Employees of ALL stores - Stories about 'special' customers! (Now with KAYDEN Power!)

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A long time ago in the time of VHS cassettes, I was an AM at Blockbuster. I had this woman in her 50's come in to return her rental copy of Die Hard. She said that it was bad so I offered to check it in our VCR. Now the Blockbuster VCRs that we rented were only 2 head so they would play anything. On the screen I see a little static at spots but not enough to yank it off the shelves. So I give her credit for the rental but she still wants me to order a new replacement for rental (by this point it was our only copy of Die Hard) because it's the only movie she ever rents. I explain that it's not bad enough to remove from the shelf (my store was very tight with the purse strings) and here's where I screw up - We had just gotten in some copies for sale ($12.95 just in time for xmas) and I try telling her that if it's the only movie she rents, she may be better off buying a copy that is only the price of 3 rentals. She didn't want to do that and left the store, not in a bad mood I thought. Now never did this exchange turn unpleasant. I was extremely polite to her and she was never unreasonable. But I find out later that she calls the District Manager to complain that I am trying to run some scam to sell her movies rather than provide good rental copies. Now never mind that suggestive selling (which I loathe) was our official policy, and I was nothing but polite to her, yet I get officially reprimanded for the incident. Foolishly I had thought I was actually doing her a favor by telling her how she could save money on rentals. My jaw just dropped when the DM came in and told me about her phone call. Of course he was at a loss when I asked how I should have handled the situation. He just said I should have made the customer happy. Jackass.

After that, it was real damn easy to get free credit from me.
i work at gamecrazy in a part of town thats not so smart. basically idiots is the proper term. we actaullay keep a list of customer quotes. pretty much all the stupid things customers say. ill defineitley be posting those here this week. but as for a funny story. i was working the morning shift by myself on sunday. anyone that works in retail knows how packed you can get with kids. so as im alphabatizng our preowned games i hear what sounded like a FEDEX truck. we never get mail on sunday from anyone. i look out the door and theres a a buttload of "Special" people, not kids, walking in. one guy comes up to me and keeps touching my shirt telling me how much he likes it. over and over again. all the kids in my store are all somewhat scared at this lively crew. i walk behind the counter to safeguard myself from the shirt toucher and he follows. i try to tell him he cant be behind the counter and his caretaker yells at me. stating that i shouldnt treat him differently and that i was rude. and etc etc. the kids start laughing and then he yells at them. normally i ask irate customers to leave which the caretaker was being. now stuck in this predicament, i couldnt have possibly done that. i wait until they are just about to leave to continue my work, no they didnt buy anything. not much of a surprise. before they walk out the door the all lined up and said bye to me. what a weird day that was.
i work at a restaurant.. I used to cashire now I cook. We get complaints all the time that "the food was bad" or "we are ripping people off" I always asked "did you ask the server to take care of it" they always replied with a "no" and you know if you don't like your food at a restaurant talk to the server who comes by to say "how is the food" tell her to replace it.. but there was this one lady who ordered liver and i cooked it and it was done all the way and she eats all of it then complains that it was "the worst liver she ever had" she was upset when we wouldn't give her a "discount" or anything because she ate the entire thing. if it was the worst food i ate i wouldn't finish it. That and I get Eggs come back nearly daily because people think "sunny side up" is "over easy" (sunny side up is where you just crack the egg onto the grill and cook one side, over easy is where you flip it and the whites are still runny... sorry i felt i needed clarificataion)
[quote name='eldad9']So, who else has noticed the extra ' in this thread's subject?[/QUOTE]

Everyone, but who cares.... it is the posts that count!
[quote name='mr_pollock']99% of these stories are fake.

The other 1% never happened.[/QUOTE]
You obviously never worked retail. Or at least not long enough for that matter. All the experiances I wrote about are 100% bonafide truth. After working in retail for 6yrs, you tend to see it all.
[quote name='mr_pollock']99% of these stories are fake.

The other 1% never happened.[/QUOTE]

Uh-huh, just like the Holocaust, right? :roll:

To quote Martian Successor Nadesico:
[quote name='vietgurl']nice rant.

Here's another random story about the 1% (converted 99% in the end). Last Saturday, this guy came in with his daughter wanting to return a game he bought a month ago because his daughter "didn't like it". That is against our return policy so I told him the best thing I could do is give him $4 trade-in credit for it. I was extremely nice the entire time and he agreed to do the trade-in and put it towards another game. Then when I was ringing him up, I offered him a game-play guarantee for $2 (the warranty for games that EB is now offering) and he agreed to get that. After I rang him up and was taking down his information for the trade-in, he suddenly decided that he was being ripped off (yeah he was but I can't really do anything about it; I only work there) and started yelling at me. He demanded that I give him the game play guarantee for free since we ripped him off and gave him a "measly $4" for a game he paid $20 for. When I explained to him our company's return policy, he started cussing at me (in front of his young daughter...great move man), saying the company fucking sucks (typical stuff), and then decided that he was going to try to make me pay for the game play guarantee out of my own pocket. I tried to calm him down but no matter what I said, he told me that I was the one who ripped him off and that he was going to stand there until I take out my wallet and pay him $2 out of it. Finally I was like "Sir, I am just an employee here. If I don't follow company policy, I can lose my job and I need this job. I don't get paid very much here and frankly, I don't think it's fair for you to ask me to pay for this." Yeah, I know it's "only" $2 and I've donated much more to other people in the past, but I'm not just gonna shell out $2 for someone who is obviously capable of paying for it himself. He told me that unlike him, I have rich-ass parents I can crawl to if I needed money and that he had a family to feed. Right... So finally, after throwing a pen in my face, he left still cussing and swore that he was never going to step foot in an EB again. Later in the day, he came back claiming that his game didn't work. Pretending that the earlier incident never happen, I was very polite and tested out the game in our interactive; it worked perfectly. Nevertheless, I let him choose another game and gave him the leftover money on a gift card. Before he left, he smiled and asked for my name, saying that he was going to call customer service to tell them what a great employee I am and how EB has gained a loyal customer. :roll:[/QUOTE]

I get people like that all the time. Their mood swings are quite bizarre.

As for the person who doesn't believe these stories are real, log off your computer and take a walk down the street. Some people suck. Get a job in retail and you'll be quite surprised at some of the customer encounters you get.
Ok, I've got a few more here that have come back to me, but it requires a little backstory.

I used to work at a little Mom & Pop video store near my house, you know, one of those Mom & Pop places that also has the adult stuff. In the back, behind the curtains. But my stories aren't dealing with that for right now...

The owner of said store had no concept of how to make money, as he would routinely let people rent stuff and just put it on the account, and then end up taking a large chunk of it off anyways.

This one day I get a customer coming in and he just bought a new DVD player and he wants to buy a bunch of DVDs to get started. I say ok, and I show him the used DVDs. He proceeds to pick up about 15 dvds, totaling near 200 bucks. Now while I'm ringing this all up, he's joking with me how he's not going to ever pay for the movies blah blah blah whatever. I tell him the total and he's like, "I just told you I'm not paying the movies today." So I was like, I can't just give you 200 bucks worth of stuff and you not pay for it. So he gets pissed and everything, saying that I just told you that I wasn't (who the hell would actually believe him) and that I should call the owner...whatever. So i call him, but he doesn't pick up so I leave him a message. While I'm waiting for him to call back, this guy starts getting all angry at me, like I'm to blame for not letting him get 200 bucks worth of dvds for basically free. He's like, you ruined my dinner, my pizza will be burnt by the time I pick it up, blah, blah, blah. and then he threatens to have his kid come in, who must have been like 16 or something, and I was 18 at the time, to come in and "Bitch slap me". I was stunned, I could not believe he would say that to me, it took all the restraing I've ever had to not jump over the counter and proceed to beat this prick down. Meanwhile, I get a call from the owner saying that it was alright to put in on this asshole's account.

Idiots. Both of them. Before I got fired (oh man is that a story to tell), he still hadn't paid for all those DVDs.

He never did come back when I was working though, he's lucky he didn't.
I've realized that I now feel completely comfortable using the words,

*slowly*, "I want to help you. I want to fix this for you. Can we try to figure this out together?"

sometimes, people still get huffy. at which point I usually say, "It's not that big a deal." about, four times. most of the time they get it.

I do really hate it when people do trade ins and bitch and moan all loudly that we're ripping them off because they paid top dollar for their madden 02 (that was in 2002, people! you've played it for like three years and multiple sequals have come out!) but then they talk down to you right in front of all your other customers, pointing one finger accusingly at you, whlie holding their other grimey little selfish hand out for the $$. *fumes* that's so a pet peeve, take your money and be happy with it, or you're welcome to go elsewhere, where they'll pay you the same if not less for your old-ass used game....:roll:
i know exactly how you feel. i love when ppl come in (madden a prime example and smackdown as well), yelling how they paid 50 bucks and we offer .25 cents. thats life. maybe they should learn how to buy good games. like stuff thats not wrestling and a year old madden being the current year and downloading rosters. i highly doubt that one new move (hit stick whooo) is going to make a difference. funny customers. sell to some little kid.
[quote name='CappyCobra']Hey Scahom1, you ever find out about 'Shrink Wrap' Guy?[/QUOTE]

Jill's on vacation till Friday. Trust me, the wait is killing me ;)
QUOTE=rickybee2003]i know exactly how you feel. i love when ppl come in (madden a prime example and smackdown as well), yelling how they paid 50 bucks and we offer .25 cents. thats life. maybe they should learn how to buy good games. like stuff thats not wrestling and a year old madden being the current year and downloading rosters. i highly doubt that one new move (hit stick whooo) is going to make a difference. funny customers. sell to some little kid.[/QUOTE]

Another pet peeve. Although I fully understand why they are pissed, they just don't know how the industy works. Yea, you paid $50 for it back in 2002, but when it's a 3 year old sports game, you shouldn't really expect much. It's not only because of how old it is, it's also supply and demand. I mean, GTA 3 is one of the best PS2 games, but we only give $1.50 for it, because everybody already owns it. Same goes for Madden (especially this year)

Should they even bother trading in the .50/$1 games? Of course not...they should donate them or give them to a friend. A kid would appreciate them regardless of what they cost.

My favorite line is when they tell me, "i'll just sell it on eBay" Little do they know the cost of the listing will be more then the final bid. :)

BTW, don't knock wrestling ;)
I worked at a Toys R Us a few years back and had a couple "funny" things happen to me.
First off, we had this guy call up and wanted to return a PS2 system he had bought about a week before explaining that his family was having "Financial problems" and needed the money more than the system at that time. Our manager was nice enough to say that he would do it, even though the system was open as long as he had everything that it came with including the packaging. He assured us he did. Since I was working in the R Zone, I had to approve all the returns when I was there and he comes in so they call me up to the service desk. Im met by this burly, dirty fellow and his trailer trash wife and he hands me a freaking garbage bag. I open it and pull out the dirtiest smelling PS2 I had ever seen. Nothing but the system dangling the cables and a controller. As my manager and an older lady that worked there looked on I laid the system out on the counter and then see a freaking dirty band-aid stuck to the back of the system...and when I picked up the controller, some kind of oily liquid began to drip out of it. I dropped it right then and just shoot my head no letting the manager know we didn;t what this one back. My Manger then explains to the guy that we can't take this system back, and he goes absolutely crazy. "You TOLD me I could bring it back! I drove 5 miles to get here!". The other funny thing is that Im 6'5" and about 320 pounds and he wouldn't look at me, but kept cursing the older lady and telling my manger "You wanna step outside? Ill take care of my problem with you right now!" but he wouldn't look at me. My manger finally said "Im calling the police" and the guy is like "fuck that! Come outside with me! I want to settle this right now!" so I said "John, you go ahead and call the police...Ill go outside with him and see what he wants" and the guys like "Just give me my shit back! Ill never buy from you again!" and left ;)

The other stupid thing that happened was right around the time of the big PS2 shortage, we had soemone come in and steal 2 PS2 system and only found out a day later cause they had the balls to sneak in and do it while the R Zone worker was on break and they stole the stuff and left the empty boxes on the shelf so they werent discovered till someone went to pick them up. Anyways we went back on the security tape and got a look at the two fellows. About a week later, I was just clocking out to go home and they called over the loud speaker "Jason, line 7, R Zone" which was our code for theft in progress. I go up to the R Zone and there are the two guys from the tape! They had this brown sack from a nearby store and as I walked around the corner, I see the one guy drop something into the bag the other is holding and the bottom of the bag bulks out. I walks up and say "Is there something I can help you gentlemen with?" and the one says "Nope...just looking" as the other circles around behind me. I start having this image of getting shot in the back so I turned toward him and as I did, the first guy swings the bag at my head. I caught it mid-air and his friend doesnt this really queer looking jump kick at me. Like I said before, Im a really big man and he just kind of falls to the floor. I jerk the sack from the other guys hands and they take off like track stars. Me and the greeter chase them outside where Ms Trailer Trash was waiting in the getaway car. The highlight of my day was when she looks up from a book and says "SHIT!" as her thieves dive into the windows, Hazzard style and I come lumbering toward her beat up Chevette. Turns out the sack had two more PS2 systems loose in it.We got the licence number, called the cops and 2 days later, the store gave me and the greeter both a $25 gift card. Gee thanks!
[quote name='jousley']I
The other stupid thing that happened was right around the time of the big PS2 shortage, we had soemone come in and steal 2 PS2 system and only found out a day later cause they had the balls to sneak in and do it while the R Zone worker was on break and they stole the stuff and left the empty boxes on the shelf so they werent discovered till someone went to pick them up. Anyways we went back on the security tape and got a look at the two fellows. About a week later, I was just clocking out to go home and they called over the loud speaker "Jason, line 7, R Zone" which was our code for theft in progress. I go up to the R Zone and there are the two guys from the tape! They had this brown sack from a nearby store and as I walked around the corner, I see the one guy drop something into the bag the other is holding and the bottom of the bag bulks out. I walks up and say "Is there something I can help you gentlemen with?" and the one says "Nope...just looking" as the other circles around behind me. I start having this image of getting shot in the back so I turned toward him and as I did, the first guy swings the bag at my head. I caught it mid-air and his friend doesnt this really queer looking jump kick at me. Like I said before, Im a really big man and he just kind of falls to the floor. I jerk the sack from the other guys hands and they take off like track stars. Me and the greeter chase them outside where Ms Trailer Trash was waiting in the getaway car. The highlight of my day was when she looks up from a book and says "SHIT!" as her thieves dive into the windows, Hazzard style and I come lumbering toward her beat up Chevette. We got the licence number, called the cops and 2 days later, the store gave me and the greeter both a $25 gift card. Gee thanks![/QUOTE]

LoL! good thing they weren't into Xboxes! you might've been knocked out cold! :lol:
yeah an xbox would hurt no matter how big you are. oh and wrestling sucks. go ahead have your "pro" (acting) i mean wrestling but you have to admit that high school wrestling is possibly the most homosexual sport in the history of.. well...everything. unless man/man daisy chains becomes a sport but even then there pretty much the same thing.
[quote name='jousley']I worked at a Toys R Us a few years back and had a couple "funny" things happen to me.
First off, we had this guy call up and wanted to return a PS2 system he had bought about a week before explaining that his family was having "Financial problems" and needed the money more than the system at that time. Our manager was nice enough to say that he would do it, even though the system was open as long as he had everything that it came with including the packaging. He assured us he did. Since I was working in the R Zone, I had to approve all the returns when I was there and he comes in so they call me up to the service desk. Im met by this burly, dirty fellow and his trailer trash wife and he hands me a freaking garbage bag. I open it and pull out the dirtiest smelling PS2 I had ever seen. Nothing but the system dangling the cables and a controller. As my manager and an older lady that worked there looked on I laid the system out on the counter and then see a freaking dirty band-aid stuck to the back of the system...and when I picked up the controller, some kind of oily liquid began to drip out of it. I dropped it right then and just shoot my head no letting the manager know we didn;t what this one back. My Manger then explains to the guy that we can't take this system back, and he goes absolutely crazy. "You TOLD me I could bring it back! I drove 5 miles to get here!". The other funny thing is that Im 6'5" and about 320 pounds and he wouldn't look at me, but kept cursing the older lady and telling my manger "You wanna step outside? Ill take care of my problem with you right now!" but he wouldn't look at me. My manger finally said "Im calling the police" and the guy is like "fuck that! Come outside with me! I want to settle this right now!" so I said "John, you go ahead and call the police...Ill go outside with him and see what he wants" and the guys like "Just give me my shit back! Ill never buy from you again!" and left ;)

The other stupid thing that happened was right around the time of the big PS2 shortage, we had soemone come in and steal 2 PS2 system and only found out a day later cause they had the balls to sneak in and do it while the R Zone worker was on break and they stole the stuff and left the empty boxes on the shelf so they werent discovered till someone went to pick them up. Anyways we went back on the security tape and got a look at the two fellows. About a week later, I was just clocking out to go home and they called over the loud speaker "Jason, line 7, R Zone" which was our code for theft in progress. I go up to the R Zone and there are the two guys from the tape! They had this brown sack from a nearby store and as I walked around the corner, I see the one guy drop something into the bag the other is holding and the bottom of the bag bulks out. I walks up and say "Is there something I can help you gentlemen with?" and the one says "Nope...just looking" as the other circles around behind me. I start having this image of getting shot in the back so I turned toward him and as I did, the first guy swings the bag at my head. I caught it mid-air and his friend doesnt this really queer looking jump kick at me. Like I said before, Im a really big man and he just kind of falls to the floor. I jerk the sack from the other guys hands and they take off like track stars. Me and the greeter chase them outside where Ms Trailer Trash was waiting in the getaway car. The highlight of my day was when she looks up from a book and says "SHIT!" as her thieves dive into the windows, Hazzard style and I come lumbering toward her beat up Chevette. Turns out the sack had two more PS2 systems loose in it.We got the licence number, called the cops and 2 days later, the store gave me and the greeter both a $25 gift card. Gee thanks![/QUOTE]

This makes me lament my 5'8", 165 lb frame...

And how the hell does someone abuse a PS2 to the point where fluid drains out of the controller? Then again, I'd bet they were digging through garbage and found it there...

[quote name='Scorch']

Anyways, like some girls do in the electronic field, she used her charm to sell a big screen TV.. the guy got it, left, and kept calling up there to ask for her. He wanted to ask her out.. nothing really came of it, I don't think, and it wasn't really a "hell" customer as much of a "fuck off" customer. Never saw the guy, but she got a nice paycheck (nearly double of mine, that week she had made $500).[/quote]

LOL. so some dude spent a couple grand on a tv to try to get a date that never happened. He would have been better off whoring.

i've found that if I'm nice, they usually give me perks. At GameCrazy, sometimes I'll go in just to talk to the guys working (one guy now posts here, I think), i'll share deals I find,

i share deals, both with other customers, and the workers, sometimes i have to pick up their jaw off the floor when i explain about turning 100 blockbuster dollars into 300 in ebgames credit, or about the $5 circuit city sale, or about the bestbuy gamer gift card working on items under $20(of course it no longer works on items under $20 :( ) or about some other sale. its best to share the cheap love.

Long story short, while I don't agree with some of the logic in this post (mainly GizmoGC spazzing out over one question, remind me not to ask him to pass something at the dinner table.. "WHAT! WE HAVE NO TURKEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS? fuckING THANKSGIVING! YOU STUPID ASSHAT! OMG!"), it was very entertaining. Returns and irate customers are hilarious, bashing people because they asked a question is not.

well, i dont think gizmog actually starts hassling customers that ask about 3d glasses or ones that ask if the snes is new or used etc, he seems to be venting about it here. I am assuming he doesnt spaz out when a customer asks a dumb question, but he just remembers it, and spazes about it here.
I don't harass customers that a stupid questions. I simply say we don't carry it. When it gets to the point of "Yes you do! Ive seen them before. You're a liar!" then yes, I get nasty. My old employees love it when I come into my old store, since I can tell customers there morons to their face.
[quote name='gizmogc']And your 100% of an idiot. For some reason, you STILL read this thread...why? Well, anway, Congrats, you are now the second person to be put on my ignore list. Goodbye. :D[/QUOTE]

[quote name='vietgurl']So according to you, 100% of all customers are nice and courteous to sales representatives.

Take a good look at the world around you. People can be jerks. And many don't give a fuck about anyone else besides themselves.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Scahom1']I get people like that all the time. Their mood swings are quite bizarre.

As for the person who doesn't believe these stories are real, log off your computer and take a walk down the street. Some people suck. Get a job in retail and you'll be quite surprised at some of the customer encounters you get.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Callandor']Uh-huh, just like the Holocaust, right? :roll:

To quote Martian Successor Nadesico:

[quote name='CappyCobra']You obviously never worked retail. Or at least not long enough for that matter. All the experiances I wrote about are 100% bonafide truth. After working in retail for 6yrs, you tend to see it all.[/QUOTE]

Ahh, two and a half years isn't enough I suppose.

I've never said that 100% of customers are amazingly nice people.


But too many of you are 16 to 18 year old high school students, and I'm not going to waste my time wading through your horrible syntax and grammar to argue with any of you.

Understand this, you would never want to be treated as a stupid and uninformed customer. Never.

So why do you bother treating people like that? None of you are divine and all-knowing. At some point you'll enter into a situation when you have to ask questions and maybe you'll make a simple mistake and ask a "silly" question. Would you want to be treated like an idiot?


You'll all learn as you grow up.

Until then, continue giving each other high fives because you "pwned" some old lady that doesn't know the difference between an Xbox and a Playstation 2.
[quote name='WAJedi']I'm fine with dealing with uninformed customers. Infact, I love to wait on like grandparents who come in shopping for their grandkids. Alot of the time they have very interesting stories to tell. I love to see people walking out of the store happy, knowing that they will probably come back because I gave them great service, and didn't talk down to them. I am never a dick to a customer, even if they are to me. It pisses them off more if you are nice back to them when they are cussing at you.[/QUOTE]

I agree wholeheartedly.

I've been cussed at and called a "fucking asshole" to my face for asking a customer to wait while I finish helping another customer. And I just come back like it never happened and help them.
There's a big difference between a customer who is simply uninformed, and a customer who believes they're correct when they're not, and no amount of logic or politeness is going to change their stubborn and rude demeanor.

Politeness/respect begets politeness/respect. If you're cool, I'm cool. If you're an obnoxious dickmouth, I see no reason to continue being patient and polite.

Please know that by "you" that I'm not referring to you, but rather to a customer who either chooses to accept and reciprocate politeness, or wants to call me long-hair fucking hippie because he's all out of targets.
A customer redemption story:

At Blockbuster I had this guy bring a movie back and he wanted credit because he didn't like it. I ask if there was something physically wrong with the tape and he says no, he just didn't like it. I tried explaining that taste is subjective and we stocked way too many direct-to-video atrocities to give people their money back when a movie was less than Scorcesian. He would have none of it. Finally the guy behind him in line pipes up, "Dude, it's not Blockbuster's fault that you rented a crappy movie. Get over it." That earned Customer #2 free rentals and a thank you.
[quote name='Ledhed']There's a big difference between a customer who is simply uninformed, and a customer who believes they're correct when they're not, and no amount of logic or politeness is going to change their stubborn and rude demeanor.

Politeness/respect begets politeness/respect. If you're cool, I'm cool. If you're an obnoxious dickmouth, I see no reason to continue being patient and polite.

Please know that by "you" that I'm not referring to you, but rather to a customer who either chooses to accept and reciprocate politeness, or wants to call me long-hair fucking hippie because he's all out of targets.[/QUOTE]

Led, you are a long-haired hippie with the Jebus beard. :rofl:
Ahh, two and a half years isn't enough I suppose.

I've never said that 100% of customers are amazingly nice people.


But too many of you are 16 to 18 year old high school students, and I'm not going to waste my time wading through your horrible syntax and grammar to argue with any of you.

Understand this, you would never want to be treated as a stupid and uninformed customer. Never.

So why do you bother treating people like that? None of you are divine and all-knowing. At some point you'll enter into a situation when you have to ask questions and maybe you'll make a simple mistake and ask a "silly" question. Would you want to be treated like an idiot?


You'll all learn as you grow up.

Until then, continue giving each other high fives because you "pwned" some old lady that doesn't know the difference between an Xbox and a Playstation 2.

Just for fun, I'll answer. Myself, I am 20. I have worked retail for 3 years. After 4 months at my store, I was promoted to Store Manager. Now, I don't think that would have happened if I scared all my customers off my screaming at them and acting rude. You seem to know nothing. You claim you worked in retail, I just don't beleive it. The way you act, it would seem you ARE one of those customers we hate, and do badmouth as soon as you walk-out of the store. I will say nothing else, I have ignored you, and will not read anymore of your posts.
[quote name='tauruskatt']LoL! good thing they weren't into Xboxes! you might've been knocked out cold! :lol:[/QUOTE]

Ouch. That reminds me of the time I was in the back about to leave from EB. We had just clocked out and counted down the drawer. We were in the back and getting our coats ready to leave. The manager decided to get an XBox down for some reason or another, I think he had space on the floor to fill. Anyways, he reaches, slips, and is bent over trying to regain his balance.. the XBox falls square on his back.. at this point, i'm thinking he's dead, but he just shrugs it off. I hope his back is okay, that thing made the loudest sound when it hit his back. The funny part? We didn't prevent it from hitting him, but we caught it after it hit his back, so it was still sellable.
[quote name='mr_pollock']Ahh, two and a half years isn't enough I suppose.

I've never said that 100% of customers are amazingly nice people.


But too many of you are 16 to 18 year old high school students, and I'm not going to waste my time wading through your horrible syntax and grammar to argue with any of you.

Understand this, you would never want to be treated as a stupid and uninformed customer. Never.

So why do you bother treating people like that? None of you are divine and all-knowing. At some point you'll enter into a situation when you have to ask questions and maybe you'll make a simple mistake and ask a "silly" question. Would you want to be treated like an idiot?


You'll all learn as you grow up.

Until then, continue giving each other high fives because you "pwned" some old lady that doesn't know the difference between an Xbox and a Playstation 2.[/QUOTE]I NEVER mistreated a customer. No matter HOW stupid a question might seem. The most 'responses' are what I WANT to say but can't (with the exception of the time a customer dropped a duece.)
[quote name='mr_pollock']Ahh, two and a half years isn't enough I suppose.

I've never said that 100% of customers are amazingly nice people.


But too many of you are 16 to 18 year old high school students, and I'm not going to waste my time wading through your horrible syntax and grammar to argue with any of you.

Understand this, you would never want to be treated as a stupid and uninformed customer. Never.

So why do you bother treating people like that? None of you are divine and all-knowing. At some point you'll enter into a situation when you have to ask questions and maybe you'll make a simple mistake and ask a "silly" question. Would you want to be treated like an idiot?


You'll all learn as you grow up.

Until then, continue giving each other high fives because you "pwned" some old lady that doesn't know the difference between an Xbox and a Playstation 2.[/QUOTE]

Yup, this 22 year-old mathematics major (graduating in three weeks, thank you, and going on to graduate school this fall) with 7 years of food service experience, 2 as a manager, really has bad grammar and syntax.

As a matter of fact, there are times when I've had to ask stupid questions to customer service representatives, but I never do so in a manner that degrades them, nor do I ever, EVER lose any part of my temper in front of one. Stupid questions are a reality anyone in customer service has to deal with, and we're used to it. I walk into them with a sense of humor and lightheartedness that makes the situation easier for them and I to deal with. I give those poor workers my utmost respect and patience, and in return I am treated respectfully. If I'm frustrated about something, I hold it in and vent out in the parking lot; no stressed-out worker deserves a verbal lashing or threats.

We understand that not everyone is as omniscient as us when they walk into our stores. They don't know everything. Neither do we, but we do know our respective fields better than anyone else. I may get impatient, but I've learned through rigorous trial and error that treating ANY customer like an idiot gets you nowhere. I've learned that as I've grown up.

We are not talking about the basic stupid customer. We're bitching about the ones that provoke us, that personally attack us. These people deserve no respect, yet we still try to give it to them. If they still act like asses at that point, then they've earned the honor of being nailed to crosses. Otherwise, if they're polite and helpful, we will never cross them.

Given, there are a few innate dicks in service as well, but my comments do not apply to them. These people deserve to get fired for any belittling comments they might make.

I, and everyone else who has posted horror stories here, are (hopefully) not. We are not immature pricks. We are patient, kind, understanding people who refuse to be talked down to just because someone thinks that a wallet with credit cards makes him/her our God.

And you, sir, do not seem to understand this concept. Not everyone in the world deserves respect.
[quote name='Graystone']You could work at Radioshack. when I worked there people would ask me stupid questions all the time. We would be at the phone section, and people would ask me how much is this phone there is a 3 inch price tag right underneath it. sometimes in a bad mood I would be like what does the price tag say.


Hay, a fellow Radio Shack Employee. I guess you would understand better than anyone how much of a bitch getting big returns on you is. Especial when you manager caves into every fucking thing.

Story time kids.

A big mean black woman comes in every so often, spends some money, and returns it a few days later. Well, she comes in and buys a sprint phone. Of course she has to pay a deposit of 130 bucks. She pays it and woop woop gets the silver bundle. That includes a car charger, leather case, and earpiece. $300 later ( she got the Sanyo 8200 when it was 129.99) she walks out happy. About 3 weeks later she comes back with her 1st bill of $122. She demands that we return the phone. I tell her there is a 15 day return policy on cell phones, and even then the deposit is usually non refundable.

My fucking manager took the return though. (she didn't get her deposit back, I wasn't there to see it but I was told it was ugly.) her credit with sprint if fucked though.
[quote name='ananag112']This is one of the best threads I have ever read. I need to get a job at a game store so I can contribute a story or two.[/QUOTE]

Hey, any retail job counts- and it doesn't even have to be a nasty, bitchy customer story either, just something notable- for example:

First off, note craft stores get their Chirstmas junk early- like, the-Xmas-stickers-came-in-last-week kind of early. Anyway, last year, about a week before Halloween, I was working a late shift. I think it was about 8, 8:30 at night, when in come a black guy in a skin-tight, bell-bottomed, purple pimp suit with red trim, the big hat w/ feather (also Purple/red), and a zebra-striped cane. He sees me, and asks where the pine cones are. I tell him, he heads back to look, then leaves a few minutes later. It was almost surreal.

The best part was, I was checking out a lady with a 4 or 5 year old girl in tow, who of course wanted to know why that man was dressed so funny. Wish I could've heard the explaination...
[quote name='DuelLadyS']Hey, any retail job counts- and it doesn't even have to be a nasty, bitchy customer story either, just something notable- for example:

First off, note craft stores get their Chirstmas junk early- like, the-Xmas-stickers-came-in-last-week kind of early. Anyway, last year, about a week before Halloween, I was working a late shift. I think it was about 8, 8:30 at night, when in come a black guy in a skin-tight, bell-bottomed, purple pimp suit with red trim, the big hat w/ feather (also Purple/red), and a zebra-striped cane. He sees me, and asks where the pine cones are. I tell him, he heads back to look, then leaves a few minutes later. It was almost surreal.

The best part was, I was checking out a lady with a 4 or 5 year old girl in tow, who of course wanted to know why that man was dressed so funny. Wish I could've heard the explaination...[/QUOTE]

Oh, I can think of one use for the pine cones... :censored:
You guys (and gals) are almost there. But know that two wrongs do not make a right. That is the moral of this story.

Once you stoop to their level and insult them (the rude, obnoxious customers), whether it's in their face or on a forum, you are being just as rude and obnoxious.

[quote name='Callandor']Yup, this 22 year-old mathematics major (graduating in three weeks, thank you, and going on to graduate school this fall) with 7 years of food service experience, 2 as a manager, really has bad grammar and syntax.[/QUOTE]

For being a mathematics major, I applaud your coherent sentences and subject/verb agreement.

I'm honestly not trying to insult anyone or make any enemies here.

Now everyone give a big LOL.

Don't post those kind of pictures. Use some common fucking sense. - Trakan
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"Employees of ALL stores - Stories about 'special' customers! (Now with no ' in title)"

I still count two...
hye maybe this should be a separate thread but here goes:

stupid customer quotes

-my mvp card is still bent, can i use it

-do you get anything special on your birthday if your an mvp member

-do you have that new game with the guy on it

-employee:is this your first time shopping here
emp:have you heard of our membership
cust:yeah im a member

-can i play this game(8 yr old holding up gta game)

-emp:may i have your phone number to access your account
customer:what happened?

-my brother has a ps3 at home

-can i get cash for my games?......well the other store did

-emp:im sorry we are sold out

-how much is that game that says 49.99 on it?

-where do you put the quarters(pointing at cash register)

-emp:whats your last name
emp:whats your first name
cust:rodriguez(yes this mans name really was rodriguez rodriguez had id to prove it)lol

-do you sell chess sets

-emp: if you preorder gta, well enter you in a drawing to win a free copy
cust:what kind of drawing do you have to do?

-do you guys accept cameras

-cust:i heard def jam is(customer farts very loudly)....excuse me.

-emp:can i get your phone #
cust:uh my names brian

-emp:may i have your last name
cust: eststallenzagiza
emp:could you please spell that
cust:sure its E....S.....tsallenzagiza

-do you cash checks

yeah i got alot more
-is gta vice city 2 out

-what free game demos do you have

-emp:can i have you phone #
cust: its....61079567348895
emp:sir that too many numbers
cust:it is?

-yo thats official yo

-this game says online(champions of norrath) so i can play it on my pc right

-do you play games

-you know how i got my gamecube? traded it for a bag of coke

emp:can i have you phone # please
cust: man i dont even like you
emp:you owe 1.18
cust:this is the cheapest date ever, i gave you my number and you wont even give me a dollar

-cust:when does eb gat gta in?
manager: they dont get it in(hates EB for some reatarded reason)

-do you sell dvd players

-so its 15 for a used one and 40 for a new one? ill just pay the extra 5 bucks and get a new one.

-can i use a walmart gift card here

emp:can i have your name
cust: its mike santiago
emp:but your id says anthony ianno
cust:ya thats my real name yo

-um..yes i would like to make an appointment to trade in please

-cust: do you have driv3r for xbox
emp: yes its 29.99
cust:damn its expensive to rent here

-why is the box for the ds so huge(holding up display box which is the size of a tv)

-what can you test drive

-do you sell games
[quote name='rickybee2003']emp:can i have you phone # please
cust: man i dont even like you
emp:you owe 1.18
cust:this is the cheapest date ever, i gave you my number and you wont even give me a dollar

I almost pissed my pants laughing at that! :lol:
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