Employees Of All Stores - Post Your Stupid And Funny Customer Stories - Part Cinco

Next time somebody tries to pay with a hundered dollar bill, just use the pen and then tell the customer "Sorry, but this bill is a counterfeit. You have 3 minutes to leave the store or I am calling the police."
This just happened 5 minutes ago- A customer walks into our backroom/stockroom ignoring the employees only sign, and asks if we have a bathroom. I say no as it's employees only, she then asks what we do if we need to use the restroom?

I told her for insurance purposes we can't which is the truth and told her where else in the shopping center there is a public restroom. She didn't like that answer but we can't have customers in the back room at all

She then walks into the backroom again with a question about an item.
I work at a photography store and we have these self serve machines, where you stick your memory card in choose your pictures, it'll print out a receipt and you bring it to the front so we can tell the lab to process it.

If you don't bring the slip your order doesn't get printed, I need to get the person's phone number and name. The machine tells you at the end of your transaction to bring the recipt to the front, we also put a little sign where the receipt prints out and the receipt has "Bring receipt to the counter" printed on it.

So it's always funny when a person walks in with the slip and says "I'm here to pick up my pictures", I'll look at the receipt and be like "Umm you haven't dropped these off yet." At which point they get all angry and say what do you mean. Then I point out the words on the receipt and they usually say, "No one reads the receipt." But I just laugh and say I can't do anything if its been more than a day. Less than that the order stays in the lab's computer.

I've even told people at the machine to bring up their receipt when they've finished, but they just start leaving the store and I need to catch them and bring them to the front myself.
Why don't you just let them pay for nothing and leave? If they're that fucking dumb you can't be expected to baby sit them.

[quote name='T-Shirt Ninja']I work at a photography store and we have these self serve machines, where you stick your memory card in choose your pictures, it'll print out a receipt and you bring it to the front so we can tell the lab to process it.

If you don't bring the slip your order doesn't get printed, I need to get the person's phone number and name. The machine tells you at the end of your transaction to bring the recipt to the front, we also put a little sign where the receipt prints out and the receipt has "Bring receipt to the counter" printed on it.

So it's always funny when a person walks in with the slip and says "I'm here to pick up my pictures", I'll look at the receipt and be like "Umm you haven't dropped these off yet." At which point they get all angry and say what do you mean. Then I point out the words on the receipt and they usually say, "No one reads the receipt." But I just laugh and say I can't do anything if its been more than a day. Less than that the order stays in the lab's computer.

I've even told people at the machine to bring up their receipt when they've finished, but they just start leaving the store and I need to catch them and bring them to the front myself.[/quote]
[quote name='reibeatall']Why doesn't any check-writer have a pen?[/quote]

Because they like stealing your pens? LOL Honestly, I've been guilty of that before in a store. I'll look in my pants, in my jacket pockets, think I feel a pen, then use theirs, end up pocketing it, then get out to the car and look again for my pen, find MINE finally and then find theirs and go 'ahhh well, it's only like .25' and drive home. I mean, which would be worse, going back in and saying 'I found my pen finally, here's yours back' or driving home?

And Reibeatall, I thought you worked at GS and last I remembered, they don't take checks.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Because they like stealing your pens? LOL Honestly, I've been guilty of that before in a store. I'll look in my pants, in my jacket pockets, think I feel a pen, then use theirs, end up pocketing it, then get out to the car and look again for my pen, find MINE finally and then find theirs and go 'ahhh well, it's only like .25' and drive home. I mean, which would be worse, going back in and saying 'I found my pen finally, here's yours back' or driving home?

And Reibeatall, I thought you worked at GS and last I remembered, they don't take checks.[/quote]My GS takes checks, although it is annoying process.

As far as pen stealing goes, it's not the cost, it's the fact that whenever I need a pen at work I can't find one, and I can't really just leave a customer waiting while I go buy more at the store. We buy packs and packs of pens and they always disappear. I think it might be internal theft, they way we go through pens.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Because they like stealing your pens? LOL Honestly, I've been guilty of that before in a store. I'll look in my pants, in my jacket pockets, think I feel a pen, then use theirs, end up pocketing it, then get out to the car and look again for my pen, find MINE finally and then find theirs and go 'ahhh well, it's only like .25' and drive home. I mean, which would be worse, going back in and saying 'I found my pen finally, here's yours back' or driving home?

And Reibeatall, I thought you worked at GS and last I remembered, they don't take checks.[/quote]

Yeah, we do take checks, but as the poster below you said, it's sometimes a pain. But hey, money's money, right?

And when people start taking my pens, I call them out on it. They usually act embarassed.
I had a couple today, just stupid people too.

First one was something I'd actually overheard, I was at the front door and I can hear everything that goes on at One Hour Photo. I overhear something that makes me just stop and look to see who it was but I couldn't. They had asked the very specific question of "does the one hour photo take the whole hour?"

Second one was near the end of the night. Lately we've been open an hour later on saturdays than is posted. around 45 minutes into the extra hour, a lady walks in, with tons of other people walking in and out of the building. She walks in a little bit with her cart, then backs up and asks me if "we're still open?"
[quote name='sonderiaom']I was at the front door and I can hear everything that goes on at One Hour Photo. I overhear something that makes me just stop and look to see who it was but I couldn't. They had asked the very specific question of "does the one hour photo take the whole hour?"[/quote]My g/f works at wal-marts 1 hour photo and said sometimes the pics can be done really quick, not sure how quick, but not always 1 hour, depending on how busy they are. But that's something they tend not to say since people would then expect that sort of service instead of the 1 hour, when there are many other factors at play.

Oh and tonight I felt like a jerk. Had some kids come in and want to rent on some guys account, but had no card and I had to call to verify. Some other guy answers and says the one guy is sick and asleep... but I told him I couldn't rent unless I spoke with the account holder and verified it was him. He was nice, and I felt really bad cause he sounded really sick, and I just knew they were talking about how our store sucks for making him talk to me. I told him and the kids to just bring a card next time and there's no trouble.

On the one hand it was unlikely that this was some elaborate scam, but then you never know. Just sucked to feel like a jerk doing my job and making sure the account was secure.
I had some kids pay $28 in quarters. No rolls, just piles of quarters. My co-worker made me take the transaction as a practical joke ("Okay.. he can help you at register one" and shot me an evil grin).. karma immediately repaid him with a customer from hell, but not before I lost count at $25. fuck!

I've had to call a customer's parents and verify before selling them a rated M game, and normally we have to have them in there with us, but the mom mentioned something about just tearing her hamstring/ACL or something and being in a wheelchair, I get paid minimum wage and it was Blood Omen 2, so I said fuck it, word over the phone's fine by me.
[quote name='Moses144']Couldn't they fire you now or something? I remember a clause went out recently about the selling to minors thing.[/quote]
[quote name='Scorch']...I get paid minimum wage...[/quote]
I'm sure he's not sweatin' it.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']It's amazing people still want vhs.

Sometimes people complain about how quick dvd took over vhs (even though I do believe vhs had a loooong lifetime, and dvd's only been around 10 years or so, and it really only completely destroyed vhs for the last 5 or 6.) I am always afraid to tell them that dvd may be obsolete soon with hd-dvd and bd... but whenever I try to tell anyone about that, they don't understand for some reason. I just say it's like dvd but in hi-def, and they look like they've had an aneurysm. Do people seriously not realize how technology works? What planet do people live on where tech stands still, doesn't progress?[/QUOTE]

There are pepople out there that probably still think and hd-dvd would work in a cd player... there is a line between being a little uninformed and being just plain stupid

What always gets me are the parents shopping with their children at a game store and without even batting an eye, will buy them GTA or some other M rated game... after seeing the stories in this thread, I am glad I dont have to work traditional retail
I just had some jackass kid purchase an Xbox 360 with ones.

ONE dollar bills.

And before you even start defending him, I asked why he was doing that. "Just because I thought it would be funny."
[quote name='Moses144']Couldn't they fire you now or something? I remember a clause went out recently about the selling to minors thing.[/quote]

I don't work at EB/GS. His parents come in the store quite frequently. I'm definately not sweating it.. plus it happened like last August.

I just had some jackass kid purchase an Xbox 360 with ones.

ONE dollar bills.

And before you even start defending him, I asked why he was doing that. "Just because I thought it would be funny."

"I'm not selling you this 360 because I have a sense of humor, too."
[quote name='Scorch']
"I'm not selling you this 360 because I have a sense of humor, too."[/quote]

Ohh man, I wish I would have thought of that.
And I thought someone paying me with 20 dimes for a $2 purchase today was bad. I hate counting more than 50 or so $1 bills at once when I have to count out my register or one of my employee's registers so counting $400+ would be horrible
[quote name='YoshiFan1']And I thought someone paying me with 20 dimes for a $2 purchase today was bad. I hate counting more than 50 or so $1 bills at once when I have to count out my register or one of my employee's registers so counting $400+ would be horrible[/quote]

Mine was $2000 today.
[quote name='zman73']
What always gets me are the parents shopping with their children at a game store and without even batting an eye, will buy them GTA or some other M rated game... [/quote]

Time for release date math: I turned 18 at the end of 06, I got GTA3 at launch and I bought it with my Grandmother. Do the math how old I was. Anyways, I haven't ran anyone over/shot anyone/etc. yet, and I don't plan on it.

Honestly, my mom would've got it for me to but she didn't want to pay 50 bucks at the time.

Hmm... I'm an asshole to certain employees at stores but generally they've earned it by being douchebags. I used to actually hang out at the Babbages at the mall, at around age 13 I was like a mini Jay from Clerks, and I had a friend who nearly perfectly fit the Silent Bob role, back then I didn't know of this... but yea, I was the person who would walk in and everyone knew who I was, and it wasn't a bad thing. I knew what I wanted to buy, I knew how much stuff was and I knew what to preorder... I also got given all the preorder stuff that noone claimed.. it was nice. I think they liked it when an informed customer came in and didn't go "Can I play this game on a sega?" and pull out a playstation disc or something. To bad the store shut down and a communist EB Games ran by a fool came in.... ugh.

I'll be honest, I've never worked retail but the guy at Targets electronics section will rope me over to give sales pitches to people who are considering buying games if I'm seen with customers near now. I've managed to convince 5 people to buy Guitar Hero 2 and a few others for misc games... they should pay me.
Had some old woman come in today. Here's what happened.

She starts by asking me what a good recent movie would be, that wouldn't be "too wild" for her. I really hate this question because just about every part of that question is subjective, and it's really difficult to figure out where the person stands. But old people generally don't like violence, nudity, or strong language, which makes this even harder since, well, just about every decent movie has something like that in it. Very rarely is there a great movie that gets a PG-13 or below.

So I ask her what "too wild" is, asking does she mean no violence, language etc, and she replies that she just wants something with a good story, not necessarily PG. This opens things up a bit so I recommend a few movies and she finally goes out to find them while I rent to other customers.

About 5 minutes later she approaches me with a stack of about 8 movies and asks me to help her put the movies "in the computer" (referring to our in-store laptop we use to sign up new Online members). I figure out she means add them to her queue, and she proceeds to set the movies down and try to leave.

I told her that I had to have her at least sign in, because I can't access her account; only she has that info. (I was hoping at this point that she would stick around to at least see how adding movies to the queue is done).

She signs in and tells me she is leaving, to which I had two options:

Fight with an old woman about how I am not going to stand here and update her queue (probably could say I'm not allowed since it's her account, which is probably true). The result of this I'm sure would have just been a pissed off old lady, and I dislike old people enough as it is I don't really need another one mad at me. And since most people don't seem to understand how the online system works anyway, I can only imagine how difficult it must be for someone that probably remembers a time when there was no television. Although I think it's ridiculous, some people think computers are difficult to deal with and it just would have been a hassle all the way around.

So I chose option two, of adding the movies in and updating her queue. This also meant I wouldn't have to deal with her too much since she had more movies in the queue.

What really surprised me was this movie she had in the stack:
Thought that looked like a movie that might have been "too wild", but to each their own.
[quote name='georox']I'll be honest, I've never worked retail but the guy at Targets electronics section will rope me over to give sales pitches to people who are considering buying games if I'm seen with customers near now. I've managed to convince 5 people to buy Guitar Hero 2 and a few others for misc games... they should pay me.[/QUOTE]

Tell me about it. I cant count the times that people have come up to me to ask about an item, if a game is good or in stock, or if this would be good for their kids. I usually try to answer helpfully even though I dont work there, and a few do realize that Im not an employee after. Im not sure if I have "the look" of someone that works at a game or electronics store, this usually does happen when Im at GS though, where there isnt exactly a set uniform.
[quote name='yukine']Strange... that was nice of you to do that though, but perhaps she does this because she doesn't have a computer?[/quote]Oh she doesn't for sure, I remember I was the one to help her set the account up. A lot of customers don't have computers/internet access (!!) and do everything at the computer in-store. It's no big deal, but we don't usually do it all for them. I guess I was just feeling good today and didn't have much else to do.

[quote name='Link927']Tell me about it. I cant count the times that people have come up to me to ask about an item, if a game is good or in stock, or if this would be good for their kids. I usually try to answer helpfully even though I dont work there, and a few do realize that Im not an employee after. Im not sure if I have "the look" of someone that works at a game or electronics store, this usually does happen when Im at GS though, where there isnt exactly a set uniform.[/quote]
I've had lots of people try to get my help in stores I don't work at. I once had someone ask me in Target where some item was located... took me a second to realize he was talking to me. I wanted to ask if he high or something, as Target employees wear bright red shirts, and I was in a brown jacket and jeans...

But I think I just have the "look".
LOL I've been asked about items at WalMart, Kmart, GS and BB by other shoppers. Then, they realize I'm not an employee and go 'sorry'. Thing is, if its something I know a bunch about, I'm glad to help, especially if its one of the ummm 'clueless' parents who don't know what kind of game is appropriate for a 10 year old and have a copy of GTA in hand.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']LOL I've been asked about items at WalMart, Kmart, GS and BB by other shoppers. Then, they realize I'm not an employee and go 'sorry'. Thing is, if its something I know a bunch about, I'm glad to help, especially if its one of the ummm 'clueless' parents who don't know what kind of game is appropriate for a 10 year old and have a copy of GTA in hand.[/quote]

I was at a goodwill just walking around and this older lady started asking me questions. She wanted to know if she bought an rc car for her grandson and he has a controller from the same company at home, would they be compatible. Of course the only thing I could think of was "maybe" as they work off different frequencies, but in theory each company would use the same frequency. Of course I could've been a dick about it, but she was just trying to do something nice and didn't know.
[quote name='Link927']Tell me about it. I cant count the times that people have come up to me to ask about an item, if a game is good or in stock, or if this would be good for their kids. I usually try to answer helpfully even though I dont work there, and a few do realize that Im not an employee after. Im not sure if I have "the look" of someone that works at a game or electronics store, this usually does happen when Im at GS though, where there isnt exactly a set uniform.[/quote]

Oh I don't mean customers asking me for help, I mean the employee pulling me over to help the customre... and I do my *best* to not look like I work at these places... I tend to wear shirts that get people fired.
[quote name='georox']Oh I don't mean customers asking me for help, I mean the employee pulling me over to help the customre... and I do my *best* to not look like I work at these places... I tend to wear shirts that get people fired.[/QUOTE]

Still, its just wierd when some guy comes up and asks if this is good, when you're wearing a black fleece with jeans, and all the employees are wearing something like slacks a bright red polo.
Alright another one from work this morning. A fine example of why I dislike the elderly.

Had an old lady come up to the register, and as she hands me two dvd's she snaps at me, "DON'T ring anything up yet!" She wanted to exchange some dvd's her daughter had bought her for the two she handed me. (I can understand why she told me not to ring anything up but she was pretty rude about it, before I even had the items in my hand).

So she goes into a long explaination of what she wants to do (note to others: a simple "I want to exchange these for these" works fine. Don't need a life story). She also wanted to rent some movie, and starts looking for her card. She has some crazy purse with no orginization what-so-ever. She looks through it a few minutes, talking about how all purses make no sense and you can never find anything and then suddenly "This fuckING purse!"

At this point it's time to look it up by last name.

Had another lady that was so vague about stuff I wasn't sure if it was a joke or not.

Her: Do you have that movie with John Travolta about the motorcycles?
Other Employee: That's wild hogs and it won't be on DVD for a while.
Her: What about the one about the guy on a bike with a flaming head?
Me: Ghost rider, not out till (checks computer) next month, at earliest.
Her: How about the one with the guy with grey hair, and he and his family are on a boat, it's a comedy...
Me: :whistle2:s
Her: He's in every movie! They go on this boat, it's a comedy...

I swear she told me it was a comedy and was really funny about 10 times.

(It was Steve Martin in Cheaper By The Dozen 2, which I have never seen, since the first looked terrible to begin with).

Stupid day, Tuesday's are marketing days! Why was I scheduled with only the manager and not someone to cover stupid-asses like this? I have things to do, signs to place!

(Note 2: don't bother anyone in Blockbuster (or probably any retail store) that has a paper in their hand or some sort of sign, they are probably really busy).

edit// for language
Man, after reading all of these stories I'm glad I don't work retail.

I hardly have any bad customers at work (I live in ND, a very friendly state). I work at a pita place, and the worst thing I've had to deal with was someone who called and asked me to read the menu and the prices. I did it, as the menu isn't terribly huge, but you can either go online or come in to see, you don't need to call the store.

I also had someone call and complain that we forgot to put one of her vegetables in her pita. Sure, we messed up, but is it a huge deal? It was a mistake. What do you expect the store to do about it?
I worked in a movie theater a while ago. Over the summer, in the middle of the day, a daycare center showed up with no warning. We usually aren't very staffed in the middle of the day because we don't get a ton of customers. IF they would have called ahead our manager would have scheduled and extra person or two. Consequently, I was the only person working the ticket counter. I had to print out 700+ tickets. The way our POS system works is we have to add every ticket individually (usually the most anyone buys is like 5 or 6 for a family, and it's a touch screen so it's not that big of a deal).

After taking probably 15 minutes just repeatedly tapping the screen, they then had to all print out. It's not the fastest printer, so 700+ tickets take a while. Meanwhile more customers come in and I'm the only open register.

Seriously, who thinks it is OK to just walk in with 700+ kids without calling ahead. They were lucky we could even accomodate them all.
I have the same person call every week and ask me to read them all of the CDs, DVDs and games that are in the ad. Every week! And every week I tell them to check the website. I will not be an enabler.
[quote name='Link927']Still, its just wierd when some guy comes up and asks if this is good, when you're wearing a black fleece with jeans, and all the employees are wearing something like slacks a bright red polo.[/QUOTE]

The best was going someplace after my internship hours, I'm always in a shirt and tie and/or suit going in some place like Target or Best Buy looking at games or so on and just about every other time I do this I get asked a quesiton like I work there. Even random questions like where the bathroom is. Honestly, when was the last time you saw somebody wear a suit (alot of my suits are odd colors to boot) to work at a Target??
[quote name='neocisco']I have the same person call every week and ask me to read them all of the CDs, DVDs and games that are in the ad. Every week! And every week I tell them to check the website. I will not be an enabler.[/QUOTE]

At least it seems like they can read, I've had to read song lists off cds to more than a couple folks who couldn't read them for themselves (not kids but full grown adults that didn't seem to have major mental disabilities)
Today, i had an older lady buy a whole bag of embroidery thread bundles...like some 300 pieces. Each bundle is like 5 inches long by 1 inch wide and almost ALL of them had a unique UPC barcode. Yep, you guessed it. EACH ONE had to be rung up! She was buying them for a couple of her friends, who were also old ladies, so it was a charitable thing and all. I respect that, but ..... but..... GAAAAH!

So, after ringing up half of them with my ANCIENT scanner (where i had to lift each thread bundle and position it just right every single time), a co-worker volunteered to bail me out. Plus, my cash register actually beeped, with an error message stating it "reached its maximum item limit." My co-worker had a newer scanner, so it wasn't that bad for her. AAAARGH! if only i had known! Curses!

anyhoo, there wasn't much of a line thank goodness!
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']The best was going someplace after my internship hours, I'm always in a shirt and tie and/or suit going in some place like Target or Best Buy looking at games or so on and just about every other time I do this I get asked a quesiton like I work there. Even random questions like where the bathroom is. Honestly, when was the last time you saw somebody wear a suit (alot of my suits are odd colors to boot) to work at a Target??[/quote]

Haha that reminds me of when I went to Walmart during my shift to check a pricematch for a customer, I was wearing black pants, a dress shirt and a tie (which is the standard for my store). When I was looking for the camera people started asking me questions about the cameras there. I told them I don't work at Walmart but if you're looking for a camera how about you come to my store instead. :D

Oh and the lady didn't get the PM (I think it was for a memory card with a camera) because she read the recommended accessories and thought it came with them.
It was a long day the other day, and it was busy as all hell, and people were stupid, but this one always makes me wonder just what the hell was going on.

I was walking behind two ladies who were both pushing carts full of stuff and one turns to the other and says, "if I have 8 cents, and you have 8 cents, we'll both have a hundred cents". I swear to buddha that that is the exact words that she said, and I would be lying if I didn't see both of them crack up like she told the joke of the year. I fear for society.
[quote name='mentos888']Today, i had an older lady buy a whole bag of embroidery thread bundles...like some 300 pieces. Each bundle is like 5 inches long by 1 inch wide and almost ALL of them had a unique UPC barcode. Yep, you guessed it. EACH ONE had to be rung up! She was buying them for a couple of her friends, who were also old ladies, so it was a charitable thing and all. I respect that, but ..... but..... GAAAAH!

So, after ringing up half of them with my ANCIENT scanner (where i had to lift each thread bundle and position it just right every single time), a co-worker volunteered to bail me out. Plus, my cash register actually beeped, with an error message stating it "reached its maximum item limit." My co-worker had a newer scanner, so it wasn't that bad for her. AAAARGH! if only i had known! Curses!

anyhoo, there wasn't much of a line thank goodness![/QUOTE]

Embroidery floss. One of the great 'items from hell' for craft store employees. (The others being scrapbook paper sheets, floral stems, and terra cotta pots. Although during this time of year, any glass vase $3.99 or less jumps on that list. Stupid weddings...)
[quote name='sonderiaom']
I was walking behind two ladies who were both pushing carts full of stuff and one turns to the other and says, "if I have 8 cents, and you have 8 cents, we'll both have a hundred cents". I swear to buddha that that is the exact words that she said, and I would be lying if I didn't see both of them crack up like she told the joke of the year.[/quote]

Ugh. I hope that is some sort of inside joke...
Oh, also, I work at a subway type place (in case people didn't read my previous post) and it irritates me when people say just "cheese." What type of cheese? We have 4 different types you know.
[quote name='Ski Hawk']Oh, also, I work at a subway type place (in case people didn't read my previous post) and it irritates me when people say just "cheese." What type of cheese? We have 4 different types you know.[/quote]

Just assume pepperjack. :lol:
Today I realized how much I hate when customers ask if we have an item, I know we don't have it but they get annoyed when I say we don't have the item without checking and to get them to leave me alone I have to waste time checking for it.

It was 9:10, we closed at 9:00, someone asks if we have ironing board covers. I tell them we don't but they insisted I look anyway. I have been in the store on average 6 out of 7 days a week and know if we have items or not. Then they get annoyed when you don't have it even if it's an item we don't carry because not more than 1 person would want it
[quote name='reibeatall']I just had some jackass kid purchase an Xbox 360 with ones.

ONE dollar bills.

And before you even start defending him, I asked why he was doing that. "Just because I thought it would be funny."[/quote]

Working at Lowes, I had someone pay 69.50 in 50 cent peices,
bread's done