Ever dislike a movie that everyone loves?

Napoleon Dynamite. I still wonder if being given this movie as a christmas gift was some sort of spiteful act.
Million Dollar Baby
Predator 2. The fact that I can find a significant amount of people that like that movie scares me.
Any Chickflick
The sisterhood of the traveling pants.
House of the Dead
[quote name='6669']The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I just dont get it.[/quote]

Why is it that people try to shove this movie in my face? It's usually people under 22 that try to tell me how great this movie is. Must have some control over people who are still growing.

I also forgot to add the following movies

Sleepless in Seattle
The Grudge
Any Candyman movie after the first one.
The Medallion
Lords of the Rings movies
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Everyone disliked those 3...[/QUOTE]

You should see the amount of people that I've heard saying they loved the three you highlighted. Very scary indeed.
[quote name='MrBlonde9993']The movie I just cant stand and which many people liked was Hostel. God that movie was awful.[/QUOTE]
I agree. That movie was basically a porno, which is all fine except the fact that I watched it expecting a horror movie.

Also, I thought The Descent was crap.
[quote name='MrBlonde9993']The movie I just cant stand and which many people liked was Hostel. God that movie was awful.[/quote]

thank you.

of recent movies, I'd have to say Transporter. I don't understand why everyone thinks that movie is so cool. it's complete shit.

of all time though, I don't like the Wizard of Oz one damn bit. not that I hate it, I just don't like it. it's completely unappealing to me.

then there's all the musicals. I can't stand musicals at all. I don't even like it when they break into a song and dance number on The Simpsons, and I love that show.
Napoleon Dynamite
A Beautiful Mind
Meet the Parents
the new Superman movie
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Finding Farkin Nemo
Toy Story 1 AND 2

I loved me some Princess Mononoke though
Wes Anderson movies. Rushmore was decent I guess, but not worth watching again. I did like his credit card commercial though.
[quote name='thack']Wes Anderson movies. Rushmore was decent I guess, but not worth watching again. I did like his credit card commercial though.[/quote]

So you only like his second best film? Bottle Rocket blew Rushmore out of the water.


"Whats with the strip on your nose?"

"Its my disguise"
Napolean Dynamite
Old School... actually almost every Will Ferrell movie, except Elf
There's Something About Mary
Austin Powers... all of them
Scary Movie... all of them

there's more I'm sure, but those are the main ones.
I can second Zoolander, I hated that.

I also don't like Vertigo (Hitchcock). I bought it on DVD (as I have the top 20 or so of the AFI top 100) and I just don't like it. I like his other stuff like Psycho, but not Vertigo.
I strongly disagree with The Incredibles and Batman Begins (yeah, I know that's what the tread is for).

But I totally agree with Kill Bill. Could NOT get into that flick at all.

And I'll add The Crying Game. *ugh*
Spider-Man for me. I caught it in theaters 3 or so weeks after it released to good reviews and outstanding box office. (IIRC it actually increased it's box from the 1st to the 2nd week, generally indicating a flick that gets great word of mouth.) So I probably had my expectations ratcheted way too high. But I thought it was pretty much crap. Terrible dialog. And the whole thing with Dafoe talking in seperate voices (to demonstrate that he was batshit insane) was simply comical to me.
There is one film I absolutely despise that many people seem to love - Y Tu Mama Tambien.

I HATE HATE HATE that film. Ugh. Absolute trash. And its not because of risque material. I had no problem with that. I just thought it was pure pretentious crap.
Mine would be Gladiator. A friend hyped it up so much, saying it had "the most intense first 15 minutes of film evar". Whatever. Guess he forgot about the beginning of Saving Private Ryan. Also, Gladiator reminded me too much of Braveheart.
[quote name='wubb']Spider-Man for me. I caught it in theaters 3 or so weeks after it released to good reviews and outstanding box office. (IIRC it actually increased it's box from the 1st to the 2nd week, generally indicating a flick that gets great word of mouth.) So I probably had my expectations ratcheted way too high. But I thought it was pretty much crap. Terrible dialog. And the whole thing with Dafoe talking in seperate voices (to demonstrate that he was batshit insane) was simply comical to me.[/quote]

I agree!!!

I usually love Sam Raimi too - Evil Dead is awesome.

And I read spiderman comics devotedly as a kid.

BUT - the movie was awful - Dafoe was wasted as an actor and Spiderman is not a homosexual.
[quote name='projecteightysix']Every David Lynch movie I've ever seen has been complete crap with no substance what so-ever, yet everyone who thinks they're intelligent acts like they're the greatest things in the world.

I've given him many many chances to win me over, but all of the movies I've seen were terrible.[/quote]

Well, do you understand the movies?

I mean - do you understand the metaphor of the opening of Blue Velvet for example? (ants fighting in the backyard...)

Most modern movies beat you over the head with the plot, yet Lynch goes out of his way to couch it in motifs.

It's fine to dislike Lynch's movies, but I believe it's either intellectually dishonest or ignorant to claim that Lynch's movies have "no substance what so-ever".
Fight Club (looks great and there were aspects I liked, but so much just seemed like it was trying too hard)
Buba Ho-tep (didn't hate it, I just get very bored by it even though it's premise is something I should like)
and especially the Boondock Saints (was highly recommended by a number of friends, but I couldn't stand it)
[quote name='kromekoran']thank you.

of recent movies, I'd have to say Transporter. I don't understand why everyone thinks that movie is so cool. it's complete shit.[/QUOTE]

I'm personally a HUGE Statham and Transporter fan. I know the story(ies) (if you count TP2) arent that good, I agree. But essentially nonstop mindless action for a whole movie? I love it. I guess I feel like theyre relaxing movies. You dont need to think too hard about plot, characters, etc. Just watch. Kind of like going to a boxing match. I do understand why people dont like the movies though.

[quote name='Sarang01']Apply that statement to Miike Takashi after "Audition" pretty much.[/QUOTE]

It's Takashi Miike...
Finding Nemo
Pretty much every other CG animated movie
There's Something About Mary
Donnie Darko
Spiderman 1 and 2
Pirates of the Caribbean 1 and 2
The Ring
Night at the Museum didn't get great reviews, but it was #1 at the box office for 3 weeks in a row. God that movie sucked.

Also didn't like:
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (zzzzzzzzzzzzzz)
FF7: Advent Children
Matrix Reloaded
The Boondock Saints
Batman Begins
Transporter 2

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Two Words, Happy Feet, my god that was THE WORST FILM EVER! The diolouge was horrible, the enviromental subject made it feel like I was watching an Inconvient Truth, and all the music was out of the frickin 70's and 80's. Although that movie was horrible there were some others I didn't like.

The only one I could think of off the bat was Psycho, everyone says it was "scary" but I found it boring.
[quote name='Number83']

I'm surprised nobody's taken you to task for this choice. I can't wait for the Blu Ray of it to come in the mail (and for my goddamn tv to be repaired so I can watch it). It's your opinion, so fair enough.

I'd like to add something, but I don't know if I can. I dislike a great number of movies, some already mentioned (I suffered through Napoleon Dynamite and Fight Club), but I don't know what movies "everybody likes."

All my friends recommended "The Notorious Bettie Page" to us; it was hands down one of the five worst films I've ever seen, from the dialogue to the cinematography to the direction and production. The only redeeming thing about it was a DVD extra of the real Bettie Page taking her top off from the 1950's (which was a sufficient balance, IMO). Nevertheless, it was a niche movie that was never expected to make much money, so it's hard to say "everyone loves" it.

I don't like anything Tarantino's done except for Pulp Fiction (Kill Bill is alright, so I don't hate it, but I don't like it either).

Charlize Theron's "Monster" was a damned good movie, but like "Boys Don't Cry," it was a movie I was glad I watched, but was not "entertained" by it, nor did I ever want to watch it again. That's a different category, though.
A History of Violence. I thought it was really lame and boring. And I even like Ed Harris.
[quote name='projecteightysix']Every David Lynch movie I've ever seen has been complete crap with no substance what so-ever, yet everyone who thinks they're intelligent acts like they're the greatest things in the world.

I've given him many many chances to win me over, but all of the movies I've seen were terrible.[/quote]

Couldn't have put it better myself.
[quote name='Squall835']Couldn't have put it better myself.[/quote]

I hear stuff like this all the time, along with "the first Mission Impossible was hard to understand" and "wow, DaVinci Code is so insightful and amazing"

I'm pretty sure the reason Hollywood beats you over the head with a plot is because the average American consumer doesn't want to stop and think.
Haha, I get what you are saying, and know people who've actually claimed what you just said. I just find lynch's work really bland, there is no overall plot, just a bunch of symbolism that I don't really care to figure out. Eraserhead made me want to kill myself with its random images, I believe I even saw a penis come out of the ground at one time. Then again, everyone who told me to see it told me it was a scary freaky movie, so I expected something to give me chills, not make me laugh.

Mullholland Dr. was just another "it was all a dream" movie, which I freaking hate.

Twin Peaks: fire walk with me was just more of the same.

I've seen one other but I can't remember what it was. I haven't seen blue velvet or lost highway.

I take my original statement back though, I did enjoy the elephant man, and dune was alright.
[quote name='kromekoran']of recent movies, I'd have to say Transporter. I don't understand why everyone thinks that movie is so cool. it's complete shit.[/QUOTE] QFT [quote name='camoor']I hear stuff like this all the time, along with "the first Mission Impossible was hard to understand" and "wow, DaVinci Code is so insightful and amazing"[/QUOTE] That reminds me, I hated M:I 2. [quote name='FriskyTanuki']Any and all horror movies[/QUOTE] Agreed. They just don't work. None of them. [quote name='Number83']
[/QUOTE] Agreed, and reminds me of a few more:

A Clockwork Orange
Blue Velvet
The Shining
On the flip side I loved The Fountain and apparently a lot of people didn't like it. The Fountain has to be one of my favs of all time.
[quote name='projecteightysix']I take my original statement back though, I did enjoy the elephant man, and dune was alright.[/quote]

Cool, cool, I can see where you're coming from in the second post and if you don't enjoy movies that are heavily influenced or set in "dream-time" then it's logical that you wouldn't enjoy Lynch's work.

As an ironic aside, I thoroughly enjoyed the Dune book but IMO Lynch totally screwed up the movie (which was a pity because it had great sets, cool special effects, and an excellent cast - how can you screw up a sci-fi movie with Quantam Leap's Al, Sting, and Picard!
[quote name='jPoD']Finding Nemo is the biggest turd to grace the silver screen.[/quote]
Agree'd. Pixar hasen't released a true classic after their two great original hits, Toy Story and A Bug's Life.

Spider-Man 2 was highly regarded everywhere but it was a huge waste of 2+ hours. I dug the original though.

Napoleon Dynamite too
[quote name='thehuskerfan']I really disliked Thank You For Smoking...[/QUOTE]

Probably my favorite movie ever.

[quote name='sgs89']A History of Violence. I thought it was really lame and boring. And I even like Ed Harris.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='darthbudge']Two Words, Happy Feet, my god that was THE WORST FILM EVER! The diolouge was horrible, the enviromental subject made it feel like I was watching an Inconvient Truth, and all the music was out of the frickin 70's and 80's. Although that movie was horrible there were some others I didn't like.

The only one I could think of off the bat was Psycho, everyone says it was "scary" but I found it boring.[/QUOTE]

Agreedxinfinity. Probably the WORST movie ive ever seen. Stupid friend's girlfriend's sister! ugh. Utter filth.
I don't haven't seen all that many movies of late, so I couldn't comment. But I definately have this with tv.

Most of the so-called comedy on [adult swim] I find insulting to anyone with an IQ over 20, and yet they pull in the ratings. I guess I just don't get the drunken frat-house humor. Home Movies would make me laugh. Since then, naught but garbage.

Edit: From the exact opposite angle, I thought the movie The Day After Tomorrow was highly entertaining in all it's absurdity.
I forgot to add every super hero movie. They all suck except for The Punisher cause thats one of my favorite comic books, oh and Spawn was good as well.
Wow, two people in this thread that don't like Goodfellas. I thought N83 was going to win the prize of being the only one to not like his pick with that one.
bread's done