Employees Of All Stores - Post Your Stupid And Funny Customer Stories - Part Cinco

This might be a stupid employee story (the employee being me), but today I had a guest ask for "an umbrella that doesn't fold." She looked at as if I were a mad desert person when I told her I had never heard of such a thing.
[quote name='CokeCola']This might be a stupid employee story (the employee being me), but today I had a guest ask for "an umbrella that doesn't fold." She looked at as if I were a mad desert person when I told her I had never heard of such a thing.[/QUOTE]

i think those do exists, but extremely rare to find in stores....
A friend of mine works at David Jones... Its kindof like Walmart, but Australian...
One day he was working electronics and a teacher from his school came in with his son. His son was after a gameboy. Now, the teacher being a tight-ass tried to get his kid to be satisfied with the Game Boy Micro, pretending to enjoy playing it, etc. So my friend mentions the DS Lite and how its better, can play the same games as the Micro. The kid perks up and wants that instead of the Micro. The teacher asks what one he would recommend, giving my friend the "choose your next words carefully... I still have to mark your essay" stare. He left with a DS Lite.
OK, so I get stupid customers all the time, and mercilessly mock them to my friends.
BUT today, I realized that's wrong.
I was placing an order at Starbucks, for someone else, a decaf with steamed milk, and I ask for "a Decaf *pause* steamed milk" and the guy tells me "Milk doesn't have caffine", I told him what I meant, and he made it, however, he probably told this story to his friends, depicting me as an idiot customer. I thought, are all the dumb customers I mock really just misunderstandings AT MY FAULT???? It blew my mind.
[quote name='Kapwanil']
It also doesn't help when you deal with customers who feel that, since they more than likely make more money than you do, that you are inferior to them.[/quote]
Reminds me of this woman who complained about the price of ground coffee, then announced to everyone in her vincinity that she could buy all of the coffee if she wanted to, because she lived in *wealthy neighboring town*.

I did the grocery thing through high school and part of college. People really did try to make you feel inferior... I remember as a bagger not even being greeted by the customers, even if I said hi, but they'd be chatting up the cashier. It was really rude, and at 15 years old, it made you feel bad.

You gain a lot of life experience though, dealing with all kinds of people.
[quote name='moiety']Reminds me of this woman who complained about the price of ground coffee, then announced to everyone in her vincinity that she could buy all of the coffee if she wanted to, because she lived in *wealthy neighboring town*.

I did the grocery thing through high school and part of college. People really did try to make you feel inferior... I remember as a bagger not even being greeted by the customers, even if I said hi, but they'd be chatting up the cashier. It was really rude, and at 15 years old, it made you feel bad.

You gain a lot of life experience though, dealing with all kinds of people.[/quote]Nobody respondes to greetings, no matter who you are. It's very rude and I try my hardest to say hello back to anyone that says hi, with a big smile. It feels good to have someone respond.

Along the lines of money, I had some guy ask me about a movie rental he had lost, and it was from another store. I explained that it would most likely just auto-sell to his account within a week or so, but he could return it if he found it within 30 days. He then told me about how $20 is no big deal, and told me about some car he had that was $50,000 or something. I just smiled and nodded. He wasn't rude about it, but obviously thought it made him important.

Although it would be nice to think $20 is nothing, but I know no matter how much I ever made, I'd always be a cheapass.
Overheard this at Blockbuster a few years ago:

A customer was asking about the movie Pi (for anyone unfamiliar with the cover art - the box is black with just the π symbol). The clerk is dumbfounded for a few minutes until he exclaims "Oh, you mean the one with the funny-looking 'T' on it."

I had to get out of there immediately before I lost bladder control I was laughing so hard.
[quote name='Kapwanil']
We Should Allow Them to Pay With Credit/Debit Cards Without Any ID

Ummm, yeah you should. From VISA Merchant regulations:

Although Visa rules do not preclude merchants from asking for cardholder ID, merchants cannot make an ID a condition of acceptance . Therefore, merchants cannot refuse to complete a purchase transaction because a cardholder refuses to provide ID.

Source (PDF)


A merchant must not refuse to complete a MasterCard card transaction solely because a cardholder who has complied with the conditions for presentment of a card at the POI refuses to provide additional identification information, except as specifically permitted or required by the Standards. A merchant may require additional identification from the cardholder if the information is required to complete the transaction, such as for shipping purposes.

Source (PDF)

The rest of your list I am in TOTAL agreement with, however.
[quote name='MrBadExample']Overheard this at Blockbuster a few years ago:

A customer was asking about the movie Pi (for anyone unfamiliar with the cover art - the box is black with just the π symbol). The clerk is dumbfounded for a few minutes until he exclaims "Oh, you mean the one with the funny-looking 'T' on it."

I had to get out of there immediately before I lost bladder control I was laughing so hard.[/quote]UGH, that's disappointing.

I have many customers that can't pronounce SIMPLE words. Recently it's been Apocalypto (okay, so that's not really a word, but can't anyone just take apocalypse and and add an ipto to the end?), Pans Labyrinth (get all kinds of Lab words, not even close to real words. Usually it's a stuttering "Lab-Labin-" until I say, "Labyrinth.") Seraphim Falls is another one recently. When Hidalgo was released, between stores we made lists of the horrible pronunciations we got. I had someone ask me for "Geraldo".

In my opinion, if you can't say the title of a movie, you don't deserve to watch it. Most people pass on Pans and Apocalypto anyway, since they aren't in "regular talk" (I've had that as an excuse. I can only assume they mean it doesn't have English dubbing.)
[quote name='Fanboy']Ummm, yeah you should. From VISA Merchant regulations:

Although Visa rules do not preclude merchants from asking for cardholder ID, merchants cannot make an ID a condition of acceptance . Therefore, merchants cannot refuse to complete a purchase transaction because a cardholder refuses to provide ID.

Source (PDF)


Actually, no. Page 29 covers this quite thoroughly, with the cardholder having to have a signed card either available from the start or will sign the card in a cashier's presence along with a signature provided on their governmental-issue ID (Driver's License, etc.). Otherwise, if the charges are fraudulent, the store doesn't get reimbursed and I get canned faster than you can say "crushed tomatoes."

Normally I would love to do otherwise but the signature is one of the key aspects of the transaction. If the signature isn't there or it doesn't match I cannot use that card.

I'd check out Mastercard as well but there's a thunderstorm brewing. Thanks for the material, though. There was a lot of additional information on there that nobody ever informed me about. Good to know in case a situation should ever occur!
[quote name='Fanboy']Ummm, yeah you should. From VISA Merchant regulations:

Although Visa rules do not preclude merchants from asking for cardholder ID, merchants cannot make an ID a condition of acceptance . Therefore, merchants cannot refuse to complete a purchase transaction because a cardholder refuses to provide ID.

Source (PDF)


A merchant must not refuse to complete a MasterCard card transaction solely because a cardholder who has complied with the conditions for presentment of a card at the POI refuses to provide additional identification information, except as specifically permitted or required by the Standards. A merchant may require additional identification from the cardholder if the information is required to complete the transaction, such as for shipping purposes.

Source (PDF)

The rest of your list I am in TOTAL agreement with, however.[/QUOTE]

Those arguments are only valid if the card meets all the requirments (aka it's signed), which is the only time most places ask for ID. If it doesn't the card is technically void (says so right on the thing). Also VISA/Mastercard cannot dictate to a store who's business they can/cannot take, they only have the authority to approve/not approve a transaction. Put simply they can't dictate company policy. (In most states) A store can easily turn them away before the transaction takes place (as no contract has been established) for any reason they deem fit.
Customer: Where are your movies for sale?

Me: Under that big red sign that says movies for sale?

Another customer: (Holds up previously viewed movies) How much are these movies

Me: Well the sign says 3 previously viewed movies for $20 so I'd guess they're 3 for $20

My favorite though was the obviously drunk customer that could barely stand threatening to call the cops on me when I told her to leave the store because she was causing a disturbance. I told her I'd gladly call the cops for her. She then demanded to speak to a manager and got pissed when I told her I was a manager and she still needed to leave.

Another good one was when I was in on one of my days off and I put a cover box back in it's proper place behind a guaranteed in stock sign and a customer walked up to the front counter and said "That mexican's trying to steal something." The person working the front counter looked at her and told her I was a manager here and furthermore that she was racist and I wasn't a mexican. She's never been back since.
Got some new fresh ones and some old goodies. I work at GS btw.

Awhile back I had an 8 year old boy with the biggest unobrow I had ever since along with his younger sister who was developing one as well. I honestly could not stare at the kid without wanting to pull my lungs out. They wanted games for 360. I showed them the wall and after much delibrating with their mother who had no idea what was going, they chose Madden 2006 and two crap PS2 games. I ring them up and she has one of those infamous American Express gift cards that no one seems to keep track off. She never used it so I took the amount off, handed her the receipt, and wished her well. Ahh so you ask why such a tame story? I had planted the seed for the next day.

The next day was a normal day, we were all in a good mood until mother of the unobrows walks in with her beasts. I, unfortunately, did not have the pleasure of helping her, but my manager did. (NOTE: My manager has an anger problem of a pitbul who has it's food taken away from him. He gets pissed off so easily for retarded things and will show that anger at the customer.) She wants to return the Madden 2006 cause they didn't like it. No problem, it was used. They look around for another game and come up with another one more expensive. Pay the difference and move on, right? Not this time. My manager asks for the difference and she hands him that American Express gift card. My manager asks if it was used and she said yeah. He asked for the amount and she didn't know. He ran it through, it came declined. He told her you need to know the exactly amount or it will keep coming decline. She continues to mumble in her bad english that the card is good and it will run. My manager explains again that you needto call for the amount. She refuses and says the card is good. BAM! BOILER ALERT! My manager screams at her that you need to know the damn amount to the card or you can't use it. She says the card is good and to use it noW! He repeats himself 5 more times before slamming the phone onto the counter and telling her to GTFO. At the same time, the kids are pulling at their mom to shut up. She eventually calls her husband who she tried to talk to my manager. 'He reminds her again that it doesn't matter and she needs to cal the number and find the balance. NO, CARD IS GOOD! She leaves finally. My manager walks to the back room and starts pounding empty boxes around for about 5 minutes before sitting on some PS3 system boxes for 30 minutes. Most of the other customers in the store were dumbfounded how someone could get so angry and even offered beer. Personally, I laughed cause I could care less.

I always get the people who come to counter and simply ask "One Wii please" with about 3 games handed to me. It's funny how so many people can't read the DISPLAY ONLY label on all the empty boxes around the store. they are completely clueless when I tell them we are sold out.

I try my best to give the customer the best and quickest experience at the store. I just answer their questions and sell them their stuff quickly. It's funny how many people I have heard walk away saying "Yes, quick and painless." I'm the fastest guy who can ring up in our store and can easily man handle two registers on my own. I know many places aren't like this, but I try to make my place comfortable. Hell, one guy has $600 in reserves from paying off all his games ahead of time. Very nice guy, and I always make sure he is satified. Wtih retail it's about showing respect in order to get it.

But regardless of that, I always get the occassional WHY CAN'T I RETURN MY 360 I BOUGHT IN DECEMBER FOR A FULL REFUND or YOUR AN @$$HOLE!

Which reminds me of one dude in his 30s. This guy is a total fucking geek. If he reserves a game and reads online there is an extra, he expects it to be at our store. Considering half of those extras don't even show up, he completely stares at us with this Star Wars look like he is trying to use the Force Choke expecting it to show up. This happens everytime.
It's hard to keep track of how many people say, "I CAN FIND THIS CHEAPER SOMEWHERE ELSE!" to me in a day. You'd think after a while they'd just fucking go to the Wal-Mart that's only 5 minutes away. I don't make the prices and no one is forcing you to buy anything.

Another real zinger for me is when someone asks for a power converter if they're travelling abroad. I give it to them and then they try and tell me that they only need an adapter because it's $20 cheaper. I stopped bothering to correct people. I just laugh thinking about them being fucked when they're in another country with no way to power their shit.

This old couple that came in one day. They pleaded and begged one of the workers to process a Virgin Mobile Top-Up for them. Well they came in the next day saying that it was on the wrong number. Sure enough it was but I couldn't tell if it was their error or ours. I call up Virgin Mobile to see what number got the added airtime. They couldn't even tell me if the number was close to the one that it was intended for. Well at that point I ask about issuing a credit and all that. Meanwhile these two are acting like complete fucking children. They talk about how my company can afford to give them free airtime and that I should just ring it up and put it on for them. I'm walking around between the fax machine and the computer and the old guy is walking with me asking what's going on. Then the store gets busy. I finally fax over the information to issue a credit. Well the lady asks me whose fault it was. I told her it was Virgin Mobile's since they couldn't help me figure out what went down. Well I guess she called up because she's a super sleuth like that and supposedly they told her what the number was and who the person was and we were at fault. Moral of the story? Be a little self-sufficient.

Which brings me to the next one. TONS of people ask for the most obscure things that you would never find at my store and then ask what stores would have it, where they're located, their hours, etc. I swear that none of our casual customers can function in society by themselves.

The last one is this chick that tried to get two free phones from us. She claimed we burnt them out inside. Plausible story until you think about the fact that the first words out of her mouth are, "You need to replace our phones." Let's not go into detail at all or atleast give me some explanation. Let's just demand free stuff. That doesn't look suspicious.
OK I got a good one. I work in a grocery store bagging, carting that stuff. I was bagging this ladies grocceries and her kid is in the cart seat and he is acting fine he has to ge 5 years olk. I get to a POM green tea they are these nice glass bottel/jar things. The kid wants his tea, so I ask his mom if he can have it she says ok I slap a sticker on it and give it to him. He takes it looks at it for a second and throws it at the ground. It of course smashes all over. His mom looks down and says ooppps,,,,,OK. So she ask me to go get another, fine I can do that. Now that kid didnt drop it he threw it but she wanted another. So I go to the back of no where and find the POM come back up front and its world war 3 up there this kid is throwing stuff every where. The manager is up there trying to get the lady to leave with her kid. It took him a while but she left. The part that really throws me is she didnt have to pay for anything, and I got stuck cleaning it up, WHAT THE HELL. I dont know what pissed the kid of but shit.
Alright, had a good one last night:

Had an old couple come up and want to rent. I hate old people and these people are perfect examples of why.

I think the man had his card, but the lady wanted one. I say no problem, but I need to see the mans ID since he is the account holder, and I have to verify that before I go printing new cards for people. The woman starts to get her ID out as well, and I tell her it's not necessary since the man was the account holder and that's all I need.

So the woman starts saying stuff about being treated different since she is a woman, how they had to fight to be able to show ID in the 60's and now it's all backwards. I told her again, it had nothing to do with sex, it had to do with the man being the account holder. She still gave me all sorts of weird trouble about it. I can't stand old people. They believe whatever the hell they want and never listen to anyone.
[quote name='NismoZZzz']My manager walks to the back room and starts pounding empty boxes around for about 5 minutes before sitting on some PS3 system boxes for 30 minutes.[/quote]

I would be scared to death to work under someone like that.. either scared, or ashamed to know that my manager was so immature.
[quote name='Scorch']I would be scared to death to work under someone like that.. either scared, or ashamed to know that my manager was so immature.[/QUOTE]

Depending on how often he went off on his co-workers, I might actually like it- someone who'll actually yell at the stupid people! Yay! :applause:
[quote name='Scorch']I would be scared to death to work under someone like that.. either scared, or ashamed to know that my manager was so immature.[/quote]

You get used to it. He has little patience for idiots (even though sometimes they are just not being idiotic). I usually give it 2 takes for something like that happen where the customer will change his mind immediately and ask for something or ask the same question twice when he gets an answer the first time. I've got it down pretty good when he goes.

Personally, I could care less, I do what I can for the ones who show respect and are nice yet the ones that piss me off, you know what I do? I eat a double whopper with cheese, grab my nuts, and say fuck you.
Wow this thread died! Here are a few that have built up over the last few days at blockbuster:

I was at work (not working) and stepped behind the counter (not near the computers, mind you, in what is referred to as the 'pit' where the manager does paperwork etc). I was just writing down my schedule, I'm in plain clothes. There were two people working and a line of maybe 5 people.
So this dumb blond bitch steps past everyone to ask me, "Do you work here?" to which I respond with, "yes, but I am not currently working.". So she still tries to hand me her damn dvd that she forgot to put inside the case she dropped off. Luckily, another employee stepped in and told her he'd take care of it, 'cause I was about to ask just what she didn't understand about me NOT WORKING, and why she wasn't IN LINE with the other customers. Which brings me to another REALLY annoying trait, don't EVER try to skip the line 'cause you just have a quick question or are in a hurry or some stupid excuse. I honestly don't know where these people come from where lines were merely suggestions. This is like kindergarten stuff people!

We had a sale (just ended today too), B2G2 free on previously viewed DVD's. Had a women bring me a $14.99, $9.99, $7.99, and $5.99 dvd (anyone see where this is going?) She says, "this should be about $23 right?" To which I respond, "No, with tax it'll be about $28". So she bitches that I'm wrong, and I tell her that the lowest priced titles will be the free titles, and have to show her the sign and everything. So she storms off into the used movies to look around some more, much to my dismay as I was hoping she would just leave.
She comes back to the counter and I apologized that there was a misunderstanding about the promotion, and she said, "I just can't believe you wasted my time". WHAT! THE! fuck! I nearly lost it then and there. When did I waste her time? She came to me, movies in hand, not understanding what I believed to be a very simple promo. I told her that I had never seen it work any other way at any other store, but she "Didn't want to argue with me, I had already wasted her time". As she was leaving, she was on a cell talking to someone and I overheard, "They have a sale but it's not like you said". Unbelievable. I later figured she must have been looking at it from a B1G1 perspective, and pairing the $10 movie as free with $15, and $5 as free with $8. But the sign says Buy 2 Get 2.

Last one. Had this old ass come in today. He comes in every Tuesday to annoy us. He has huge glasses and can't see. He has the online subscription, and brings in a few papers each week with movies in large print on them, to ask if we have them so he can exchange his onlines for them. We usually have 2/3 of the rentals, something like that. But he always expects us to go grab the movies and is just really annoying, especially on a Tuesday when it's release day and is busy, and I am usually doing the marketing crap which eats all my time (usually my Assistant Manager is working too and steps in, 'cause he's awesome).
Anyway, this annoying jerk comes in, and I was on a register and ended up helping him. He complains that we need more movies in the store. I tell him that we simply can't hold that many; we have about 7,000 as it is and are running out room, but that with the online plan there are 70,000 titles because they don't have restraints on space. But he still argued that the movies should be bookended like a library. I was done arguing since it was going nowhere, but if we bookended everything like a library, no one would find shit and we'd spend all day helping people get movies. And besides, it's getting to the point where a lot of older movies are bookended, and the release wall holds movies for a year, and as it stands there aren't the many releases in a year to justify bookending everything. Anyway, it just pissed me off that people complain so much about even the best of services. I have a 3 at a time subscription to online and it's incredible. There is nothing left in store I want to rent, especially since I like TV shows mostly and we have a pretty small selection in store. But people are always complaining and acting like they aren't getting enough from what I think is a great service. But I guess people will always believe they deserve more.

On a more positive note, I was promoted and got a pay bump (not much but it's something). Don't anyone ask me how I was promoted with this attitude; everything changes when you put on the uniform ;)
A customer walked in and wanted 20 balloons. He said he needed white and blue. We have 2 types of blue, regular blue and light blue. I showed him what each color looked like with helium (I slightly filled up each one), he decided on 12 white and 8 regular blue. We start to work on the order and after 2 blue are blown up, he decides he likes light blue better and wants to change the order to light blue. This really annoyed me and the my employees because I had just shown him what each color looked like with helium in the balloon.

So we then start filling up the white balloons and 5 minutes later he comes back (customers shop the store while waiting for their orders), and asks if gold or silver would look better than with the blue than white. He asked each of our opinions and of course everyone said white because that was the color he already chose.
I was simply dumbfounded by a question.

"What's the difference between the unsweetened and regular raspberry jam?"

I stared at her for a moment, to see if she was joking, but she wasn't. I stumbled, I couldn't possibly think of an answer to that question, without sounding condescending. One is sweetened? One doesn't have any sweeteners? We don't add sugar to one? I ended up using the second one. She didn't buy anything, but she did steal something- my faith in humanity.

Oh also, someone pointed at the cooler with quiche in it and said "Oh look! they have kwichee!" I spelled her pronunciation of quiche to the best of my ability.
I've never grasped the concept of calling another department in a store because the one you're trying to reach is busy. Just wait 5-10 mins and call back. It's not like people have never seen a department store and don't the employees ARE DIVIDED AMONGST DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS and are really only knowledgeable in said department. Why do I field 4-5 computer tech questions a day in TVs? If you do this guess what I'm going to do? Yes, that's right, put you on hold for the tech guys. I always wonder if these are the dumb folk who wander into Sears and start asking the lady at the perfume counter about power tools....
[quote name='smalien1']I was simply dumbfounded by a question.

"What's the difference between the unsweetened and regular raspberry jam?"

I stared at her for a moment, to see if she was joking, but she wasn't. I stumbled, I couldn't possibly think of an answer to that question, without sounding condescending. One is sweetened? One doesn't have any sweeteners? We don't add sugar to one? I ended up using the second one. She didn't buy anything, but she did steal something- my faith in humanity.

Oh also, someone pointed at the cooler with quiche in it and said "Oh look! they have kwichee!" I spelled her pronunciation of quiche to the best of my ability.[/quote]Whenever anyone talks about the "Queue" with blockbusters online service, it's always a "kway". Sorta like what Chocobo's say, I think. I try my best to just work the word into whatever I say Next ("yes, you're queue is where you're movies are"). It's so damn hard to not be condescending. "Oh you mean the QUEUE? Like a line?" But then I guess people can't line up correctly in the first place, why know what a line is called.
Someone just complained were were 1 cent more than another store on an item and how they were being overcharged. I told them to go buy them item at the other store then. I was tempted to take a penny from the take a penny from the penny dish and throw it on the counter at them but stopped myself.
i can go on for hours as i have dealt with some real winners but sometimes the people they employ a these stores are as smart as a box of rocks too. i love during christmas when game stores hire anybody for seasonal help and u ask for a mario game and they say what system is that for. i mean come on there should be a randon knowledge test to weed out these people who are clueless. last but not least don't get me started on the wal-mart people i think every employee in my local walmart (dickson city,pa) shares on brain cell as no one has a freakin clue what is going on.. it is a pity that honest customer have to endure companies that can;t hire people with a decent brain in the heads
[quote name='whitedeath']the people they employ a these stores are as smart as a box of rocks too.[/quote]
[quote name='whitedeath']randon knowledge test[/quote]
[quote name='whitedeath']shares on brain cell[/quote]
[quote name='whitedeath']honest customer have to endure companies that can;t hire people with a decent brain in the heads[/quote]

Just picking on ya, man. I know it's late.

Random excerpts..

"Do you have Grand Theft Auto Vice City on Gamecube??"

I had a guy pay me in nickles and dimes tonight. He was cool though, so I didn't mind. It was $38 in nickles and dimes. There was literally 250 dimes :D

I had a guy complain that his 360 was broken so his kid wanted to sell back a hard drive, NCAA 08 and a wireless controller. He knew it was under warranty but didn't want to send it back. I convinced him to, rather than sell it for parts and pay up for a new one. His dad seriously looked at my cockeyed and this is how it went:

:whistle2:s: What's that mean when those red lights are lit up on that there 360?
:cool:: It means that there's been a hardware failure.
:whistle2:S: ????? Hardware failure? What's that mean?!?
:cool:: It means the hardware failed.
:whistle2:S: Oh, okay.

I had an older man approach me with a PS2 system in one hand and a controller in the other. He asked why one was 29.99 and the other was 129.99. I had to explained that one was the system and the other was a controller.

I had a customer ask if he could get a 10% discount if he swept the floor.

I'm sure there's more.. it's been a long week
"What's the difference between male and female plugs?"

Me realizing that they're serious

"Males have the pointy things and females have the holes."
"I don't get where they got the names from though."

[quote name='whitedeath']i can go on for hours as i have dealt with some real winners but sometimes the people they employ a these stores are as smart as a box of rocks too. i love during christmas when game stores hire anybody for seasonal help and u ask for a mario game and they say what system is that for. i mean come on there should be a randon knowledge test to weed out these people who are clueless. last but not least don't get me started on the wal-mart people i think every employee in my local walmart (dickson city,pa) shares on brain cell as no one has a freakin clue what is going on.. it is a pity that honest customer have to endure companies that can;t hire people with a decent brain in the heads[/quote]

Hey now, I used to work at that store. And, trust me, I was not one of the clueless employees. When everyone else, including the customers, were roasting their butts off in the store in the middle of summer(they'd shut the AC off at midnight-1am or so), I'd volunteer to go outside for carts while everyone else stocked the shelves.

Even on the most humid of nights, it was actually cooler OUTSIDE than in the store. So, who was the dummy there? And, you should see the shit people dumped off in that parking lot.

Used tires, old microwaves, old tv's, you name it, I probably found it out in that parking lot at one point. Hell, we used to find 2-3 bags of actual merchandise in the lot from time to time too. Most times, it was just a couple CDs or DVDs, but once I think someone found a couple pre paid phones with a bunch of cards in a bag.

Of course, you also found a 'surprise' bag from time to time from some slob of a parent who changed their 3 lil b's in the car and dumped the dirty, loaded diapers in a baggie in the lot. Middle of summer+warm/humid+dirty diapers=PHEWWWW:whistle2:#

Glad to see there's at least one local CAG floating around on here though.....though now I know I got competition for these deals.....:twoguns:
I serve tables, and last week, an older woman ordered wings, and I asked how she wanted them, mild, medium, hot, or bbq. She looked at me, and without flinching, asked me whether mild or medium was hotter. I had to look away to not crack up.
I've been saving up.

One where I was driving into work and the guy in front of me was being a terrible driver. Stop, go, stop, go for absolutely no reason. And then he decides that he's gone past where he was trying to go and needs to back up. Only thing is that I was right behind him and a car was behind me. As I'd had a car reverse into me before, I was watching very closely to him and as he was about to drive into where he wanted, I gave him the one-finger salute to show my appreciation of his driving skills. He saw that and put his truck in park and jumped out. I just waited, putting my own car in park. He came to my window and asked why I flipped him off (in a pissed off voice). I explained (calmly), that I'd had a car back into me before and I didn't like it. He then suggested that I could've backed up instead into the other car. When I said nothing, as that was a horrible idea, he then asked if I wanted to step outside my car to "make something of it".

Next one was another old guy, yesterday I was helping around the laptops. We have them set up on a table, with a bunch of moniters in boxes underneath. As I was showing this guy around to the different laptops, and explaining the differences, he nudges one of the moniters with his cart and it falls down. He looks surprised that it fell. As I'm putting the moniter back, he asks what made it do that, and when I tapped on his cart, as I'd seen him knock it over, he says that it couldn't've been him and must've been something else; dead serious.

Then there are the people who ask me where something is when it's a foot away from them.

"Do you know where this shredder is?"*shoving the coupon book in my face*
"Yeah, right there."*points right in front of her cart*

And then there is the people who want the display model, that is marked down $300, to be absolutely perfect.
SC: "How long has it been running?"
me: "Ever since we've had it in, around 4 months ago. We turn it off at night"
SC: "Does it come with a box?"
me: "No, we trashed that when we put it out for display."
LOL sonderiaom, I've kinda had that traffic thing happen to me before, cept it was someone SPEEDING up an on ramp, I had no room to get over and they almost took off my front bumper to get into my lane of traffic.

Needless to say, I was having an absolutely shitastic day already, so I was in NO mood to have to slam my brakes on because of some fucker from outta state who thinks the on ramp is his personal speedway.

So, I returned the favor....

Once I got out in the passing lane, I found an almost immediate opening right in front of him and slid right in front of his car. Then, I SLAMMED MY BRAKES ON LIKE I HAD TO DO WHEN THE BASTARD CUT ME OFF JUST A BIT EARLIER!!

We traded one finger salutes and what not for about 2 more miles, then we both went our seperate ways.

Suffice to say, I slowed down from 65-75 to 35-40 in like 2 seconds right in front of him and laughed as he weaved back and forth and fishtailed for like a mile to regain control.

When I'm in a shitty mood, NO ONE better pull that 'im in a fuckin hurry cause i couldnt leave my place sooner to get where i gotta be' shit or they get my full on anger, which is why I no longer carry empty or half empty plastic soda bottles in my car anymore either.

Let's just say that if the 'brake tests' didn't get the bumper rider behind me off my ass, the flying bottle sure as fuck did.
[quote name='davo1224']"What's the difference between male and female plugs?"

Me realizing that they're serious

"Males have the pointy things and females have the holes."
"I don't get where they got the names from though."


Great story and great delivery :lol:
Well I have only had it happen once thankfully and I am sure other people have had it happen more often then this but one time when I was driving down this two lane road here someone passed me... ON THE RIGHT! There is no passing lane on the right on this road, just a bicycle lane. I had never seen this in about 5-6 years of driving this road but yes it did happen. The offending driver also proceeded to do it to many other cars in front of me and thankfully I noticed him coming from the back before it was too late, he was basically driving in the bicycle lane the whole way to get whereever he was going.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']When I'm in a shitty mood, NO ONE better pull that 'im in a fuckin hurry cause i couldnt leave my place sooner to get where i gotta be' shit or they get my full on anger, which is why I no longer carry empty or half empty plastic soda bottles in my car anymore either.

Let's just say that if the 'brake tests' didn't get the bumper rider behind me off my ass, the flying bottle sure as fuck did.[/quote]

As much as I agree that bad drivers need some come-upance as it were, gotta be careful about throwing bottles or drinks and stuff at other drivers. I remember a news story about someone throwing a soda into the open window of another car, and then the other car suing and winning because they'd thrown a "missle" at them.
I remember so many people wanting a Wii after it came out that people would try anything to get one.

I've had people bitch me out because we wouldn't hold one for them.

I had a person call and ask if we had one, I said "Yes, we have one left, however I can't hold it for you." "GREAT I'LL BE THERE IN 15 MINUTES!" Of course it sold within that time and when the woman who called asked for it, she got all pissed off that it was gone.

I had a woman claim that we were false advertising by selling Wii games when we didn't have any Wii systems in.

Yea, stupid people. :/
[quote name='SaraAB']... but I have seen plenty of "stereotypical" gamers in the past as well, especially when I happened to stop by the local wal mart on the day that the Wii was going to be released at midnight, these people seriously had to be the lowest common denominator of society, not to mention 90% of them were not properly dressed for camping out in below freezing temps from 1pm to 12 midnight....

This reminds me of a story.

On the night of the Wii launch, I decided to go to my local Walmart in Eagan, MN in order to see if any Wiis would be available. While they were all accounted for, the people waiting were actually pretty nice, so I stayed for a few minutes to chat with the people towards the front of the line. The designated camp site was right outside the store, just to the right of the entrance.

While I was standing there.. a red minivan with 6 high schoolers drove by throwing shit and screaming at the people camping out, "Wii sucks! PS3 rox! You guys are LOSERS!"

I gave the people I was standing with a weird look.. and they said "they've been doing that every 15 minutes for the last two hours". I choked on the irony for a second.. and decided to stick around for their next pass.

The next time they came around, I calmly walked ahead and blocked their path (carefully.. so I didn't get run down). they slowed down thinking I was going to just walk past. I stopped in front of their van.. and started walking towards the hood.. the driver threw the car in reverse, and started backing up.. but his approach was botched so he hit one of those medians with the tree and he couldn't get away (idiot almost ran over a lady with a cart..). I just stood there.. wrote down the plate numbers and shook my head at them.. you know the 'I'm so disapointed in you' look? That one.

I really wish I had been able to get a picture... words don't do it justice.

The male driver started to cry.. the female passenger covered her face with her hands and put her head on the dashboard.. then started hitting the driver.. one of the people in the back opened the side door and ran away.. the other three were just generally dumbfounded -- it was beautiful.

I went to the driver door.. where the window was still rolled down.. and said 'stop bothering these people'... at which point he peeled out (well.. as close to peeling out you can do in a soccer mom mini van) and didn't come back.

I cannot confirm if Mana Knight was one of them or not. ;-p
[quote name='sonderiaom']As much as I agree that bad drivers need some come-upance as it were, gotta be careful about throwing bottles or drinks and stuff at other drivers. I remember a news story about someone throwing a soda into the open window of another car, and then the other car suing and winning because they'd thrown a "missle" at them.[/quote]

I know, I read that too and I was like 'wtf', as I thought the original story said that the person was basically just going to litter and didn't see the car alongside and it ended up in the other persons vehicle.

Either way, with the way they've been enforcing the aggressive driving laws lately, I have toned it down to a single one finger salute or maybe a double if they cut over 3 lanes and almost take my bumper off.
[quote name='BattleChicken']I cannot confirm if Mana Knight was one of them or not. ;-p[/quote]

Great whole story, but this line just made me chuckle.
Okay, had a great one yesterday:
Woman comes in to rent some movies and has a $45 charge from auto-sales and a block on the account. I ask if she had just dropped anything in the box or still had anything checked out, and she immediatley gets an attitude as she tells me no. I look at the history and see two titles autosold and not returned; I ask about them and she insists that she 'always puts her movies in the outside drop box, always, they go right in there, that's where they always go' (she seriously said this over and over. I wanted to just say, what the fuck do I care what box you put them in? They aren't checked in!) So I search for them on the shelf but know they won't be there since they are pretty popular titles and there are few even on the shelf.
I come back and say I can't find them anywhere, to which she replies with the dop-box thing. I look a few more days back and see that on the 16th a comment was made that the movies had been dropped at Hollywood. When I told her this, she insisted that someone else had rented them, that she hadn't been there in a long time, not since some coupon, blah blah blah. Here's what has to happen for her scenario to work:
1) She returns both movies, and we miss them BOTH at checkin. This is possible, and can happen (usually someone misses a stack but that's pretty rare). To miss two movies from the same member in one day is not impossible, but pretty unlikely.

2) These SAME two movies have to then be either stolen or rented out by another customer, but not physically scanned by an employee or the system checks it in right there. This is VERY unlikely.

3) Now the movies had to have been dropped at Hollywood video by this other customer.

This is so totally unlikely to happen with the same videos from the same account, but the woman insisted that I was wrong. I called Hollywood and the movies were there, so I just said I'd manually check them in and grab them on my lunch since I live near Hollywood.

The woman still gave me all kinds of attitude, not even a thank you. I should have booted that bitch out, we don't need her coming back with more of her insanity.
[quote name='Kuros']I had a woman claim that we were false advertising by selling Wii games when we didn't have any Wii systems in.[/quote]

A personal favorite. Especially when they're like "Why do you advertise them if you don't have them!?" and I'm like "Well, at one point, we DID have them."

"You shouldn't advertise them if you don't have enough for everyone!!"

"Well, we don't make the ads at this store."

"WHAT?@!?!?! Then who does?!?!?!"

"Our corporate office makes the ads and distributes them nationally."

"What's their phone number?!"


Oh, and you better believe she called. We received advertisements the next week with a "supplies limited" in big bold letters next to the picture.
I have a pretty weird story. this lady comes in to use two 40% off coupons on a couple of DOLLAR ITEMS. She wants to use more than two...on a couple of DOLLAR ITEMS and says, "well, the other stores let me use em." I allow her to use two even though it says "One per customer," because we're allowed to do that sometimes.

She sulks off and comes back in with her husband all in a huff and puff with FOUR more coupons! He comes stalking in, going "Is this the guy???!!?" already, i know what's coming to me. yep, fun day

Then, the lady's cell phone rings and i try to explain to her husband she can't use all these coupons. He actually stares and me, gets hysterical and raises his hand, and says, "Will you please not talk right now? I'll talk with you in one minute" or something to that extent. In the meantime, the lady is like, crying on her phone about using these coupons. Yeah, I got pretty PO'd, but i was quite amazed myself that I didn't say anything back to him or punch the guy's lights out for being so rude. ok, i kid about that last part, seriously.

Then, he goes on to say, "I really don't understand guys like you that have to follow the book all the time. What is it with guys like you? We just want a good deal. There's always one in every store. blah, blah, blah." He also gives me some weird excuse saying, "My wife just got out of the hospital. Why can't you just give it to her?"

I tell him I'm going to call the manager and he says, "No, I want to talk to you! I don't want to talk to your manager" ARRGH! To make a long story short, i call the manager up to handle this (i had to!) and the lady ends up using 6 coupons!!! for a bunch of dollar items! sheesh! Believe me, I was totally relieved when I actually had some GOOD customers later that day.

The funny thing about this guy, is he actually called me a "Kid" a couple times, even though I'm an adult and not in college anymore. You know, thinking back on this...I think these people have a lot of experience doing this type of thing, cuz we do get our fair share of scammers. lol. okay, enough "venting" for today. phew!
That sucks mentos, IMO there's nothing more frustrating to me than when a manager/supervisor caves in and goes against you when you are only following the policies they tell you to.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']Whenever anyone talks about the "Queue" with blockbusters online service, it's always a "kway". Sorta like what Chocobo's say, I think. I try my best to just work the word into whatever I say Next ("yes, you're queue is where you're movies are"). It's so damn hard to not be condescending. "Oh you mean the QUEUE? Like a line?" But then I guess people can't line up correctly in the first place, why know what a line is called.[/QUOTE]

Back when my old roommate used to use WinMX, he always pronounced it Kway-way. I corrected him a few times, but gave up. He did that shit to annoy me. He also hated the Jews. I'm Jewish. I hate him so.
i have a few stories, but lets start with this one:

i work for a well known clothing store, pretty expensive, also means customers wants to be treated like kings and queens most the time. this place was also located in a stript mall around rich people.

i was called to help out a guy who wants a shirt in size LARGE (L).

me: "did you check the pile to see if there are any?"
idiot: "yes i looked through, there wasnt a large up there."

looked at the pile, i see that he made a mess looking through. so i said..

me: "alright, let me check the back to see if we have more.."
idiot: "ok, thanks"

a minute later..

me: "here you go sir, is there anything else you're looking for today?"
idiot: "no, that'll be all, i'll pay credit"

cashier rings him up. i went back to fix the pile he messed up and, guess what i found, ALL THE SHIRTS WERE LARGE!, ALL 4 OF THEM! so what he really wanted was a large folded shirt. i told my fellow employee and he almost blew his brains out of laughter. stupid shit like this happened everyday when i was there.

i just remembered another one but it didnt happen to me it happen to the my co-worker.

lady: (comes up to the register with a shirt) i don't like the color of this shirt. do you have it on a lighter pink kinda similar to this (shows his purse) but a little more lighter.

co-worker: (puzzled) umm.. no we dont unfortunately, what we have is all out, all 3 colors including the one you have.

lady: well can't you makeit in the back? (she said it like she was annoyed).

co-worker: (even more puzzled..) umm.. thats not possible ma'am we don't physically make them, we just received them from our warehouse and sell them in the store.

lady: i can't believe this! (walks out throwing the shirt down the ground).
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']That sucks mentos, IMO there's nothing more frustrating to me than when a manager/supervisor caves in and goes against you when you are only following the policies they tell you to.[/QUOTE]

yeah, my manager's cool though. she looked pretty frustrated with those people as well and she apologized to me (probably more for their behavior). haha.
Someone asked me where our plates are. She was 2 feet away from them so I showed her where they are on the bottom shelf. She apoligized and how she felt so stupid. I didn't see why since they are kind of difficult to see. She then comes up to my register and says I must think she is a huge dimwit and she apoligized again. I said it's really no problem. I don't mind people asking for help especially when they are nice about it. She kept saying how nice I was and again how she felt stupid.

I was thinking, it was a simple mistake of being close to the item, no big deal and no need to keep saying she was sorry.

It's the customers that ask for help, you help them and they don't even say anything that I can't stand.

It must have been "I'm sorry day" last night because someone else thought they gave me a quarter but it was a nickel and he said he was sorry 3 times as well.
A while ago an older lady, probably in her late 30's early 40's, came into my Gamestop store and asked if we had a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the PS2. This is how the conversation went.

Me: Zelda isn't available on the PS2 and it never will be, it's a Nintendo owned franchise. If you have a Gamecube or a Wii you could get The Twilight Princess though.

Lady: I don't have those, do I look like I am made of money. My son knows everything about these games and he want's Zelda for the PS2, we saw it at Wal-Mart.

Me: Alright I'll tell you what, if you bring me a copy of Zelda for the PS2, I will give you a million dollars.

Lady: You don't have a million dollars!

Me: And you don't have Zelda for the PS2.

At that point the lady stormed out of my store pissed off claiming she would bring in a copy of Zelda on PS2.
bread's done