Employees Of All Stores - Post Your Stupid And Funny Customer Stories - Part Cinco

[quote name='Demolition Man']A few that I have witnessed.....
Idiocracy = Idiotcrockzy[/quote]
Wait... There's something funny about that... Could it be...? Irony?:)
[quote name='xpacdos']Glad i found this thread and can share a few stories!!
i work at a gas station here and i always wear shorts to work no matter how cold it is outside, the store has to be 80+ degrees at all times... so one can imagine the #1 question i get "Why are you wearing shorts?" so about a month or so ago when we got about 6 to 8 inches of snow i'm working a nice 10 hour shift and after about the 20th person to ask me about my shorts i get this exchange from a very kind man.

I was wearing shorts up to early January even when it was 20 degrees out. It is also hot in the store I work at (even with the heat off it gets over 70 degrees) and because I am stocking shelves, running to the register, moving merchandise etc, I am more comfortable in shorts.

All the customers would question me as well and think I am crazy, they don't understand how uncomfortable it is if they are in the store for a few minutes rather than hours.

I also wear shorts at home since my house is always warm, what I can't stand is how every store thinks because it's winter they need to keep the heat running on full blast. I go into a mall in winter with a jacket, t-shirt (I never wear long sleeve shirts ever) and jeans and even if I take off the jacket, I'm still hot. It gets to the point where I want to wear shorts all the time but that doesn't work well when you have to go outside or drive in a freezing car.
[quote name='007']This seems like a fine place to chime in with something that has always bothered me, since I'm a little neurotic and OCD.

It's the same thing, movie titles, but it's when they put 'The' on the front where there isn't one.

As in... 'Gladiator' becomes 'The Gladiator'.

That's always bugged the hell out of me, yet when I bring it up, I'M the one with the problem. ;)[/quote]

This has nothing to do with customers but I'm going to piggyback on your post. It bugs me when people alphabetize using "The". "A, An & The" are not used in alphabetizing since they are common adjectives. I learned this in elementary school. Why don't all people over the age of 12 know this?
What's incredible are the people that will take a movie like Gladiator, add a "The" to it, and then search for it with the T's...

But, they would have to know their alphabet to find T, which no person seems to. And why can't people find even the newest new releases?

Blockbuster has a really messed up New Release wall, but it actually does work, for what it's trying to achieve. The top 4 rows has the newest of the new titles, big hit stuff where we have 100-200 copies. These are at eye level with Joe Blow idiot customer as he travels the wall trying to find a movie.
Under that are titles that are about 4 weeks or older and are 1-2 spaces used for shelf. Under that are the 4 weeks or older but large chunks (somewhere between 20-40 copies of one title). This really confusing sometimes to find a movie since I know my alphabet, but most customers don't seem to notice. It's 3 alphas and it drives me insane.

Anyway, top tier titles (which are currently movies like The Game Plan, 3:10 To Yuma), sometimes have large cardboard wall-hanger things (can't remember what they're called...) There's a topper and too sides. If you just scan the wall, from anywhere in the store, you can find one of these movies. I hate pointing it out. It's one of those times I just want to say, "why don't you even try the slightest bit before you waste my time?"

Also, we often have copies for sale near the rentals. Every week I get brought a retail copy of a new movie, clearly marked with a "new: $21.99" sticker on it, in shrinkwrap, completely different than a rental. People are oblivious.
eh, rent it to them for $21.99 then. ;)[quote name='Squall835']Ha, you think that's bad, I work at a shitty gas station that sells a cheap brand of vodka called "Aristocrat". I can't tell you how many times people have come up to me and said, "...and give me a bottle of the Aristocat vodka". Doesn't piss me off, but it does make me think of rich cats, which always brings a smile to one's face.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='xpacdos']C: (while on phone to gf or wife) I just bought you flowers are you gonna suck my d*** tonight?[/QUOTE]

Or bf. C'mon now.

A friend of mine, some years back, goes to a grocery store in the early evening, picks up a few items. Nothing unusual.

Cashier: scans 12-pack of Mountain Dew, pack of Marlboro cigarettes, and a box of condoms.
*looks at customer*
"NASCAR race tonight?"

[quote name='Demolition Man']Blu-ray = Blue Disc, Blue Chip, HD-Ray, Blue Thang, Playstation 3 Movie[/QUOTE]

Someone just wanted to return a box of dried fruit because according to them it was almost expirered according to them. The expiration date? March 19th 2008. Over a month

Someone else tried to return a Valentine's Day card yesterday. There are no returns on seasonal merchandise after the holiday. The worst part was that the card was already written in! I refused that return
I was a very, very, very, very bad employee back in my service job days.

This lady gave me a coupon for like boscoe or nestle quick or something that was so old and expired that the logo wasn't even remotely similar to the current one -- I just shrugged and threw it in the coupon thing and manually took the price off.

whenever people bought yogurt, id scan 2 or 3 and push the rest down the thing.

when customers were dicks, id dick them right back. this lady is complaining about how i'm packing her crap. not only that but she insisted that i use two paper bags for everything. so i started very loudly dropping her jars and shit into the bag, and crushed her bread.

one time i forgot to put this lady's like roast beef thing in the bag (it some how ended up on the little cubby below the conveyor -- wtf? -- ) so I just gave it to the next customer. she came back looking for it like an hour later, and i felt bad, but its not like it would have been safe to eat after all that time.

one time this lady came in screaming at me that there's a lot of shopping carts in the parking lot near her car which she "needed" to get a job and feed her family. I told her to write her legislature to ask for a light rail system.

when i worked at a campus cafeteria in college, i made sandwiches one day and this guy from princeton was aggressively hitting on every girl in the place and telling them to suck him off and all this stuff. I pointed the knife at him and told him to eat a fucking sandwich or get out. this table of girls applauded.

another time this really uhhhh flamboyant looking guy comes up to order a sandwich and he's like "Can I have some satan on white?" I was like "... satan?" and apparently there's some meat subsitute garbage called "setien" (i think thats how its spelled) and thats what he wanted. he was pronouncing it "satan" though, and it was nuts.

the best ever though is at the supermarket when i was a cart boy and this lady comes up to us and shes like "I think this woman in her car is DEAD!" and me and this other guy both -- simulataneously -- go "COOL!" the look of horror on the woman's face was priceless. but anyways, it was a homeless woman sleeping in her car in a pile of garbage with like some sort of rodent or cat walking around. we woke her up and shes like oh my i must have lost track of time.
Had a couple of pricks walk by today, commenting "...yeah, this Target is shit..." as they passed me. What the fuck happened to common human decency? Like I'm working my 10 hour shift at my shit job and what I need is to be screwed with by some jackass frat boy and his cunt girlfriend. People like that need to die in a fire.

Earlier in the day, I had this completely helpless guy... He was looking for a Backyardigans Carnival toy, so I took him to that section. We had two different ones, neither of which was the one he was looking for. So he stares at it for a while and asks, "Which ones are the Backyardigans?"


I point to the two we had, explaining that the ones with "Backyardigans" written on them were in fact, the Backyardigans items we had, and that we did not have the carnival. He asks me "Which one's the carnival?" After some more explaining, he decides he needs to use our phone to call his wife to tell her that we did not have the item she sent him to get. Fine.

I get a dial tone on the phone, and hand it to him. He doesn't take it, but instead tells me the number. So I guess he wants me to dial. I dialed the number and handed him the phone. When someone picked up, he asks "Dad?"

Background info: This guy is like, 70.

Anyway, he gets his wife on the phone, and then hands me the phone so that I can tell her that we don't have the thing he is looking for for her. For him? Whatever.

"Um... hello? We don't have that... carnival."
Wife: "Okay, just tell him to get a Backyardigans toy that's age appropriate for a 6-month-old."

Why the fuck am I here? So I tell the guy that his wife said to get one of the toys that was for a 6-month-old girl. We went to look at them, and saw that both are for 18 months+. I left him to consider whether or not to get it anyway, and I can only assume that he is still there.

I can't imagine how that helpless bastard even got to the store.

Kicker: I remember this guy. This is the second time I've talked to his wife for him. I think the most amazing thing is that nobody's gotten him a cell phone.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']Someone just wanted to return a box of dried fruit because according to them it was almost expirered according to them. The expiration date? March 19th 2008. Over a month[/quote]

I've had that once before. Someone came in with her husband and explained that the product she bought and cooked wasn't any good. Essentially she cooked it according to the instructions and the middle was completely uncooked, so she threw it all away and wanted a refund. Considering we can't really restock NOTHING AT ALL and offer a refund, I defaulted to my manager.

I'll stop the story at this point because the next 20 minutes were filled with heated arguments, some harsh language, and me playing mediator. At least I can cool down massive conflicts.

[quote name='YoshiFan1'] Someone else tried to return a Valentine's Day card yesterday. There are no returns on seasonal merchandise after the holiday. The worst part was that the card was already written in! I refused that return[/quote]

I saw these all the time as well. The best part happens to be when the customers get really confused as to why they can't return something they wrote in.
Yeah I'll never understand how some people expect to return stuff in they condition they're bringing it. My favorites are the people that try and return stolen goods because they stole the wrong thing. Some lady gave me a big fucking LOL moment from doing that. I don't think she could have "escaped" any quicker after trying the bogus return.

On the flip side, I had this really shady looking guy try and return something without a receipt. I found the receipt pretty easily and his story was 100% confirmed in a bunch of different places in the POS so it made no sense to me why he was acting all sheepish. Maybe he just felt guilty about returning something?
[quote name='davo1224']Yeah I'll never understand how some people expect to return stuff in they condition they're bringing it. My favorites are the people that try and return stolen goods because they stole the wrong thing. Some lady gave me a big fucking LOL moment from doing that. I don't think she could have "escaped" any quicker after trying the bogus return.

On the flip side, I had this really shady looking guy try and return something without a receipt. I found the receipt pretty easily and his story was 100% confirmed in a bunch of different places in the POS so it made no sense to me why he was acting all sheepish. Maybe he just felt guilty about returning something?[/quote]
It's weird but some people don't like to return things. My uncle bought an HD-DVD at WM, and I told him he ought to return it and get it at Amazon since they were doing a BOGO and the movie he bought was included. He refused, saying he doesn't like to return things if there isn't any actual problem with what he bought. I woulda jumped at the chance to get a free movie, but then, I am a CAG.
A guy comes up to the counter and wants a custom ballon (with writing). We don't do that, so he asks if we have a marker he can use. He picks out a plain balloon and proceeds to write happy birthday. No big deal, until I read the next line, fuck face. I didn't want any customers to see it because you know how people get offended and didn't want anyone to think we wrote it for him. I turned the ballon around while he was shopping so no one could see the writing and couldn't wait for him to leave.
I can't believe how flippin god dam retarded people are. A while back when I worked at WM as the electronics manager, I was holding a 27" tv and one of my people was holding a 20" tv. When all of a sudden up comes Mr. Ima Dumass. He asks the stupidest question of all time. Do you sell tv's? Meanwhile we are standing there looking at each other like is this guy serious. Then the guy looks at us and leaves. If you have to ask that question, then you are already stupid enough and don't need a tv. I have plenty of more stories considering I have worked retail for more than 12 years. GOD I hate retail some times.
I participated in a drug bust today, sort of.

A girl came in to ship a small box overnight to Arizona. The box was completely taped shut, except for the opening - she ran out of tape. She was billing it to a UPS account, so we didn't really need any information from her. However, she asked us to finish taping it up - and our store charges a $1 packing fee for anything we tape shut (retarded, but key to the story). Most of the time, I won't charge the fee because admittedly, it's a ripoff, but today we were slow and we needed the money. Anyhoo, I taped up the box, noticing that the end of the box was stuffed with dryer sheets. Suspicious much? Inside, I could clearly see that there was a freezer bag stuffed into the box between the layers of Gentle Breeze fabric softener.

I fully expected the girl to hand me a crumped $1 bill for the packing fee and to bolt out the door.

However, this girl had no cash on her.

Instead, the perp produced her debit card. For a dollar. When she's clearly shipping drugs. Brilliant.

I swiped the card, she signed, and my new friend went along her merry way. Five minutes later, I put in a phone call to the Orange County sheriffs department, and was given permission to open the box. Inside the freezer bag was a small napkin, taped shut with the same packing tape on the outside of the box. In the little bundle o' joy was a small ziploc bag full of approximately 1/3 oz. of crystal meth. Needless to say, she'll be slightly disappointed when UPS doesn't guarantee her package by 10:30 AM tomorrow.

Ladies and gentlemen, please - if you're attempting to ship methamphetamines or any other controlled substances through my store, please remember to fully seal the package - or at the very least, carry some cash.
[quote name='JJSP']I participated in a drug bust today, sort of.

A girl came in to ship a small box overnight to Arizona. The box was completely taped shut, except for the opening - she ran out of tape. She was billing it to a UPS account, so we didn't really need any information from her. However, she asked us to finish taping it up - and our store charges a $1 packing fee for anything we tape shut (retarded, but key to the story). Most of the time, I won't charge the fee because admittedly, it's a ripoff, but today we were slow and we needed the money. Anyhoo, I taped up the box, noticing that the end of the box was stuffed with dryer sheets. Suspicious much? Inside, I could clearly see that there was a freezer bag stuffed into the box between the layers of Gentle Breeze fabric softener.

I fully expected the girl to hand me a crumped $1 bill for the packing fee and to bolt out the door.

However, this girl had no cash on her.

Instead, the perp produced her debit card. For a dollar. When she's clearly shipping drugs. Brilliant.

I swiped the card, she signed, and my new friend went along her merry way. Five minutes later, I put in a phone call to the Orange County sheriffs department, and was given permission to open the box. Inside the freezer bag was a small napkin, taped shut with the same packing tape on the outside of the box. In the little bundle o' joy was a small ziploc bag full of approximately 1/3 oz. of crystal meth. Needless to say, she'll be slightly disappointed when UPS doesn't guarantee her package by 10:30 AM tomorrow.

Ladies and gentlemen, please - if you're attempting to ship methamphetamines or any other controlled substances through my store, please remember to fully seal the package - or at the very least, carry some cash.[/quote]

Where do you work at? I'm actually in the OC as well. You don't happen to work at a UPS store, do you?
[quote name='edavis0780']Where do you work at? I'm actually in the OC as well. You don't happen to work at a UPS store, do you?[/QUOTE]
You are correct, sir. I like to refer to myself as "pall bearer" for all of the broken 360's that come in our door.
[quote name='JJSP']I participated in a drug bust today, sort of.

A girl came in to ship a small box overnight to Arizona. The box was completely taped shut, except for the opening - she ran out of tape. She was billing it to a UPS account, so we didn't really need any information from her. However, she asked us to finish taping it up - and our store charges a $1 packing fee for anything we tape shut (retarded, but key to the story). Most of the time, I won't charge the fee because admittedly, it's a ripoff, but today we were slow and we needed the money. Anyhoo, I taped up the box, noticing that the end of the box was stuffed with dryer sheets. Suspicious much? Inside, I could clearly see that there was a freezer bag stuffed into the box between the layers of Gentle Breeze fabric softener.

I fully expected the girl to hand me a crumped $1 bill for the packing fee and to bolt out the door.

However, this girl had no cash on her.

Instead, the perp produced her debit card. For a dollar. When she's clearly shipping drugs. Brilliant.

I swiped the card, she signed, and my new friend went along her merry way. Five minutes later, I put in a phone call to the Orange County sheriffs department, and was given permission to open the box. Inside the freezer bag was a small napkin, taped shut with the same packing tape on the outside of the box. In the little bundle o' joy was a small ziploc bag full of approximately 1/3 oz. of crystal meth. Needless to say, she'll be slightly disappointed when UPS doesn't guarantee her package by 10:30 AM tomorrow.

Ladies and gentlemen, please - if you're attempting to ship methamphetamines or any other controlled substances through my store, please remember to fully seal the package - or at the very least, carry some cash.[/quote]

Good for you! :applause:

That's very reminiscent of a Mitch Hedberg joke:

"I shouldn't say this; it might blow my cover...but anyway: I like the FedEx driver, because he's a drug dealer and he don't even know it!"
I was walking by the laptops and this lady was looking at 2 17" ones, one being $899, the other being $1249. They both used the same shell, but had very different stuffs inside.

Her: Are these two different? *pointing to the two*
Me: Yeah, they have different stuff inside, *starts rattling off differences and finish*
Her: But they look exactly the same.
Me: Yeah, but it's the stuff inside that's different, not the shell.
Her: So why do they cost so much different?
Me: Because they have different components inside. *and I walk away, as I was helping another customer and knew that convo would be circular*

Another customer I had that was pretty cool went along these lines. And remember this is an older grandmotherly lady.

Her: Do you have any Wii's?
Me: No, we have none, and have no idea when we're getting any more.
Her: Oh, thanks.
Me: You can check online, they occasionally restock there.
Her: Thanks, but that doesn't help me, my husband decided today, the day before our grandsons birthday to get him a Wii, and they're impossible to find. We have one but we're not going to give him a used one.
Me: Well good luck.

Had another ornery couple the day earlier. I'd just gotten back from lunch, and I could see my manager looking for one of my coworkers so she told me how these people were terrible and swearing up and down that we had a product we'd never had, and they never made. So I go over and try to help.

Me: Howdy, I was told you had a few questions?
Him: Yeah, what's the difference between these 2 tv's?
Me: Well, ones 720p, ones 1080p.
Him: What does that shit mean?
Me: One shows more lines of resolution than the other, but you won't be getting the 1080p for a while unless you're using hd-dvd, blu-ray, xbox360, or a PS3.
Him: What the fuck are those?
Me *trying to keep calm*: 2 are video game systems, the others are successors to dvd's.
Him: We don't have kids, we won't be using that. We were looking for for 2 different 42 inch sony's the other week and we can't find them, where are they?
Me: Well, we had 2 different 42 inch vizios a while back, were you looking at those?
Him: No, we don't look at anything besides sony or samsung, all else is crap.
Me: Could it have been the 2 sony 40 inches down there? Those are the only 2 I remember having lately.
Him: No, it was 42 inches, I know what the hell I'm talking about.
Me: Ok, could you describe the 2 tv's then from what you remember?
Him: Well, they were side by side, they were different prices, one had that 1080p shit that you were talking about and one was in the $1400's.
Me: Alright *I walk down to where we have the 40 inchers and point to the one that is 1080p and is $1449.* These are the ones that match your description, these have to be the ones you're talking about, I've never seen a 42 inch sony here and don't even think they make one.
Him: Hrm, I guess you're right.

They eventually buy the lesser 40 inch sony from me and he shakes my hand at the end.
[quote name='sonderiaom']
Me: Howdy, I was told you had a few questions?
Him: Yeah, what's the difference between these 2 tv's?
Me: Well, ones 720p, ones 1080p.
Him: What does that shit mean?
Me: One shows more lines of resolution than the other, but you won't be getting the 1080p for a while unless you're using hd-dvd, blu-ray, xbox360, or a PS3.
Him: What the fuck are those?

If it were me, at this point I would have said "Sir, if you swear at me one more time, you're going to have to leave my store."

Customer: I want to buy something expensive but don't know the first thing about it and somehow expect you to be able to teach me everything about this product in a few minutes.

I was in GS the other day chatting with my friend and some girl came in to ask the price of the PS2 OR the PS3. After some condescending remarks from my friend, she said she'd come back later when she knew what she wanted.

Myself, I've always had a hard time talking down to people, but my friend said they don't seem to even notice. He said if he were treated that way he'd be pretty offended, but with some people you gotta just be that way. I guess this is why I (and a few others here) get stuck in the stupid convos we do (ie computer differences, same shell, different innards). Maybe if I just act like people are as stupid as they are, they'll stop bothering me.
[quote name='DuelLadyS']If it were me, at this point I would have said "Sir, if you swear at me one more time, you're going to have to leave my store."


I think women are alot more likely to be offended by swearing or some other customer quirk.

Guys don't give a fuck - we just roll with it to get the sale.
I was at a local gamestore, a customer comes in and starts taking game cases off the shelf right infront of the owner, then procedes to the counter to see how much trade in value he can get, the owner plays along and gives him a huge total. The owner then checks the cases for disks. Empty. sorry it looks like you left your disks at home. If you give me the trade ill bring my disks in when i get home.....to make a long story short the kids mom gets mad and he takes the game cases home.
[quote name='camoor']I think women are alot more likely to be offended by swearing or some other customer quirk.

Guys don't give a fuck - we just roll with it to get the sale.[/quote]
If a customer cusses at me i get upset. there is no reason for a customer to start cussing.
[quote name='camoor']I think women are alot more likely to be offended by swearing or some other customer quirk.

Guys don't give a fuck - we just roll with it to get the sale.[/QUOTE]

Eh, could be- I guess I just expect that, if someone expects me to help them with something, the least they can do is speak to me with some civility. Especially since you know if the clerk used that language, they'd throw a screaming tantrum at the manager.
[quote name='neocisco']After dealing with that crap I hope you're on commission.[/quote]

Nope, I'm not on commission, I just get paid hourly, but I like that better as I'm not forced to sell the biggest best things.

[quote name='DuelLadyS']If it were me, at this point I would have said "Sir, if you swear at me one more time, you're going to have to leave my store."


I wouldn't have had that power, I'm just a peon at my store. However, since my manager was getting so frazzled with them, I was trying to persevere to show that I could handle customers like that better than she could.

Oh yeah, there was another one where I was checking out an item for return and the lady brought back an xbox360. As I was checking things out, I found out that she forgot the power cable and the A/V cable, when I mentioned this fact she was adamant that it never came with them and that she had to buy them at walmart. We can only return things that are complete and then the customer can go buy things so the following occured.

Me: I'm sorry, I can't allow this return, you're missing the cables.
Her: Alright, well, how about you allow this return, and then I'll go through and buy a new one and take those cables out and give them.
Me: Can't do that, we'd be returning an incomplete item.
Her: Just do it, I'm not going to steal anything!
Me: I'm only here to make sure it's complete, if you want anything else, talk to the supervisor right there *points*.
Her: Fine, this is rediculous.
Supe: Ok, we can return it, we can have someone follow you to the item and take the cables out.

At this point I walk away as there is no more I can, nor want to do. However over the course of the next 10 minutes, I hear over the radio a bunch of people trying to find the 360's, they search the whole store as our comp says we have 24, but can't find them. Finally they realize they're being returned to vendor, and the crabby lady can't get her way; Boo Hoo. I just had to laugh.
I always enjoyed customers who came back and complained that an item didn't come with everything, mostly because when I was working many hours I was there the first time they were around, looking in every single box to make sure it had exactly what they wanted. I was there to check the box myself to make sure it was a complete sale before ringing the customer up as well. Those were an auto-default to the manager, although we usually took them back anyway so long as they had a receipt. Pheh, some people.

I've had customers curse at me over policy before, didn't bother me for the most part because the whole store (customers and employees alike) would usually laugh like mad the second the disgruntled person was out of the store. That's why I always kept it nice and cheery...on one hand you come off like the good guy in the situation to everyone else (usually helps get you some repeat customers as well if you're lucky) and it ~really~ pisses off the angry person somewhat fierce.

There's nothing like a sincere smile and a genuine attitude to help someone with their supposedly "horrible" transaction to really ruin their day. :D
[quote name='DuelLadyS']Eh, could be- I guess I just expect that, if someone expects me to help them with something, the least they can do is speak to me with some civility. Especially since you know if the clerk used that language, they'd throw a screaming tantrum at the manager.[/quote]

I used to work at a pool and for the sake of moms/kids we had to crack down on middle schoolers who loved swearing.

We kicked one kid out for dropping the f-bomb numerous times after multiple time-outs and being warned repeatedly, then his mom comes in and starts launching into fuck you why the fuck did you kick him out etc. It was like - now we know where it comes from.

Had it been a sales job I would have taken the comission, then kicked him out of the store (if he didn't leave). Some ppl may be unmannered slobs, but their money is still green.
Props to Sonderiaom for handling the tough customer professionally and politely! I would've had to pass on the customer to somebody else.

I remember a long time ago when I used to work in retail I asked a guy to step outside with me because he was being so hard headed :lol: x 2 In hindsight I really regret it because it was very immature.
[quote name='sonderiaom']Oh yeah, there was another one where I was checking out an item for return and the lady brought back an xbox360. As I was checking things out, I found out that she forgot the power cable and the A/V cable, when I mentioned this fact she was adamant that it never came with them and that she had to buy them at walmart. We can only return things that are complete and then the customer can go buy things so the following occured.[/quote]

You'll never believe this. I was with you as people have tried to do that at my store too. I could picture this scenario in my head. Guess what we found at our store though? An XBox 360 with no cables straight from the shipping center. I hope this isn't a new XB360 issue as those units have enough already.
I was at a local mom & pop shop in my area that buys and sells used DVDs/CDs/Video games. As I was perusing the game sections I overheard the following conversation between an employee and an overgrown infant looking kid who talked like Ralph Wiggum from the Simpsons:

Kid: Do you buy GBA games?
Employee: Yes.
Kid: How much will you give me for this one? *Shows employee a GBA cartridge*
Employee: A dollar.
Kid: *browses display case where they keep all the cartridge based games for a few minutes and then turns back to counter* How much did you say you'd give me for that game?
Employee: A dollar.
Kid: ...
Employee: ...
[quote name='Hush']I was at a local mom & pop shop in my area that buys and sells used DVDs/CDs/Video games. As I was perusing the game sections I overheard the following conversation between an employee and an overgrown infant looking kid who talked like Ralph Wiggum from the Simpsons:

Kid: Do you buy GBA games?
Employee: Yes.
Kid: How much will you give me for this one? *Shows employee a GBA cartridge*
Employee: A dollar.
Kid: *browses display case where they keep all the cartridge based games for a few minutes and then turns back to counter* How much did you say you'd give me for that game?
Employee: A dollar.
Kid: ...
Employee: ...[/quote]

I dont get it

I guess you had to be there. I just thought it was humorous that the kid had a single GBA to trade in for a whopping dollar and he had to ask twice what the game was worth, as if asking again would make the value magically go up. Its not like it was some grand total of a bunch of games he was trading in, it was one crappy GBA game for one dollar.

I thought of another, better instance:

I was at Kmart (of all places) and I got in line with two items (I don't remember what I was buying but I know it was only a couple of things). So there's this kid in line in front of me and after standing there for a couple of minutes he says to me "excuse me." I look over and basically get forced out of the way as his mother wheels her way in front of me with a shopping cart filled to the BRIM with stuff. Apparently he was holding her place in line and she didn't mind that she was cutting in front of someone who was trying to purchase two items, WTF!!??
And another...

I went to the post office after hours to use the automated kiosk to ship a small package (game sold on half.com). So I'm standing there with my package in hand waiting for the SLOWEST GUY EVER to mail a couple of letters...I'm standing kinda behind the guy but a few feet away and off to the side because I hate it when people breath down my neck when I'm trying to do something like that, not to mention we're in a closed post office and no one else is around. So in walks this lady with a package and stands directly behind the guy and immediately I'm thinking WTF lady you don't see me standing here with a package in my hand what the fuck do you think I'm doing here. So the guy gets done and almost forgets his receipt so the lady gets his attention to tell him and during their exchange I'm walking up to put my package on the thing (because obviously I was next and had been waiting a few minutes) and she's all "oh I'm sorry were you waiting???" NO fuckING SHIT I'M JUST STANDING IN A CLOSED POST OFFICE NEAR THE fuckING KIOSK WITH A PACKAGE IN MY HAND IN PLAIN SIGHT I'M SORRY I'M NOT DRY HUMPING THE GUY USING THE MACHINE TO INDICATE THAT I AM NEXT IN LINE!!!!
I work at a grocery store as a part time job. Any normal person knows how the baggers push in carts. My story begins with me going to push in a load of 8 carts, not that many carts, when i start up the curb of the street, some lady runs in front of my carts and stands there and starts to look at the roses next to the door. Now right now I have half a load of carts in the street and half a load of carts in the doorway. This lady stands there until her son, from where he comes I dont know runs in the doorway, and she leaves without saying sorry or anything (whatever). My encounters with this lady get worse.
I go inside and start bagging. My manager comes over to me 10 minuets later and says, "I need you to clean up a spill". Gets me away from the front end so I say what Isle, He says Isle 2. Gives me a broom and dustpan and says to go clean the mess. I get to Isle 2, Its the freaking stupid lady standing over a pile of 2 shattered glass jars of Prego Sauce. She looks at me and says "I'm gonna need this cleaned up fast because its a danger to me and my son." I know she did it but whatever. I have a broom, (because my manager is stupid) and have to sweep some stupid Prego Sauce into a broom pan.
I see the lady dissappear into a different isle and finish cleaning the mess, without getting any on my white shirt of course. I head back to the front end of the store and start bagging. 20 Min. or so later it starts to die down and the lanes are empty. I see a young boy pushing a cart come out of an Isle, followed by a woman pushing a cart and pulling a cart. 3 Carts total. She comes down my lane, I sware this lady is the devil, and asks for a paper bag inside of another paper bag, with both paper bags inside of plastic and drive up to follow this order.
I get a friend of mine to help me bag the order from fuck and finally finish it 10 min. later. I go outside with a friend and load the groceries into the car, while the lady sits in the front seat. When we are done we expect her to say thanks or something nice. She drives off. I hate grocery store customers.
One of our constant problems is people not being able to explain their problems at all. It has nothing to do with a language barrier or even not knowing terms. They just can't explain anything. At the end, their solution usually never is cheap because they essentially want something completely different.
(I work in a Verizon store now, btw).
Had a lady come in yesterday with her LG Voyager. She said she was having trouble accessing her AOL email; that other email worked but AOL had trouble. I looked it up online, and the answer I found was exactly what I was expecting: most likely AOL had crappily coded their site and the voyager was having trouble with it, or rather AOL was having trouble with the Voyagers browser. The lady said something to the effect of, "But AOL is like the largest internet provider in the country; how can their be problems?"

I didn't think anyone still used AOL, but I guess it's those users that found it acceptable before that probably still don't realize how terrible it is.
[quote name='sonderiaom']I hear over the radio a bunch of people trying to find the 360's, they search the whole store as our comp says we have 24, but can't find them. Finally they realize they're being returned to vendor, and the crabby lady can't get her way; Boo Hoo. I just had to laugh.[/QUOTE]

24 new 360 consoles being returned to vendor? What's the story behind that?
Have a new winner for ya tonight..

"How much space does the 40 gig PS3 have?"
"40 gigs"
"Oh, so does that mean the 80 gig has 80 gigs of space?"

..good freakin lord.
The backstory is filler, blah, blah, but the customer ends up calling me a jerk and that "this is bullshit". That's one of the magic words. I told him to have a nice day, took the customer behind him to another register and left him there. I walked past the guy after I was done and again he loudly said "You're a jerk!". At that point I knew exactly what would piss him off even more so I just smiled widely, ignored him and walked away.
[quote name='mykevermin']24 new 360 consoles being returned to vendor? What's the story behind that?[/quote]

I tried to find that out too, but all I saw within the computer was that we had apparently several of several different types of 360's but each were being returned to the vendor. I'd asked my top manager about it and she had no idea about it. My guess, and my coworkers guess at that, is that Costco as a whole is tired of losing money on the return policy and returning them till Microsoft figures it out, but that's just a guess. We still have them online.
A little while ago I had an old lady ask for "not milk."

Me: "Like soy milk, or non-dairy creamer?"
Lady: "No it's... not milk."
Me: "So... what exactly is it?"
Lady: "It's not milk."

I swear I asked her 3 or 4 times for a description of what she wanted, but the only thing she could come up with was "not milk." She told me that she just couldn't have things that were milk. I tried to get her the soy milk again, explaining that it isn't dairy, but she tells me "no... no all those things that have milk in the name are no good."
I've worked at a couple different video stores over the years and i've had some ludicrous shit happen.

i've had multiple customers ask me HOW TO REWIND DVD'S! no im not kidding.

i had a guy in my store for almost two hours one time. when i asked him if he needed help finding anything he called me a racist. i was like...whatever dude. when he finally picked something out i brought up his account and he had a one dollar late fee for pootie tang. when i told him about it he called me a racist again and said that i made up the late fee. i told him to gtfo and never come back.

an 80 year old man asked me to pick out some decent gay porn for him. i'm not even getting into the details of this story.

I had a woman cuss me out and throw a check at me. she owed 6 dollars...

I had an angry man threaten to whoop my ass (over the phone) for not voiding his 1.75 late fee. i told him i would be waiting for him at the store. he didnt come in.

One time a drunk lady wouldnt stop touching my hair. Her bald husband didn't look to happy about it.

One time a little kid threw up all over the place and his dad didn't even help him or ask him if he was ok. his dad just started bitching him out. (while i was trying to help the kid) He didnt even offer to clean the shit up or even say anything to me. They quickly left without cleaning up the mess.

I had a kid ask me to borrow a pen. He used the pen to write swear words on a bunch of dvd cases...

I fucking hate people.
bread's done