Ever just suck miserably at a game even though you try REALLY hard ?!?

Genma is significantly more difficult than the PS2 original.
Tough stuff, but I finished it. :p
I never had trouble with Ikaruga, Megaman, Viewtiful Joe, or any stereotypically hard games, but I had a very hard time with Metroid Prime. So hard (and with little incentive to finish it) that I gave up half way through it. Also, when the original Resident Evil first came out on the PSX, it took me forever to adjust to the control scheme.
[quote name='beerguy961'][quote name='hiccupleftovers']Mainly Ikaruga comes to mind.[/quote]

Ikaruga. Game makes me say Ikaruga is my daddy...[/quote]

Yup. The worst of it is that I get so close to the end and then I die. It makes me so Shaq-fuing angry.
Counter-Strike wasn't too hard for me, but there were many people better than me. I'd say i was better than half of the people who play Counter Strike. I got my ass handed to me on Fire Arms.But in Halo Trial, or Men of Valor(trial) I am probably the top 5 best players.
Nobody mentioned the first Devil May Cry. I beat the game in the hardest difficulty, and got this kick ass character. But the thing was he was so cheap, that when I went back to playing as the regular player I got creamed.
There's never been a game that I've been really bad at, but there is something very odd. For some reason, Devil May Cry (1) was very easy for me on normal and hard, but Dante's Disk on Devil May Cry 2 was very hard for me, even on the lowest difficulty. o_O Even more bizzarre, Lucia's Disk on DMC2 was extremely easy.

Can you imagine blowing past DMC1, then hearing lots of people whine about DMC2 being way too easy and DMC1 being very hard, and then doing terribly on DMC2? I was so confused. -_-;
[quote name='Panda']^_^

It's the Biltzball game in FFX I always suck at.[/quote]
Yep. Same here. Ikaruga also frequently makes me its' bitch. But I still love it so.
I never beat Dracula in the original Castlevania. I got him to one power and he killed me that is the closest I ever got. Thanks to the re-release on GBA I going to kick his arse this time.

I also never offically beat the last boss in Devil May Cry. I don't think I powered up correctly and never felt like playing all the levels over again. Maybe someday I'll Kick his Arse.

But Shinobi I destroyed that game and the last boss. I took out Ninja Gaiden with no real problems and I just beat Metroid Prime yesterday (Fantastic Game :D )

Now I working on GTA Vice City and San Andreas.
In Vice City I had a problem with one of the last missions and I put the game on the shelf. I was basically done with it but I never went back so I going to take care of that I get back into the hood. GTA San Andreas is the (Fill in the Blank :wink: ) Taking some good pictures in the hood I love the camera.
[quote name='alongx']Shinobi's final boss is unbeatable. I am convinced. All in all, I probably spent like 5-6 hours just trying to beat that boss. The lowest I ever got him to was 1/4 of his life left.[/quote]

He is one of the harder boss battles released upon the gaming populace in the last few years. I remeber when the game first came out, he basically shanghied entire forums.

Took me a few hours, but eventually you have to start memorizing his sounds. Since the camera is so bad, you have to not only know what each attack cue is, but also how loud or soft it is, so you know how close he is. But yeah, that's a good one
Generally speaking, I am very bad at puzzle games, because I have no foresight. They're all about setting up chains, and positioning blocks (or whatever) to fall and trigger something else besides your initial moves.......I can't ever plan ahead in this way

I rock at everything else in the world that exists (excluding spelling of course)
The Key to Beating the last boss in Shinobi is to do the chain power ups (tate) with your sword and then lay the smack down.

If you destroy all the snakes (I think that what he throws at you) and power up your sword he and every boss can be killed in two to three hits.

EAch boss throws out items or characters that you can use to power up the tate in your sword. I remember before I got the concept down the spider boss kicked my arse. But then after I figured out the power of the Tate I took out that boss in two hits!

If you were not good at doing that throughout the game then the last boss would be a pain.
[quote name='Goodtone']DDR is hard at first until you learn how to play it. I have seen people give up and say "I am NEVER playing this game again!!" Then they freak out and throw a temper tantrum.[/quote]

I just got DDR Ultramix and a dance pad this past weekend. It's humbling, to say the least. Fortunately, I can tell I'm improving, and even though the improvement is very gradual, it's good motivation to get better at it. Plus, I'm sure it's really fun once you're good at it and playing on the harder levels.

[quote name='jlarlee']Tony Hawk games own me. I am a little better now that the timer isn't a big part of the proceddings. But it seems like I get in the air and my fingers spaz out and hit the wrong buttons and I end up landing the trick on my face.[/quote]

I've always been pretty good at the Tony Hawk games. I couldn't imagine starting with THUG2 though; it seems that with each new Tony Hawk game, Neversoft turns the speed up a notch, so it would be really hard if THUG2 were your introduction to the series. I didn't realize how much of a difference it was until I went back and played Tony Hawk 2X, then played THUG2. If you're new to the series, I'd recommend starting with Tony Hawk 2/2X or 3 so you can learn the gameplay at a slower speed; then, the faster speed of later Tony Hawk games won't be as difficult because you'll have a solid foundation.
[quote name='jeffispiked']Stealth games in general hate me. When I read about a game before purchasing it, the stealth stuff always sounds fun. Then I get the thing home, I panic, I shoot the guys in the face, and I screw up my mission. It brings me to my new philosophy on stealth games: I'm not going to play them. Why sneak behind a guy when I could just shoot him in the face? This is part of the reason I like a simple game like Halo where I can just run up to my enemies (who are clearly my enemies) and shoot them dead.[/quote]

I forgot about stealth games, I can't stand the parts where you have to creep slow. I always start running and blow the mission. Hitman 2 is a great example of this.
I can usually push a game to getting about 80 to 90% unlocked. I've had to teach myself to be satisfied with not getting 100% at times (can't do it with R: Racing Evolution and Burnout 2). One game that I'm dying to beat but is insanely hard is the arcade version of Outrun (playable through Sega Ages, Shenmue, Outrun2, and Yu Suzuki Gameworks).

If you ever do find the means to beat Shinobi and Gunvalkyrie, go back to playing the first stage and compare your skills to when you first played those early stages. What's special about these games is that you have to play it on their own unique terms.
[quote name='Sartori']Can't say I can relate.[/quote]

Probrably because you just suck at real life. Cocky bastard.
[quote name='huma79'][quote name='Sartori']Can't say I can relate.[/quote]

Probrably because you just suck at real life. Cocky bastard.[/quote]

Stealth games... I forgot about that. I'm still stuck on "Dead Drop" in Splinter Cell, right near the beginning after "Blaustein's Black Box." Those guards.... Those infuriating guards!

Ah yes. And Devil May Cry. I played on Normal mode the first time through, and it took me roughly 15 times to beat Phantom. I couldn barely even touch Nelo Angelo. On Easy Automatic, I beat Phantom and Angelo the first time... Weird.
Fighting games. I love playing Street Fighter, King of Fighters, and the others on my own...but whenever I'm up agains someone who's even halfway decent, I get humiliated. I'm just not any good at them, no matter what I do... :(
bread's done