Employees Of All Stores - Post Your Stupid And Funny Customer Stories - Part Cinco

First and foremost.. I'm not racist, but i'm annoyed when someone comes in the store and can't speak basic english.

I get this guy that comes in today.. says "PS2 control 7.50?" and I respond back that yeah, we have used PS2 controllers, and they're 14.99. He scratches his head "Is 7.50?" "no sir, 14.99."


I go get the used controller and point to the $14.99 price tag. I tell him again that it's $15.

He looks it over, flips it around a few times, looks at the price tag, then looks at me.



He picks out a few games and I ring him up for everything. His total was 43.xx. He pulls out a wad of 20's.

A couple more.

One time a very very old lady came in asking us for a cream cheese bagel and orange juice. Apparently we were a deli.

This one kid comes in almost once every 2 weeks about. Uno-brow and hairy back. His back is always drenched in sweat. He doesn't bother me so I let him be. Anyways, he always comes in, looks at the same 2 games, puts one on a shelf and stands there staring at me or another employee for about 2 hours then leaves. It's very weird.

Haha, oh man. The other day, a guy came in and bought a PSP case and some sort of stereo attached for the PSP to sit on the place music like a stereo. He goes his merry way. Not more then 3 hours later, he comes back in. Here's the convo:

Joey Bag-of-Donuts: Where is it?
Me: Where's what?
(Pulls out stereo attachment that hasn't been opened)
Joey Bag-of-Donuts:: Where's this?
Me: It's a sound player attachment, it's inside.
Joey Bag-of-Donuts:: What's that?
Me: It plays music out loud from the PSP like a boombox
Joey Bag-of-Donuts:: Where's the PSP?
Me: We have them for $169.99 over here
Joey Bag-of-Donuts:: So the PSP in here isn't $14.99?
Me: That's a picture of PSP on the device
Joey Bag-of-Donuts: OH, 170 istoo much, i thought it was 15.
Me: Here, let's return this stuff so you get your money back
(Return everything, give him cash back)
Me: Whenever your ready, its 170.

And he leaves. Apparently he thought the picture of the PSP on the stereo attachment was the actual PSP. I got such a kick out of it. A couple of days later he came in asking the price of the Wii. He thought it was $2.50 and was practically ready to buy it.

I always seem to get these relay calls from one deaf customer. Now, I don't mind helping out, but this guy keeps me on the phone for 30 minutes asking me the same question about 30 times. I dunno how many times he asked me if youcan use Crackdown to play the Halo 3 beta. I also always get the random "raunchy cu** or motherfucker." It's pretty annoying.
[quote name='Scorch']First and foremost.. I'm not racist, but i'm annoyed when someone comes in the store and can't speak basic english.

I get this guy that comes in today.. says "PS2 control 7.50?" and I respond back that yeah, we have used PS2 controllers, and they're 14.99. He scratches his head "Is 7.50?" "no sir, 14.99."


I go get the used controller and point to the $14.99 price tag. I tell him again that it's $15.

He looks it over, flips it around a few times, looks at the price tag, then looks at me.



He picks out a few games and I ring him up for everything. His total was 43.xx. He pulls out a wad of 20's.


LOL Scorch, you think that's bad, try working for a temp service with a Spanish person who knows little English. The one temp agency handed them their paycheck, they didn't know much(if any) English, but soon as they saw their check, they spoke it fluently to dispute some missing hours/money.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']LOL Scorch, you think that's bad, try working for a temp service with a Spanish person who knows little English. The one temp agency handed them their paycheck, they didn't know much(if any) English, but soon as they saw their check, they spoke it fluently to dispute some missing hours/money.[/quote]

That reminds me of another story..

A guy had bought something used and wanted to return it, apparently his kid didn't like it. I'm not supposed to return it as all used sales are final, but I was feeling generous.

"Do you have an account with us?"
"Do you have an account?"
"no understand"
"Have you ever shopped with us before?"
'Did you ever make an account?"
"Do you have your license with you?"
"Oh yeah, yeah, license, I have my license!"
Reminds me of a convo I had not that long ago...

Him: You have Wiis in?
Me: You are just in luck.. we got one left.
Him: How much?
Me: $250.
Him: Oh come on... everyone else sells them for that? Can't I get a deal.
Me: Sure... $249.99.
Him: How is that a deal?
Me: Well sir for a hard to find system that I get calls for on the hour... well... I don't think you are going to get much better of a deal at the moment.
Him: I'll get it elsewhere then.

I sold the Wii ten minutes later to a very thankful dad who has been looking for one for several months. The guy came back an hour later "surprised" that it had sold since "it wasn't a good deal."
[quote name='magiic']I think stores should be allowed to shoot customers they feel should not be allowed to reproduce,[/quote]

There'd be no one left.
[quote name='magiic']I think stores should be allowed to shoot customers they feel should not be allowed to reproduce,[/quote]

I'd agree but every so often I feel the need to piss off certain employees...
[quote name='magiic']I think stores should be allowed to shoot customers they feel should not be allowed to reproduce,[/QUOTE]

Ok maybe shooting is a little too harsh, lets try severely electrocuting their genitals till they no longer function. That way they learn.............lol:lol:
I love this conversation regarding Webkinz (plush animals + online games) about a year ago with a customer. She was a very classy lady.

[Cust:] "Oh, we'll also take these three Webkinz. How much are they?"
[Me:] "Those will be $9.99 apiece."
[Cust:] "Really? The store in Broadway Mall sells them for $8.99!"
[Me:] "Well, they're just $9.99 here."
[Cust:] "Can't you take off $1 on all three of them for me?"
[Me:] "I'm sorry but that store isn't part of our chain and our prices are set by upper management. There's nothing I can do."
[Cust:] "Well, ~I'm~ not going to buy it since you're price gouging."
[Me:] "That's fine!"

She then continues to mutter, swear up a storm, and get quite cross at her kids, who were actually stunned since we had the ones that they wanted and that the store at Broadway didn't have any of them. It's amazing to see a customer go from sweet to saying "shut your damn mouth!" to her children just over $3.
[quote name='Kapwanil']I love this conversation regarding Webkinz (plush animals + online games) about a year ago with a customer. She was a very classy lady.

[Cust:] "Oh, we'll also take these three Webkinz. How much are they?"
[Me:] "Those will be $9.99 apiece."
[Cust:] "Really? The store in Broadway Mall sells them for $8.99!"
[Me:] "Well, they're just $9.99 here."
[Cust:] "Can't you take off $1 on all three of them for me?"
[Me:] "I'm sorry but that store isn't part of our chain and our prices are set by upper management. There's nothing I can do."
[Cust:] "Well, ~I'm~ not going to buy it since you're price gouging."
[Me:] "That's fine!"

She then continues to mutter, swear up a storm, and get quite cross at her kids, who were actually stunned since we had the ones that they wanted and that the store at Broadway didn't have any of them. It's amazing to see a customer go from sweet to saying "shut your damn mouth!" to her children just over $3.[/quote]TOTALLY AWESOME.$3 is price gouging. I decided to check this out on wikipedia and dictionary.com to get a better understanding of what it would really mean; dictionary just says
pricing above the market price when no alternative retailer is available
Which sounds pretty good. Wikipedia basically says (paraphrasing) that it's generally something that happens during a civil emergency, such as say a food becomes scarce so milk is $10 or something.

So I can see, in regards to these definitions of price gouging, how $3 more for some damn stuffed animal is not only unethical, but illegal. :roll: give me a break.

To be fair, wikipedia does say,
In colloquial usage, it means simply that the speaker thinks the price is too high
But then, IMO, everyone is price gouging.
Driving to the other mall from there would have cost her about $3 or so so that alone got most of us laughing well after she left. And I don't like when something is above MSRP either but that was Ganz's newly revised MSRP at the time. The other store probably had the old stock for $1 less still, but if I start bringing that up customers tend to get frustrated and upset as to why certain stores have certain prices, prodcuts, and whatnot. For some reason she felt it was a horrible injustice and she would never shop at our store again.

A better customer was one who tried to return some Lenox product one day. It wasn't in its original box, she had no receipt from the store, she had no gift receipt, and she didn't have any UPC on it that could be scanned. She claimed that she got it as a gift but didn't want to let the gift-giver know she wanted to return it because she didn't like it. Fair enough, but without the other info we can't do anything. It also didn't help that we have ~never~ carried that particular item before.

So my co-worker had the lovely task of telling the woman that we couldn't do anything since, even without all of the other required material, if we have never had it it simply is not in our system and we can't take it. How can we take something back if we don't know how much was spent on it on our side and how much it sells for?

At this point, the customer throws an absolute fit. F-bombs everywhere, screaming, yelling, how this was the greatest fraud ever. She knew it had to come from our store because it was wrapped in wrapping paper from our store. Now, with over a thousand locations in the US and Canada, I'm pretty shocked she found out that the wrapping paper had to have come from our location. My co-worker felt the same way. She responded that you could wrap a brick in our wrapping paper but that doesn't mean that we sell bricks here.

The rest of the conversation boiled down to "F- YOUR STORE!!" and her storming out.
Wow... just read through the first three pages... I love these topics.

Anywork work in the food industry? I'd say it might be worse then retail, people can be so picky
[quote name='NismoZZzz']Another story.

I'm working alone because our scheduling system is retarded. This kid comes in, I'd say age 16 - 18. He is looking for an RPG game for PS2. I show him some and start asking which ones he played to get an idea. He says he enjoys games from ATLUS, which is major publisher for RPG games in the U.S. They basically publish a game, produce it, release it, then stop producing it immediately. Mostly because everyone that wants it, buys it at release, then it barely sells anymore. So I point him to their new release of ODIN SPHERE. He decides to buy. This is when it gets funny.

My goal in transaction is give the customer what they want and ring them up as quickly as possible. I'm really fast and courteous. I know the customer just wants to go home and I want to be not doing anything. He sparks a conversation about HD gaming and how he loves the classics (Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy III, etc) and how HD gaming doesn't look any different then those. I was puzzled cause even a baby seal can tell a difference between a RCA Cable SNES playing Chrono Trigger on a standard television to HDMI cable 360 playing Gears of War in 1080p. I was stumped and asked him what he was talking about. Apparently he was telling it how it sounds, he saw no different between regular gaming and HD gaming, no difference in picture at all. I clearly state there is HUGE difference and that I have no idea what your saying. He seemed to think I was wrong and left. Sometimes I wonder WTH some people really think.[/QUOTE]

There was an HD survery conducted earlier this year.
The vast majority of people with HDTVs only have composite cables plugged in and are on regular TV.
They don't know that they need component/HDMI/etc. cables and such.
That's why people are saying they don't look that good because as far as they have seen, it's all still in 480i.

So many dumbasses are going to be bewildered when analog broadcasts shut off in 2009. I mean, HDMI should solve a lot of the issues when most TVs stop having composite ports, so resolutions should be handled better, but until then, remember people are idiots.
People aren't really idiots in that respect. I have to explain that to a million people every day. It's just that a radical change is being pushed on people who think that what they have is perfectly fine. I don't blame them for feeling that way.
[quote name='M3wThr33']There was an HD survery conducted earlier this year.
The vast majority of people with HDTVs only have composite cables plugged in and are on regular TV.
They don't know that they need component/HDMI/etc. cables and such.
That's why people are saying they don't look that good because as far as they have seen, it's all still in 480i.

So many dumbasses are going to be bewildered when analog broadcasts shut off in 2009. I mean, HDMI should solve a lot of the issues when most TVs stop having composite ports, so resolutions should be handled better, but until then, remember people are idiots.[/quote]

Also very true, it's amazing how many people have no idea what even 480p is. It gets quite annoying explaining it to them, I'm glad I don't sell televisions at a Circuit City or something.
[quote name='reibeatall']Wow, I'm kinda shocked at all the people who act like non-HD owners are dumbasses.[/quote]

There is a difference. Obviously, the casual person has no idea what it is, even if they own one. If they walked into a bestbuy and bought an HDTV KNOWING it's an HDTV, they would probably not know about HDMI or COMPONENT and stil be watching analog televisionon it when an HD cable box is ready for them or even over the air channels if possible.

At least those who know they don't have HDTVs know the difference between an HDTV and a non-HDTV. Are they dumbasses? Nope.
[quote name='reibeatall']Wow, I'm kinda shocked at all the people who act like non-HD owners are dumbasses.[/QUOTE]

I'm a guy who does sell them at a place like CC for a living (well partial living I guess). But they're not dumbasses, most are just too lazy to do any kind of research (which when making a $1000 purchase that is somewhat dumb). I don't mind at all though, because I'm there mainly to help dispense knowledge to people. That's the basic prinicple and in fact as long as they listen and don't act like a jerk I really enjoy doing this.

The only people who I classify as dumbasses are the people who know nothing but either can't admit to that or think they do know everything. When I tell someone they need component/HDMI cables to make it look like HD in the store and I get a "well that can't be right" or a "I don't believe that" I feel a little sick inside. That's when they are dumbasses and I feel like slapping them. Even worse is when they ask for your opinion or advice and you give it to them only for them to disregard everything you've told them. I eventually quit that practice and always respond with "The choice is yours as the consumer". Now the final point that you need to keep in mind is that probably at least half of HDTV shoppers are like this, maybe more. Thus a large number of them can in fact be dumbasses. I could go on with numerous, endless stories about these kinds of shoppers.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell'] I could go on with numerous, endless stories about these kinds of shoppers.[/quote]
Please do. When I get some time I'll post some of my stories from my brief stint as compusa tech.
[quote name='Scorch']If you like this thread, there's an even better one at SA..

The customer's child is always an ass![/QUOTE]

I'm sorry but that board is unreadable with all their secret code euphemisms ("gentle caress", "poo poo", etc). They are being totally politically incorrect talking about beating children in public for acting like normal 5 year-olds but they are being pussies about using any "bad' language. Screw 'em and their stupid stories (really, the stories here are much better). Sorry, Scorch, I'm not on your case - the first story is OK, I just got irritated reading that thread and all the replies. Kids will throw the occasional fit in public - it has nothing to do with bad parenting (in any given case you can't say that anyway), and beating them with tree branches (as suggested in that thread) will hardly do anything to help. People with THAT attitude make me lose faith in humanity and the younger generation coming up (since it always seems like younger people without kids who suggest such things).
[quote name='io']I'm sorry but that board is unreadable with all their secret code euphemisms ("gentle caress", "poo poo", etc). They are being totally politically incorrect talking about beating children in public for acting like normal 5 year-olds but they are being pussies about using any "bad' language. Screw 'em and their stupid stories (really, the stories here are much better). Sorry, Scorch, I'm not on your case - the first story is OK, I just got irritated reading that thread and all the replies. Kids will throw the occasional fit in public - it has nothing to do with bad parenting (in any given case you can't say that anyway), and beating them with tree branches (as suggested in that thread) will hardly do anything to help. People with THAT attitude make me lose faith in humanity and the younger generation coming up (since it always seems like younger people without kids who suggest such things).[/quote]I agree I hate the profanity filter at SA. Makes it unreadable.
[quote name='io']Kids will throw the occasional fit in public - it has nothing to do with bad parenting (in any given case you can't say that anyway), and beating them with tree branches (as suggested in that thread) will hardly do anything to help. People with THAT attitude make me lose faith in humanity and the younger generation coming up (since it always seems like younger people without kids who suggest such things).[/quote]

I deal with screaming children every other day and the like, usually for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. I can tune it out quite easily nowadays and most of it is because the children are very young and mommy/daddy won't buy them something that they desperately want. I love the fact that not only do the parents continue telling their child "no!" but they also start throwing in "you were behaving so well! If you don't stop this crying I'm going to finish up in here and we're going straight home for the rest of the day."

No additional giving in? Giving another chance to behave? Actual punishment? Wow.

It certainly beats the parents of teens who walk behind them, let them scream throughout the entire mall (literally, no exaggeration), and watch as they come into our store and tear through everything (figurative, but with some literal examples). Oh well, such is life. I can't help that some people think that everyone who works retail must act akin to a butler or maid to their every whim while they shop.
[quote name='io']I'm sorry but that board is unreadable with all their secret code euphemisms ("gentle caress", "poo poo", etc). They are being totally politically incorrect talking about beating children in public for acting like normal 5 year-olds but they are being pussies about using any "bad' language. Screw 'em and their stupid stories (really, the stories here are much better). Sorry, Scorch, I'm not on your case - the first story is OK, I just got irritated reading that thread and all the replies. Kids will throw the occasional fit in public - it has nothing to do with bad parenting (in any given case you can't say that anyway), and beating them with tree branches (as suggested in that thread) will hardly do anything to help. People with THAT attitude make me lose faith in humanity and the younger generation coming up (since it always seems like younger people without kids who suggest such things).[/QUOTE]

You only see the filter if you aren't logged in. It's because Google REALLY wanted to put google ads on the site, but they needed to filter profanity to some degree.
[quote name='M3wThr33']You only see the filter if you aren't logged in. It's because Google REALLY wanted to put google ads on the site, but they needed to filter profanity to some degree.[/quote]But registering is like $10, and I don't think the content is worth it, so SA and I are at an impass. Too hard to read without pasying $10, not good enough for registration.
[quote name='NismoZZzz']Also very true, it's amazing how many people have no idea what even 480p is. It gets quite annoying explaining it to them, I'm glad I don't sell televisions at a Circuit City or something.[/quote]

I dont even think its not knowing about needing the better cables to take full advantage of the tv.

I think when the average Joe is buying his tv ay Best Buy, he gets scared off by the blueshirt trying to sell him $200 worth of Monstercable and a $300 warranty on top of his $1000+ tv. The best Buy rep aint about to tell them about monoprice.com.
[quote name='io']I'm sorry but that board is unreadable with all their secret code euphemisms ("gentle caress", "poo poo", etc). They are being totally politically incorrect talking about beating children in public for acting like normal 5 year-olds but they are being pussies about using any "bad' language. Screw 'em and their stupid stories (really, the stories here are much better). Sorry, Scorch, I'm not on your case - the first story is OK, I just got irritated reading that thread and all the replies. Kids will throw the occasional fit in public - it has nothing to do with bad parenting (in any given case you can't say that anyway), and beating them with tree branches (as suggested in that thread) will hardly do anything to help. People with THAT attitude make me lose faith in humanity and the younger generation coming up (since it always seems like younger people without kids who suggest such things).[/quote]

The stories I read didn't seem too bad - one about kids trespassing in a theatre, getting kicked out, coming back, calling security, etc.. I didn't read about and don't condone parents "beating" or spanking their children in public. I don't believe in that. There's another story thread called "The customer is an ass", it's much better, but it's locked in the comedy goldmine and I can't link to it. Sorry.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']I agree I hate the profanity filter at SA. Makes it unreadable.[/QUOTE]

:lol: - didn't realize it was a filter. It would be much better if they plugged in images like here at CAG - makes it much more obvious that it's a filter. Oh well, so it isn't as bad as I thought... Carry on with the stories guys!

I went into EB the other day to switch a preorder (had no hassle at all with that - though they "warned" me Metroid Prime 3 requires a $10 deposit instead of $5 which was no problem as I had $49.99 down on the game I switched :roll:). However, just as I'm leaving some HUGE smelly guy with matted down hair full of dandruff walks in with games to trade... Yuck... It made me appreciate that I don't work retail (and makes me more hesitant to buy used games). Hey, I don't give a rat's ass if someone is obese, but at least the guy could groom himself a bit. He was all the worst gamer stereotypes rolled up into one :lol:.
LOL 'Worst stereotypes'? What if the guy just got off work and came in? Not everyone wants to spend 30-45 minutes grooming their damned hair every day. I tried that and in order to get my hair to 'stay put', I had to slather on a ton of gel or spray, which gave me the aforementioned dandruff.

Also, my one friends mother in law actually played her sons' Xbox and PS2 up till he finally moved out, so gamers can be of ANY age anymore. Shocking, no?

I've run into malodorous people in many different types of stores and either A) they have a medical condition that makes most deodorants useless or B) they just got off work and didn't run home to shower prior to hitting a store or three.

I just walk in the opposite direction of them if at all possible.

Oh and on the topic of whining/crying kids, try dealing with them in Spanish, since the one Hispanic woman let her kid whine n cry after finally telling him be behave and to sit down. People were getting irate listening to him bawl at the top of his lungs as she just sat there and tried to ignore him at first, then she finally took him outside for a bit.

If it's a choice between the kid running up and down an aisle and maybe knocking over crap or the kid shattering my eardrums because mommy actually disciplined him, I'd take option #2, thanks. Stuff on the floor I can avoid, but for some reason, moms with crying brats tend to be magnetically attracted to wherever I go in a store.
[quote name='yukine']Yeah, what's up with the extra $5.00 now? I had to put down $10.00 just to pre-order Mario Strikers Charged.[/quote]

Sorry for the double post, but maybe they feel that people will be more inclined to buy the actual game if they have to put down MORE money on it.

Either way, unless it were a phenomenal pre order bonus(like a Transformer for PO'ing Transformers like @ GC), I would just laugh n tell them to keep the damned games and wait till they hit clearance @ Kmart.
I work at a Goodwill and man do I have to put up with alot of crap.

As expected, we price everything ourselves in the back. We get a guideline from the corporate office, but the prices of everything is pretty much decided in-store. Of course, this means people assume our store is a swap meet and they can haggle prices with us. It doesn't matter that we are a non-profit orginzation and all of our money goes to help people with mental disabilities, a good chunk of our customers want all the merchandise for cheaper than it's priced. I even explained the company's mission statement and what happens to all our money, and she just rolled her eyes and said, "Yeah right." There's a reason you dont pay taxes on your purchases people.

There's alot of talk about kids in the thread, and I dont want to sound racist, but I've noticed that 95% of all the bad children are Latinos. Latino parents dont seem to give a rat's ass about the five kids they set loose in the store. I do annoucements in English about watching your kids but many dont understand it (or pretend not to). Fortunately the kids do speak English so I can yell at them to stop since they usually get intimidated by someone older.

One mother let her 5 year old or so son push her 2 year old daughter around in the stroller. Well, mom was too busy talking on the phone and shopping to notice that her son was rolling her daughter up and down the wheelchair ramp to the store. Son lets go of the stroller, it rolls down the hill, flips over, and the daughter skids out crying. But a crying, hurt daughter doesn't stop mom, oh no. She picks up the kid, puts her back in the stroller, and rolls her away all without checking the kid for injuries or even stopping her conversation on the phone.

Probably the most annoying customer we have is some big, fat, African women who periodically comes in the store. One day, she brings up about $40 worth of merchandise and has me ring it up. I run her bank card, denied. Run another bank card, denied. She has me void the entire sale and ring half the stuff back up. Both bank cards denied again. Has me void the sale AGAIN, run the cards for about $7 of stuff, denied. She ends up buying one .99 pillowcase with change in her purse or something. I know she knew she didn't have money because she does this all the time now. And she's resorted to begging other customers for money every single time she comes in. We're trying to get her banned from the store.

EDIT: I forgot. My manager told me she once paid a $22 bill entirely in dimes, nickles, and pennies. They needed bags to carry to change directly to the back because there wasn't room in the register for it all.
Alright then, let's start: I work in the produce department at Meijer, and at 5am at my store, the morning crew comes in to set the floor. On one saturday, I was setting the floor, and this stupid lady walks in at 6am bitching at me about the walk ways, mind you that at this time, especially on the weekend, are floor is filled with piles of product on top of pallets (they weigh several hundred pounds and can only be moved by pallet jacks) that consume most of the walk ways. So anyway, the ensuing conversation went like this:

Stupid Lady: Can you move the pallet out of the way so I can get through?
Me: No, please go around.
Me: Ok, first, I'm not giving you my name, second, the manager isn't here. Now go around.
SL: Ughhhh *walks away disgruntled*

I hate working at a grocery store.
[quote name='Lord Draconus777']Alright then, let's start: I work in the produce department at Meijer, and at 5am at my store, the morning crew comes in to set the floor. On one saturday, I was setting the floor, and this stupid lady walks in at 6am bitching at me about the walk ways, mind you that at this time, especially on the weekend, are floor is filled with piles of product on top of pallets (they weigh several hundred pounds and can only be moved by pallet jacks) that consume most of the walk ways. So anyway, the ensuing conversation went like this:

Stupid Lady: Can you move the pallet out of the way so I can get through?
Me: No, please go around.
Me: Ok, first, I'm not giving you my name, second, the manager isn't here. Now go around.
SL: Ughhhh *walks away disgruntled*

I hate working at a grocery store.[/quote]Geez, why are people so lame? She can't just GO AROUND? It would have been less of a hassle for her to do that than to complain about the palettes, but I'm sure she thought she was going to "Teach you a lesson" or some crap.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']LOL 'Worst stereotypes'? What if the guy just got off work and came in? Not everyone wants to spend 30-45 minutes grooming their damned hair every day. I tried that and in order to get my hair to 'stay put', I had to slather on a ton of gel or spray, which gave me the aforementioned dandruff.

Also, my one friends mother in law actually played her sons' Xbox and PS2 up till he finally moved out, so gamers can be of ANY age anymore. Shocking, no?

Well, this was Sunday afternoon so not likely. And I'm not talking frizzy or disheveled hair - I'm talking greasy (read: unwashed for a while) and full of white flakes. You had to be there ;). I'm sorry, but it was just the worst stereotypes the "public" and "media" have of gamers - there's no denying that.

I have no idea what the second part of your post has to do with anything I said. I don't fit the demographic either, which is why it was funny to see the stereotyped (or archetype?) gamer walk through that door.

A stereotype is just the type of person people commonly associate with an activity or whatnot. I agree that it is generally all wrong - thus the irony of seeing this guy.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']Geez, why are people so lame? She can't just GO AROUND? It would have been less of a hassle for her to do that than to complain about the palettes, but I'm sure she thought she was going to "Teach you a lesson" or some crap.[/quote]

Because it's all about appearances and making things as easy as possible for the customers. It's the same reason, in the eyes of upper-upper-upper management, that I cannot be seen doing any necessary register work, cleaning, stocking, filing, or anything else that the store may need and that the customers need as well unless absolutely necessary. It's nutty and I understand why some customers may not want to see employees keeping the store clean or putting out stock for their perusal/purchasing needs, but there has to be a better balance.

It also doesn't help when you deal with customers who feel that, since they more than likely make more money than you do, that you are inferior to them.
[quote name='io']Well, this was Sunday afternoon so not likely. And I'm not talking frizzy or disheveled hair - I'm talking greasy (read: unwashed for a while) and full of white flakes. You had to be there ;). I'm sorry, but it was just the worst stereotypes the "public" and "media" have of gamers - there's no denying that.

I have no idea what the second part of your post has to do with anything I said. I don't fit the demographic either, which is why it was funny to see the stereotyped (or archetype?) gamer walk through that door.

A stereotype is just the type of person people commonly associate with an activity or whatnot. I agree that it is generally all wrong - thus the irony of seeing this guy.[/quote]

LOL I just went off on another of my tangents about which type of customers I've hated seeing in various stores. My least favorite is the mom with 4 kids and they're all running around and crying while she's trying to talk on her cell phone to her BFF while ignoring them.
Had a guy come in today to ship out an Xbox 360 Premium bundle he sold on eBay. System, hard drive, two wireless controllers (one brand new sealed), and 13 games (mostly older stuff, including Kameo, NHL 2K6, Blazing Angels, Madden 06, Viva Pinata, Need For Speed Most Wanted, etc.).

This poor guy got screwed. It went for $330 shipped. Dude also shipped a Sony Blu-Ray player that sold for $310 shipped. Sucks to be him.
[quote name='JJSP']Had a guy come in today to ship out an Xbox 360 Premium bundle he sold on eBay. System, hard drive, two wireless controllers (one brand new sealed), and 13 games (mostly older stuff, including Kameo, NHL 2K6, Blazing Angels, Madden 06, Viva Pinata, Need For Speed Most Wanted, etc.).

This poor guy got screwed. It went for $330 shipped. Dude also shipped a Sony Blu-Ray player that sold for $310 shipped. Sucks to be him.[/quote]Who is this seller? I'd like to look him up for some future purchases... ;)
[quote name='Lord Draconus777']Stupid Lady: Can you move the pallet out of the way so I can get through?
Me: No, please go around.
Me: Ok, first, I'm not giving you my name, second, the manager isn't here. Now go around.
SL: Ughhhh *walks away disgruntled*[/quote]
Reminds me of an incident where I work. We had a crew in one day to seal our parking lot. They were sealing the bulk of it in one go, leaving a narrow strip for cars to park. Our delivery truck pulls up, and because it wouldn't fit in the narrow strip that was open (it was a large semi) the driver parked on the street, blocking the driveway. No one thought this would be an issue because our lot has a rear entrance from a side street. Cars in our lot could easily exit through the back. This lady (not a customer) had been parked in our lot all morning and wanted to leave NOW while all this was happening. She insisted on exiting through the front drive. An argument ensued with our driver. He told her repeatedly that she could exit through the back, but she wouldn't stand for that. She was going through the front. The driver got tired of listening to her, so he dropped everything he was doing and pulled the truck up about ten feet so she could exit.

Now, the guys sealing the lot had roped off the wet sections with buckets of tar. As the lady was leaving, she drove too close to one of the buckets and was left with a three foot long strip of tar on the side of her car.

Quoted for karma

[quote name='Allnatural']
Now, the guys sealing the lot had roped off the wet sections with buckets of tar. As the lady was leaving, she drove too close to one of the buckets and was left with a three foot long strip of tar on the side of her car.[/quote]
[quote name='JJSP']Had a guy come in today to ship out an Xbox 360 Premium bundle he sold on eBay. System, hard drive, two wireless controllers (one brand new sealed), and 13 games (mostly older stuff, including Kameo, NHL 2K6, Blazing Angels, Madden 06, Viva Pinata, Need For Speed Most Wanted, etc.).

This poor guy got screwed. It went for $330 shipped. Dude also shipped a Sony Blu-Ray player that sold for $310 shipped. Sucks to be him.[/QUOTE]

$330? Damn, that's a bargain!
Today some kid dropped 3 gift cards into the housing of our PS3 display. We had to remove the plastic casing to get to them. Took 20 minutes to find a screwdriver. He was nice and very grateful... but dammit.
Thanks for calling GameCrazy, where you can , this is Scorch, how can I help you?

I really hope you can help me! I've been on hold with Wal-Mart for twenty minutes. I'm looking for some standard audio/video cables for the XBox 360. I'm hear it, but I can't see it.

Oh, I've had this problem. Do you own a HDTV?


Okay, check your audio video cables where they connect into the 360. There's a sliding switch that says TV and HDTV. Is it switched to HDTV?


Okay, switch it back to TV and restart the system.

Okay, hang on. It's my son's, I don't want to screw it up.


I know what's wrong with it! It's not going to work!

Just try it.


You're not going to lose anything by trying, just try it!

*Hears the sound of the 360 turning on in the background*

(to son) WHAT'S THAT? WHAT'S THAT? (to me) Thank you so much, you've been fantastic help.

I like nice customers.. especially when I hear punk teenagers getting mom-owned.
[quote name='outlawmoogle']I work at a Goodwill and man do I have to put up with alot of crap.

As expected, we price everything ourselves in the back. We get a guideline from the corporate office, but the prices of everything is pretty much decided in-store. Of course, this means people assume our store is a swap meet and they can haggle prices with us. It doesn't matter that we are a non-profit orginzation and all of our money goes to help people with mental disabilities, a good chunk of our customers want all the merchandise for cheaper than it's priced. I even explained the company's mission statement and what happens to all our money, and she just rolled her eyes and said, "Yeah right." There's a reason you dont pay taxes on your purchases people.

There's alot of talk about kids in the thread, and I dont want to sound racist, but I've noticed that 95% of all the bad children are Latinos. Latino parents dont seem to give a rat's ass about the five kids they set loose in the store. I do annoucements in English about watching your kids but many dont understand it (or pretend not to). Fortunately the kids do speak English so I can yell at them to stop since they usually get intimidated by someone older.

One mother let her 5 year old or so son push her 2 year old daughter around in the stroller. Well, mom was too busy talking on the phone and shopping to notice that her son was rolling her daughter up and down the wheelchair ramp to the store. Son lets go of the stroller, it rolls down the hill, flips over, and the daughter skids out crying. But a crying, hurt daughter doesn't stop mom, oh no. She picks up the kid, puts her back in the stroller, and rolls her away all without checking the kid for injuries or even stopping her conversation on the phone.

Probably the most annoying customer we have is some big, fat, African women who periodically comes in the store. One day, she brings up about $40 worth of merchandise and has me ring it up. I run her bank card, denied. Run another bank card, denied. She has me void the entire sale and ring half the stuff back up. Both bank cards denied again. Has me void the sale AGAIN, run the cards for about $7 of stuff, denied. She ends up buying one .99 pillowcase with change in her purse or something. I know she knew she didn't have money because she does this all the time now. And she's resorted to begging other customers for money every single time she comes in. We're trying to get her banned from the store.

EDIT: I forgot. My manager told me she once paid a $22 bill entirely in dimes, nickles, and pennies. They needed bags to carry to change directly to the back because there wasn't room in the register for it all.[/quote]

I dont want to say i feel sorry for you...but damn...you must really want to go to heaven or something, but that J O B must suck big sausage!!1
I don't really fit the gamer demographic either, but I have seen plenty of "stereotypical" gamers in the past as well, especially when I happened to stop by the local wal mart on the day that the Wii was going to be released at midnight, these people seriously had to be the lowest common denominator of society, not to mention 90% of them were not properly dressed for camping out in below freezing temps from 1pm to 12 midnight.

The vast majority of gamers are normal people, but like with any hobby you will have your extremists, those extremists do exist but fortunately I do not think they exist in as large of numbers as the media would like us to believe.
bread's done