Employees of ALL stores - Stories about 'special' customers! (Now with KAYDEN Power!)

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[quote name='ian1418']A few years ago, i worked as a student supervisor for the computer labs at my school. One day i am at my desk working on something and this girl comes up to the desk and asks one of my employees to put the internet on a disk for her and hands him a 3.5 floppy. He looks at her and asks does she mean internet explorer or another web browser. She says no, she wants the internet put on the disk. He then asked her if she wanted the whole internet or just part of it. She says she wants the whole thing. He said that it might take a while and then proceeded to surf the net for about half an hour with this chick just standing there. Then when he had had enough, he handed her the disk and said that if she had any problems getting it to work she should call the tech support line for her computer. What makes this even funnier is that we were not at a community college or a small state school, but at Tulane, which has fairly high entrance standards.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='vietgurl']Need I even start? The reason why I love retail so much is that you meet people who are so unreasonable that you start doubting the inate goodness of mankind. And you meet weird people.[/QUOTE]

I worked retail before but not in a game store, I worked in the ghetto of electronics stores Radioshack, and I really enjoyed working with the people I worked with but like the video game workers we kind of had the same thing going on; people not knowing anything about anything, however on the same note you had some people know alot of stuff, and then there were the people who knew more then you. video game store workers had to deal with parents who know nothing about gaming, unlike the video game stores most of my customers were people asking how stuff works then going somewhere else and buying it. I would take up the whole server if I talked about everything. So I recommend radioshachsucks.com
[quote name='starboyk']OMG- (worked with a guy in Tumbull while he was still out in Meriden. Reminded me of this->) This guy comes in, and needs a fucking wide load sign on his ass. Knocks over a magazine rack, and has to push a four way out of the way just to browse PC. I try to talk to him, walk within four feet, and have to walk away. Imagin a bucket full of puke, shit, and week old refried beans, and rotten eggs. This guy smelled worse than that. I back away a bit, try to say hi, no response. I tyr this again for the next few minutes, then just give up, walking away. ten minutes later, he waddles to the counter, throws the games down, knocking some onto the floor. He bends down to pick them up, turning his back to me, and revealing the longes ass crack of my life, streaked brown, with shit flecks clinging to his trousers. Stands up, and starts to say something. Does some hand motions, and I realise, he's deaf. Great. Morbidly obese, poor hygiene,and deaf. No wonder gamers get a bad rap. Took a day and a half to get the stench out, and I had to clean the four way, counter, and reg from anything that had contact with him because his funk just lingered on it all.[/QUOTE]

Seems to me that you met dragon lord frodo
[quote name='stormshadow']I actually work internet technical support for a cable company and you wouldn't believe the things I hear daily. I asked a woman to click "yes" and she said I can't. She then told me the only button was "ok" and she didn't know what to do.

Another good one was one we had the other day. A woman called up and the first thing out of her mouth when a rep answered was "you fucking asshole". She would then proceed to go off on them about how we installed cameras in her mirror in her bathroom, her tv, her pc, and every other room in her house so we could watch her. SHe would then threaten us to get a technician out and remove the cameras or she would call a lawyer.

Good times...........................I have a million of these![/QUOTE]

Ahh! you should forward her phone number to Howard Stern, then we can all get a chuckle while she attempts to convince howard of her sanity.
[quote name='io']Sometimes when I'm travelling for work I wear my work logo shirt, tucked into khaki pants, and I often go out looking for cheap toys (gifts for the kids for being away for so long!) and video games after work. My shirt is black with the logo of my company which is not at all toy/DVD/video game related. I have had people approach me in KB Toys, Toys R Us and other stores (where the employees are wearing nothing like what I have on!) asking me questions as if I'm an employee there. This one woman didn't seem to understand that so I just answered her question and she continued on her way.

So, it doesn't even take a red shirt at Target to have that happen - just come in dressed semi-decently as you would at any generic office. Plus they often don't even ask if you work there, they just start right in with the questions.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I've broken down and actually answered a question now and again, especially in best buy, those idiots really don't know what they are talking about, it makes me sick to hear them try and upsell some other product by lying about a cheaper model.
Finally read the whole thread, have a few to add...not generally all that funny. I remembered a few things reading this too.

First off, a couple days ago at Walmart me and a friend were looking at the games and this girl (probably like 12 or something) was playing the DS, we hear her sneeze. Look over a bit later...snot all over the screen...it was fucking disgusting.

As for customer stories...I work in the frozen section at a grocery store (used to be a bagger too)
- I heard stories about a lady who tried stealing 4 (plastic) bottles of vodka, shes walking towards the front with a huge coat on. Shes walking towards the door and one falls out, shes right by the end of a register so what does she do, whilst a bunch of people are watching her....she picks the bottle up, puts it in a plastic bag...and just walks out the door. Of course the manager was only a few steps behind her on her way out and told her to come back into the store.

This one kid from school always used to brag about how he was "cool" with the EB manager..so one time I was in there with one of my friends who was actually friends with the manager at EB and asked him if he knew the kid, he said yes but said he was one of the most annoying customers. It rocked because I fucking hate that kid..he always tries to brag about his videogame skills, he even was said "Of course I know how to play this...I'm the most avid gamer in Fond du Lac County" I wanted to punch him.

- I've been confused for a Target employee a few times while wearing my blue polo into Target
- I always get asked if I work here...whilst stocking the shelf. Not to mention we wear these crappy polo shirts that are navy blue with white speckles all over it. I doubt anyone else would ever wear them
- One of the weirdest things that happened was when i was stocking some vegetables...some guy walks up to me "So your wearing your gloves?" "Yep" *guy walks away*
[quote name='gizmogc']Get over it. There is a reason this thread was started, due to the fact too many threads were bashing employees for doing their job correctly. IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE IT, LEAVE.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, seriously, I read about people who hate it when video game employees offer warranties and crap like that all the time, which is something they're SUPPOSED to do. Why can't we complain?
[quote name='stoned99']Yes, I've broken down and actually answered a question now and again, especially in best buy, those idiots really don't know what they are talking about, it makes me sick to hear them try and upsell some other product by lying about a cheaper model.[/QUOTE]

Again, don't accuse us of knowing nothing. It is our job to try to get the warranties/replacement plans. I know some people go a bit overboard (Are you sure you don't want it?, etc...). To me, no means no. I make sure to describe the benefits of it, and mention that I buy it on most things (anything with an optical drive, my MP3 player, etc). If they so no, fine. We are doing our jobs, don't be pissed about it.
I don't have any real extensive stories, I just remember working at TRU when the PS2 came out and I had so many people ask me: "So, will my playstation 1 be able to play these new games?"
[quote name='io']So, it doesn't even take a red shirt at Target to have that happen - just come in dressed semi-decently as you would at any generic office. Plus they often don't even ask if you work there, they just start right in with the questions.[/QUOTE]

I've lost track of the number of places that I've had this happen.

The list of stores is pretty varied too: Target, CompUSA, Office Depot, Menards and Home Depot are among some of the places that I can think of off the top of my head.

The craziest was one day that I was at Menards and I had no less than 7 different people think that I was an employee. After the first 3 or 4, I had to try hard not to laugh.

I think that the issue isn't just how you're dressed -- it's also whether or not you look like you know what you're doing when you're walking around the store.
Awesome Thread. Freakin' Hilarious!

A few anecdotes of my own:

I used to work in a Quizno's Subs (they got a pepper bar!) and man did we get some weirdos.
1. This lady came in once and was very particular about how she wanted her sandwhich made (which isn't anything new, people are unbelievably picky about their food). After telling me exactly how much meat to put on her sandwich (mind you, the meats all have to be weighed to a certain amount so her input didn't really have any chance of affecting her sandwich's meat weight), she proceeds to tell me to run it through the oven (duh) and then she wanted some more stuff done... Ok so when it comes out she tells me to PEEL her tomatoes for her. I didn't even have to ask why, she just told me. Because she doesn't like the skins and they just come off so easily when they're warm... I decline and offer to let her peel the skins herself.... which she so kindly leaves right on my counter next to the register. Do some people even know what good manners are?

2. This is a personal favorite for me. This guy calls us and I answer the phone. We had just come out with a new sandwich and he had some simple questions about it. I explain everything and he asks if he can get one later. I inform him that part of the sandwich is a warm dipping sauce that we usually discard 10 - 15 minutes before we close as part of our closing procedures. I let him know that we close at 9pm. He asks that i set one aside for him right away and he'll come get it. No problem. So I make his sandwich and set it aside. And it sits and sits and sits... for an hour and a half. So after we've closed down and are about 80% through our closing procedures (it's nearly 9:20 now) this guy shows up at the front door, tries the door (it's locked), doesn't knock or anything, but just sits there in front of the door and stares into the store for about 10 minutes before he gets in his car and leaves. One of my coworkers (a young high school girl) was so freaked out by this guy that she really wanted to call the cops.

3. Oh! Just remembered this. Definitely one of the best i can remember from Quizno's (it's been a while)... So It's just me and this other guy one evening and it's really slow. This lady comes in and my buddy is standing by the register. She approaches him and asks (I kid you not), "Where is the nearest Subway?"
After a second, my buddy thinks she's joking around so he looks at her dead-serious and says, "I can't tell you," and mumbles something about company policy. She gets all pissed and starts getting loud and keeps asking us where the nearest subway is and why can't we tell her. He eventually relents and tells her is down the street about two blocks. After she leaves we busted out laughing so hard. Weird lady.

Anyway, I've got tons more from my other jobs, along with a few stupid moves i've pulled myself, but we'll save those for later.

Thread of the Year.
Once some dude asked my at least 10 questions about the fish I was selling then when offered a sample claimed he didn't eat fish. At the farmer's markets you always get jackasses trying to be friendly while I'm trying to sell shit.
[quote name='gizmogc']Get over it. There is a reason this thread was started, due to the fact too many threads were bashing employees for doing their job correctly. IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE IT, LEAVE.[/QUOTE]

He wasn't bashing people for being mean to customers, he was bashing people for mangling the English language.
[quote name='shrike4242']Note to self:

1) Don't wear blue polo shirts or white short-sleeve dress shirts with a slim black tie when going to Best Buy.
2) Don't wear red polo shirts or black polo shirts when going to Circuit City.
3) Don't wear red polo shirts when going to Target.
4) Don't wear red polo shirts when going to CompUSA.

Important information to know.[/QUOTE]

It wasn't a polo shirt. It was a dark blue dress shirt. I wouldn't have worn any shade of anytype of shirt to BB, but I was out with my GF and she reminded me I had a gift certificate there... It took me an hour or more to find something I wanted... I hate BB. Their selection sucks and is over priced.
[quote name='Xtreme331']

I used to work in a Quizno's Subs (they got a pepper bar!) and man did we get some weirdos. .......

I worked at a Quizno's here in Austin for about 6 months, and I personally never had any extremely weird customers, I know some of my co-workers did though. The only people that pissed me off at Quizno's were the ones that were eating there but still made me put on the jalapenos, banana peppers, peppercinis, or pickles. These are the 4 things at the pepper bar and that is precisely the reason it is there, so I don't have to put them on for you. Anyway, the only story I can remember was one that my manager told me. I came into work one morning, since I worked during the day, and my manager tells me the funniest thing from the night before. He said that about 5 minutes before they closed a guy came in looking all raggedy and dirty. He kept telling my manager that he didn't know where he was and that the last thing he could remember was that he was in Phoenix, Arizona. Well, with the store being in Austin, Texas and all it freaked the hell out of my manager because A) My manager said he looked like a total crackhead, and B) The guy didn't know how he magically got 1500 miles away from Phoenix. So my manager called the cops and after about questioning the guy for about 15 minutes, they decided to take him downtown. We never did find out what happened to the guy, but my guess is that he was a schizo. The weird thing is, at the Quizno's I worked at, there is a shopping center that contains about 5 shops, and there isn't a damn thing for at least a mile and a half radius from there so I still wonder where the hell the guy came from.

Sorry, I tend to write to much while telling a story and I know that he wasn't really a customer but I still thought I'd share a story.

Still the best thread so far this year.
[quote name='Scahom1']Anybody deal with the ESRB rating policy lately?

I did but not as a employee this is about 2 months ago. I was at bestbuy with my mom. I am 20 I picked up a copy of a M rated game, the girl at the counter was like I need I.D. I did not have mine with me. I have a soul patch and a stash. and look like I am 30 or so. I was like are you serious so I had to wait for my mom to finish checking out to buy the game I felt like I was 3 years old.
[quote name='Graystone']I did but not as a employee this is about 2 months ago. I was at bestbuy with my mom. I am 20 I picked up a copy of a M rated game, the girl at the counter was like I need I.D. I did not have mine with me. I have a soul patch and a stash. and look like I am 30 or so. I was like are you serious so I had to wait for my mom to finish checking out to buy the game I felt like I was 3 years old.[/QUOTE]


You needed mommie's permission! :rofl:
Not an annoying customer, but a weird one. This was at Subway.

We had this guy who was an African immigrant come in. He asked for a loaf of bread. It was hard to understand him, but he finally pointed at the plain white loaf of bread. So we pull that out and ask him what he wants on it. Nothing. At all. No meat, no vegetables. We HAVE to charge him for a veggie sub. I don't remember how much it cost but he could have easily gone to the super market a block over and picked up MORE bread for less. But he didn't know that or didn't understand when they tried explaining it to him. This was apparently not the first time that he had come in asking for it.
[quote name='Graystone']I did but not as a employee this is about 2 months ago. I was at bestbuy with my mom. I am 20 I picked up a copy of a M rated game, the girl at the counter was like I need I.D. I did not have mine with me. I have a soul patch and a stash. and look like I am 30 or so. I was like are you serious so I had to wait for my mom to finish checking out to buy the game I felt like I was 3 years old.[/QUOTE]

LMAO... at CC, the PC asks us "was customer born before .... " meanin they are 17 and older... if they look 17 or around there, I just ask "you 17?" ... or if they arent 17, meanin you can tell, I just tell em "U needa be 17 to buy this"
[quote name='Graystone']I did but not as a employee this is about 2 months ago. I was at bestbuy with my mom. I am 20 I picked up a copy of a M rated game, the girl at the counter was like I need I.D. I did not have mine with me. I have a soul patch and a stash. and look like I am 30 or so. I was like are you serious so I had to wait for my mom to finish checking out to buy the game I felt like I was 3 years old.[/QUOTE]

Ooh, ooh, I have a kind of funny story about M-rated games. During the TRU clearance I asked my mom to check out the one right near her house to get me any $1 - $2 games that I would pick up next time I was out there (I'm in OR, she's in DC area). I'm in my late 30's, my mom is near 60 - however, she looks much younger. She doesn't know *anything* about video games and the TRU employee apparently warned her about the M-rated game (Primal, suprise, surprise) she was getting and she thought he was warning *her* personally about it - so she told him that it's OK, because it is for "my son". So the guy apparently asked her 5 times if she was sure that was OK. He obviously thought she had a teenage or younger son and just didn't care if he played M-rated games. Probably has his own story to tell here about horrible, irresponsible parents :)
I cannot wait to hear some of the stories you guys will share about people trying to return WWE Wrestlemania 21 on XBox. Share any and all stories tomorrow night, funny or not.
Just tonight again with the weird returns, this guy comes in with two of the same game and says he wants to return them, he has a reciept but, get this, he tore it up. (He hands me a crumpled receipt with two of that game on it, tore in quarters, and scotch taped together). So I figure, okay, weird but okay, then he pulls out the games out of one of our bags~ only they are clearly not ours. They're shrink wrapped still, but have little white price stickers on them that resemble the ones from a TRU or FYE or other store that keep their games live. Sure, I guess I could have returned them, it's not as if we'd be loosing anything, but the thing is he kept trying to say that he bought them from one of our stores down the road, and I'm looking at them saying, look, buddy, our company has never labeled games like this, they didn't come from our store. *shrug* he seemed immediately okay with the fact that I wasn't going to return them (three guesses why, lol, I bet he tries to "return" them to another store tomorrow, but he's not getting away with it in my store just because I'm picker then wal-mart, I don't need those kinds of 'returns' positively reenforced.). Then he bought a couple games, and, sadly, I sort of...'randomly'...decided to id him for his credit card purchase, which either makes me a mean person, or a smart one, heh. =P

[quote name='Scorch']I cannot wait to hear some of the stories you guys will share about people trying to return WWE Wrestlemania 21 on XBox. Share any and all stories tomorrow night, funny or not.[/QUOTE]

Okay, I think it's funny~ WWE 21 technically's is out tomorrow, but came in this afternoon for our reserves, someone calls at 7pm to ask 20 questions on the game, then finally my sales assosicate says it just came in at around 5 o'clock today, and he goes, "Has anyone there played Wrestlemania 21?"...I'm thinking, NO, it Just came in, and I've been here the whole time. :lol:

I did have someone come in who had picked up jade empire LE they had on reserve, and returned it unopened because,
"I forgot I wouldn't have an Xbox"...
"Yeah. It's a long story."...
*customer walks away, plays the xbox demo, returns*..
guy: "okay."
*customer looks like the saddest person in the world*
me: "well...bummer..."

Then, I got a hug from a little girl!! cutest thing in the world, I was letting them out (because we had just closed) and all the sudden I look down and there's a little girl hugging me! And she said "Thank you!"...and I was like, wow...
there is some good in the world. :bouncy:
Working at Radioshack, you will get this everyday of your life. If I told the stories of ever individual then I would type forever.

man Fu*k sprint. sprint they trying to get over my bill is 400 dollars and I do not ever use my phone, so I call sprint, oh okay you went over you minutes by a thousand. that is impossible so I tell the sprint person to give me the breakdown, lets see on 3.15.05 you at 3:15 P.M. started a 2 hours call with 555-1234, after about 5 breakdowns they shut up and go what is the minimum I can pay to get it cut back on?

do you sell, hair clippers, radio install kits, some obscure part for a 1832 radio.

my dvd player will not work with my cable ready tv , all you need is this RF modulator, okay how much is it? $29.99 OH MY GOD, WHAT, OH JESUS, does anyone else carry these cheaper? no we are the only ones. we special make these in asia somewhere, just for dumbA** like you who think that I a commissioned sales person is going to lose my sell so bestbuy or wally world can make some money.

I like this camcorder but I can't get it, sir/mam with a radioshack card it can become very affordable. no I can afford but my tv does not have a STD jack to hook it to the tv.

how much for a cordless phone bat-tree, between 12-16 dollars. How much is a new phone? our cheapest phone is 19.99. just give me that, sir/mam you have a top of the line uniden or panasonic this phone must have cost at least 150 dollars, so I ain't spending 15 bucks on a bat-tree.

Cell phone bat-trees are worse then cordless phone one. cell phone bat-tree's at 70 bucks a pop. that alone made more people pissed off and walk out quicker then anything, they go I only paid 19.99 for this phone. they never realize that phones cost hundreds of dollars. and that the wireless carrier discounts the phone so they feel like they are not getting shafted and trust every cell phone company is shafting you wether or not you think you got a great deal. I.E. sprint average monthly bill it 70 dollars a month they have I think 12 million subscribers that is alot of coin a month. I can understand the fact you only payed 20 bucks but if you put just a little thought into it you could understand it. lets see something with a 7 layer circuit board and the ability to take a picture and record video and audio, and beam my voice into a tower that bounces signals of a satellite then to the other person cell phone or home phone which might have to do the same thing cost hundreds of dollars. to hell you say.

can you come to my house to hook up this home theater. (not at 5.15 an hour)
can you program my tv remote here in the store.
can you return this item that I rented for one of the listed reason below.
portable dvd player, GPS device, weather radio, walkie talkie's for the family vacation I just came from.
can I return this game DR. , cd laser lens cleaner, or this car charger for I went out to my car/home to use it 3 times in one day and I need to return it.

I think it is radioshack's fault that it is they way it is. If you have been in one recently you know what I mean, the sales people only care about wireless phones. (cause that is all that we really get paid for) and by no means is it the sales associate fault. unless they are lazy and do not care. I am huge on customer service myself.
[quote name='Kayden']:rofl:

You needed mommie's permission! :rofl:[/QUOTE]

No I paid for the game. however the bitch at the counter knew I was old and was being a bitch cause she has nothing else to do on the same note I have been in that same bestbuy and I have seen kids (12-16?) by the softcore porn they used to sell. without a problem. I know this is to bitch about customers not employees I apologize.
[quote name='Graystone']No I paid for the game. however the bitch at the counter knew I was old and was being a bitch cause she has nothing else to do on the same note I have been in that same bestbuy and I have seen kids (12-16?) by the softcore porn they used to sell. without a problem. I know this is to bitch about customers not employees I apologize.[/QUOTE]

umm ok then and best thread of year
Here's a good one form last week

A lady walks into my store (Compusa),this lady is in tears and holding a computer and lays it on the service desk. The computer is in pieces and she begins on her LONG story that she was doing her work when Norton antivirus had informed her that a virus was on her system and it was unable to remove it. She explains that she was so angered by this that she shoved the computer off the desk and on to the floor in a fit of rage. Now at this point I explain to her that would not be covered under warranty, she blows up saying that we swindled her and that the sales person said the service plan covered everything and anything. So I call up a manager and then she flips to this sweet-E pie type chick and says shes sorry and that she MUST have the computer working because she is adopting a puppy, and she needs to pick it up the next day but she dose not know where to pick it up because the info is on the computer. If she cant pick up the puppy they are going to kill it (which I doubt was true)So the manager comes and she explains to him,the manager is kinda new and the lady was a looker herself so the lady gets him to repair the computer at no cost! So the lesson of the story (for out female readers atleast) is that a pushup bra and a sob story gets you anthing you want in less the 2mins.
Kid: How much for Narc?
Me: 19.99, how old are you?
Kid: 15.
Me: Well, then I can't sell it to you, you'd need a parent with you to buy it.
Kid: oh, okay. I'm still thinkin

Guy from back of the store comes up after about five mintues later and is standing by kid who wants Narc.
Kid: K, I want to pick up that game.
Me: Are you sure? Is this your parent?
Kid: ..yeah.
Me: So this is your son?
Guy: Wha? oh, yeah
Me: What's his name? :lol:
Guy: ...What, oh what? haha, what is your name?
Kid: *looks nervous but doesn't speak*
Me: He's your son and you don't know his Name?? What's his birthday? :rofl:
Guy: aw, nah, haha, I was just messing *guy says his birthday, in a sort of, believable way* (the kid didn't have an id on him, so I don't know if he was right or not, but he hit the year dead on, by accident or not, so I figure I'll let it slide. for now.)

Me: Well, I just want to make sure that it's okay with your that he has this game, since it's a mature rated title.
Guy: (why oh why do they feel the need to pitch in?) OH, it's all right, it can't be any worse then all that other stuff...like...
Me: Well, it's still pretty bad, probably one of the most Mature games ever on the market.
Guy: well, he's okay with that other one, and there's that one game, like, grand stand..
Me: Grand theft auto? San andreas is pretty bad, yes. But in this game part of the whole game is to take drugs for the effects that they have, there's also a lot of language and violence as well. (I go on and on about how in it you deal drugs and smoke weed and do coke to change the game, lol, I think I even said there was nudity in it, although at the time I might have 'accidentally' confused it with GoW. ;) ).
Guy: Okay, you talked me out of it! His mother would probably not like it if he got it, thank you. Sorry, Let's go!
Me: :D Alrighty, Thanks, have a nice day!
*they leave*

So I figure either 1) maybe he was the kid's dad and really was just joking about not knowing his name and birthday, and didn't want the game after how awful I made it sound, or 2) he was a sympathetic hired parental unit and changed his mind because of how awful I made the game sound. which is frankly what I think happened and much funnier. :cool:
[quote name='Graystone']No I paid for the game. however the bitch at the counter knew I was old and was being a bitch cause she has nothing else to do on the same note I have been in that same bestbuy and I have seen kids (12-16?) by the softcore porn they used to sell. without a problem. I know this is to bitch about customers not employees I apologize.[/QUOTE]

Just ribbin you. ;)
[quote name='tauruskatt']
Then, I got a hug from a little girl!! cutest thing in the world, I was letting them out (because we had just closed) and all the sudden I look down and there's a little girl hugging me! And she said "Thank you!"...and I was like, wow...
there is some good in the world. :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

I don't think you'd have the same reaction if I tried...:cry:

:whistle2:k... Lets test that theory never-the-less... ;) :mrgreen:
[quote name='Kayden']I don't think you'd have the same reaction if I tried...:cry:

:whistle2:k... Lets test that theory never-the-less... ;) :mrgreen:[/QUOTE]

LoL, you also stand a lot taller (i'd hope!) then my she did. So it'd be hard to get that 'omg-what's-that-omg-that's-precious-squeal!" reaction

...I have a small asian boy who comes in and out of the store all day now, talks to the customers/other kids on the interactives, and plays jungle beat *Really Hard*. He's like 5, so I can't yell at him. The mom works in one of the other stores and has another baby on her hip all the time and is pregnant. um, right. suggestions?
I remembered a few more stories, from the before time, in the long long ago... when I worked at Staples.

One night, I was working the service desk. The store was mostly empty, and my manager was using the phone at the front counter. This guy comes in with a box of copies from our copy center, drops them on the counter and says "These papers were supposed to be in California by tomorrow, and they are all wrong. What are you going to do about it?" Well, since this was one of my first few weeks there, I think to myself, "I'm going to hand you off to a manager, because I don't know what to do with you.", but I actually say "Let me get my manager so we can straighten this out." I signal to my manager, who gives me a "just a minute" gesture. I turn around to tell the guy, and he's leaning forward, staring at me. He says "This is all your fault, you know." I just looked at the guy, not knowing how to respond to that... Luckily, my manager came over about then, and got things straightened out. Guy freaked me out, though...

Another time, I was working in Business Machines, and I was supposed to be tidying up the aisles. I came around the corner from the software aisle onto the fax/copier machine aisle, and on a shelf about chest high, I'm face to face with a little black dog. I had to do a double or triple take on that one. Turns out a lady had brought her dog in and put it down while she was looking at stuff further down the aisle... Sheesh!

Some other stories, though, are the Zip Code stories. You all know this policy, right? "Can I get your zip code?", sound familiar? Ok, well, I can't believe how many people flip out over this... My favorite response was "I don't want my neighbors getting upset because I got them signed up for junk mail." Because we couldn't find their zip code without a man on the inside, right? :roll: Anyway, I got sick of people giving me a hard time about it, so I went to the book section on my break and found a book of US zip codes. For an entire day, all of the business at the Scottsdale, AZ location was mysteriously from Bangor, Maine. That probably made someone's data processing day interesting... The next day, I wrote up a nsmall chart of interesting zip codes, like Honalulu, Walla Walla, Toronto, amog others. If the person looked like they were in a good mood, I'd let them choose a nice place to be from for a day. Most people found it amusing.

Overall, however, my favorite story is from my time in Business Machines. A little old lady comes up to me, sweet as can be, and asks if her typewriter would be Y2K compatible, or if she'd have to get a fancy electric one. 'Nuff said.
She works at the other store and has two kids there? Hmmm...

Well, you could always talk to the manager of the other store and say that if she's going to have her kids there then fine, but please keep him out of your store. I'd probably do that after telling the kid that he needs to have an adult with him.

Or you could lay a trap, like one of those snares or a pit trap. You could start selling preowned kids. Ok, that was evil.
[quote name='tauruskatt']LoL, you also stand a lot taller (i'd hope!) then my she did. So it'd be hard to get that 'omg-what's-that-omg-that's-precious-squeal!" reaction

...I have a small asian boy who comes in and out of the store all day now, talks to the customers/other kids on the interactives, and plays jungle beat *Really Hard*. He's like 5, so I can't yell at him. The mom works in one of the other stores and has another baby on her hip all the time and is pregnant. um, right. suggestions?[/QUOTE]

Suggest contraceptives?

As for me standing taller... I'm 6'4". Picture sblymnl... only taller... with shorter hair... and better looking... and 30% less goth. :lol:
Man, this thread is hard to pull away from. I finally got through all 14 pages of it.

I can't say any story I have from my job as a pizza delivery driver can really compare to some of these. The only one I really can think of off the top of my head is this one guy who ordered a couple of orders of spaghetti to take home, got his order and went home. A little while later, this guy calls up the store all upset because he had spilled his pasta on his 'new' carpet and he wanted us to pay to have it cleaned! I wasn't actually the one to answer the phone, but the person who did, got our supervisor and he proceeded to calm the guy down a bit and sent me to this guy's house to bring him two fresh orders. After that we never heard anything more about the guy's carpet so I think he must've realized how stupid he was for expecting us to pay for something he really was responsible.

Not much of a story, I know, but for now its all I've got aside from the usual stupid questions about menu items that are clearly listed and include visual aids.

[quote name='io']So, it doesn't even take a red shirt at Target to have that happen - just come in dressed semi-decently as you would at any generic office. Plus they often don't even ask if you work there, they just start right in with the questions.[/QUOTE]

I think it takes less than that even. I've had people think I'm employee at Best Buy a few times when I've been wearing jeans and a t-shirt, sometimes even while wearing a jacket. I swear I must just look like I belong working at Best Buy or something. . .
[quote name='tauruskatt']LoL, you also stand a lot taller (i'd hope!) then my she did. So it'd be hard to get that 'omg-what's-that-omg-that's-precious-squeal!" reaction

...I have a small asian boy who comes in and out of the store all day now, talks to the customers/other kids on the interactives, and plays jungle beat *Really Hard*. He's like 5, so I can't yell at him. The mom works in one of the other stores and has another baby on her hip all the time and is pregnant. um, right. suggestions?[/QUOTE]

I would speak to the lady. Gamestop is not a daycare. If the child is in there for hours at a time, and gets hurt, guess what, Gamestop IS liable. Speak to mother, tell her if she must have her kids at her work, keep them there. Limit her son to only being in the store for 20 minutes. If not, tell her you will call the Child Protection Services. A 5 year old shouldn't be running around a store unnatended (I murdered that word), nor a shopping center
[quote name='KingSpike']She works at the other store and has two kids there? Hmmm...

Well, you could always talk to the manager of the other store and say that if she's going to have her kids there then fine, but please keep him out of your store. I'd probably do that after telling the kid that he needs to have an adult with him.

Or you could lay a trap, like one of those snares or a pit trap. You could start selling preowned kids. Ok, that was evil.[/QUOTE]

Actually, the saying that he needs to have an adult with him is a pretty good idea. I hadn't been able to really think of anything to say to him before about it, because he's just so darn sweet. But he talks to himself and others and gets *really* into that donkey konga (and english isn't his only language, so he says a lot of funny phrases that one would only hear on kids tv commertials, hehe).

:whistle2:???: It's only been during the past week he's been in and out so often, but I can tell he sometimes makes other people in the store uncomfortable (like, shy kids two and three times his age). I also don't want to feel responsible in case something happens to him, it gets too busy in that store to have a kid running around unattended, and babysitting isn't really in the job description.

[quote name='Kayden']Suggest contraceptives?

As for me standing taller... I'm 6'4". Picture sblymnl... only taller... with shorter hair... and better looking... and 30% less goth. :lol:[/QUOTE]


but, damn...I kinda like sblymnl's hair... ;)
Gee, this thread is fun.

Back when I was a shift manager at Baskin Robbins...can't think of any good stories. I think I've managed to mentally block out the parents who come in and yell at me for selling their kids ice cream (the kids usually just walk over after school), the people who come in accusing us of contributing to the obesity problem in America, the people who clogged up the toilet, the little kids who would lick the display cabinets seconds after I'd just cleaned them (parents, where are you? and that's gross!), the people who would steal out of our tip jar with some doing it right in our faces (some people paid for their ice cream and their kids' ice cream entirely out of OUR tip jar), the high school kids who would give us the finger when they come by and see that we're closed...

I love people
[quote name='gizmogc']I would speak to the lady. Gamestop is not a daycare. If the child is in there for hours at a time, and gets hurt, guess what, Gamestop IS liable. Speak to mother, tell her if she must have her kids at her work, keep them there. Limit her son to only being in the store for 20 minutes. If not, tell her you will call the Child Protection Services. A 5 year old shouldn't be running around a store unnatended (I murdered that word), nor a shopping center[/QUOTE]

yeah...tomorrow will mark the fourth day in a row. he's cute but certainly not cute enough to lose my job over. *sigh* Now to hide the anger and distaste from the mother in case she comes in to question it. I think i'll leave the 20 minute option out and just say that he needs to have adult supervision, since then he'd be in there 20 minutes, gone for five, and back for 20 minutes again...which is basically what's been happening already.

edit: it helps that there really is written policy about not allowing school age kids in the store on weekdays alone. I wonder if I should pull that out just in case?
[quote name='tauruskatt']Actually, the saying that he needs to have an adult with him is a pretty good idea. I hadn't been able to really think of anything to say to him before about it, because he's just so darn sweet. But he talks to himself and others and gets *really* into that donkey konga (and english isn't his only language, so he says a lot of funny phrases that one would only hear on kids tv commertials, hehe).

:whistle2:???: It's only been during the past week he's been in and out so often, but I can tell he sometimes makes other people in the store uncomfortable (like, shy kids two and three times his age). I also don't want to feel responsible in case something happens to him, it gets too busy in that store to have a kid running around unattended, and babysitting isn't really in the job description.


but, damn...I kinda like sblymnl's hair... ;)[/QUOTE]

Suuuurreee.... just after I got a hair cut.:roll: I couldn't see anymore... and my hair has this nasty habit of standing STRAIT up when I wake up. There was a time when I would work for a 6 inch spiking of hair... of course, my hair was blue at the time... er.... yea... Customers suck! :lol: (good recovery)
[quote name='tauruskatt']edit: it helps that there really is written policy about not allowing school age kids in the store on weekdays alone. I wonder if I should pull that out just in case?[/quote]

YES. That is awesome. If the mom or anyone else comes in to give you crap, just point at that and say "Sorry, store policy." Then they can't think that you're just annoyed with kids.

I would LOVE to have a huge sign next to the register that outlines every single policy the store has. And not in terms such as "We are sorry, but we cannot allow a minor to be in here during school hours." More like "Your kid needs to be supervised or we can kick him out." Or "Our return policy is 14 days. Not 14+3. Not 14+58. 14 days. You yelling at us will not change our mind."
You guys really need to read this site... http://www.actsofgord.com/
I want him to adopt me... granted, I'm 20... but hes so cool!


hapter Nine[/size]

on't You Dare Hang Up On Me![/size]

"Gamer's Edge"

"Yes, I'm stuck in GoldenEye on the snow level."

"I'm sorry sir, we don't give advice for games over the phone."

"I DEMAND you help me get through this!"

"If you say so."

"Gamer's Edge"

"Don't you dare fucking hang up on me!"


"Gamer's Edge"

"What the hell are you doing?!? I said don't fucking hang up on me!"

"So sorry about that. It'll never happen again."

No one makes demands of the Gord for he shall cast them off and abandon them to the darkness.
Yeah, all of Acts of Gord is pretty awesome. It's a shame that he doesn't really update it anymore. He no longer owns a game store, which is a damn shame. He was up in Canada. I would have loved to have gone up there and see his store.

If I owned a game store I would be just like him. I'd have this big legal thing posted by my door and the policies in the window. It would have stuff like "Do not piss the owner off. You are not special because you want to buy a game. You are not special because your mother said you are."

Then at the end I'd say "His name was Robert Paulson." Or whatever that guy's name was.
lol, yeah that site is awesome. I wish he just kept updating it, even with submitted stories from other people who work in game stores, that would be awesome. glad that even though he doesn't run the store and stopped updating, he kept the site up just like it has been.
[quote name='MrBadExample']My own Subway story:

I had a group of 4 people come in for lunch. The first guy tells me what kind of sub he wants so I ask, "Do you want the 6 inch or the footlong?"

Customer: "Which is bigger?"

Somehow I manage not to internally combust from laughter. But the weird thing is none of his friends laughed at him for asking so apparently it was a burning question for them all.[/QUOTE]

"Oddly enough, sir, it's the six inch. There are teams at Cornell and Stanford working furiously to solve the mystery."
[quote name='tauruskatt']lol, yeah that site is awesome. I wish he just kept updating it, even with submitted stories from other people who work in game stores, that would be awesome. glad that even though he doesn't run the store and stopped updating, he kept the site up just like it has been.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, there is another guy who is (or was) drawing a comic based off of it. It was pretty much a comic version of some of the stories so it wasn't really new. Still nice that they were adding more.
It's been 13 years since I worked retail but I'm trying to dredge up some recollections.

Crown Books on Halloween, about 6:00 PM. I'm assistant manager. Neither I nor the girl clerking that night are feeling in a customer service mood due to the fact that we had nothing better to do than work that night. Which made us somewhat resentful in an irrational way of anyone else who was similarly lacking anything better to do than go book shopping rather than party.


"Ghostbusters! Whaddya want?"

"Uh, um, ... um, are you open regular hours tonight?"

"Sure, 'til nine! C'mon over! Did you know Stephen King's new book explains how to gut and dress a human body just like you would a deer? It's 40% off the cover price!"

"OK. Thanks."

Far as I could tell, the guy never came in and there were no complaints.
I hate to muck up the gaming theme but I worked at a Gateway store awhile ago before they went under. One woman calls up asking for the CD key for Windows. Gateway didn't always have the CD key with the CD itself. But it was always on a sticker on the back of the computer along with the comuter's serial number so it couldn't get lost. So anyways this woman is complaining about the CD kay and I can hear her husband in the background screaming "Mother-*fu$%ing computer!" I tell her that the info is on the back, she relays the info to her husband who replies: "How the fu&* am I supposed to see the back of the computer!" The wife then asks the same question to which I reply, "Well you simply turn the computer arround or look at the back of the computer." "But it's turned on!!!" she replies. I then simply tell her that she can turn the computer off, and write the key code down. She again relays the info to her husband. It was at this point that the man rips the phone out of his wife's hand and screams "You listen here you mother fu&^ing cocksucker!".
I laughed and hung up the phone.
This is the breastest.. I mean bestest thread ever! :rofl:

Here is a quick one that happened yesterday.

Guy walks in my area (music/movies) and I do my usual spiel as policy is that I have to greet every customer in my area within 10 feet or 30 seconds. Guy asks for a new release that "starts in the letter P" but he couldn't give me any other description of the movie. No actor/actress name, no plot description, nothing other than "it starts with P." Now without any idea of what this person was looking for, I couldn't help him. The best I could do was to let him know if he could think of any detail not to be afraid to ask me.

So what does he do...

He fucking finds my manager on duty and asks him the exact same thing nearly to the same word that he asked me. He tells the clueless person that I might be able to help him. The clueless person just goes "That guy there. He knows nothing" and walks out.

A few other things really quickly.

* I really hate it when a customer asks me "do you even know what I am talking about" after I explain why we don't carry Item X.

* Don't get me going on how much I hate Daniel O'Donnel, not to mention his legion of annoying old geezer fans. I swear I can go the rest of my life without hearing his name.

* I love people who can't even pronounce a movie or album or whatever correctly even with the title in their face. "Sharkie Tales" anyone?

* I always find it amusing when people read something then ask me regardless of what they just read. Example.. the CHECKOUT. Now my area has one BIG sign saying CHECKOUT over me along with another even BIGGER sign saying CASHIER not more than a few feet away from the BIG CHECKOUT sign. Yet I get asked at least 10 times a day if I am the CHECKOUT.

Repeat that for a lot of other things, like out of stock new release DVDs (I play "sorry we are out of stock" little post it type things in the slots) or even where the rest rooms are. I know this sounds rather trivial to some, but it does get rather old after a long while.

I'll post more later.
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