EB Games, 5 dollar video game glitch

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Saw some guy post this on FatWallet earlier today...he stated the manager was going to report it but he walked out of there with about 5 games for around $30...
gotta love the deals once they get on fatwallet, its over. I think fat wallet is a bane to those looking to get in on deals without the idea of ebaying/hoarding.
[quote name='mcwilliams132']Saw some guy post this on FatWallet earlier today...he stated the manager was going to report it but he walked out of there with about 5 games for around $30...[/quote]

ebgames has been good to me, while i am tempted to get some 45 dollar games for $5 each, i just cant do it
Honestly, I don't see that this is any different at all from the CC glitch, so morality shouldn't even factor into it. Too bad it's going to be such a limited deal. It sounds like EB is much better with their communication and monitoring than CC. :p
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']Congrats to those who got in on this, but I think I'd be too nervous to try it since I wouldn't have a good alibi to explain why I don't want them when they ring up for the labelled price. I might try it though if others are still getting it to work tonight.

btw, has anyone tried the EB at Washington Square in Tigard, OR? Just curious if this'll fly there.[/quote]

Me too, I have some guts to do it, but I just don't know what to say when they do sell it to me for $90, or just get plain denied. I wish I saw this before I just spent an hour travelling to 2 EB Games trying to trade in for the $10 bonus for 2 games promo.
[quote name='darkwingduck13']Honestly, I don't see that this is any different at all from the CC glitch, so morality shouldn't even factor into it. Too bad it's going to be such a limited deal. It sounds like EB is much better with their communication and monitoring than CC. :p[/quote]

Aside from the morality issue, I just think that there is no way in hell EB employees (most anyway) would fall for this. However, at CC, there are tons of clerks working at any time, and many of them wouldn't even know what the *normal* price for a given game would be.

So, whether you think exploiting this is OK or not, I just don't think its very likely to be easy to pull it off.
Ill confirm, now some shit that happened today makes sense. My friend had a 41 dollar gift card and bought 3 used games, silent hill 4 26.99, zoe 4.99, crazi taxi 9.99. Thats at least 40, the price rang up as about 23, so he just swiped his card and we left saying to eachother wow they fucked up.
The people at my EB are all geeks, they'd figure out that something was wrong. I wouldn't be able to take advantage of this if I tried. Congrats to anybody that got some great games for cheap.
I believe in many states/locales a store is obligated to sell for the tagged price, if that's lower than the price it rings up as; but they're not required to sell it for the ring-up price. The idea is to prevent bait and switch kind of things, but since they're the only ones who can access their computers, there's no way for you to 'know' the register thinks it's X$, and expect it for that price. So they can certainly say "Let me verify" if the register is wrong, but not if it's tagged wrong on the shelf.
It is Still in the system, However, if they read there current Email, they are susspoed to hit Alt-P to disable the auto-promo. But like i said, some stores didn't know about it cause they don't check email. And if they ring up at that, and don't hit Alt-P then they gotta give it to you

No actually they don't. The Price that is labeled on the game is the price you are expected to pay (unless you have the edge card) There are no advertisements for the deal, nor can the customer look at the computer pinpad thing and go. "Oh it says 10 bucks thats all I'm paying" They picked up the games with the price tags saying 44.99, thats what they expected to pay. There is a myth going around that says if something is mismarked we "HAVE" to give it to someone. Most stores do it on good faith when the product is ACTUALLY tagged that price.
Sheesh. The high horse of morality. Don't worry so much about ripping off EB games. Believe me, they have ripped you the consumer plenty. The used games business is a cash cow for them, and a five for one trade? Easy money for ebgames, even factoring in the small percentage of gamers who are smart enough to know the tricks.

In other words, congrats on a good glitch found, enjoy it. EB games will make it up on a few dumb gamer trade ins (like parents).
[quote name='SBWildBill2004']Awsome deal, well sense i work there i found out today, there was a glitch in the system. If you buy any 2 Pre-Played Video games 39.99 or above... they will ring in at 5 dollars each. There could only be 2 per-transaction but i ended up making 25 bucks, and getting Nanobreak, Xenosaga 2, Full Metal Alchamst and Starfox asult free ontop of making 25 dollars. Basiaclly, buy 2 Pre-Played GTA San Andreas, Turn around and trade them in for 50 store credit.. or 40 Cash, then you can get 8 games... see the deal... most stores know about it and have to Hit Alt-P in the sales screen to disable promotion, but some wont know aobut it because of a belated Email-[/quote]

#1 - EB knows about it, the last senetences states they sent out an email, just a little too late.
#2 - he all but gave them a map to what he did, they could easily see what stores sold GTA for $5 and then see if the games he listed were purchased... figuring out who he is and terminating his employment.

Not cool to crap on the people who sign your paychecks.
[quote name='ragepower']
It is Still in the system, However, if they read there current Email, they are susspoed to hit Alt-P to disable the auto-promo. But like i said, some stores didn't know about it cause they don't check email. And if they ring up at that, and don't hit Alt-P then they gotta give it to you

No actually they don't. The Price that is labeled on the game is the price you are expected to pay (unless you have the edge card) There are no advertisements for the deal, nor can the customer look at the computer pinpad thing and go. "Oh it says 10 bucks thats all I'm paying" They picked up the games with the price tags saying 44.99, thats what they expected to pay. There is a myth going around that says if something is mismarked we "HAVE" to give it to someone. Most stores do it on good faith when the product is ACTUALLY tagged that price.[/quote]

I'm not sure where you live, but it's not a myth in Michigan.

It's a state law.

If an item is mismarked, the stores are required to sell it for that price. A computer glitch like the one being discussed in this topic doesn't fall into that law, but mismarked items do.
[quote name='Tespo125']I went tonight and it didn't work. The total came to $96, thank goodness I mysteriously forgot my wallet at home.[/quote]

proof ^
thx tespo :)..in b4 teh lockz0r!
asshole at one eb wouldn't sell me a (as in one) GTA vice city guide for $.01 He said that he would have to manually overide the price and charge me full price ($15.99) I call bullshit anytime you can get the game cheaper than the guide...
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