FACT: Greatest Hits Covers are rarer than Non-GH covers

If I have a choice between a non-PH and a PH cover. I would go for the non-PH cover. I like the Green cases more then the Silver. But I have heard that some EB emplyees say some customers like the silver cases more then the green ones.
Geez, who resurrected this old thread? I've pretty much said all I have to say, but I have to share my great appreciation for JSweeney's ability to articulate himself and back up his arguments with FACTS and CLEAR LOGIC rather than feelings. For the love, please learn something from this guy before you go out and vote in November. God gave you a mind for a reason. There is still hope for the world.
I am a collector, and I get my most of my deals really cheap. Ebay statistically show that their is a market for games as a collectable, between rereleases and first issues. Razing someone for a hobbie of collecting games is like doing it to someone who plays games. There are several people in here who collect games as a whole, and do it cheaply. I just watch the market, with FFX release I waited till the game had the GH release and then went on ebay and bought the mint original for 12 dollars. running out of time
Ummm, no. I only buy non-PH/GH/PC games because I like all my games to have a similar look to them. It might sound stupid, but I don't like the horrible looking red/yellow/silver striping on the cases or the discs.

Call it stupid, but that's how I like 'em.

It doesn't matter what anyone thinks of all that, but it's my collection and my money being spent. Until you pull money out of your own pocket and start buying my stuff then it'll matter.
I like having all the "regular" versions in my collection too, and yes, I get what I can for cheap - but for the most part, if you have a little patience, you can find the regular version anyway. Which is why I don't get the "Greatest Hits" version, I like my shelf being all uniform.

And it's a hobby, and a preference. I think the Greatest Hits stuff just looks ugly. I don't get the "regular" version for perceived value - they're not more valuable in general.

Just, as a consumer, I have a choice between which I want, so I choose. This may be frustrating to some retailers when they're asked "is it the Greatest Hits version?".

I don't understand why they change the packaging anyway. Drop the price, advertise that the price dropped (like the Xenosaga ads I've seen recently).
If you want your shelves to look pretty or consistent or whatever, and only buy non-GH in order to keep it that way, then that certainly is your decision and your right, and I fully support that.
Some retailes might not be too aware of a difference, so you may have trouble getting the info you need, but that can add to the 'challenge' of the hunt.
But to say the GH units are somehow 'inferior' or 'commonman' and 'people will think I'm cheap', to me, is firstly, silly, and secondly, very elitist. It doesn't sound like you guys have that thinking, so this isn't directed at you.
They change the packaging to draw attention to the line of GH games on the shelf as an impulse buy, and just like PS2 and Xbox and Gamecube are brands, 'Greatest Hits' Platinum Hits and Players Choice are all brands too; people think that nomenclature implies quality in and of itself, and are more likely to buy. Plus, since most if not all GH are 19.99, there's a price awareness there also.
I wonder how many out there didn't buy Virtua FIghter 4: Evolution just because of the Greatest Hits labeling. I know that is a unique situation but that game was released as a Greatest Hits version only. I guess it really doesn't bother me either way. I look at it like this...

The SNES and NES had different colored carts, most people I knew stacked there carts without the boxes. That means some people have red Separation Anxiety, red Doom, black Killer Instinct carts with their grey SNES carts. Some have blue Wisdom Tree games, and gold Zelda carts with their NES collection. Most didn't have a problem with that.

I knew quite a few people who just HAD to have the gold Zelda carts when I was growing up. Other than the gold, there was no difference. I was happy with my little grey cart and they liked their gold.

That being said, the argument that GH games are ugly doesn't make much sense to me. I am looking at my collection now and everygame has wildly different colors below the normal black PS2 bar or the red GH PS2 bar on the spine. Madden is white, Ace Combat 4 is blue, Gungrave is yellow, Bloodrayne is red. Doesn't that make it ugly too since all these companies use different colors for their title on the spine?

The only thing that concerns me is when I buy a used game that has no cover (which I try not to because that usually means no instructions either). Now THAT is ugly, lol.

Either way, to each his own. As long as you get the game version that you are satisfied with then that is all that matters. :D
op post is very contradicting... on the same note, would you want a first print Spider Man #1 comic or a 3rd print Spider Man #1 with a different color cover?? and if you came opon that 1st print, would you try to buy it for $1000 or $100... uh.. let me think..

just because they're "collectors" does not mean they cant save a buck or 2.
[quote name='magilacudy'] ...my friends think I'm crazy, but if a game is decent and cheap I'll buy it regardless of labelling. A game is a game, to a point. I'm sure there are those here who don't want to admit it, but have had a game which they like more than any others and just can't believe they have, and will just stare at the box out of some sort of twisted admiration. Mine was Soul Calibur and FFTA. ...

dude we're infected with the same disease, FFTA also did a number on me. that virgin white box, so innocent and untainted... almost holy... props to Square/Enix marketing team.
A true hard core Cheap Ass Gamer and Collector would wait for that small window of opportunity when the game is declared a Greatest Hit, but those mischievous Red Boxes have not hit the shelves yet. It's risky, but the payoff and thrill is amazing :)

A true hard core Cheap Ass Gamer and Collector will drive miles and search days looking for that one special store that has them in stock too. He flips through all the circular ads in the Paper. Saves them for price matching the local Wally World, and even argues with clerks about the prices until he gets his Cheap Ass Game. He might even buy an extra copy to keep sealed and show off for 10 or so years and sell it on eBay for huge profits (new, sealed Chrono Trigger anyone?)

I think I just described myself.

Anyone else fall into this category ;)
[quote name='b3b0p']Anyone else fall into this category ;)[/quote]

Count me in.

Although I think I just convince myself that I'm going to sell on EBay is just an excuse for me to buy games. I'm probably going to end up passing on my game collection to my (eventual) kids someday.

They probably won't realize the value and just open up the boxes or throw them away or something... ok maybe I'll just have the games buried with me :?
Ahhhh the cheapass collector. Here we sit in all of our anal retentive glory. Arguing about the pristine nature of our collections. And yet we have not even begun to delve into the frightening reality of our situation.

The racks and racks of videogame magazines from the defunct Official Dreamcast Magazine to the defunct Next Generation to the defunct Ultra Gameplayers to the defunct EGM2. Or how we must renew our subscriptions to EGM and OPM and OXM. Or how...even though we can't stand it and it makes us nauseous we every so often pick up a copy of Gamepro at the newsstand because we need to see if there is something we missed.

And how about how our little dens of sin are arranged. How many tvs do we have down there. 1, 2...2 plus one or two lcd monitors. And what about that bottom shelf where you have those Genesis 32x games...you got them cheap, but once you go that 32x installed did you really play it (other than Star Wars Arcade). And those Sega CD games...Nighttrap anyone.

Oh yes, we may be cheapass, but many of us are collectors through and through.

As for the Greatest Hits debate...I give a rat's (cheap)ass which version of a game I have. The truly valuable, collectable games will seldom ever reach GH status so it really doesn't make a difference. Will we ever see a GH of Rhapsody or Suikoden 2 or Persona 2 or any of the other sly little RPGs that got released on the QT for the PSone...no. And when a GH title does get released or when a game gets rereleased on another system (Puzzle FIghter) the value plummets. So,while a few games might be worth clinging to for later value, many will not. Oh well, this is a great topic...now i need to run down into the basement and run my hands along my Next Generation magazines...and hold back the--sob---sob...gotta go...
[quote name='JOEBOO']games are games who cares about colors or greatest hits[/quote]

That's the perfect attitude...unless you're a collector. In that case, rarer is always better since you most likely won't be playing with the game anyway.

Personally, I'd almost always choose a $20 GH game over the more expensive original.
bread's done