another set for the Workout Buddies trophy. I wonder if I get the Xbox 360 version and use its monitors/sensors? I don't see why not, since they look the same to me...[/QUOTE]

That ain't gonna work...the 360 version only has the heart rate sensor and uses Kinect for detecting movement of your arms/legs. Only the PS3 version includes the additional arm and leg sensors.
[quote name='Sinistar']Anyone know what was in yesterdays patch?[/QUOTE]

Nothing at all as far as I could tell. Didn't fix the recent problem with not being able to view other people's stats in the group. Heart rate sensor is still gets a bit off every once in a while for no discernable reason.
[quote name='DarkonJohn']That ain't gonna work...the 360 version only has the heart rate sensor and uses Kinect for detecting movement of your arms/legs. Only the PS3 version includes the additional arm and leg sensors.[/QUOTE]
Darn... so much for hoping two birds one stone (two different versions and two sets of sensors).

Thanks! I encountered the first bug of the game today... I couldn't do the Lateral Shoulder Stretch (or something like that, I don't remember the exact name). The damn game kept telling me to stand still and lower the arms. I had to skip the exercise to complete today's program, ended up with 96% :whistle2:(

I joined the 9 weeks program, so it's going to take a while to unlock the Program related trophies. I hope the game drop in price in few months :)
[quote name='Serpentor']Darn... so much for hoping two birds one stone (two different versions and two sets of sensors).

Thanks! I encountered the first bug of the game today... I couldn't do the Lateral Shoulder Stretch (or something like that, I don't remember the exact name). The damn game kept telling me to stand still and lower the arms. I had to skip the exercise to complete today's program, ended up with 96% :whistle2:(

I joined the 9 weeks program, so it's going to take a while to unlock the Program related trophies. I hope the game drop in price in few months :)[/QUOTE]

Regarding the sensor problem, just make sure you have the arm sensors on correctly. I can be a bit confusing and difficult to tell because if you have them on flipped/incorrectly (where if you look at them like a watch they are upside down) they will still work fine for the vast majority of exercises. I only mention this because I know it from experience where I had them on correctly for the first few exercises and then started to put them on incorrectly for the next couple of exercises and started getting very frustrated until I figured out what I was doing wrong. Since then, I've never had any real problems with them detecting my motion (though the hear rate sensor is a bit temperamental).

I JUST finished the 9-week program (hard level) a few minutes ago and man, that last workout was the hardest of all. Most of my 3rd phase workouts have been 33 or 34 exercises and 240 - 270 calories, but the last one was 38 exercises and 300 calories (you calorie count may differ based on your weight). As a comparison point, my phase 1 & 2 workouts were around 170 - 180 calories, so the difficulty definitely increases as you progress.

I'll be switching over to the Kick Start program to keep on exercising but take a bit of a break from the intensity of the 9-week program.

I think I've unlocked 71/88 trophies and the Kick Start program will get me another. After that, most of the remainders will just require time and persistence to get enough reps on the 1,000 type goals (1,000 push ups, 1000 km Mountain Boarding, etc).
I was just hopping on here to congratulate you on finishing. Good job! I assume you were on hard intensity, I looked at workout 36 for me on hard and it's 50 minutes, 38 exercises and 550 calories burned. I'm on medium, but its still 45:00/34/479. I imagine the calorie number will go down as my weight gets updated. Still not looking forward to it.

Can you tell us a little bit about your "progress" since you've started the game? Not sure if you've had any weight goals, but can you notice improvements in endurance, strength, flexibility? I'll be measuring myself tomorrow at my 2 month marker, and I should finish phase 1 tomorrow as well, so I'll have a few things to share (besides hating mountain climbers).

Oh, and as far as tracking goes, I haven't had any major issues, but I did notice that for my heart rate, to move the sensor a little to the side, as if it's pointing straight outwards it's over whatever bone is in my arm. That would be the "9 o'clock" position, so I move it between the 9 and the 10 and it has been way more accurate.

Thanks for the sensors tip DarkonJohn, I'll keep it in mind. Wow, finished the program already? Some dedications! Now go for the platinum and post when you got it :) Put some pressure on those of us still working toward it...
[quote name='MightySlacker']I was just hopping on here to congratulate you on finishing. Good job! I assume you were on hard intensity, I looked at workout 36 for me on hard and it's 50 minutes, 38 exercises and 550 calories burned. I'm on medium, but its still 45:00/34/479. I imagine the calorie number will go down as my weight gets updated. Still not looking forward to it.

Can you tell us a little bit about your "progress" since you've started the game? Not sure if you've had any weight goals, but can you notice improvements in endurance, strength, flexibility? I'll be measuring myself tomorrow at my 2 month marker, and I should finish phase 1 tomorrow as well, so I'll have a few things to share (besides hating mountain climbers).

Thanks man! Yes, I was doing the 9-week program on hard intensity, but given my weight is ~140lbs my calories burned will vary compared to others that weigh more/less.

Mentally, it was a bit frustrating from the standpoint that they do a really good job of ratcheting up the intensity of the workouts over time so you don't plateau, but the result is that you often wonder if you are making progress because the workouts never feel like they are getting easier. And I always felt like my legs weren't up to the demands of the various lunges and squats...one damn set after another until my leg muscles were screaming blobs of jelly. It just never got easier. I fully recognize the value of keeping the workouts tough, but it's hard to see your progress when it is always taking you to and past your limits (other than it takes longer to get to those limits). Main point is that "the program" is a good one that keeps things challenging for your body throughout the 9 weeks and doesn't give you any "here's a easy workout" rewards.

That said, I know my overall conditioning has improved and while my weight has only dropped 3 or 4 pounds, I have no doubt that I've lost more pounds of fat than this would indicate because I've also increased muscle mass. I've also lost enough fat around my belly/waist area that I am definitely noticing my pants are looser than before and I've even started pulling my belt in another notch, which is a rewarding feeling. I also feel stronger and healthier...more "ready to get up and go". In the early workouts I was much more sore after each workout, but that eased off a bit where I always knew I had worked out the day before but was no longer in any actual pain from the soreness, so that probably indicates improved conditioning.

Motivated by some of your previous posts, I also started watching my diet a bit more closely and I think that's had a positive impact on my fat-loss results, so thanks for sharing your comments.

One thing I recently noticed on those much hated Mountain Climbers...I kept feeling like my butt was bouncing up and down more than it should (based on what they show you) so I changed my technique a bit and found that if I put more of my weight over my hands then my legs were able to pump back and forth more quickly/easily, kind of like floating pistons, without my butt moving up and down. I'm not sure if that's the "more proper" technique or not, and I can't say it made me hate them any less, but it did seem like it was more proper compared to what I see them doing on screen.

I didn't set any big goals for myself because my main goal was to start working out this year and to keep up a regular workout schedule indefinitely rather than pushing hard towards aggressive goals, getting burned out, taking and extended break and the losing everything I gained. The 9-week program on hard difficulty ended up being harder than I had expected, but now that it is over I'm glad I did it and know what to expect the next time I do it. But if you are looking to be on a long-term workout schedule longer than 9-weeks, I might recommend to others that aren't sure where to start that they start with the medium/low intensity workout first before doing it at the hard level so you don't get too burnt out at the beginning. But if you've already started, just do your best and stick it out ;)

I start the Quick Start workout tomorrow, so I'm curious to see how hard/easy it feels compared to what I just finished.

[quote name='Serpentor']Thanks for the sensors tip DarkonJohn, I'll keep it in mind. Wow, finished the program already? Some dedications! Now go for the platinum and post when you got it :) Put some pressure on those of us still working toward it...[/QUOTE]

I started on Jan 1 (New Year's Resolution I guess) and since I changed my schedule from MWFS to SMTW (resulting in 6 workout days in a row last week) I finished up the program a few days earlier than expected.

I'm not sure about getting the platinum trophy, but it might happen if I keep going the rest of the year. I plan to keep on a regular workout schedule (3 - 4 times a week), but there's a chance I may spend some time with the EA Sports Active 1 (and the extra disk with more exercise programs they released) since I never finished those before and the variety might keep things interesting for me.

I do have a second set of sensors for my wife, so at least I'll get that trophy when she gets back from a business trip ;-)
OK I think I found out what happened to that Free Nike DLC, I think they moved it to another part of the menus (I'm not in front of the game now so I'm going by memory).. When you start a workout, and can choose your workout type, there's an option to choose preset workout.. the one for low impact is there. I've been doing the 15 minute quick workout option when I don't feel like doing full one.. though I want to try the basketball workout, maybe I'll do that one tomorrow.
Alright, Phase 1 complete. Well, it said so, but I didn't get a trophy due to having a missed workout. I told myself I'd make it up this week with 2 workouts, but that shit just ain't happenin.

2 month checkin is 248 lbs, so down 19 since January 3rd.

I am seeing some noticeable differences now. Endurance has gone way up - I am getting a little less sore and recovering faster after workouts. I have a 32oz glass of water on the table that used to be gone halfway through a workout, now there's usually some left. I can usually run, stride jump, skip, foot fire and all that stuff until they put in some knee stuff like mountain boarding and mountain climbers, then my pace drops.

Flexibility has gone up too - very noticeable in stretches. Can almost do windmills like the trainer on the TV lol. I used to have some issues with some cooldowns like figure 4s, but now can do all of them with ease. Also getting lower in squats and lunges.

I'm not so sure about strength though. I've never had a problem with lower body strength (I used to be able to squat and dead lift 450 lbs), upper body has always been my problem. I'm using a heavy resistance band from their kit, and I either get too much slack and I don't feel a good stretch, or not enough slack and its an uncomfortable exercise. I think I might be getting close to getting an ab though - I could barely handle a core exercise at the start, but now I can do a couple sets of leg raises or reverse crunches without feeling someone hit me in the stomach with a 2x4.

Anywho, good luck to all. My new goal aside from completing the 9 week is getting to 240 lbs before my concession business opens for the year (April 9th), then its about maintaining, though more of that is diet related than exercise.

I just started today: medium difficulty, 9-week program. My three and five-year-old sons found it amusing, and my heart murmured "WTF," but I plan on sticking with it.

I'll add myself to the CAGWork2 group at my next session. [I'm assuming that the group features will actually work again some day...]
10,000 calories! fuck yes!

Congrats to John for his 50 workout trophy and to DarthSontin for completing the 9 week program!

Just finished 14 medium, and I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it through. The increased reps are pretty brutal (I hate the long mountainboarding course worse than mountain climbers), and when I look at upcoming workouts instead of thinking "That'll be fun" or "That'll be a good workout" I think "DOOM DEATH GLUM DESPAIR". Gonna try my best though. Keep up the good work everyone.

10,000....wow, that's a major milestone!

Congrats to everyone that's been hitting new milestones and keeping up their workouts.

As I've been doing the Kick Start program on hard difficulty I've really been noticing the benefits of having done the 9-week program on hard. The workouts have fewer activities and fewer reps, so the overall workout is MUCH faster (and the burned calories are correspondingly far less), but it has been a nice break from the more grueling phase 3 workouts of the 9-week program.

Yes, the later workouts in the 9-week program are pretty tough, and while I stuck it out, I can't say it was graceful. For the Mountain Climbers I had to something like 65 or 75 of them in a set and I'd do 10 or 15 in the first push and then 5 or 6 at a time until I finally did them all. And for many of the lunges, I'd have to rest on my back knee because my legs just couldn't hold the position with all of my weight since they were so tired.

And the mountain biking...there is a final stretch down a hill after the last set of jumps where you are supposed to hold a squat and I was squirming up and down as my legs just couldn't hold it for the entire time.

I figured poor form is better than no form at all, but now that I'm back on easier workouts I'm doing my best to do each exercise with the proper form so my muscles get the most out of the exercise.

You definitely aren't alone in your suffering, and if miserly loves company you've got some company right here :)
10,000 calories.. holy crap I have some catching up to do :)

I've been doing some of the trainer generated "core" workouts for now, haven't decided when to start the 9 week program, though.
Is everyone else still having the same problem where you can't compare your milestones against those of other group members? It's still disconnecting me every time I try to bring up the list of other members.
[quote name='DarkonJohn']Is everyone else still having the same problem where you can't compare your milestones against those of other group members? It's still disconnecting me every time I try to bring up the list of other members.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I'm trying to figure out how many miles we've done for the running trophy. I ride a road bike on an indoor trainer in the house and when I do that, I simply strap the sensors on and do a custom workout with a bunch of the long running sequences in a row. It should be getting our running distance way up there, but I have no way of knowing, since the online group part is the only place where it specifically tells you your running distance. My wife has an elliptical that we'll be trying it with as well, but we haven't tried it yet.
So anyone have suggestions on the pretzels? I've tried doing them multiple times and tilting and leaning and pressuring every which way, but it doesn't feel like I'm getting anything out of the stretch.

[quote name='MightySlacker']So anyone have suggestions on the pretzels? I've tried doing them multiple times and tilting and leaning and pressuring every which way, but it doesn't feel like I'm getting anything out of the stretch.[/QUOTE]

For me, I focus on the twisting part of the stretch (kind of like how you would crack your back by twisting around in your chair), but I'd make sure you ease into the stretch very slowly without forcing it and try to stretch up and down the entire spine and just just torquing a small area of the back (which could cause an injury if you force it too hard).

But that's just me. Pay attention to your body and any warning signs it might give you that you are doing something it doesn't like. It can be easy to injure your joints and spine on stretching exercises when your muscles are tight or tired or you move too quickly.
So the stats thing still isn't fixed, and EA support is nowhere to be found on their forums. While I'll still use the product as long as Im seeing results, it's extremely disappointing that two of the main reasons people would continue to use the product (DLC for new exercises and routines, and group stats to measure yourself against others) are failing miserably. I guess I'm the sucker for dropping $100 around launch, but EA can be sure that will never happen again. Hopefully they will get their shit together.

Also had another weird glitch today, I did my heart rate test today which counted as my 50th workout and the trophy popped. I then tried the group thing with no luck, then went to the custom workouts to see what today had in store for me as well as tomorrow (TOMORROW IS GONNA SUCK. A LOT.). I went back to the main page, and I noticed my calories were off. Somehow, the game added 3 workouts and about 700 calories to my total. I looked at the group feed and it said I did some running and mountain boarding, but I sure as hell didn't. No other stats changed though (total workout time and gauge points stayed the same). I hope I can fix it, I don't really want credit for things I didn't do.

Also, anyone know what exercises count for the arm curl trophy? I've done a lot of hammer curls lately and that gauge ain't movin :(

Exercise-wise, I may just make it. My issue now isn't cardio, as I really don't get tired as fast as I used to, it's just the muscles get really sore and stop cooperating. Gonna keep on keepin on though. Good luck to everyone else.

[quote name='MightySlacker']So the stats thing still isn't fixed, and EA support is nowhere to be found on their forums. While I'll still use the product as long as Im seeing results, it's extremely disappointing that two of the main reasons people would continue to use the product (DLC for new exercises and routines, and group stats to measure yourself against others) are failing miserably. I guess I'm the sucker for dropping $100 around launch, but EA can be sure that will never happen again. Hopefully they will get their shit together.

Also had another weird glitch today, I did my heart rate test today which counted as my 50th workout and the trophy popped. I then tried the group thing with no luck, then went to the custom workouts to see what today had in store for me as well as tomorrow (TOMORROW IS GONNA SUCK. A LOT.). I went back to the main page, and I noticed my calories were off. Somehow, the game added 3 workouts and about 700 calories to my total. I looked at the group feed and it said I did some running and mountain boarding, but I sure as hell didn't. No other stats changed though (total workout time and gauge points stayed the same). I hope I can fix it, I don't really want credit for things I didn't do.

Also, anyone know what exercises count for the arm curl trophy? I've done a lot of hammer curls lately and that gauge ain't movin :(

Exercise-wise, I may just make it. My issue now isn't cardio, as I really don't get tired as fast as I used to, it's just the muscles get really sore and stop cooperating. Gonna keep on keepin on though. Good luck to everyone else.


Keep it up, you're doin' awesome! I have a feeling the group thing just isn't going to get fixed so what I had the wife do is make a new group with just her profile in it. As long as she is the only one in the group, she can access it. Now we can more easily keep track of the number of miles completed for the 1000km running trophy. The only issue is it only counts miles from the time she started the group, so I just have to know that it's about 5-10 miles short of her actual total. She's down 10 pounds since starting her diet/lifestyle change.
[quote name='Warner1281']Keep it up, you're doin' awesome! I have a feeling the group thing just isn't going to get fixed so what I had the wife do is make a new group with just her profile in it. As long as she is the only one in the group, she can access it. Now we can more easily keep track of the number of miles completed for the 1000km running trophy. The only issue is it only counts miles from the time she started the group, so I just have to know that it's about 5-10 miles short of her actual total. She's down 10 pounds since starting her diet/lifestyle change.[/QUOTE]

I did the same thing when I joined the CAG group....I also created a group for my family even though I'm the only member in it right now. I think you can also get some info on your progress/milestones/stats by looking at (from what I can recall) looking at the third item in the screen where you can enter other exercises and what you ate.

Wow, she's lost 10 pounds? That's pretty amazing. I've a bit frustrated that I've dropped 2 or 3 pounds total, but I do know that I've lost more fat than that and added some muscle. But still, I'd like to drop more fat. I have noticed that I definitely feel more fit overall, but after having switched from the 9-week program to the kick start program, I think I may be starting to slip a bit. The kick start workouts aren't nearly as hard as those in the 9-week program, but I'm really liking that they take much less time to complete.
[quote name='DarkonJohn']I did the same thing when I joined the CAG group....I also created a group for my family even though I'm the only member in it right now. I think you can also get some info on your progress/milestones/stats by looking at (from what I can recall) looking at the third item in the screen where you can enter other exercises and what you ate.

Wow, she's lost 10 pounds? That's pretty amazing. I've a bit frustrated that I've dropped 2 or 3 pounds total, but I do know that I've lost more fat than that and added some muscle. But still, I'd like to drop more fat. I have noticed that I definitely feel more fit overall, but after having switched from the 9-week program to the kick start program, I think I may be starting to slip a bit. The kick start workouts aren't nearly as hard as those in the 9-week program, but I'm really liking that they take much less time to complete.[/QUOTE]

There's a definite difference between the kick start program and the 9 week program. My wife finished the kick start program and really only found the very last workout to be pretty challenging (on medium). With the 9 week program, it's really making her work (on medium). As for the 10 pounds, its not just EA Sports Active 2. She's also going to the gym 2-3 times a week, swimming 2-3 times a week, walking 3 miles once a week, and doing any other kind of cardio available to her on a random basis (biking treadmill, elliptical, rowing, etc.).

She's decided to make a real effort to lose some weight and change her lifestyle so I decided to help her out. I do triathlons, so I decided to find ways to incorporate cardio for her when I change. So when I do my training runs, I do them at a track so that she can walk the track while I run. When I do my bike rides on an indoor trainer, I have her hop on an elliptical and go alongside me. Things like that combined with a change in our cooking/eating habits has made a difference for sure. My recommendation for you and everyone else... find someone you can workout with and keep each other motivated. It helps tremendously and keeps you from having too many of those lazy days.
Hey, good news....I just finished a workout and was able to compare my stats to others in the group again....finally!

I decided to accelerate the Kick Start program a bit by doing more workouts in a row.. Normally I had M, Tu, Th, Fr, but I wanted to finish by this weekend so after the Tu workout I changed my M/Tu workout days to W/Sa. Yeah, it's 6 workouts in a row, but compared to the last part of the 9-week (hard) program it isn't too bad. I may start up another 9-week program next week or possibly take a week off and then start back up.

My wife also gets back from a 6-week business trip on Sunday and was thinking about stating up, so hopefully she'll get into it and we can keep each other motivated.
I need to get pack on this program. I only did two weeks out of nine and stop because (don't laugh) i bought a soloflex machine, good machine overall though. Man every time I finish a workout I'm starving even though I ate like two hours ago.

And it hurts. This game thinks my core muscles are developing much faster than reality does. Mountain climbers are getting easier though, but 8 sets in two days is just an evil trainer/programmer getting some laughs.

Keep up the good work everyone. By the end on this program, I should have all the trophies/awards except for the 100 workout and the 3 impossible bronze trophies. And hopefully a weight between 240-245.

Congrats Dave!

Yeah, I always felt it was overestimating the progress of my leg and core muscles because they were always running on empty quite a bit before the end of those last few workouts. Glad to hear you are seeing clear improvements in your conditioning.

I've finished the 9-week and Kick Start programs and am taking this week off, but I plan on starting up another 9-week program in the next week or so to keep a good routine going.

Keep up the good work :D
Man, I really wish I knew who put these workouts together, because I'd really like to find out who is responsible for the workout 25 Mountainboarding - 40 SECOND SQUAT HOLD - Sprint - Foot Fire combo and punch them in the dick.

Right there with ya!

I took 1 week off and then started back on another 9-week program (medium level this time instead of hard) just to keep up good habits without dreading another ass-kicking. Plus, the shorter workout are easier to deal with during a busy week.
I have to gain weight to keep up with the nine week program. I'm at the end of the phase two without missing one workout (I complete all workouts with 90% and above, I had to skip one or two because of sensor issues). I workout on Rest Days as well, because I need to achieve the 1000 kilometer running milestone (also unlocks a trophy). It takes about 4-5 months to get that, assuming you run five miles a day...
It's been pretty quiet since PSN has been down. I'm assuming our local data will get sync'ed when PSN is back up.

So, how many of you are still keep up with your workouts?

I've getting near the end of my second 9-week program (with a 3 week program in between) and at the point where the workouts are getting noticeably longer and harder.

Don't think I'll be going for the 1,000 km trophy or some of the other 1,000 trophies, but I should be hitting the 100 workout trophy within the next month or so.
Okay, I've completed both programs and unlocked the Perfect Attendance award as well. By the way, the perfect attendance trophy requires you to complete the workouts 100% (not just 100% attendance). I also did the weekly check-in workouts too (about two minutes, might or might not required for the perfect attendance trophy, but I'm not taking the risk).

The only three trophies I need to unlock the platinum are:
1000KM Biking/Boarding/Running (a long long way to go, 20% completion at the moment)

I got the buddies trophy from buying a second set, that was the lamest trophy ever.
bread's done