eBay or no eBay that is the question...


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
What do you think, should we allow people to post their ebay auctions?
What if you have to post that its an auction in the subject title?
I am aganist it. However if you show yourself to be a member of the community and not someone out there whoring out your auction then it is fine. Every once and a while posting an auction is ok I guess but the influx of people who have not posted here in months and then telling everyone about their auction is what pisses me off

If it comes right down to it though I vote no more auctions
no. i agree with casey. on some occasions, yes it could be a great deal, but on the whole, were already getting tons of posts from people out of the woodworks.

i vote no.
it should only be allowed in the trading area, when i am looking for a cheap ass deal i want a reputable source...
If they set their auction price fairly and theres no scam involved, then I think CAGs should be able to post them. However, due to the nature of the boards, these will be probably self-policed.
I don't have a problem with it, and in a way can be pretty benefecial to some people who are looking for some deals.
MAYBE there can be a board for eBay and other online or personal auctions .. OR just make sure it's all done under "Cheap Ass Trading".

So I vote, yes
Well, if the auction itself is a deal, and "reserve" option is disabled, then I'll say it's okay on an occasional bases. Like that one auction where the seller has his reserve way too high for some games that are worth about $40 or so if you really look for them cheap.
I think they should be reviewed to see if they are acceptable and kept on the forum.
Edit: still looking for grammar error.
It should be allowed only if you will give CAGers a bonus or a few dollars off of S/H. This board is good at self-policing posters and will flame new members that are just whoring out their auctions.
I vote yes, but if it gets out of hand then it should be banned.
And yes it should be in the subject title.
[quote name='spoo']It should be allowed only if you will give CAGers a bonus or a few dollars off of S/H. This board is good at self-policing posters and will flame new members that are just whoring out their auctions.
I vote yes, but if it gets out of hand then it should be banned.
And yes it should be in the subject title.[/quote]

I was initially going to vote no but I like the idea of CAG folks getting a discount if they win the auction. They'd have to PM their eBay ID to the person running the auction, I guess. Requiring people to offer a discount might discourage everyone from posting *all* of their auctions, and it might help us get even more cheapass deals.
I've noticed more of these "look at my auction" posts lately and they are disruptive and annoying. However, if they are really offering a good deal and not spammers trying to sell overpriced copies of Freaky Fliers, I may be interested. I guess I would say, keep them for now but limit them to their own board or the trading board - they generally don't belong on the "deals" board.
If it turns out being approved, maybe there should a seperate section for ebay auctions. That way, people that aren't interested in ebay won't have to see the posts. I also like the idea of CAGers getting a discount on S&H or something. If one of these two options worked, I'd vote yes. Otherwise I vote no.
When is it determined that an auction is a good deal? It can not really be determined until the last minutes of the auction. If I have a game at $.01 starting bid with no reserve it looks to be good, but the price will surely go up to where the deal is not so great.

I vote yes allow them only if they have their own forum.
Why don't we add like a Ebay deals section to the main links to forums? That way people who put them elsewhere can be warned/banned/blah blah blah. Plus people could go in there looking for some promotion and what not. I read on here a lot more than I type, granted I don't put up ebay auctions or the like, but you know what I mean!
Considering that posts in the trade forum can become flame wars between people challenging the value of the items for trade and people bumping their posts, it should probably be a seperate forum section by itself. Otherwise trades would get buried faster than they do now.
I vote yes, but in a seperate forum.

Is there any way CheapyD could get eBay kickbacks? If yes, then I'm all for it!
I vote No. Maybe put a link to their auctions in there sig. if they want, but not separate posts.
Hell no.

eBay has a search function for a reason. The auctions aren't "deals" in any way, and the threads devolve into flame wars as often as not.
A balance has to be struck between spamming about auctions and simple, informative posts. I believe as long as people restrict themselves to one topic it should be okay. For example, one topic on "PS2 games for auction @ eBay" should be okay, but 10 topics with the subject of each game up for auction should not be.

On another note, at first glance it seems like auctions shouldn't be allowed. They're not trading and are closer to advertising. However, from experience looking at the neo-geo.com selling board, people over there often give deals/discounts to people using that board, like a close community. I feel that, given time, the same might happen here, especially with regular board users. Therefore, I think banning all auctions is probably a mistake.
I'm new here, but I'm gonna toss in my .02 anyway. :) If I want an Ebay auction, I'm gonna go to Ebay to look for it. Every time I see someone advertising their auction here, all I can think is "If you wanted the ppl from here to buy it, why didn't you just post it up for sale here?"
i would say allow it, but maybe you'll need a separate section for it since I am sure people will start flooding the forum with their ebay auctions.

People who want no Ebay are the people that saw the 'wheel' as an intrusion to legs. I vote yes. Must have a 97% and above, also MUST have as at least an option the BUY IT NOW so we can move these things as fast as possible.
eBay auctions only allowed for members that have been signed up for more than 4-6 months. Post counts don't matter. Otherwise auctions must be buy it now only, otherwise there isn't any deal...
I vote NO. Mostly because its an auction and not a HOT DEAL. You never know A)what the auction will close at B)if the seller is reputable and C)Anyone who wants to get something can just go to Ebay themselves and search.

People are gonna post auctions anyways though so maybe a seperate Forums named Auction Promotion. Also since I am getting VGA live soon I think that would help me as well... http://www.videogameauctions.com will be live soon enough.
I say No, if they want to put it in their sig, then whatever, but if someone wants something they can go to ebay and search for what they want and not have some person posting all these threads saying

PS2 for SALE and then someone clicks it and sees an ebay link, if they want to buy one off ebay they probably would have looked their.
Hey guys. I am allways selling items o0n ebay. I would have to say that this is not the place to do so! IT gets abbused. If I want to find a deal on ebay then I'll go to ebay! I have never USED cag to make my self rich which is in sense what people posting ebay auctions on here are trying to do. They are trying to get more looks and more bids. If I wanted the rest of the cag community to get in on a deal i would post it or trade it here. There is a trading/selling fororum here so thats not waht they are trying to do. They are trying to get more money for them selves. I say no to the ebay! From a ebay seller/CAGer. Plus it will bring in more lurkers and people just looking for the deals!

Alot of people are saying that you can have this and you must have that...but who will police these auctions and check them! We need to just say no to all and not make rules for some and not others. If you allow some to do it its not fair to say these persons can not! Some stated that you could only post a few of them and how would you say that they couldn't post anymore. I just think it's too much trouble and hassel for everybody. Vote for no ebay!
i havent seen one worthwhile ebay auction listed yet. like that joker who recently put up some "rare" gamecube games. it even said in his auction that his reserve was at the retail of what he paid for these games. we dont need or want that here.
no to ebay.
i vote no on proposition ebay.

i sell things on ebay, and i haven't/wouldn't consider posting anything about my auctions on this site. when you sell something on ebay, you want people to pay a lot for what you are selling. you are hoping people are unreasonable and might even pay more than the item is worth, which is the complete opposite of what this website is about.

if i want to buy a video game from an ebay seller, i go to ebay.com and search for the game. if someone wants to sell a game to someone here, then that's fine. do it on the trading boards, independant of ebay.
I say yes, but keep it either in the trade forum or just one thread (make it a sticky). A thread that says Online Auctions (so that way when VGA does go live, one can post links there too, which by the way, I like how it is looking). Each post should actually have a subject line stating what it is, and a description of course in the actual post.

That way if one wants to see what people have on eBay they can go there, or just leave it alone. Once the auction is over, they should either delete their post, or just edit it and say it is dead. Deleting would be better in my opinion.

If one chooses to, they can offer a special discount on either S&H or a little extra, but it should not be obligatory.

That's my 2 cents.
Eh, I'm kinda leaning towards a "no" for this one. Although this forum is good at self-policing, I can just see potential flame wars. If something goes wrong with the seller/buyer, they may come crying to CheapyD, just because it was posted here. That is unfair to him.

Someone mentioned something similar, but I think that if you have a product that you want to sell, there is obviously a forum on here where you can do so. I've noticed people in the trading forum offering money for games, so it's not limited to just trading. On ebay, anyone can see it and bid on it. Thus, it's not exclusive to CAG members, and the price can end at anything. It's not really a "deal".
I look at it this way...we pretty well police ourselves on it. Whoever's brave...or stupid enough to post their eBay links usually gets a verbal thrashing and the price and quality of their merchandise scrutinized.

It's more fun this way.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I look at it this way...we pretty well police ourselves on it. Whoever's brave...or stupid enough to post their eBay links usually gets a verbal thrashing and the price and quality of their merchandise scrutinized.

It's more fun this way.[/quote]

I would let them post their auctions as long as we have some Cheap Ass Rules. Some that I can think of are:

1. Free Shipping or discount if you mention your CAG member
2. Your willing to trade/sell and end auction early if you reach a deal

I am almost alway looking for some hard to find games in nice complete condition. And if people posted them here perhaps I could get a chance to get them or trade for them.

But if all they are doing is posting an advertisement, then I would say no. Otherwise, the more chances I have at picking up some games I have a hard time obtaining on eBay would be bonus! Especially if they are from fellow collectors who care and nurture their games :)

Anyone looking for more bids should rot in hell. Posting it here is ambarassing and a cheap way to obtain some views. If your not willing to wheel and deal with CAG members on this forum then that is just plain low.

Bottom line, if posting of eBay auctions is allowed, I think the poster/seller need to follow some CAG rules that give CAG members an incentive to even look at them (such as willing to trade instead, ending early, free shipping).
i vote no fervently

the only way i would find this acceptable is to create an actual ebay forum and shove them in there but frankly i still don't like it because it discourages advantageous trades from happening here between like minded individuals
If there is a separate forum for it, then I vote yes. If I were to auction games, starting bids would be no more than $5 for any game, no reserves, and free shipping for CAGs. My two cents.
bread's done