Employees of ALL stores - Stories about 'special' customers! (Now with KAYDEN Power!)

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'Great thread. *all caught up*

I once received a pretty good prank call during my brief time at TRU:

A woman calls up, frantic; telling me her 3-year-old got his finger stuck in the PS2 memory card slot. Apparently, the finger swelled up, and she was unable to free his hand. ( wow )… I tell her to hang up and bring the kid the emergency room, but she wouldn’t get off the phone. And in the background, I could hear fake ‘baby crying’. She kept asking me how hard she should pull, and if she should get a hammer, or some vaseline. I tell her I’m in no way qualified to give her advice, and once again, I suggest the emergency room. She stops me again and says “I can’t go there, ‘cause I’m afraid they’ll break my PS2, and I don’t think the warranty covers this.

At this point, I couldn’t even talk to her ‘normal’ anymore cause I was having a hard time keeping from laughing. And in the meantime, she’s still *very* upset: “This is a very serious situation! His finger is starting to change colors!! Maybe someone else in your store knows how to get his finger out of the slot!”

It was a slow night ( business-wise ); I think half the store staff got to talk to this woman; each giving her their own creative advice. We kept telling her to come by with the kid/PS2 and we’ll free the two via group effort /:)
Oh god... I just remembered something. I used to work in the library at my college. This meant I had to baby sit people that had no clue how use computers.

You would be amazed at the sheer volume of people that expected me to know thier passwords. People would want to sign up for things online only to find they didn't know their email address. People actually got mad at me when I told them I didn't know it.

The macs only had zip drives. After fishing out the first floppy disk, I could see how this was going to be a problem. So I made signs... that were subsequently ignored. Then they would be frustrated with ME when their disk broke because I had to pry it out with a bic pen.

I had a guy tell me the schools internet was down. I assured him it wasn't because I was using it at the same time. He was quite insitent that the internet wouldn't work no matter what site he tried to go to... I found this odd because all the computers were set up to avoid tampering that would cause such things... short of physical removal of the connection. So I go to his computer to see the problem... Thanks to this man, I now know Word is a horrible web browser.

This one is funny... but utterly tragic and somewhat heart breaking. I handled the admissions testing, which was computer based. One of the testers was brough down by an admissions rep and told that I could help him if he had computer problems. To that, he curtly replied that he had a 40,000 (yes.... 4 zeros) dollar machine at home and knew what the hell he was doing with computers. After the admissions rep left, I had to practically enter all the information for the guy... Anyways... I got him rolling on the test and thought nothing more of him... He must have wanted to check his mail or something because he got a little pop up. Ya know the flashing ones with balloons and confetti saying you won XXXX money? This certainly made this mans day because he came running up to my desk demanding a pen and paper because he only had 40 seconds to call this number. I know I could have told him it was a scam... but I thought it might prove mildly entertaining. So he hobbles back to the computer to get the phone number... (he had a noticable limp... part of why I feel bad about this) and he comes running back as fast as he can to use my phone. He calls the number and says hes the big winner! 'What do you mean? I won the contest, I was told to call this number for money! ... what? You mean I don't get any money? You got my hopes up for that? You're a fucking lair! (he screams this... in a full library...) My house was flooded last month and I lost everything. I have nothing and you're fucking playing games with me." He slammed the phone down and limped back to his chair almost crying. I didn't know whether I should laugh at his naivety or be depressed that hes really that saddened and hard struck... I soon forget all about it as I go back to playing FFXI on my laptop.

Working there gave me a very negative view of young black women. On multiple occasions I had several black girls that would come in and sit next to each other and talk very loudly about some random crap. I'd ask them several times to be quiet. If 2-3 times didn't work I'd tell them to "shut the hell up or leave." One girl stared at me as I said it and kept blabbing to her friends. So I looked her in the eyes and said. "Yes, you. When I say shut up I mean shut your goddamned mouth." She told me she didn't have to take that and walked out. Of course, she did the 'mature' thing and shouted obscenities as she walked out the door. That got her removed from the library perminently. Also, this was not an isolated incident, so she was removed from school shortly there after. :mrgreen:

There were also a number of fights that occured in the library. There was a couple arguing about god knows what... all I remember is they were doing it at the top of their lungs. I walked up to them and politely tried to get their attention... three or four times. I'm a pretty patient person... but after being ignored this much and having people screaming in my face... I thought it would be fun to scream too. So, at the top of my very loud and angry, deep voice, I demanded they "shut the fuck up and get out of my library." The guy didn't think that was a good idea and got in my face asking why should he? I then explained to him that his walking out was much easier than my dragging him out. I think the fact that I was a foot taller than him helped in his decision making.

I also had a guy that would come in every day and ask for 'help' with his school work. By asking for help, I mean he wanted me to do it for him. For the first few weeks I was very polite in guiding his attempts to do it himself. I did have basic understandings of photoshop and those fun programs. After a while he wanted me to help him with programs I'd never even heard of. At that point I politely informed him thats really not my job to 1)do his homework for him nor 2) teach him how to use the software to do his homework. At the three month point I just started telling him I couldn't help, didn't know how to help, nor would I if I could on the grounds he was annoying me. After 6 months I stood up and in a very firm tone told him to shut his damn mouth, stop wasting my time trying to make me do his home work, stop pestering me to help him with programs he knows I don't know anything about, and told him to take his lazy ass back to his fucking computer and learn to read his damn book like all the other students. This had drawn quite a bit of attention as he soon noticed. I don't think I've ever seen a black person that red from embarassment. May not have been the best way to handle the situation, but damn it felt good.
Goddamit, I can't sleep, so I guess I'll post a funny one that just came to mind.

At the time of this story, I was freshly 18, but I've always looked a bit older than I ever was (that seemingly random assessment is a bit necessary, patience love). Anyhoo, a guy comes in and asks if we have (God help me if I can remember exactly what it was he needed). My Assistant Manager at the time, jolly fellow by the name 'a Randall (an accursed name amongst retail/customer service postitions) responds quickly with "No, we don't have that / offer that service / dinner special is soldout, sorry."

I'm behind the counter filing something, and the rather abrasive jackass (didn't respond at all to Randall's greeting, and seemed to be trying a little too hard to sound tough) leans over the counter to find me sitting on the floor. I feel his presence, and ask him if I can help him with anything. He then proceeds to ask me the exact same question that Randall just answered. Not to be deterred, Randall repeats what he just told this guy not 15 seconds ago.

Guy turns around to face Randall, and in a tone that suggested that Randall had just slapped Guy's mother, says, "I wasn't talking to you, I'm asking your Manager."

Guy turns back to me, still sitting on the floor filing. I turn and look him straight in the eye, knowing full well how funny and aggravating what I'm about to say is going to be for poor, dick-headed Guy:

"Well, as my Manager just explained to you, twice: no, no we do not."

Guy = :bomb:

Guy and Other Guy Who Was With Guy leave in a bit of a huff. Just before they're out the door, I look at Randall and say, "Jeez Randall, way to mouth off; he wasn't even asking you." :lol:

Guy turns around, and just as I would expect out of an abrasive needlessly-hostile jackass, he says, "What'd you say kid?"

"I said for you two to have an awesome day, thanks for coming in." ;)
Is this the manager in question? :mrgreen:

ps- being nice to angry people is great. :twisted:
Well, what the fuck, I've started down this path, may as well walk it for a while.

Christmas season Two-Thousand-Ought-Two. The policy has since changed (since enough of you Nancys bitched about getting opened games every once in a while), but at that time, you could return new opened product within a week. People would oft try to abuse the policy by getting a game and returning at the latest time possible, rinse, repeat. We'd try to prevent this by only allowing a person to continue the chain a couple of times: eventually, you're gonna just have to settle with what you got.

But Guy (not same ^^^ Guy mind you, just a catchall name I'm using, duh) simply wasn't feeling that. No no, he was going to keep exchanging, even if it meant crybaby bitching in front of a Christmas crowd just trying to get their shopping done, and two employees just wishing for the day to end.

Randall (God bless him): "I'm sorry sir, you've already made multiple exchanges, I'm not going to do it again."

Shitface: "Well why not, it says I can on the receipt! it's t3h l4wz!"

Randall, Patron Saint of Gaming Retail: "That is true for an original purchase sir; but this is the 3rd time in a row that you've requested an exchange. We can't allow that, it's store policy."

At this point, the people behind Guy are becoming particularly irritated, as they should be: this asshole is standing in a Christmas shopping crowd arguing over store policy as to why he can't rent games for free. I'm on the floor helping people find what they need, but Randall's patience is wearing thin. I come over to Wingman for Randall, hoping that hearing the words from two employees will enlighten this cretin.

Oh, how wrong was I.

Guy progressively gets louder and more abrasive the more I try to explain it to him monosyllabically. The bad cop in me starts to take hold, and I start telling the guy that he's holding up the crowd with this nonsense, and that he needs to leave the store.

Of Guy I quote: "Shut up, you fucking hippie, go back to high school."

Of me I quote: "You've been to school, right? Ever take any economics or business classes? Because what you're arguing goes against every base concept of profit and loss prevention."

Angry Guy: "fuck you, you're trying to call me stupid."

Little Ol' Me: "You've done all the work for me."

Angrier Guy: "I'll kick your ass, you little fuck!"

Randall: "Don't threaten my employee, sir. Leave the store before I call the police."

I suppose Guy has dealt with the police intimately prior to that moment, because he foots it out the door the moment Randall starts dialing. With the register clear, Randall and I finish out the line and end the day smiling.

And no Kayden, that isn't him, though he is in spirit. I remember the day I got the job and met Randall; I went home and told my Dad (a huge Clerks fan) that I was working with someone with said name. He and I chuckled heartily at the thought of it.
wow, great stories, i have a couple to add, but not game store related...

i worked as a store detective at a local Meijers store, the store commonmly reffered to as the "ghetto Meijer" due to the level of trash that shop there (28th and Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, MI). we caught a couple trying to return a ps2, inside of the box was 2 phone books!!!! glad the service counter clerk opened the box!!!!

i work at an insurance company now. when i asked an insurance agent what the square footage of a mobile home was, she stated, "i dont have the square footage, i only have the length and the width."

the absolute best story i ever heard was from a co-worker store detective at Meijer that also worked at the "ghetto Meijer" and this occured at this store. he said years ago, he caught a large woman stealing all sorts of crap: cds, cigarettes, etc. he stated that he saw her do this wierd motion with a bottle of booze under her dress concealing it. he says that he stops he and gets her back to the apprehension office and the lady is searched, but no bottle of booze. she denies concealing any booze. the cops come and search her, no bottle of booze. he tries to convince the cops that he saw her take it, they dont believe him cause they cant find it on her. out of pity, the cops request a female officer to do a more through search and ask her to sit down in one of our metal chairs. she sits down and everyone hears a *tink*. long story short, a female office searches her more thoughrly, she had it hidden INTERNALLY under her dress......take a wild guess where. honest to god true story!
This is a great thread, indeed.

For Gord-worshippers, this is his new site. He lives and teaches in Korea. The activity is in the forums.
I did have someone come in who had picked up jade empire LE they had on reserve, and returned it unopened because,
"I forgot I wouldn't have an Xbox"...
"Yeah. It's a long story."...
*customer walks away, plays the xbox demo, returns*..
guy: "okay."
*customer looks like the saddest person in the world*
me: "well...bummer..."

Ah yes, slidecage has been spotted in the wild!
I work at a Gamestop myself, have been for just over a year now and I have a couple of stories:

We all know that the newest sports games by EA always sell pretty well and of course some people don't like them. Well this big black guy comes in about 6'2" all muscled up (I'm 5'9" and average), plunks down his copy of NBA 2005 and his receipt and demands a refund. I look at the reciept and look at the SKU and see that he bought it new. I look at the game and it's obvious that he played it, so I tell him I cannot return it since he played the game and you cannot return played games that you bought new. Well, this doesn't go over too well and he says "What am I supposed to do huh?" I reply with "You could trade it in, you won't get as much but at least you will get something." "Yea fine, oh what's that Mortal Kombat Deception about?" Well as I was telling him about MKD I mention that he would get $18 in credit for trading in the game. "WHAT THE fuck!? I JUST BOUGHT THIS FOR 40 BUCKS! fuck THAT I WANT MY GAME BACK!" So as I was giving him the game back, he snatches from my hand, knocks over the credit card reader and yells "THIS IS fuckING ENTRAPMENT! EB DOESN'T DO THIS SHIT!" As he is walking out the door I say "Have a nice day sir." "fuck YOU!"

Then the other people look at me and I say "It explains the return policy on his receipt."

Another time during the holiday season, we were running a deal that if you traded in games and put the money towards a reservation of Halo 2, you would get 30% credit. Well, this old guy comes in and starts talking to my assistant manager about it, I missed the first part of the conversation but I got in at the middle when the man started being belligerent. Keep in mind though that the ASM would cave in to customers usually, but this was an unusual case. The man wanted us to give him 30% credit because he wanted to reserve Halo 2, the problem was that he traded in the games 2 days prior and already got the credit. My manager tried explaining that we couldn't do it, but I had to step in and say "Listen sir, we cannot retroactively give you credit for games you already traded in. We could lose our jobs." This didn't work and we kept telling him no until he got angry and said "YOU TWO ARE DISSAPPOINTING MY GRANDCHILDREN! THEY WILL BE SADDENED BY THIS! I WANT YOUR NAMES AND THE NUMBER TO YOUR MANAGER!" His grandchildren were playing on the systems. Anyway, he finally left and we moved on with the other customers. I talked about it with my DM and being the wuss he was he said "You should have given him the credit, what if he goes to EB? We lost a customer."

So the fuck what? I'm not going to lose my job over one man's bitching.

Finally, just a weird family that came in once, I said "Can I help you find anything?" "Yea, just make sure it's not DEMONIC! We are good Christians and we don't want to go against the lord!"

O.O *Backs away slowly*

Edit: Forgot to mention something that happened on Tuesday.

Pretty much I pick up the phone and say my line "Welcome to Gamestop Oceanside, this is Chase speaking how may I help you?" and here is what I hear "Yo waz up... HOMIE! I'm lookin fo da PSP! I almost scraped my knee! Oh ya PSP!"

What... the... fuck? "Uh, can I help you?" and he started to repeat himself so I hung up. The little bastard called again 2 more times but I hung up on him.
I know this is kinda dumb question but if you buy a new or used game and it doesnt work can you get your money back or trade it in for another copy? Im just confused after reading the whole thread and its never happened to me before.
[quote name='stoned99']I have the same problem in Target all the time, if I'm wearing a red shirt I dread the "Do you work here question". PPL are such drones, why don't they look for the tell tale "Target" logo, or even the ever mysterious name tag.[/QUOTE]

Dude I get asked if I work at GS no matter what I wear. I do work at GS, but even as a customer people ask me questions. I'm typically nice though and say "Yea I do, but I'm off duty right now, but as a fellow gamer I can try to help."

I guess it's from me talking to the employees that are working there at the time that causes people to ask me.
[quote name='Vampire Hunter D']I know this is kinda dumb question but if you buy a new or used game and it doesnt work can you get your money back or trade it in for another copy? Im just confused after reading the whole thread and its never happened to me before.[/QUOTE]

New: Same game unless we don't have any in
Used: Money back or same game

That's the typical rule of thumb

Oh, just remembered another thing... who loves it when people see the gates closed, but still try the door? I love it, I've had people pull on the door and get all angry at me because we are closed, our hours are right next to the door. Once at Cold Stone this happened:

*Man pulls on door, finds out it's locked*
"Can I help you sir?"
"Yea can I get some ice cream?"
"Well, is the door locked?"
"Then the answer should be obvious."

I then resumed with my duties as he stormed off.

Edit again: Damn I keep remembering stuff, another thing that happened on Tuesday. These two guys come in with their mom and one comes up to me and asks for the new Wrestlemania game. I look and tell him that it was delayed two more days and the guy about has a seizure, keep it mind he's about 16 or so. He's all flailing around and going "omg omg omg you guys said it would be out today!" I told him that I had no control over ship dates and he would have to wait. Finally he calmed down and went to the Gamecube section.
[quote name='Kayden']It wasn't a polo shirt. It was a dark blue dress shirt. I wouldn't have worn any shade of anytype of shirt to BB, but I was out with my GF and she reminded me I had a gift certificate there... It took me an hour or more to find something I wanted... I hate BB. Their selection sucks and is over priced.[/QUOTE]

Even more sad, since the BB reps wear polo shirts. :rofl:
[quote name='XboxHardcore.com']LMAO... at CC, the PC asks us "was customer born before .... " meanin they are 17 and older... if they look 17 or around there, I just ask "you 17?" ... or if they arent 17, meanin you can tell, I just tell em "U needa be 17 to buy this"[/QUOTE]

At BB, I get carded for games all the time, in the last year, that are M-rated.

Which is pretty funny, since I haven't been 17 for 17 years. I figure the gray hair might be a little bit of a giveaway. :roll: I've been carded more recently for games than I have in my life for stepping into a bar. :roll: :roll:
I worked at a bookstore for a short while, and it constantly amazed me how many people would shop there, despite the fact that they apparently couldn't read. Every section of the store had large signs up clearly labeling it, but people would CONSTANTLY come up and ask where, for example, the fiction section was. Um, 5 feet behind you, under the large sign that says "FICTION" in 16 inch high letters?

Not directly related to the topic, but I also worked for a window replacement company for a couple of years (installing new windows and replacing broken ones), and I have to say, you cannot truly understand the horribleness of the human race until you've visited people in their homes. So many houses are simply covered in utter filth - rotting food, cockroaches, trash everywhere. There have been a number of posts complaining about customers who stink, and how they can not notice - its beause they live like that 24/7. At least in a store you only have to be near them for maybe 15 minutes. I was regularly stuck in stinking, sewer-like houses for hours on end.

A couple of houses that stand out in my memory:
*The cat lady - actually, there were a couple of 'cat ladies' that I met, but this one was the worst. She had to have had at least 25 cats, and the house was absolutely filthy. Cat shit everywhere. You couldn't take a step without stepping in it. She was a very nice lady, though - she offered me homemade chocolate chip cookies. I told her I was diabetic (I'm not. I'm just not eating cookies, especially chocolate chip cookies, from a house filled with cat turds. I actually used that excuse more than a few times.)

*Didn't happen to me, but a co-worker went to a job where the house owner was a 60+ year old woman who answered the door naked and tried to seduce him. Apparently, according to the people who worked there long-term, that sort of thing isn't all that uncommon.

*A house that stands out in my memory for the difference between the inside and the outside - normally, the shit houses are just plain shitty, old and run down, in bad neighborhoods. This one house, though, was a absolutely beautiful on the outside - giant brick house, professionally manicured lawn and garden, giant swimming pool out back - the house had to have cost a fortune. Inside, were HUNDREDS of pizza boxes with rotting, half-eaten pizzas in them, half-drank cans of soda, garbage of every sort imaginable.
[quote name='shrike4242']At BB, I get carded for games all the time, in the last year, that are M-rated.

Which is pretty funny, since I haven't been 17 for 17 years. I figure the gray hair might be a little bit of a giveaway. :roll: I've been carded more recently for games than I have in my life for stepping into a bar. :roll: :roll:[/QUOTE]

I was just carded for purchasing Midway Arcade Treasures 2 at EB.. i understand i'm 20 but i have a beard and i talked to the employee about how i used to play MK2 on my genesis as a kid.. but i understand he has to. and i feel bad about telling him off about the buyer protection disc thingie.. i appologize to all EB employees for my actions
Alright my next one is just as good as my first, i was lifeguarding a swim meet and we have a standard rule that no kids under 10 can warm-up. I see this kid in the pool whos about 8 ish and ask him how old he is and he says 9, and i tell him he has to be 10 and he quickly gets out. In fact ive never gotten any shit from a little kid but the parents.... anyways, his mom comes over and bitches at me on how he needs to warm up so he can be ready for his race for about 5 min, constantly yelling at me... I mean what 9 year old needs to warm up? So I having delt with this the last 5 summers unload on her ass, now first off i get get the other guard to watch my water, and step down from my stand, where she finally figures out what a mistake she made. See, she was about 5'6" or so and i stand about 6'4". So i tower over her, spit out my tabacco right next to her foot, and proceed to tell her that her child is not special, I do not care if your child is the next ian thorpe, he is not special, i also don't care what you tell him every night when he goes to sleep, HE IS NOT SPECIAL! m'am are you understanding me? at that point she is scared shitless, just as all of all the parents are who have young kids in the water who all of a sudden seem to come out of the pool. She slowly walks away, and I make my swimmeet anouncement that if catch any kid under 10 or anyone goofing off in the warmup lanes they will be removed from the swimmeet immeadiately...
I work at Cousins Subs. One night the girl I work with went to clean the men's bathroom and walked in on a kid playing with himself. I guess he forgot to lock the door. That kid flew out of the store.
The joys of working at a ShopKo that are right next to a Wal-Mart....

Her: I want a phone that rings.
Me: Ohhhhhkaayyyy... well... (walks to the phone aisle with her) I've never used any of these phones before so I don't know what their rings sound like.
Her: So you don't know if they ring of not?
Me: You mean like have a ringing tone compared to a beeping sound?
Her: No. I need it to ring.
Me: All of the phones that we carry here ring.
(She looks over all the phones.)

Her: I like this one here. What can it do?
(I rattle off the phones features which are listed on the information sheet below the phone and on the box)

Her: I saw this phone at Wal-Mart, but no one was around to help me so I thought I'd come here to see what you have. It's $2 less there so I'll just buy it there. (She walks off)

Not only did she leave the store and not buy anything after I helped her, but I didn't even get a thank you. Argh!
[quote name='greendc27']I work at Cousins Subs. One night the girl I work with went to clean the men's bathroom and walked in on a kid playing with himself. I guess he forgot to lock the door. That kid flew out of the store.[/QUOTE]

Caught by a girl, no less - talk about traumatic childhood experiences!

I was once at a movie theater and made my pre-movie trip to the bathroom. I noticed that a guy - regular-looking dude, nothing strange about him - was standing at the urinals for a long time (time for me to go in, use the bathroom, wash hands, etc). No big deal. I went to the theater and sat down. I overheard the people behind me saying some guy was jacking off in the bathroom - bing bing bing - my mind makes the connection - so THAT'S what he's up to. We were very early to the movie so I made one more trip 20 minutes later - guess what, dude is STILL standing at the same urinal (there was a wall of about 7, he was smack in the middle - the most obvious and out in the open place to do it!). I used a stall and made a quick exit... noticed he was looking at everyone as they came in. Very strange.
[quote name='Kuros']who loves it when people see the gates closed, but still try the door? I love it, I've had people pull on the door and get all angry at me because we are closed, our hours are right next to the door. Once at Cold Stone this happened:

*Man pulls on door, finds out it's locked*
"Can I help you sir?"
"Yea can I get some ice cream?"
"Well, is the door locked?"
"Then the answer should be obvious."

I then resumed with my duties as he stormed off.[/QUOTE]
You think that's bad, when closing, I had a customer ROLL under the friggin gate AS I was pulling it down! Talk about balls!
[quote name='XboxHardcore.com']You admit to posting at GameFaqs? .............[/QUOTE]


I usually post at the "Red Led" board is all. (Its an unofficial Led Zeppeln board)
Well I don't actually work at a VG store, but I do know about this rather slow guy, who's sort of a regular. He comes in every day (or so they tell me) just to "playtest" games. In the stores almost 4 years existence he has yet to buy a THING. Sometimes he gets angry and yells at the screen, once he even threw a game controller down after becoming frustrated.

To this day he still comes in and nobody gives a fuck.
[quote name='io']Thanks - I'll keep that in mind. That probably won't work for happy meals though, right? The ONLY reason I go there is to get the kids the happy meal toys. The food is incidental.[/QUOTE]

Nope, wouldn't work with Happy Meals or any value meals for that matter. But! What you should be able to do is, order the bun and cheese and also be able to buy just the happy meal toy for like 40 cents.

[quote name='tauruskatt']Then, I got a hug from a little girl!! cutest thing in the world, I was letting them out (because we had just closed) and all the sudden I look down and there's a little girl hugging me! And she said "Thank you!"...and I was like, wow... there is some good in the world. :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

That is awesome! That would probably take away at least a month's worth of retail bitterness away.

So currently I'm working at a Suncoast Video inside a mall. I know the whole babysitting thing all too well since there are like 3 nail places located pretty close by. There's always 2 or 3 little 12 year olds boys running around somewhere and most of the time they hang out at my store or the EB two stores down.

Anyways, just to add something, there's an old skinny guy (looks 60) who has short curly white hair and is always wearing headphones that comes in on Saturdays, always zips by and ignores all the people working (we're supposed to greet all customers that come in) and goes straight to the softcore nudie section. He looks through it for like 2 - 3 hours at a time and not buy anything. Well once in a blue moon he does buy something. We dubbed him "porno-man."
[quote name='dp84']
Anyways, just to add something, there's an old skinny guy (looks 60) who has short curly white hair and is always wearing headphones that comes in on Saturdays, always zips by and ignores all the people working (we're supposed to greet all customers that come in) and goes straight to the softcore nudie section. He looks through it for like 2 - 3 hours at a time and not buy anything. Well once in a blue moon he does buy something. We dubbed him "porno-man."[/QUOTE]

I just found out today that I have been dubbed "preorder guy" by the staff at Gamerush (I have 12 - someone on CAG has nearly 70). I guess after hearing this story I should be happy I don't have a worse nickname.
This thread needs to be renamed to "Employees of All Stores -- Stories about being an inconsiderate prick toward uninformed customers"

That would do just fine.
No, if we're going to travel that avenue, it should be "Stories about getting paid to be an inconsiderate prick toward uninformed customers."
[quote name='mr_pollock']This thread needs to be renamed to "Employees of All Stores -- Stories about being an inconsiderate prick toward uninformed customers"

That would do just fine.[/QUOTE]

How about "Poorly Paid Employees of All Stores - Stories about being an inconsiderate prick to idiot customers"

I get paid 50 cents above minimum wage; why the hell should I care about customers who yell and cuss at me? And then there are those cool customers who threaten to get me fired unless I somehow pull an out-of-stock game out of my ass without any consideration to how I depend on this job to pay for school, food, and housing. If they don't care about whether I end up on the streets, why should I put up with them when they're being jerks to me?

Nice customers are still cool in my book though.
[quote name='vietgurl']How about "Poorly Paid Employees of All Stores - Stories about being an inconsiderate prick to idiot customers"

I get paid 50 cents above minimum wage; why the hell should I care about customers who yell and cuss at me? And then there are those cool customers who threaten to get me fired unless I somehow pull an out-of-stock game out of my ass without any consideration to how I depend on this job to pay for school, food, and housing. If they don't care about whether I end up on the streets, why should I put up with them when they're being jerks to me?

Nice customers are still cool in my book though.[/QUOTE]

i can't say my job is much better (i cook at a denny's type place i make about 7 dollars an hour) but its less customer service.. when i used to host at the said restaurant i'd always get people try to complain about the food to try to get it for free.. i mean if the steak wasn't cooked right why did you then eat all of it? People also need to learn exactly how they like their eggs (i can't tell you how many times someone orders "sunny side up" and really means "over easy"_
[quote name='mr_pollock']This thread needs to be renamed to "Employees of All Stores -- Stories about being an inconsiderate prick toward uninformed customers"

That would do just fine.[/QUOTE]

I'm fine with dealing with uninformed customers. Infact, I love to wait on like grandparents who come in shopping for their grandkids. Alot of the time they have very interesting stories to tell. I love to see people walking out of the store happy, knowing that they will probably come back because I gave them great service, and didn't talk down to them. I am never a dick to a customer, even if they are to me. It pisses them off more if you are nice back to them when they are cussing at you.
I won't say who I work for, but I am a travel agent for a major company.

I can't stand ignorant people. Ignorant, middle-aged people who should know things that a 20/30-something year old does.

I get people that call me and ask about pricing for a hotel. Of course I go "sure, no problem at all, how are you, etc". Then I always ask if they saw a hotel on our website that they were interested in, so it's easier for me to find it in my booking system. The problem is when they say yes, because my next question to them is "Well did you see the pricing online?" and their reply is "yes it does but i thought you can give me something different." My reply? "sir, you're calling the same company, I use the same thing you do".

So often do people visit our site, see something, then call us to find out the same thing, then tell me they don't want to book it now. Of course that's the person who calls a week later and complains when the reservation they wanted is booked up or more expensive.
[quote name='mr_pollock']This thread needs to be renamed to "Employees of All Stores -- Stories about being an inconsiderate prick toward uninformed customers"

That would do just fine.[/QUOTE]


Look- half the stuff we've written here, we NEVER say to anyone. Of ocurse it's not fair to get on people's cases for some stuff- at my store, we have a weird-@$$ register setup, so the most common question I get is 'which one's open?' I don't ever tell anyone 'the one without a closed sign, dumb@$$'- it is hard to tell. But trust me, when person #85 asks which register is open, or plops their stuff on a counter next to a closed sign, you wanna say it. Cuz you're tired of people getting it wrong. You can't tho, you know it's not their fault half the time. So you politely tell them where to go, and bottle up the frustration to vent out elsewhere... say, CAG. :D

So let us vent, OK? Yeesh...
[quote name='CappyCobra']You think that's bad, when closing, I had a customer ROLL under the friggin gate AS I was pulling it down! Talk about balls![/QUOTE]

Did he reach back to grab his fedora just before the gate slammed down?
I think it's time for me to contribute to this post.

One night, right before closing, a man and his son come to return some Dragon Ball Z game. They had paid $20 for it earlier in the day, but he has already opened it. I told him because it was opened I can't let him return it, but he can trade it in for $8 in store credit. He didnt want the $8, he wanted the $20. I told him the return policy 3 or 4 times but he didn't agree. He leaves the store and slams the game to the ground. The case shatters, and he walks off. Once I see him drive off, I go and retrive the game from the parking lot and trade it in for $8 myself (the case was shattered, but the game was in perfect condition).
[quote name='Flea']I think it's time for me to contribute to this post.

One night, right before closing, a man and his son come to return some Dragon Ball Z game. They had paid $20 for it earlier in the day, but he has already opened it. I told him because it was opened I can't let him return it, but he can trade it in for $8 in store credit. He didnt want the $8, he wanted the $20. I told him the return policy 3 or 4 times but he didn't agree. He leaves the store and slams the game to the ground. The case shatters, and he walks off. Once I see him drive off, I go and retrive the game from the parking lot and trade it in for $8 myself (the case was shattered, but the game was in perfect condition).[/QUOTE]


No, I don't want $8! Throwing the game on the ground looking like an ass has MUCH more value!
[quote name='Jobbercho']
Her: I like this one here. What can it do?
(I rattle off the phones features which are listed on the information sheet below the phone and on the box)
Her: I saw this phone at Wal-Mart, but no one was around to help me so I thought I'd come here to see what you have. It's $2 less there so I'll just buy it there. (She walks off)
Not only did she leave the store and not buy anything after I helped her, but I didn't even get a thank you. Argh![/QUOTE]

You could work at Radioshack. when I worked there people would ask me stupid questions all the time. We would be at the phone section, and people would ask me how much is this phone there is a 3 inch price tag right underneath it. sometimes in a bad mood I would be like what does the price tag say.

There was a kroger right next to my radioshack. so every time I was over there buying food or getting something for the store I would have people all the time ask me if I worked there. the thing about that is kroger's uniform is black pants gray shirts all employees not matter what level they are. Me in radioshack uniform is khaki pants and a light blue dress shirt. The thing that made me mad about this is they would almost always ask me with my back to them. So I look at it like they are stereotyping people just cause you are young (i am 20) and dressed nice you work somewhere. why can't I be just dressed nice.

I like messing with them though I was getting some pop one time and there is this old women I hear going "geez I wonder what would be cheaper, if I only knew" I walk past, Sir do you work he? No I do not. Oh nevermind, I was in a pissy mood. What was your question though. well this 12 pack is 2.99 and these 2 liters are 1.09 which would be cheaper to buy. I looked at her and said are you trying to get the most for you money. she wanted to know how much more pop she got with the 2-3liters and if it was cheaper. I was like I see what you want to know, it seems to me that some simple math would figure that out.
[quote name='Flea']I think it's time for me to contribute to this post.

One night, right before closing, a man and his son come to return some Dragon Ball Z game. They had paid $20 for it earlier in the day, but he has already opened it. I told him because it was opened I can't let him return it, but he can trade it in for $8 in store credit. He didnt want the $8, he wanted the $20. I told him the return policy 3 or 4 times but he didn't agree. He leaves the store and slams the game to the ground. The case shatters, and he walks off. Once I see him drive off, I go and retrive the game from the parking lot and trade it in for $8 myself (the case was shattered, but the game was in perfect condition).[/QUOTE]

The only thing that would make that better would be if they came back 10 minutes later to pick up the game and try for the 8 bucks at least, only to find it missing. :twisted:
[quote name='Graystone'] I like messing with them though I was getting some pop one time and there is this old women I hear going "geez I wonder what would be cheaper, if I only knew" I walk past, Sir do you work he? No I do not. Oh nevermind, I was in a pissy mood. What was your question though. well this 12 pack is 2.99 and these 2 liters are 1.09 which would be cheaper to buy. I looked at her and said are you trying to get the most for you money. she wanted to know how much more pop she got with the 2-3liters and if it was cheaper. I was like I see what you want to know, it seems to me that some simple math would figure that out.[/QUOTE]
For future reference, this information should be posted on the price tag on the shelf: its legally required in most states. It can be useful for us cheap-ass grocery shoppers :)
[quote name='mr_pollock']This thread needs to be renamed to "Employees of All Stores -- Stories about being an inconsiderate prick toward uninformed customers"

That would do just fine.[/QUOTE]

Sounds good to me. How many times do 'uninformed customers' start to be an asshole to us because we are telling them the truth (Mario Kart is NOT on PS2), yet they fully beleive it is? Maybe I should change the thread title to "It should be mandatory to work retail for 2 years before anything else in life". Why? So asshole's would calm down when they didn't pre-order a game and we are sold out
we have a home-school kid (I only mention because he solidifies my beleif that no child of mine is being homeschooled, I don't care how bad the public schools are, they're getting the f into the real world) anyway, he comes in literally almost every single day, adding $3-$20 to his reserves and *every* time he comes in he goes, "Every time I come in here, you guys change the store! there's Always something different!!"...:lol: it's really funny, because it's literally every single time, yesterday he left and came back ten minutes later and I was like, "did the store change again?! I mean, actually, I guess it did!~ I put out some twizzlers, so it changed again". heh. But I do feel bad because there are some people like him to whom I honestly think we are the only social interaction they get for the week. BTW, he came back because he crossed "six fucking interstates" (his newest thing is cursing) to bring us back food from mcdonalds (? I mean, we definately didn't ask.), except it was a single burger because he ran out of money, and niether my boss nor I wanted to take it, we're afraid to reinforce this kind of behavior. he's a nice kid if not a little whacko, he insisted that because he crossed those "six fucking interstates, someone better fucking take it". Then his cell phone rings and he answers it, "talk to me."...apparently he got in trouble because he's not allowed to cross the street. he's only 12. o_O

nah, this thread should be renamed, "Have some sympathy for the employees who bite their tongues"
[quote name='Drocket']For future reference, this information should be posted on the price tag on the shelf: its legally required in most states. It can be useful for us cheap-ass grocery shoppers :)[/QUOTE]

The problem comes when you have tags for 3 separate items and one shows the price/ounce, one shows the price/pound, and another shows price/unit. At which point even though you have a breakdown of the price in each case, you still need math to figure it out.
[quote name='vietgurl']How about "Poorly Paid Employees of All Stores - Stories about being an inconsiderate prick to idiot customers"

I get paid 50 cents above minimum wage; why the hell should I care about customers who yell and cuss at me? And then there are those cool customers who threaten to get me fired unless I somehow pull an out-of-stock game out of my ass without any consideration to how I depend on this job to pay for school, food, and housing. If they don't care about whether I end up on the streets, why should I put up with them when they're being jerks to me?

Nice customers are still cool in my book though.[/quote]

I was going to make this long drawn out post that wouldn't have done anything.

Let me just say that I work at CompUSA, I know there are plenty of moronic customers that get pissed off about ridiculous stuff.

But I also know that a lot of customers get pissed off because many employees are smart ass sarcastic 18 year olds who lack basic social and communication skills.

Thank you, have a nice day.

(P.S. This wasn't a shot at you or anyone else for that matter)
[quote name='gizmogc']Sounds good to me. How many times do 'uninformed customers' start to be an asshole to us because we are telling them the truth (Mario Kart is NOT on PS2), yet they fully beleive it is? Maybe I should change the thread title to "It should be mandatory to work retail for 2 years before anything else in life". Why? So asshole's would calm down when they didn't pre-order a game and we are sold out[/QUOTE]

I know where a lot of you are coming from, I've been working at CompUSA for 2 years. (Yes, it's horrible, but I get paid over 9 dollars an hour for nothing).

I've found that being polite and understanding helps people not turn into assholes and start going crazy.

I understand. It's okay. Let me comb your back hair and we'll get Slurpees.
[quote name='mr_pollock']I've found that being polite and understanding helps people not turn into assholes and start going crazy.[/QUOTE]

I agree wholeheartedly; but that's not what this thread is about.

This thread is more about the people who can not be soothed, no matter how sensical, patient, or polite you may be.

I don't see anything wrong with a customer getting a reality check when they're being an obnoxious blithering ass.
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