Eb Games Quality Control


79 (100%)
The other day my friend traded in his son's Xbox to ebay games for $70. Not bad. But the problem was that the Xbox had a bad problem loading up games. The store didnt even check the system to see if it even powered on. I would be pissed to uy that xbox and have to take it back. I bet there gettig alot of broken xbox's and ps2 now a days. Is this a locla problem or is it all over?
[quote name='dmes65']The other day my friend traded in his son's Xbox to ebay games for $70. Not bad. But the problem was that the Xbox had a bad problem loading up games. The store didnt even check the system to see if it even powered on. I would be pissed to uy that xbox and have to take it back. I bet there gettig alot of broken xbox's and ps2 now a days. Is this a locla problem or is it all over?[/QUOTE]

Why is your friend trading in something that he knows isn't working properly? That's as much a problem as EB not checking it.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Why is your friend trading in something that he knows isn't working properly? That's as much a problem as EB not checking it.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't EB give partial credit for broken machines?
I think Eb's quality control is the buyer. If a disc looks scratched they buff it but if its not too bad they just resell it. I have recieved quite a few games that had minimal scratches but need to be exchanged at the store because they didn't work.
To be honest, it would probably be really expensive to hire someone to test every game and system they took in.
Quality control? I don't think that notion exists at EB. Over the past year, off ebgames.com, I have received--

A Dreamcast copy of RE2 that contained disc 1 for psx, disc 2 for dreamcast,

A copy of Super Mario RPG that was cut...in half...I guess by some knuckelead who was trying to change the battery. The game suuure didn't work at all; I was particularly bummed about this one.

A copy of Shadow Madness, complete with all the packaging (whoo!), and...2 out of three discs! For 1.49 though, I figure I can just order it again, if I ever get through the first two (I got 1 and 2, luckily).

A copy of Monster Rancher with "DNW" written in huge, red letters across the top of the disc in permanent ink. Whoever packed that game: what were you thinking? "DNW...Do Not Wait! We better send this one out now!" I wonder what that could stand for? It proved to be false, though; the game works, and I managed to get most of the ink off with goo-gone (best product ever for game collecting), but still...
They told me once that systems all go somewhere to be checked and refurbed before being redistributed. Maybe it was bull.
You're all so quick to judge!

Eb does have the ability to accept Broken Systems for a reduced price. In fact if they accept a non-working system at full credit and then "defect" it (an internal term for sending it back to the warehouse broken) the store is actually charged the difference. So a store does NOT want to do that.

I chalk it up to laziness. EB does have QC. Those guys work VERY hard to make the customer happy - too bad the retail employees you dealt with didn't care.
How hard would it be to hook it up to a tv and load up a game in it to test it. I wont buy any used hardware from eb now. I dont care if they give me a warranty. To much wasted time and gas.
The 6 DRE PS2s I received from the same store, in a row, over the course of 3 days of exchanging, all agree that EB games does not care.
[quote name='dmes65']I think after the second one I would have asked for my money back.[/QUOTE]

nah, it was the first system I had bought in years(this was 2001) so I was pretty determined. I mean, not all of them could be broken, right?

Well, to tell ya the truth after the 6th one, I can't remember the exact number, it may have been more-- I went in plainly stating that I was going to contact the BBB, that I was ready to take it to the next level and have their store investigated and blah blah blah...the manager contacts the DM, explains the situation like it was out of his control and slyly tried to pin it on me, hung up, gave me a new, sealed PS2 and soon after that, he was fired (not just solely for this, he was being investigated for other things too.) ;-)

a similar thing happened again too, I sold that one when I got an xbox last march and rebought a ps2 when I saw all the amazing games coming out last winter...except I only had to exchange like 4 of them and it was from a couple different stores, since there was a shortage. I sold the fourth one on ebay(complete with EB warranty) and got a new slim one.
Posts like this make me appreciate the good EB managers around here and employees that know their stuff. I feel bad for them when they get bad customers, because they're actually cool people.
[quote name='dmes65']The other day my friend traded in his son's Xbox to ebay games for $70. Not bad. But the problem was that the Xbox had a bad problem loading up games. The store didnt even check the system to see if it even powered on. I would be pissed to uy that xbox and have to take it back. I bet there gettig alot of broken xbox's and ps2 now a days. Is this a locla problem or is it all over?[/QUOTE]

As it's already kinda been pointed out....
People like your friend are as much or more of the problem, than a store not testing the trade in.
There's no way around it, your friend is just as dishonest, and if he knew and made no mention of the problem, a fucking theif too.
[quote name='theq87']A copy of Monster Rancher with "DNW" written in huge, red letters across the top of the disc in permanent ink.[/QUOTE]

Do Now Write, of course. Just a note to self: don't write anything on the disc.
[quote name='dmes65']The other day my friend traded in his son's Xbox to ebay games for $70.[/quote]

unfortunately, they do not accept all broken consoles. they apparently have to be in once piece (they wouldnt accept my ps2 that i smashed into 100 pieces with a baseball bat). Im sure i got some wierd looks plopping a garbage bag full of pieces onto their counter, lol.
I haven't shopped at EBgames since I bought a 'new' copy of Arc the Lad (PS2) and took it home only to find it was so scratched up it wouldn't even play. I didn't think to check at the store since it was labeled as new but it had literally dozens of scratches along the bottom. I ended up having to drive 15 miles back to the store the next day to return it. That's not even the worst part. I explained to the clerk what happened (the same guy who sold it to me) and he had the nerve to tell me it looked fine to him. I got REALLY pissed and started screaming at him. It was him not taking responsibility for the POS game that set me off. I remember I scared at least one customer away with my yelling too. It was some old guy who had wandered in with his grandson. He probably now agrees with Jack Thompson that all gamers are psychos. Anyways, after loudly berating him for 10 minutes (bordering on hysteria), I got a exchange for a used copy that was in better conditon and the price difference and left.

And that's how I got a complete copy of Arc the Lad(PS2) for $5 (used disc, new manual, new case).
I work at an EB, and we check every system that comes in. We plug in the system, pull a game out of our drawer (2 for the ps2, one cd, one dvd), and make sure it works. We're very good about making sure that the system coming in comes in for the right value. I'm sure some stores aren't as diligent, esspecially the bigger ones, but it's written off as a cost of operation. I do know that a lot of stores, as someone mentioned, do check the systems later at night when it's easier and defect the ones that don't work properly.
I have trouble understanding why people buy used systems from these stores to begin with. How could that many people be trading in working current generation systems? I would bet that the majority of systems traded in are being traded in due to problems (either hardware or user error).
[quote name='Zing']I have trouble understanding why people buy used systems from these stores to begin with. How could that many people be trading in working current generation systems? I would bet that the majority of systems traded in are being traded in due to problems (either hardware or user error).[/QUOTE]

Well, there are some who trade in towards credit for the 360. That is what my brother-in-law did.
[quote name='Zing']I have trouble understanding why people buy used systems from these stores to begin with. How could that many people be trading in working current generation systems? I would bet that the majority of systems traded in are being traded in due to problems (either hardware or user error).[/QUOTE]

I think it depends on the area. I know back in Pittsburgh people were really big on selling all of their old systems, regardless of their condition, just for the next big thing. Hence the reason there were plenty of areas where they would have constant stock of current-gen systems, some in immaculate quality (barely out of the original box and wrapping, in some cases).

Personally, I don't mind much. I picked up a used PS2 from EB a few weeks ago and, with a few extra bucks to cover the system for a year, I was quite pleased. No read errors, slight accumulation of dust on the top in the system and not in the fans (phew!), and even had the updated DVD driver. Quite nice for a little over $100 at the time (now back up to $110 locally, I think).

Just a thought...were the guarantees on the systems longer a few years ago at EB or am I just imagining things? For some reason I thought that extra money down would cover you for three years, although I could be misremembering things.
[quote name='Zing']I have trouble understanding why people buy used systems from these stores to begin with. How could that many people be trading in working current generation systems? I would bet that the majority of systems traded in are being traded in due to problems (either hardware or user error).[/QUOTE]

I've come across many systems that people traded in, that worked fine. People just get bored of the hardware collecting dust (Gamecube anyone?) or maybe they just need cash. There are plenty of reasons why people sell back systems, and they don't involve dumping a defective piece of hardware.
[quote name='Scahom1']they just need cash. [/QUOTE]


How many people dump POX games for 75 cents? How many people take $1 for a PO title while there are trade in deals that bump the value of that crap game to $10 store credit?
for current gen, I almost always buy new at a cag price, but have a bunch of 1.99 "free shipping" games from eb...since im backed up on games to play i've found 2 of the 1.99 games to be non working like 3 months after i receved them... :roll:
bread's done