Election Day 2012: I Voted for Kodos

[quote name='Rockinjs']Well guess the suicide rate will take a spike for the day[/QUOTE]

Alongside a marginal IQ average increase.

Obama has been celebrating all year! In Pakistan, Yemen, and other countries with darkies! Can't wait until he brings the celebration to the US public! (Just don't misbehave and they won't fire. They will surveil you...)
I would think Trump would be really happy. He's a rich dood despite not knowing how to tell one number is bigger than the other.

If that's not the best endorsement for the land of opportunity - where knowing how to COUNT can't even stop you from attaining success - then I don't know what to do anymore.
[quote name='Strell']I would think Trump would be really happy. He's a rich dood despite not knowing how to tell one number is bigger than the other.

If that's not the best endorsement for the land of opportunity - where knowing how to COUNT can't even stop you from attaining success - then I don't know what to do anymore.[/QUOTE]

Don't forget the handicap of having really bad hair.
DJIA down 300 points, pretty standard reaction when an 'anti-business' guy wins. But the way it has been trending overall, that will be regained in a week or two.
[quote name='eLefAdEr']DJIA down 300 points, pretty standard reaction when an 'anti-business' guy wins. But the way it has been trending overall, that will be regained in a week or two.[/QUOTE]

dont count on it.. i dont see the market rebounding until Jan once the cliff thing has been fixxed
[quote name='joeboosauce'] Anyway, let's hear it for Obomney!!!!!!! ![/QUOTE]

I voted for Obamney because like me , he's a Mormslim. We pray three times a day towards Kolob. True Mormslim followers will martyr themselves in the coming entitlement jihad , where 72 Milf sisterwives await us in paradise.
[quote name='dafoomie']52 million Hispanics disagree, fastest growing segment of the population, predominantly Catholic and conservative. Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote, imagine what a social conservative would get who isn't perceived as 'against them' on immigration.

They're going to double down on political polarization as it bought both Bush and Obama two terms. They're not going to embrace abortion and gay rights, those will be seen as Mitt's failures.[/QUOTE]

Why does everyone assume Catholics are conservative?
[quote name='soulvengeance']Why does everyone assume Catholics are conservative?[/QUOTE]

Well, for starters, they are against any form of contraception, even in monogamous marriages. So they do not support funding any sex education in school that mentions any form of contraception outside of abstaining.
[quote name='Strell']Well, for starters, they are against any form of contraception, even in monogamous marriages. So they do not support funding any sex education in school that mentions any form of contraception outside of abstaining.[/QUOTE]

I wonder if that's a certain subset of Catholics, I guess most of the Catholics I know still use contraception of some sort and seem to be okay with gay marriage.
[quote name='soulvengeance']I wonder if that's a certain subset of Catholics, I guess most of the Catholics I know still use contraception of some sort and seem to be okay with gay marriage.[/QUOTE]

Not trying to sound rude/argumentative, but I would consider this a massive reversal. If there's Catholics out there that have no problem with contraception and gay marriage, they are a subset/minority. I won't really say more because I know there are Catholics here who can come in and speak for themselves.

The point is that Catholics are considered extremely conservative in their various ideologies - social, mental, legal, etc - which all tie back to their religion.
[quote name='Strell']Not trying to sound rude/argumentative, but I would consider this a massive reversal. If there's Catholics out there that have no problem with contraception and gay marriage, they are a subset/minority. I won't really say more because I know there are Catholics here who can come in and speak for themselves.

The point is that Catholics are considered extremely conservative in their various ideologies - social, mental, legal, etc - which all tie back to their religion.[/QUOTE]

No, I agree, I was thinking maybe the people I know are more of a subset.:) Or perhaps the perception out there of Catholics is outdated, but either way, I think it's interesting.
I know several like that too. I think there's a decent chunk of younger people who come from Catholic familes, still consider themselves Catholic as a result, but don't really adhere to a lot of the orthodoxy, especially on contraception.

The Catholic church would probably not accept them as true Catholics, and most of the ones I know who fit that bill never go to Mass (or church in general) etc. But they still self identify as Catholic as how they're raised.

How large a subset of people that is, I don't know. But it's clear that there's a large chunk of Catholics who don't care a ton about contraception, abortion etc. given exit polls showed Romney and Obama pretty much splitting Catholics (was 50-48 in favor of Obama--http://www.cnn.com/election/2012/results/race/president?hpt=hp_c2#exit-polls). Those issues clearly aren't a driving factor for Catholics if half of them voted for Obama.

The contraceptives thing is a thing a majority of Catholics have long discarded though. I just pulled up a scholarly journal article that showed the following rates of using contraceptives among Catholics over time:

1965: 57%
1973: 67%
1982: 73%
1988: 75%

For protestants the trend was:

1965: 66%
1973: 72%
1982: 70%
1988: 77%

Article here though you probaby can't get the full text if not on campus network: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/1966780.

Anyway, as much as Catholic leaders made noise about contraception coverage in insurance, it's pretty much a dead part of their orthodoxy in the US in terms of their followers actually practicing what they preach.
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[quote name='EdRyder']I voted for Obamney because like me , he's a Mormslim. We pray three times a day towards Kolob. True Mormslim followers will martyr themselves in the coming entitlement jihad , where 72 Milf sisterwives await us in paradise.[/QUOTE]

Haha, I was wondering what Kolob was! I get it! It's that planet that the Mormon gods came from or something like that. I prefer Kobol though (BSG reference).
[quote name='joeboosauce']

Obama has been celebrating all year! In Pakistan, Yemen, and other countries with darkies! Can't wait until he brings the celebration to the US public! (Just don't misbehave and they won't fire. They will surveil you...)[/QUOTE]

Seriously. I understand people being relieved that Romney won't be president, but those who are actually celebrating Obama being emperor in chief for four more years are fucking pathetic.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']Seriously. I understand people being relieved that Romney won't be president, but those who are actually celebrating Obama being emperor in chief for four more years are fucking pathetic.[/QUOTE]
Here's where libertarian and progressive ideology part ways: it's not just about Obama and he's no emperor. The entire narrative of the US is based on imperialism and the fact that Obama perpetuates it, albeit on a much smaller level, is an indictment of our society as a whole; not one elected official or the people that voted for him.
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[quote name='Strell']I think Victoria Jackson might be slidecage.[/QUOTE]

I think I'm going to have to start reading all of his posts in her voice from here on out.
[quote name='dohdough']Here's where libertarian and progressive ideology part ways: it's not just about Obama and he's no emperor. The entire narrative of the US is based on imperialism and the fact that Obama perpetuates it, albeit on a much smaller level, is an indictment of our society as a whole; not one elected official or the people that voted for him.[/QUOTE]

I agree with your point. I have more of a problem, rather disgust, with people who drink deep of the Obama kool-aid and them not admitting that all he is is a lesser of the evils; so still evil. I would disagree with the notion of a "smaller level" of imperialism. He has far expanded his wars to include more countries. It's a more palatable version of it. Especially for liberals.

Jeremy Scahill and Chris Hedges were on DN's election night broadcast. So, of course they had some brilliant insights they shared. Here is one of those points by Scahill at 51:30:
"what this administration has done is to normalize policies that a lot of liberals would inherently oppose if a Republican was doing them."


The US is an empire. All these "elections" do is give us an elected emperor. The face just changes. And the funders don't regardless of who "wins."
[quote name='joeboosauce']I agree with your point. I have more of a problem, rather disgust, with people who drink deep of the Obama kool-aid and them not admitting that all he is is a lesser of the evils; so still evil. I would disagree with the notion of a "smaller level" of imperialism. He has far expanded his wars to include more countries. It's a more palatable version of it. Especially for liberals.

Jeremy Scahill and Chris Hedges were on DN's election night broadcast. So, of course they had some brilliant insights they shared. Here is one of those points by Scahill at 51:30:


The US is an empire. All these "elections" do is give us an elected emperor. The face just changes. And the funders don't regardless of who "wins."
[quote name='joeboosauce']I agree with your point. I have more of a problem, rather disgust, with people who drink deep of the Obama kool-aid and them not admitting that all he is is a lesser of the evils; so still evil. I would disagree with the notion of a "smaller level" of imperialism. He has far expanded his wars to include more countries. It's a more palatable version of it. Especially for liberals.

Jeremy Scahill and Chris Hedges were on DN's election night broadcast. So, of course they had some brilliant insights they shared. Here is one of those points by Scahill at 51:30:


The US is an empire. All these "elections" do is give us an elected emperor. The face just changes. And the funders don't regardless of who "wins."[/QUOTE]
I don't disagree at all. By "smaller level," I actually meant that he's not promoting the full mobilization of our armed forces, but a more "efficient" method of imperialism. The resources needed to operate a squadron of drones or to bribe governments is much lower than a full scale military assault like Iraq. I have no doubt in my mind that the election of Romney would make the latter happen.
[quote name='Strell']Not trying to sound rude/argumentative, but I would consider this a massive reversal. If there's Catholics out there that have no problem with contraception and gay marriage, they are a subset/minority. I won't really say more because I know there are Catholics here who can come in and speak for themselves.

The point is that Catholics are considered extremely conservative in their various ideologies - social, mental, legal, etc - which all tie back to their religion.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, but this isn't true of American Catholics. American Catholics have, numerous times, been shown to be far more liberal than any other Christian group in America.


82% of American Catholics are fine with Birth Control. And there are numerous polls, that I'm too lazy to find, that show them far above the curve on gay rights and even abortion in comparison to other groups.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']Seriously. I understand people being relieved that Romney won't be president, but those who are actually celebrating Obama being emperor in chief for four more years are fucking pathetic.[/QUOTE]

For many issues, mainstream Republicans have nothing to fear in an Obama presidency. Unless Obama uses his lame duck status to push harder on policies he might have been for all this time, he is very much a center-right president in the traditional sense.
He's only expanded gun rights in his first term.

But sure tin-foil hat guy, he's gonna crack down on guns any day now.....aaaaany day now.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Gun control is coming under Obama and I think that may be the thing that a lot of people get enraged about here.[/QUOTE]
The clown patrol is here!:rofl:
“We need a president who will enforce current laws, not create new ones that only serve to burden lawful gun owners,” Romney told the National Rifle Association’s annual convention [in 2012]. “President Obama has not. I will.” -- Mitt Romney

Mitt also quadrupled gun license fees as Governor of Mass. to help close the state budget deficit.

So yeah... how is Obama bad for 2nd amendment advocates again?
Florida was finally called for Obama (and the Romney campaign conceded).

So final electoral vote count is 332-206.

Popular vote isn't final yet but Obama has been pulling further away there.

Currently at 51% (62,088,847) to 48% (58,783,137).
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Gun control is coming under Obama and I think that may be the thing that a lot of people get enraged about here.[/QUOTE]

You and the rest of the kooks keep thinking that while I make smart investments. By all means, increase that share price.
[quote name='soulvengeance']Why does everyone assume Catholics are conservative?[/QUOTE]
Latino Catholics are more likely to be influenced by Marian traditions rather than Pauline traditions like their European counterparts. In other words, they often place values like social justice, care for the weak, familial obligations and compassion over strict dogmatic adherence. Some conservatives have this idea that once you solve the immigration issue, Latino Catholics will flock under their banner on the basis of gay marriage and abortion. In reality, Latino Catholics seem more drawn to the idea of a strong economic safety net and economic "fairness" than carrying torches and pitchforks over same sex marriage.

This isn't to imply that they themselves don't want to work and work hard. Rather they project their values upon the government and expect the government to have a strong sense of charity and protection for the weak for those who don't make it economically.

This is, of course, broad strokes and numerous individual exceptions exist.
[quote name='cancerman1120']I say we give them a strip of land and tell them they can never come back.


The petitions are short and to the point. For example, a petition from the Volunteer State reads: "Peacefully grant the State of Tennessee to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government." Of all the petitions, Texas has the most signatures so far, with more than 23,000. Well I've been saying I'd like to move....
[quote name='Clak']The petitions are short and to the point. For example, a petition from the Volunteer State reads: "Peacefully grant the State of Tennessee to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government." Of all the petitions, Texas has the most signatures so far, with more than 23,000. Well I've been saying I'd like to move....[/QUOTE]

I can hardly imagine the sheer horror of a national government designed solely by the citizens of Tennessee. :cold:
[quote name='Clak']The petitions are short and to the point. For example, a petition from the Volunteer State reads: "Peacefully grant the State of Tennessee to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government." Of all the petitions, Texas has the most signatures so far, with more than 23,000. Well I've been saying I'd like to move....[/QUOTE]

They should just let a state secede and see how long it takes for the state to come crawling back once they realize how much they depend on federal money or things like water and power from other states.
[quote name='Cantatus']They should just let a state secede and see how long it takes for the state to come crawling back once they realize how much they depend on federal money or things like water and power from other states.[/QUOTE]
I'm kind of curious how much the "death" of the separatist movement in Quebec is due to a general shift in public sentiment and how much of it is because the province is pretty heavily dependent on the filthy oil money of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland.

Why yes, I was waiting this entire time for someone to give me something that I could tie in to Canadian politics, thanks for noticing.
[quote name='Clak']Btw, is cag fucked up for anyone else? I can't even use the quote button.[/QUOTE]

Works fine for me.
bread's done