EB/GS: Playable Wii Kiosks (Update 11/4: All stores should have them by 11/14/06)

The one at my store got setup today. Got to play some Excitetruck and I setup Miis for all of the regular staff at the store. I took some creative liberties while I was at it.
My GS in Turnersville NJ had their Wii up for a couple of days. I played it on Sunday. Mmmm, it was a great time. I don't even like racing games, and yet, Excite Truck was pretty awesome.

For wiimotes, they were taking "Liscenses, I.Ds. or shoes" LOL
I played and saw the Wii kiosk at the Gamestop in Gaithersburg, MD. The other 3 EB/Gamestop/Funcolands within walking distance of each other didn't have their stuff, but they probably should in a few days or so. I liked the Wii-mote, I liked Excitetruck, but now I am wondering if I really want all of this for the price that it is. It's good, but not knock your socks good. Zelda is what I'm waiting to see in person...and for that, it'll be all well worth it. I'll probably wait for the inevitable Zelda Wii Nintendo bundle next year... Was fun, but I'd rather play on my 360, DS, and hopefully a PS3.

My biggest wish was to be able to get connected and go online. I'd love to see the interface with the Wii news and the other Wii channels.
found a kiosk at the gamestop in hurst TX, on pipeline near the northeast mall.

they took my TX drivers license and i tried out excite truck.

first, everyone keeps saying that the actual console and the remote are so much smaller in person... i must have been built up for something shocking. when i saw the actual console, it looked larger than i expected it to, and the remote looked about average... i have a TV remote that's the same size. i was surprised at the size of the sensor bar though... thought it would be larger to accomodate more players. it's pretty small, which is good.

i'm thinking that the age of "start up a game without reading the manual" may be over. i walked up and the game was on a menu screen. i know what the wii is capable of, so i starting point at it... but there was no pointer. wtf? you have to use buttons? boo! so, between buttons, point, tilting, twisting... i'm not gonna know what the hell to do when a game starts up.

the game itself was okay... excite truck isn't really the best way to show off the system, i don't think. graphics are decent, for a racing game. control was easy once i learned what the hell i was doing. as others have said, at first i was making exaggerated movements, overcorrecting turns... then i learned how to really use the thing. it's very sensitive. so by the second lap i looked like a pro. still, excite truck just wasn't a great game. maybe for $20 or so, but i'll pass on it at launch.

the in-remote speaker surprised me at first. kinda like the first time i felt a rumble pak. i can see it being a nice touch for some games, but it's certainly just a perk. i can't see how this speaker will ever be 'clutch' for anything. hope i get surprised!

i moved out to the wii menu. not much worked since they weren't connected online or anything. dabbled with the mii a little bit. cool. i hope a lot of games wind up using this. i think it would really set the wii apart from other consoles and get more people interested, especially once online games start to really roll out.

but the wii menu, and all the pointing, show just how sensitive the remotes are. my little cursor was shaking because my arm wasn't steady (i stopped in on my lunch break, and i was hungry). didn't poke around enough to see if this could be adjusted, but i could see the sensitivity being both good and bad, depending on the situation. great for a game like monkey ball. bad if i accidentally pay to download some retarded VC game.

cool experience overall... but i think, like most stuff of this nature, it's being overhyped. it's fun to dabble with, but not nearly as 'groundbreaking' as i was expecting. again, i'm hoping this is just because excite truck isn't great. once i try out some decent games, i'm hoping my mood shifts.

i'm of course still lining up on launch day though!
[quote name='DocRamon']didn't poke around enough to see if this could be adjusted, but i could see the sensitivity being both good and bad, depending on the situation. great for a game like monkey ball. bad if i accidentally pay to download some retarded VC game.[/quote]
There's a thread somewhere on CAG about people making stupid XBLA purchases while a little bit tipsy. This aside in your post made me laugh right out loud as I thought about having the guys over for a few beers and some Wii Sports, and then getting into online store. Beer + Making purchase choice + having to use the Wiimote to do it could make for some interesting purchases: "I spent HOW MUCH on HOW MANY TG16 games that I've never heard of?!"

Maybe there should be a sobriety test before purchases made after 9:30pm. ;)
[quote name='daroga']Maybe there should be a sobriety test before purchases made after 9:30pm. ;)[/QUOTE]

secret remote feature revealed!
[quote name='DocRamon']first, everyone keeps saying that the actual console and the remote are so much smaller in person... i must have been built up for something shocking. when i saw the actual console, it looked larger than i expected it to, and the remote looked about average... i have a TV remote that's the same size.

Well, I went out tonight to run a few errands and little did I know I would be playing BOTH of the new consoles. First I went to the EB at Clackamas Town Center (OR). There was no one there so I played some Excite Truck.

I've seen the videos, I've heard what everyone says, DocRamon, and yet I was utterly shocked at how small the thing was. I don't have any remotes near that small except for portable DVD players and the like. Same thing for the system, which is just itty bitty.

For the first lap of Excite Truck I couldn't control it at all and I thought it was broken. I'd turn one way and it would go the other, etc... Then I figured out that I was oversteering and once I used much smaller movements I was able to control it pretty well and actually came in first.

I wish I had thought of backing out of the game and checking out the Mii channels, etc. Oh well... Also, I did not notice any sound coming from the Wiimote at all. But I was concentrating so much on trying to steer that I might have just tuned it out with the other background noise.

Then I headed over to Target with the intention of getting another Activision Wii demo disc (since I thought I had lost mine - found it when I got home). They didn't have the discs (and claimed they never did), but I was able to get a Wii gift card. You just have to put a $1 minimum on it. Then I was looking around the game cases for clearance games and LO AND BEHOLD, there was a PS3 in the case! It took me a while to figure it out, but the demo screen and controller right in front of it were for the PS3! It was right where the PS2 demo unit used to be, so I think most people would overlook it.

So I gave it a spin - I was able to go through all the PS3 menus, look at a picture of a kitty, check out the music they had on it, and finally play a demo. I chose Motor Storm (which I had never heard of before) since it seemed like it would be similar to Excite Truck. I have to admit, the visuals on Motor Storm blew me away in comparison to the Wii game I just played. I mean, I knew they'd be better but I was shocked at how much better. I didn't have any framerate issues with Excite Truck when I played it, but it just doesn't look nearly as good as Motor Storm. Now, for many games, obviously, this won't make much of a difference. But for this type of game I'd definitely prefer the higher-end system. In any case, I'm not too big on racing games, so I'd wait for
Wheaton, MD Gamestop has there's up.

I didn't have time to play today though. Just saw it when passing buy to the Target in the mall.
Made my Mii yesterday, the custimization options are crazy.

Also, it looks like there's no definite number of Wii you can make, it all seems based of memory. According to a buddy of mine, you could make over 10,000 Miis if you have the space availible.

We're currently up to 32 ;)
well it appears they are using the composite cables for these kiosks for some reason


taken from http://www.nintendowiifanboy.com/
[quote name='botticus']Probably cause that's what comes in the box.[/QUOTE]

you would think Nintendo would want its best foot forward and maximize how good the games look with component cables
That blows, but it's not surprising given that that's all that comes in the box. Hopefully after launch, once the component cables are readily available (we know now they'll be available at B&Ms BB, CC, and EB/GS), savvy employees in these sections will swap them out (ESPECIALLY if they're hooked up to 16:9 sets).
Looks like they are starting to really show up now. A couple of mine have them in stock as well, they asked for either a driver's license, credit card, car keys, wallet, id, and even my shoes lol! Basically anything you can't leave the store without.

On a side note, any sightings/info on the PS3 Kiosks? I'd like to update this with PS3 info, but my EB/GS keep saying "within the week (definately before launch)."
My local EB and GS both have their kiosks in. They haven't set them up yet because their remotes haven't been delivered. I'm hoping that'll happen pretty soon, but with launch a mere 8 days away, I think I can resist the urge to play Excite Truck a while longer.

On a side note, my local Target (Chesapeake Square Mall location) has its PS3 demo unit set up. When I went to the store the PS3 was powered on and had a remote connected via USB but there was nothing on the display. Disappointing.
[quote name='Sgt Grumbles']On a side note, my local Target (Chesapeake Square Mall location) has its PS3 demo unit set up. When I went to the store the PS3 was powered on and had a remote connected via USB but there was nothing on the display. Disappointing.[/QUOTE]

Given Sony's track record with launch units, that could be a very accurate representation of what you will see when you get the system home. ;)
I'm going to check it out today. I called the local Target and they said they do have the Wii kiosk up and running, but can't find the controller. :roll:

I'm just going to EB Games, fuck it.
[quote name='yukine']I'm going to check it out today. I called the local Target and they said they do have the Wii kiosk up and running, but can't find the controller. :roll:

I'm just going to EB Games, fuck it.[/quote]
I'm pretty sure Target's Wii kiosks at this point are just videos. Is that right or no?
[quote name='daroga']I'm pretty sure Target's Wii kiosks at this point are just videos. Is that right or no?[/quote]

I have no idea, but I asked if they have the playable kiosk. So unless she heard me wrong, I guess this particular Target does have one. Minus a controller. :lol:
I went to Target yesterday and played the two PLAYABLE PS3 demos they had.
NBA 07 and Motorstorm.

NBA 07 I didn't care about.
Motorstorm looked pretty good. I sucked at it though.

You can access the PS3 menu and play music, movies, etc.
here are some pics for you guys. I took these today at EBgames with my Sony Ericsson K790a 3.2 MP Camera Phone
Note: This is at Fair Oaks Mall in Fairfax, VA






Excitetruck is such a terrible choice of game to demo.

Its going to be sitting right next to the PS3 demo of Motorstorm which plays pretty much the same way.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Excitetruck is such a terrible choice of game to demo.

Its going to be sitting right next to the PS3 demo of Motorstorm which plays pretty much the same way.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking the same thing...too bad. I'd think Wii Sports would be perfect.
Is Motorstorm even launching this year?

Edit: And my guess is that Wii is going to sell out it's first two shipments regardless of what Nintendo does. Selling Wii games is more important then selling Wii systems in the first run. Wii Sports is in the box. Excite Truck is pretty much the game that needs to be sold. Not Trauma Center (a game with a huge cult following). Not Red Steel (first swords/guns game sells regardless if it sucks). Not Monkey Ball (a game that the Sega fanbase/party game fanbase wants). Not Zelda. Not Madden. Not any other major game. Excite Truck needs to be sold or it'll be like Wave Race: Blue Storm or Pilotwings 64. Good games that are ignored at launch despite the lack of good games.
Played the Wii kiosk at a Gamestop in West Covina, CA. Excite Truck, not terribly exciting but the controller was really responsive to my movement. The graphics and gameplay weren't anything special either.
Yeah, you would think the idea; demo game would be Wii Sports. Though since it's bundled with the console, they might have thought otherwise. Could've at least had Zelda as a demo; Excite Truck wasn't all that great either..
Saw one earlier today at Oakridge Mall in CA. Wasn't able to play it though since I was with my friend so didn't wanna make her wait. I'm surprised at how small it is compared to all the pictures I've seen. It's like the size of a portable DVD player.
Went to the closest EB Games to me today, and... I didn't get to play it.

"Sorry dude, we just started recharging the batteries." :roll:
Got to play this today.

While ExciteTruck is certainly not the best choice for a demo, it was definitely fun. There were 6 or so people handing the remote around taking turns. I didn't notice any graphical issues - wasn't blown away by them, wasn't at all disappointed - nor was there any problem with the Wiimote/sensor bar, though one of the employees said the light had caused problems at some point.

Control of ExciteTruck definitely takes some getting used to. But more fun was the Mii Channel. Everyone who played was encouraged to make a Mii, so there will soon be a wide variety on there. I may even open up my Wii when I pick it up at the midnight launch to throw my Mii on my Wiimote.

While the Wiimote is definitely sensitive (your normal hand jitters show up on the screen), it's very forgiving. So when you go over a letter on the virtual keyboard and it's highlighted/increased in size, you have the additional space there to click in - you need to move farther to go to the next letter. So it's fairly easy to enter names and whatnot without errors.
[quote name='botticus']While the Wiimote is definitely sensitive (your normal hand jitters show up on the screen), it's very forgiving. So when you go over a letter on the virtual keyboard and it's highlighted/increased in size, you have the additional space there to click in - you need to move farther to go to the next letter. So it's fairly easy to enter names and whatnot without errors.[/quote]

Yeah, the guy in the Wii open and setup video I saw this morning seemed to make the same observation. Text entry is surprisingly smooth and accurate.
[quote name='yukine']Went to the closest EB Games to me today, and... I didn't get to play it.

"Sorry dude, we just started recharging the batteries." :roll:[/QUOTE]

Same here. I thought they used AA's in the remote?

Does not matter, my friends runs a GS so I will just go over there and play ExciteTruck. The controller feels good though. System is T.I.N.Y.
My closest EB had a unit - Rt. 9, Morganville, NJ - but those pricks didn't even bother to unwrap it. It was sitting in the front of the store, still boxed up and on the shipping palate.
I was able to play a Wii kiosk @ Gamestop on S. Tryon in Charlotte, NC today.

I had to give over my driver's license as mentioned before, which I still find quite funny. I was able to navigate throught the Wii sysytem with the exception of the online parts. I went into the Wii setup as well as the available channels (Mii, Photos). The layout is very clean and easy to figure out. The playable game was Excite Truck. I must say, sadly, that I wasn't too impressed with the game or the control aspect. The graphics may have been worse than a Gamecube. I have an Samsung HDTV, and have had a Gamecube hooked up via standard composite cables, and the cube wins hands down. The control was messy at first, but as I got the hang of it, the game itself became repetitive and boring. Antoher problem was navigating with the Wii-mote. At times it was unresponsive, and sometimes it moved way too fast to acurately select a menu. It finally stopped working all together, and the Gamestop employee had to reset the Wii. Maybe it was the placement of the sensor bar, but I could never get it to work consistently.

I must say that I was all ready to be at my local Target early on the 19th, however, I may wait it out as now I'm not so sure. I know it was only one game, but it seemed more like a tech demo to introduce some new technology, that quite frankly has been around for a while now.

I'll let you guys be the guiney pigs.;)
I'm fairly sure if there were any technical problems with the remote, it was a setup issue. I was kind of expecting to have problems after a few people here mentioned them, but there was nothing.

The sensor bar was stuck on the bottom of the TV, for reference.
bread's done