Effed in the A (UPDATED AT THE BOTTOM - 9.28.6) Wherehouse.com steals $1100 from me.

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Holy crap man!

Call your bank and dispute the charge AND place a fraud claim on them. Then instruct your bank to refuse any more transactions from wherehouse.com. Someone at wherehouse is fucking with you.
I still can't get ahold of the boss man, but the customer rep lady said that I'm getting charged that $707 because it was never paid for last year. I said that's bullshit (i did pay for it) and I said that if that's the case, why didn't they make any effort in getting the money back before now? She said that they sent an email out to me a couple days after the order was sent last year. So I said, "that's all you do? Just one email and you don't care if you get paid back? So I can place a $10,000 from you guys right now on a bogus card and I can get that order sent to me and all I have to do is not respond to an email so I'll never get charged?" She paused, felt dumb and said, "um, I think the system has changed since then."
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']I still can't get ahold of the boss man, but the customer rep lady said that I'm getting charged that $707 because it was never paid for last year. I said that's bullshit (i did pay for it) and I said that if that's the case, why didn't they make any effort in getting the money back before now? She said that they sent an email out to me a couple days after the order was sent last year. So I said, "that's all you do? Just one email and you don't care if you get paid back? So I can place a $10,000 from you guys right now on a bogus card and I can get that order sent to me and all I have to do is not respond to an email so I'll never get charged?" She paused, felt dumb and said, "um, I think the system has changed since then."[/QUOTE]
Do you have any receipts or bank statements showing the charge, even electronically? Your bank will never allow Wherehouse to do that.

Glad to hear you talked to a Postal Inspector, first guy you needed to see.
Man...I just read through this thread and I feel terrible for you. I know it doesn't help you feel any better, but I wish you luck...
[quote name='Warner1281']YThe reason I say to try and go through wherehouse.com first is because if they reverse the charge, you get the money back in 24-48 hours. If you dispute it with the bank, it could take anywhere from 2 hours to 2 months to get your money back depending on how they handle the situation with wherehouse. Next thing you do is file a dispute with the BBB about wherehouse.com. [/quote]

One difference would be that if he just kept talking to warehouse.com and not the bank, those overdraft charges build up each business day and I doubt warehouse.com would repay those. Since he's disputing it with the bank, if he wins the dispute, those charges will be waved.

I too second the BBB report, they don't like to that type of crap happening.

As for the comment as for investigation, that would be federal since it happened over state lines.

Before the update, I had a feeling that it was warehouse.com that did the fucking the more and more that was revealed.
You're officaly getting fucked by warehouse.com. I think the box 'o peas came from them and someone is dicking you hard. All I can say is take calm down and take it easy, one step at a time. It will take time. But you'll get through this, you might lose some money but thats okay. As long as you get through this.
Well, i always knew Transworld(FYE, Coconuts, Wherehouse) had to make money somewhere - certainly isn't from selling MSRP DVDs.

This is perfect example of why you everyone should get a credit card with virtual account number capabilities. Every time you order something online - excluding maybe some truly reputable companies like Amazon - create a new account #, limit the $$$ amount to your order, and you are done. They can't get more than your limit, and no charges a year later.
Wow. :shock:

It's been one bad bit of luck after another in this whole mess. I'm glad that you're making some headway about it, and I hope it all works out.

Certainly has turned me off to shopping at wherehouse.com, ever. That's ridiculous.
dang Tsd, that sucks, i hope you stick with it and get your shit settled.

this definitely steers me away from wherehouse.com big time.

you should send them this link so they know that it's making a negative impact on their sales.
Well, I'm glad to hear that you finally got through to sombody and at least SOME attempt is being made to rectify the situation. I'm glad to hear that the PO is getting involved with it (although if my one prior incident with the PO is any indication, nothing will come of it). I'm also happy to hear that your bank is refunding all the money. It's a load of crap that you're getting charged for those orders now. Do you have bank statements or anything else that shows that you were already charged for some/all of those orders previously? If so, I'd scan them and send the pictures to the guy you talked to at wherehouse. Lastly, it's definitely nice of wherehouse to cut you the check, but that still doesn't keep me from thinking that someone over there screwed you over.

Once you get your bank account straightened out, and have wherehouse.com on the blacklist (ie-let your bank know that they are not to accept any transactions from them under your account), I would use up any remaining wherehouse.com credit and never look back. It's not worth the effort/hassle of dealing with the again in the future. Just consider this a hard lesson that thankfully you came out of only slightly bruised.

Also, it might be wise of you to ask your bank to cancel your old card and issue you a new one, that way wherehouse doesn't have your card on file. Just a thought.
Wow, interesting and fucked up at the same time. Keep us updated, Successful Dropout (almost typed out trustcompany there :lol:) . The only online site I order from is Amazon.com, and I would point anyone away from Wherehouse.com after this.
[quote name='Warner1281']Just wondering if there are/will be anymore updates on this. I'm curious as to what else may have happened.[/quote]

That's what I'm wondering.
[quote name='Warner1281']Just wondering if there are/will be anymore updates on this. I'm curious as to what else may have happened.[/quote]

nothing yet...still waiting on my $200 check...my bank gave me back the $700 charge and i'm still waiting on the insufficient fund fee credits (over $400 worth)...i'm also still waiting on the box of cans to show up on my door step...
Dude Dropout, WTF are you doing man? Stop talking to Wherehouse.com, make out a police report in their city, call BBB and take them to court.

Christ dude, you're getting fucked, and by taking that $200 dollars, you fucked yourself royally, and may never get any money now.

That $200 was an offer for your lost items, and you took the money.

Next time, only settle for all of it, and get your lawyer ready.

Either take it in the ass like a little bitch and whine and complain and an internet gaming site, or get some balls and turn this shit around.

fuck them in the mother fucking mouth!! Go get em' man! Stop fucking around here... GO! Get yourself a laywer!

(Please do not drive there and kill them, I am not saying that, and I wont be held responcible if you do) Thank you!
Somehow, as soon as I saw this thread was originally started 8 years ago I had a strong feeling I knew who bumped it.  What do you know, I was right.

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