Fallout 3 - XBox 360 or PS3 - Which version should I get?

I know the PS3 version of Oblivion was better than the 360 version. Maybe Bethesda will work a little extra magic out of the PS3 again with this?
The improvements that were made for the PS3 as I understand it was later updated for the 360. It also had an extra year to work on it. I wouldn't use Oblivion as a judge for what system would be better.
Thanks for the comments!

After doing a little research myself, I think I'm now leaning towards getting the Xbox 360 version. While I'm not an "Achievement Whore", I like Achievements and Trophies, and the fact that the PS3 won't have support for trophies at the time of the game's release makes me nervous. I'm not interested in playing through the game for a few weeks, or even a few months, and then have them implement support for them, and me having to restart to get some of the early-game achievements/trophies.
I would go for PS3 as it clearly has better graphic capabilities with the blu-ray as XBOX is stuck in the past with DVD's. You also don't have to worry about hearing the annoying loud fan of the 360 blowing when your playing is quiet areas of the game.
As often as I push PS3 versions on games, I wouldn't go for it on PS3 (Fallout 3), mostly because the devs seem to barely care about the PS3 version (no trophies, I'm not even sure if they ever showcased it). That shows they have very little commitment to it IMO. A game like Mirror's Edge, I'd say the opposite for (as an example).
[quote name='RiPaCRoMBiE']I would go for PS3 as it clearly has better graphic capabilities with the blu-ray as XBOX is stuck in the past with DVD's. You also don't have to worry about hearing the annoying loud fan of the 360 blowing when your playing is quiet areas of the game.[/quote]

Blu ray has nothing to do with graphics. If this was the case the PS3 would have better graphics than PC games.
360. Exclusive content (why wouldn't anyone want *more* game?) and achievements. That said, if your PC can run it, that's probably the place to play.
[quote name='Kendal']Blu ray has nothing to do with graphics. If this was the case the PS3 would have better graphics than PC games.[/quote]
The Blu-Ray allows more allocated space on 1 disc. Which not only allows higher poly renders but allows games that would be 2-3 disc games with limited cut scenes on the xbox be 1 disc with all the cut scenes on the PS3. That's why even if XBOX somehow managed to pull MGS4 on the 360, it would of been a 4 disc game which to me is SO PlayStation 1.

(Please Insert Disc 2)
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']RiPaCRoMBiE, lay down.

I'm going 360. I vastly prefer the controller and like having achievements.[/quote]
no worries. two eaches own. I am not a big fan of the xbox controller for some reason. I feel like i'm holding a dreamcast controller :\
[quote name='RiPaCRoMBiE']The Blu-Ray allows more allocated space on 1 disc. Which not only allows higher poly renders but allows games that would be 2-3 disc games with limited cut scenes on the xbox be 1 disc with all the cut scenes on the PS3. That's why even if XBOX somehow managed to pull MGS4 on the 360, it would of been a 4 disc game which to me is SO PlayStation 1.

(Please Insert Disc 2)[/quote]

Aren't polys rendered by the machine, not on the disc? I wish MGS 4 came out on the 360. It wouldn't take a minute to install between acts. It would have been under a minute if each act was on one disc to swap out. But I guess that would be soooooooo PS1. Even though it wasn't limited to the PS1 and I will laugh when the PS3 gets a multiple disc game.
Exclusive dlc sucks. I prefer to game on the ps3 than hearing the super loud 360 fan, also the dpad is a bit better on the ps3 than the 360.

However I suggest to get the 360 version because the devs don't care about the ps3 at all and it would suck to miss out on extra content.
[quote name='magus83']Exclusive dlc sucks. I prefer to game on the ps3 than hearing the super loud 360 fan, also the dpad is a bit better on the ps3 than the 360.

However I suggest to get the 360 version because the devs don't care about the ps3 at all and it would suck to miss out on extra content.[/quote]
agreed. the 360 is way to loud. I have crank my games up to filter out the fans.

The Polys are rendered by the machine but depending on the poly count the filesize will be extremely larger. Blu-Ray can handle games being rendered at higher poly and still be limited to 1 disc. I can't stand the fact that in this day and age, games can actually be more than 1 disc. Lost Odyssey was 4 freaking discs... 4 DISCS!!! HORRIBLE!

Also, when refering to downloadable content. I'm sorry, I am just still a bit hesitent to pay for a $300+ system then have to pay to play it online and download DEMO's. That's right, DEMO's... You know, free trials of the game? GG XBOX.

I think I'll stick with P.C. or PS3 when talking about Fallout 3. I only bought this microsoft piece of junk for Gears of War 2 and Fable 2.
Jesus christ. You can't put polys on a fucking disc. The renders would be the same cause both systems have pretty much the same poly count that can be displayed on screen.
But but but Blu Rays aren't discs. They're better than discs. They're Blu's. Plus Cell. Ugh.

Kendal, come on man you know better than this. Do not feed the braying jackass.
[quote name='RiPaCRoMBiE']
I think I'll stick with P.C. or PS3 when talking about Fallout 3. I only bought this microsoft piece of junk for Gears of War 2 and Fable 2.[/quote]

I'm going to take all of your comments with a grain of salt regarding the Xbox 360, since you bias for the PS3 is verging on fanboyism.

I'm sorry that you only bought the 360 for Fable 2 and Gears 2. I think you probably should have saved your money if you really only bought the system for two games, because there really are other excellent exclusives that you are missing out on. But to each his own.

To everybody else, who offered suggestions, I thank you. I think that the Xbox 360 is the version that I'll be going with. Most of my friends will be getting it for 360, the achievements are always nice to have, as is the idea of having "exclusive" DLC.

Besides, I'll be able to give love to the PS3 with games like LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2, etc. now as well as in the coming months.
[quote name='Kendal']Jesus christ. You can't put polys on a fucking disc. The renders would be the same cause both systems have pretty much the same poly count that can be displayed on screen.[/quote]

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear a thing you said. I was playing my 360 elite and the sounds of the fans muffled out everything including the screams of small children.

Fallout 3 on PC all the way kthx!
For me I'm thinking of going with the PS3 version only because my 360 is attached to an SDTV and I want it to look good. I'm not getting my 360 on an HDTV until I find a new house (which is almost 2 years in the making).
Nitpick: Increased polygonal counts on characters, environments, etc. increase very little in space usage (read: negligible unless you're releasing your game on a floppy disc) compared to lower polygonal models.
[quote name='RiPaCRoMBiE']I'm sorry, I couldn't hear a thing you said. I was playing my 360 elite and the sounds of the fans muffled out everything including the screams of small children.

Fallout 3 on PC all the way kthx![/QUOTE]

Good God, how close do you people sit to your 360? My launch 360 is loud, but I actually prefer to have the volume on my TV up to a point I can actually hear, as opposed to gaming on mute.
I own a PC and a 360 so I can only choose between those two, but if I owned a PS3 I'm pretty sure my decision would still be between PC and 360. Due to Bethesda's announcement about not instantly including modding tools on the PC I may have to pick the 360 version and eventually pick up the PC version on the cheap for user-created content which will be every bit awesome.
Ps3 for me I think (assuming I get the game at all).

I don't really have any well though out reason other than currently my library of ps3 games is smaller than my 360 one, though thats not including ps2 games.

and my PC can't handle it I think.
OK...now that the game is actually out, does anyone have any strong feelings about this that they'd like to share?

Should I buy Fallout 3 for my PS3 or my Xbox 360?

This article has me a little concerned, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask some CAGs, as well.
I bought it on the 360 for the DLC and to avoid any potential technical issues sites like GiantBomb have run into on the PS3. But I'll tell you, it's a bitch to get things looking good on my 360 since Microsoft doesn't give a shit about outputting correct RGB levels.
[quote name='RiPaCRoMBiE']I'm sorry, I couldn't hear a thing you said. I was playing my 360 elite and the sounds of the fans muffled out everything including the screams of small children.

Fallout 3 on PC all the way kthx![/quote]


Also, I got it on 360. I can hear it just fine. Maybe the people bitching about the noise need hearing aids. Or just AIDS. Poster quoted for example.
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