Endless Ocean: Blue World - $17 on Amazon

I haven't given my Wii any attention and I think this game seems like the perfect thing to get me back into Nintendo mode. Are there always new things to see, or does it get repetitive?
Potential deal heads up:

If you have a Blockbuster video near you, a sale started today for buy 1 get 1 free on used games. Mario Sluggers on the Wii should be $8. Gamestop is having a trade-in deal where you get the value bumped to $25 on Sluggers.

So, effectively, you could get the game + Wii Speak for ~$12, and even have a second copy of Sluggers to use toward something else. Might I suggest Little King's Story.

About to go see if I can do this myself.
Strell, I saw your username in here and inhaled deeply. The suspense would have killed me if my Internet was any slower, but I made a sigh of relief / disappointment after starting to read your post.
I have a question about the game for you Doomed/Strell. I have entered the Cavern of the Gods and searched around the basement part of the map. However I'm still looking at how to get to the Treasure Chamber, Celestial Mausoleum, Pillars of Shadow, and Pillars of Light. Is there a special way to get upstairs? I've looked at both images on the East and West ends of the map, that talked about the God of the Sun and the Life being in the East, and Death being in the West. Where do I go from here? Thanks
My quick advice is:
don't spend money on everything, save your money.
minor spoilers, should be obvious really
IIRC there's a huge puzzle you need to do. You might want to get a decent air tank / dive level because you have to do it in one go or start the puzzle over again. (Shouldn't be too hard if you've already done most of it)

A minor hint
You need to examine the statues after hayako examines the mural at the entrance
A minor hint
You need to examine the statues after hayako examines the mural at the entrance

The Mural when you first walk into the Cavern of the Gods? When you go straight up the stairs? or the one at the other end where you have to go through the treasure chamber to get too?
Hayako needs to examine the mural at the entrance to the CotG, you've probably already done this. Then there's a puzzle involving using statues to change currents and gain access to other parts of the CotG, including the treasure room.
[quote name='Doomed']
Hayako needs to examine the mural at the entrance to the CotG, you've probably already done this. Then there's a puzzle involving using statues to change currents and gain access to other parts of the CotG, including the treasure room.

Yeah I've done that and completed the current thing. I can now access the Mural thats on the west end that you can have Hayako examine and says it deals with Death in the West and Life in the East. And it talks about the Sun but I'm not sure where to go from here.
[quote name='Doomed']
Hayako needs to examine the mural at the entrance to the CotG, you've probably already done this. Then there's a puzzle involving using statues to change currents and gain access to other parts of the CotG, including the treasure room.

Yeah I've done that and completed the current thing. I can now access the Mural thats on the west end that you can have Hayako examine and says it deals with Death in the West and Life in the East. And it talks about the Sun but I'm not sure where to go from here.
[quote name='Got_Wii']
Yeah I've done that and completed the current thing. I can now access the Mural thats on the west end that you can have Hayako examine and says it deals with Death in the West and Life in the East. And it talks about the Sun but I'm not sure where to go from here.

IIRC, go up. (the sun)
Thanks Doomed I managed to complete the puzzle and watch the credits roll. Now to go back and salvage more items.
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Two questions (sort of):

1) Is the game w/ Wii Speak worth ~$30? Does the Wii Speak add anything to it? Are people acquiring this game for significantly cheaper without the Wii Speak?

2) Is the first Endless Ocean worth playing if one plays this first?
[quote name='kodave']Two questions (sort of):

1) Is the game w/ Wii Speak worth ~$30? Does the Wii Speak add anything to it? Are people acquiring this game for significantly cheaper without the Wii Speak?

2) Is the first Endless Ocean worth playing if one plays this first?[/QUOTE]
You're asking the wrong person.

Endless Ocean 2 has its flaws, but I find it enjoyable. If you give it a chance, you might be surprised.

I don't know about any sales on this.

Endless Ocean and Endless Ocean 2 have their own merits. Endless Ocean is guided by the player - you finish the story and then you complete the goals you make. Endless Ocean 2 has a larger story and 155 achievements and lots of sidequests.
[quote name='kodave']Two questions (sort of):

1) Is the game w/ Wii Speak worth ~$30? Does the Wii Speak add anything to it? Are people acquiring this game for significantly cheaper without the Wii Speak?

2) Is the first Endless Ocean worth playing if one plays this first?[/QUOTE]

My opinion?

1) Endless Ocean 2 is worth $30 even without Wii Speak, so if you can get the accessory thrown in it's a good deal.

Wii Speak is cool if you play multiplayer with a friend (ie: someone you've traded codes with) who also has the peripheral... but I'm betting that not many people actually have that situation available. Of course you could always just sell the accessory to subsidize your purchase.

2) Although there are some definite improvements in Endless Ocean 2, I still prefer the pacing of the first game. Of course, if you don't enjoy Endless Ocean 2 very much then the original game isn't going to change your mind about the series.
[quote name='Strell']Soooooooooooooooooooomebody just oooooooooooooooooooooooordered thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis~[/QUOTE]
If that somebody is you, then somebody else could either plug in his Wii speak for the first time or use some ghetto 360 + Wii combo for online. :bouncy:
I actually bought it at Best Buy for $15, so it should be cheaper there but YMMV. Haven't played it yet though and probably won't til later on.
[quote name='Strell']Oh I was just assuming someone else bought it. It's a big internets you know.[/QUOTE]
Strell still has yet to tell me any impressions about this game. Perhaps because he's too busy playing it.

Now $17 on Amazon, not a DotD type thing either.
Hey Doomed, do I have to wait for Finley to give me hints on each dolphin before I can go out and collect them, or can I go and get them all now?

Training dolphins is cute and all, but it's getting very tedious. I haven't actually put on a dolphin show yet, just the one that makes Finley show up. Will I have to train more than one?
[quote name='Daisydog']Hey Doomed, do I have to wait for Finley to give me hints on each dolphin before I can go out and collect them, or can I go and get them all now?

Training dolphins is cute and all, but it's getting very tedious. I haven't actually put on a dolphin show yet, just the one that makes Finley show up. Will I have to train more than one?[/QUOTE]
Edit: Here's the answer from someone who knows what they're talking about.

Do I have to wait for Finley to give me hints on each dolphin before I can go out and collect them, or can I go and get them all now?

You have to follow the "Be the Best Trainer" quest parts as they trigger, meaning if a quest part includes getting a dolphin, the next part will NOT trigger until you "collect" that particular dolphin referred to in the quest.

For instance: during part 2 of the quest, you will be asked to "collect" a bottlenose dolphin in
Ciceros Strait
. Part 3, where you need to do 3 more shows, will NOT trigger until AFTER you get the bottlenose dolphin.

You see, the proper dolphins, and the cutscenes that introduce them, are triggered by Finley's "hints". You won't see them at all until then.

The exception to this part 7, where the final 5 dolphins will all trigger. The first final 3 will trigger after the quest part, but the last two will only show up after the plot is over, and (endgame spoiler)
the CotG is re-opened.

By the way, the person who asked should be MORE than ready to put on dolphin shows, unless the show for Finley "tanked" (pun intended). The dolphin(s) are very ready to put on shows at level 2, as long as they know their level 2 tricks!

Also, only one dolphin needs to be at level 2, and that dolphin can be used for every show, if you want.

Frankly, I would not hold any shows for the quest with a level 3 dolphin, since a client can ask for the dolphin's special level 3 trick, if the dolphin knows it! If you're not very good at triggering level 3 tricks, this can be VERY, VERY bad, since you will fail to put on a good show if you fail the final request the client makes, and you could get stuck doing a lot of failing shows in a row.

Doing a minimum of 8 shows is part of the full quest; you cannot avoid it if you wish to complete the quest. You need to do 2 good shows for Finley, and two sets of 3 client shows for the quest.

You did explain the level 2 and 3 certification correctly, though. >To level up your dolphins to levels 2 and 3 (new tricks), you must get the level certification from Hayako. This setup is very similar to a dolphin show - you do tricks that Hayako asks for and they have to be a certain quality to pass (like a jump of at least 3 feet). I'm pretty sure you don't need to actually do dolphin shows, but they can help you train dolphins and you get paid. The amount of money you need during the endgame is staggering, so any help is appreciated.

To sum up:
Finley triggers each dolphin as each quest part is completed.

Part 7 will trigger the last of the dolphins, first 3, then 1 after the plot is over, then the final 1 after the CotG re-opening.

Your dolphin's level only needs to be at level 2 (with the level 2 tricks) to put on good shows!

You only really need one trained dolphin to successfully complete the request.

Does this help at all?

My old, and mostly incorrect, answer: [hiddenlist]It's been a while, so I don't know if this is correct. I've asked on the GameFAQs boards if my answer is right. I'll edit this post (or post a new reply if this post isn't the last in the thread) if I get confirmation.

You don't need Finley to give hints on each dolphin. You can collect them in any order you want. Note that each dolphin you can get is special in some way - you can't just pick one to befriend. For example, one of the dolphins you get is colored differently than the normal dolphins of its species.

To level up your dolphins to levels 2 and 3 (new tricks), you must get the level certification from Hayako. This setup is very similar to a dolphin show - you do tricks that Hayako asks for and they have to be a certain quality to pass (like a jump of at least 3 feet). I'm pretty sure you don't need to actually do dolphin shows, but they can help you train dolphins and you get paid. The amount of money you need during the endgame is staggering, so any help is appreciated.[/hiddenlist]
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You really didn't have to go through all that trouble Doomed. Thank you very much!

Your friend explained it pretty well. Please thank him for the tips. So I'll need to follow Finley's demands and collect each dolphin as he tells me about them. It doesn't sound too complicated.

I put on my first real dolphin show and it was easy. I'm glad to hear that I can use the same dolphin for each show, cause I'm not ready to sink hours into training each one yet.
But now Hayako won't let me do a 2nd show. Does something else need to happen first? My dolphin already earned its certificate.

I've ended the game to where the credits roll, I just wanted to collect all the dolphins because it's one of the activities that I hadn't even touched yet.
I never followed any guides, just played around. It took me through the story as I mostly just scanned fish and salvaged like crazy (for some reason I find that very fun). I only just recently picked it up again so I could end the story and see what else there is to do.

Guess I'm a pretty big dork because I didn't realize I should have been doing the quests in the journal :lol:
[quote name='Daisydog']
I put on my first real dolphin show and it was easy. I'm glad to hear that I can use the same dolphin for each show, cause I'm not ready to sink hours into training each one yet.
But now Hayako won't let me do a 2nd show. Does something else need to happen first? My dolphin already earned its certificate. [/quote]
As far as I know, they are like any quests. They come back over time. You can rest in the cabin or do other stuff while you wait for new show / certification requests.
[quote name='Doomed']As far as I know, they are like any quests. They come back over time. You can rest in the cabin or do other stuff while you wait for new show / certification requests.[/QUOTE]
Alright, just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong. There are plenty of other things to do in the meantime.
bread's done