Eternal Sonata - Any Games Similar?


Hello everyone,

I remember going into Wal Mart one day and randomly deciding to give Eternal Sonata a try. I played it for a day, then forgot about it. Later that year, I picked it up again and LOVED it. I just recently did my encore play through.

I love this game's music, storyline, art style... there's NOTHING I really don't like about this game - even the difficult fights were great because it really did take strategy. Do yourself a favor and give this game a try if you haven't played it yet. I was blown away.

Either way, back on subject, I was wondering what games I should play that are similar to this game?
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I don't think there are any games similar, but the first thing I think of when I think of another game like it is Tales of Vesperia. I don't think that's much similar though.
That's too bad that there aren't more games similar to Eternal Sonata. I just recently started playing it and am LOVING it. It may easily be my most enjoyed 360 game, and I thought I loved Fable II! Granted, as a new 360 owner, I haven't played that many 360 games yet, but it seems to me that games like Eternal Sonata (and indeed Tales of Vesperia) tend more towards Nintendo systems. Cute, colorful games tend to get brushed aside on the 360, home of the FPS.

Also Lost Odyssey is a real good JRPG, but it's more FF style. You might try Blue Dragon, it's $5 on with free shipping right now.

If you have a PS3, definately get Valkyria Chronicles.
Yeah Tales is VERY good as is Lost Odyssey.

Still looking for a copy of Eternal Sonata but can't find one right now and I'm not paying 60 for it.
I know the game shouldn't really have a sequel, but I loved it and want more. Maybe a spinoff story within the universe with the same art and gameplay style. Such a beautiful game. I only wish the script and voice acting was better.
Yeah a game that comes to mind is Tales Of Vesperia when i think RPG also another good RPG i played was Blue Dragon some people didnt like it but IMO it was a amazing game!
I really like Eternal Sonata. I think I was one of the few that actually pre-ordered the game, and scored a Polka faceplate ^_^

As for similar style games, everyone has already mentioned it above me. Oh wait, Grandia II is a lot like ES, pretty decent voice acting in that game as well.
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amazing game that really has no equal.. Tales of Vesperia is as close as you'll get, but you'll be somewhat disseminated..
[quote name='FrankySox']Yeah Tales is VERY good as is Lost Odyssey.

Still looking for a copy of Eternal Sonata but can't find one right now and I'm not paying 60 for it.[/QUOTE]

I'll sell you a new copy for $45, or a used copy for $20.
bread's done