Family Guy offends Sarah Palin


2 (100%)

Normally, I couldn't care less what Sarah Palin thinks, but she's got a very valid reason to be pissed here. Far more than the Letterman thing.

Granted I don't find any episode of Family Guy to be even remotely funny. It's an attempted rip off of South Park, only without clever writing and more dick jokes.

Make fun of Palin for being an uninformed, obnauxious idiot. She's elected to put herself in the public arena, but to me, mocking someone's infant, especially one with Down Syndrome, isn't tight. As a parent of two kids, a birth defect like that is about the scariest thing you can ever imagine with a pregnant wife. Having it be a reality and dealing with it as she has, takes a stronger person than I am.
[quote name='georox']Sarah Palin offends me. I don't see a thread about it.[/QUOTE]

She offends me too. She's a politician and has done plenty to deserve to be mocked. What has her infant done? That's my beef. Palin seems to be a bad person, a bad politician, all that. Attack her like crazy...but why are people mocking or attacking her kids, especially a child under 2. That's classless, and the type of failing efforts to be funny, that Family Guy, as a show, is.
But we all know Family Guy hasn't been funny since what, the second or third season, when Fox canceled it the first time?

I just really don't see why people find this type of shit to be newsworthy. Not you personally, but sites in generally that do. It's just more free advertisement and publicity.
[quote name='berzirk']
Make fun of Palin for being an uninformed, obnauxious idiot. She's elected to put herself in the public arena, but to me, mocking someone's infant, especially one with Down Syndrome, isn't tight. As a parent of two kids, a birth defect like that is about the scariest thing you can ever imagine with a pregnant wife. Having it be a reality and dealing with it as she has, takes a stronger person than I am.[/QUOTE]

Like I said yesterday, that went out the door the moment she used her kid for political justification on this "Mommy is mad" tirade nonsense circus show she's putting on.

We can't say anything about your underage pregnant unwed daughter, even in the context of showing that abstinence-only education is a total farce, but she can parade her DS baby around like a mantle of oppression and common decency?

Grow. Up.
I can't stand Palin. She's just on a "I need to be in the news" tirade. First of all, grow up. People say mean things and do mean things. How come this is the first time she's stood up to a poke at DS or Retardation? I'm sorry, but my girlfriend is a special ed teacher and I have learned to remind people that calling people retarded isn't cool. I can think of many other instances where mentally retarted people are made fun of. This is just her way of bulleting into the headlines.

I can't wait until they try to make her run for president. Seriously, why is that even up for discussion. This is coming from a Republican, but I want a politician, not a Maury guest.

That said, Family Guy sucks. It has it's moments, as most shows do, but McFarlane does nothing but insult his viewers. The jokes are generally stale and he has no respect for his fans. He's just a douche. South Park is funny, Simpsons is funny, Futurama is funny, Family Guy is not.

I wish Palin and Family Guy would cancel each other out and both disappear.

Sorry, I gotta go, I think I can see Russia from here! I have to investigate now!
I dislike both Palin and Family guy, and would also like to see them both cancel each other out. Both are over exposed and over rated by their respective fans.
The "joke" in question wasn't even a joke. It was just them shoving a stupid out of place reference in that is on it's face supposed to be funny. Family guy needed to stay canceled after it's third season. They haven't been even remotely funny since then.
South Park really nailed Family Guy on the head with the Mohammad episode.
Get it! It was Mohammad and he had a football! LOL!
That's what qualifies as a joke anymore to McFarlane.
[quote name='georox']but we all know family guy hasn't been funny since what, the second or third season, when fox canceled it the first time.[/quote]
I really don't think McFarlane gives a shit if any of you guys don't like his show. It's become popular to hate on Family Guy like it's popular to hate on Halo 3. You think a show sticks around for a decade and gets syndicated on TBS and Adult Swim because it's a horrible piece of garbage?

I watch it when there's nothing else because it's brainless fun. The jokes are absolutely ridiculous and usually make little sense but who cares? Why does everything have to be a deep thought on the effects of the War of 1812?

I have a buddy that used to HATE Family Guy. I asked him why and he admitted to never watching an episode but it looked like something he wouldn't like. Thing is, he would always say, "Family Guy sucks." whenever someone would bring it up. He never watched it but he sure knew he hated it. I got him to watch an episode and now he sneaks in an episode every once in a while. Hell, he even quotes lines occasionally.

It just proves the latest theory. Internet forums + popular entertainment = teh suxxorz! If I don't like it personally, it sucks fat donkey nuts and you're stupid for liking it too!

As for Sarah Palin, I agree with Strell. You can't use something as a shield and parade it around like a political chip and then get pissed when someone pokes fun at it. You really can't be pissed if it's a comedy that pokes fun at EVERYONE.
[quote name='depascal22']I really don't think McFarlane gives a shit if any of you guys don't like his show. It's become popular to hate on Family Guy like it's popular to hate on Halo 3. You think a show sticks around for a decade and gets syndicated on TBS and Adult Swim because it's a horrible piece of garbage?

I watch it when there's nothing else because it's brainless fun. The jokes are absolutely ridiculous and usually make little sense but who cares? Why does everything have to be a deep thought on the effects of the War of 1812?

It just proves the latest theory. Internet forums + popular entertainment = teh suxxorz! If I don't like it personally, it sucks fat donkey nuts and you're stupid for liking it too!

As for Sarah Palin, I agree with Strell. You can't use something as a shield and parade it around like a political chip and then get pissed when someone pokes fun at it. You really can't be pissed if it's a comedy that pokes fun at EVERYONE.[/QUOTE]

Yah, but the "it" you're referring to is a 2 year old with Down Syndrome. Of course freedom of speech allows you to say a lot. My issue with that is, just because you're allowed to say something...should you? Would most of us think it was a decent thing to do, to make fun of a toddler with Down Syndrome, regardless of who his parents were?

I truly hate Family Guy. Tried to get into it at the beginning when everyone said it's funny, but it never did it for me. It's up there with Katt Williams and Dane Cook, where bad writing, high volume, and filth are mistaken for talent. I couldn't care less if people like the show, they're just as entitled to like it as I am for hating it. Oh, and I enjoyed Halo 3, and think Lady Gaga is a good entertainer. I'm so counter-culture.
I've moved on beyond the simple "Family Guy's comedy sucks" as a reason for hating on it, and taken it to a much more elitist level, in that I have an issue with McFarlane running his show on a network that A) his own cartoon has made fun of, and B) shares a large and overbearing conservative bias.

Here we have a guy who clearly wants weed to be decriminalized, hates fear mongering, opposes war, etc etc. (We'll leave out his obvious misogyny and racial stereotyping under the banner of "comedy" because that's a quagmire we'll never get out of. Quagmire! Giggity!) But he has no problem with his show being on their networks and airspace because a paycheck is a paycheck, and right now he owns 75% of their Sunday night primetime animation block.

That's fucked up. It's the same problem I largely have with - according to insider testimony - Glenn Beck, who apparently does it for the lulz and moneez.

Murdoch is already a fucking troll, and has a vast empire to send out his tiny narrow minded viewpoint, which is that the libruls wants yer guns and yer jobs and luv immigrants and all the other twisted nonsense he slaps all over the place.

So, at the end of the day, what this tells me is that there is a huge contingent of people who frankly do not give a shit so long as it keeps them in the bank. At least with Murdoch and Beck, I know what the fuckin' score is upfront. McFarlane shits around some preppy popular message, and then turns around and gets jacked off by the people he supposedly has problems with.

That's my biggest beef. The fact that I think his shows are trash is second-hand, and I'd be lying if I didn't say that if there's nothing on TV at the time but Family Guy is, I'm not watching it. Because like depascal said, it's mindless, and there's just enough truly retarded humor on there to get a chuckle now and then.

We could go into another big long discussion about how I think his brand of "humor" is ruining the concept of comedy altogether, but the Wayans bros started that train years ago, along with 99% of SNL.
I used to like Family Guy. I'm one of the five people who watched it the first time it was aired. Same thing with Futurama, the PJs... all that stuff that used to be on. Thing is, Family Guy got boring. So did Simpsons. I'll still watch both, but I tend to turn it off before the first commercial break anymore. They just aren't that good anymore.
I don't mind family guy that much, but it has started to get old. And now that MacFarlane has 3 shows on FOX it's just getting ridiculous. I will never watch the cleveland show, and I've been liking American Dad more than Family Guy lately, but I haven't watched either of them for a while.

In any case, I don't think making fun of her kid is definitely out of the question, but I'm sure the entire episode wasn't all that funny, so it's kind of a waste.
[quote name='georox']I used to like Family Guy. I'm one of the five people who watched it the first time it was aired. Same thing with Futurama, the PJs... all that stuff that used to be on. Thing is, Family Guy got boring. So did Simpsons. I'll still watch both, but I tend to turn it off before the first commercial break anymore. They just aren't that good anymore.[/QUOTE]

Just curious, did you listen to all the popular bands before they got famous?
Dude the person who was retarded in family guy looked nothing like a 2 year old.
Who cares anyway, the show has said many things that are much worse. Lol at Bristol giving comments. I am hanging on every word she says. She is as dumb as her mother.
I thought that dumb whore didn't have a problem with satire. Oh, that's right, it's only satire when she agrees with it. Drop dead, bitch.
This whole debacle, beginning with the Rahm Emanuel 'fucking retard' comment, leads me to believe that Sarah Palin does not care about phasing out the word retard. Rather, she used it as a political attack. She still has not explained what is satirical about Rush Limbaugh's comments. She forgives Rush Limbaugh yet he used the 'r-word' and I thought her point was to get it out of the lexicon. So much for principles.

On topic though, did anyone actually see the entire episode?
[quote name='IRHari']On topic though, did anyone actually see the entire episode?[/QUOTE]
I watched it. I understand that you're debating Sarah Palin on Family Guy rather than Family Guy itself, but I'd like to point out that it stole its main plot and every single "joke" the plot consisted of from two South Park episodes:

1. The Biggest Douche in the Universe
2. Cartman's Incredible Gift

The "main" plot was that Lois (the mother) becomes addicted to psychics (see #1) after she asks the psychic if her children will be found. The children are found, and Peter (the father) becomes a fake psychic (see #1 and #2) for money. Brian attempts to expose Peter as a fake (see #1 and #2), but the latter is sent to solve a crime (see #2).

The "down syndrome girl" thing was a pathetic 5 minute sub-plot.
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[quote name='Kirin Lemon']I thought that dumb whore didn't have a problem with satire. Oh, that's right, it's only satire when she agrees with it. Drop dead, bitch.[/QUOTE]

Yikes. I truly don't understand why people get this fired up about someone they don't even know. Politically, I disagree with just about everything she's ever said. Personally, it sounds like she's really not a very good person, but "dumb whore"?

Jesus Christ, sometimes I think the maturity of you guys had a level cap, and no DLC is ever going to raise it.

Why disagreeing or disliking someone classifies them as a "dumb whore", I'll never understand. It's not like she was a working prostitute who failed her SATs.
[quote name='berzirk']Yikes. I truly don't understand why people get this fired up about someone they don't even know. Politically, I disagree with just about everything she's ever said. Personally, it sounds like she's really not a very good person, but "dumb whore"?

Jesus Christ, sometimes I think the maturity of you guys had a level cap, and no DLC is ever going to raise it.

Why disagreeing or disliking someone classifies them as a "dumb whore", I'll never understand. It's not like she was a working prostitute who failed her SATs.[/QUOTE]

Ok now hold up. You can't pull this kind of crap like she's just an average person talking nonsense. She's drumming up support and calling for active undermining of the current government, when she can't even fully explicate ANY of her viewpoints, which don't exist to begin with. She's not a Youtube commenter - she's running around saying Obama wants Death Panels and other nonsense.

You're in the public office AND you choose to say inflammatory, flat out wrong fear-mongering things, and we're not allowed to insult you?

That's pretty high and mighty on the bullshit tier. And it's twice now that you've given out some kind of borderline censorship tagline in this thread, instead of telling people to man up. You want to be a political forerunner, and then base your decisions on sound bytes from crazies, while enforcing an ideology your own family can't even subscribe to, to say nothing of your obvious fame-whoring by quitting jobs and selling ghost-written books full of lies?

Guess what - I get to call you a dumb whore. And that's without getting paid a few million bucks to have a third grade level of education when it comes to history and politics.

Oh, and geography.

So call it childish if you want. But taking it a step further into "don't say it at all" territory is stupid. Sounds like people when they say things like "Black people can use the n word for each other, why can't IIIIIIII????????"
[quote name='Strell']Ok now hold up. You can't pull this kind of crap like she's just an average person talking nonsense. She's drumming up support and calling for active undermining of the current government, when she can't even fully explicate ANY of her viewpoints, which don't exist to begin with. She's not a Youtube commenter - she's running around saying Obama wants Death Panels and other nonsense.

You're in the public office AND you choose to say inflammatory, flat out wrong fear-mongering things, and we're not allowed to insult you?

That's pretty high and mighty on the bullshit tier. And it's twice now that you've given out some kind of borderline censorship tagline in this thread, instead of telling people to man up. You want to be a political forerunner, and then base your decisions on sound bytes from crazies, while enforcing an ideology your own family can't even subscribe to, to say nothing of your obvious fame-whoring by quitting jobs and selling ghost-written books full of lies?

Guess what - I get to call you a dumb whore. And that's without getting paid a few million bucks to have a third grade level of education when it comes to history and politics.

Oh, and geography.[/QUOTE]

It's charming that I'd get you this worked up, but I don't really care. I thought I made it abundantly clear I disagree with her, I don't find her very intelligent, hell, through some of the comments she made in her campaign speeches, if she were President, she'd probably try to put my family in a concentration camp, but I'm not pulling some high and mighty act. I just don't call people dumb whores. Yes, I could if I wanted to because I have the freedom of speech to do so, but as I mentioned in the post you're referring to as "borderline censorship", it doesn't mean it's appropriate to do so.

I'm just amused how she has become such a target for people to really hate and go off on. Don't you realize that by hating her this much, you're giving her more power and relevance? It's like when the Republicans thought Hillary was the anti-Christ and everything was anti-Hillary. I also hate her politics and think she's probably a bad person, never to the point where I thought of her as a dumb whore.

We have plenty of words in the English language to demonstrate our dislike for someone. I was just surprised a person would elect to use "dumb whore".
Man. Another one of those "you wrote lots of words Strell so you must be mad" types.

You people breed like barnacles on the ass of giant yachts.
[quote name='kube00']Strell for the win

Actually I'd like to see Family Guy make fun of Limbaugh...I wonder how that would go over...[/QUOTE]

I'd love to see them make fun of Limbaugh. He's a f**king retarded, dumb who...whoops.

And how would Trig respond? Well, if his parents are doing their job, he wouldn't be watching a show for adults, secondly, I have no idea if he would identify his name, or really much at all regarding the development of kids with Down Syndrome. By about 2 years old, my wife and I realized my son was capable of picking up the one word you wish he didn't out of a movie line, and it made us make significant changes to what we watched in front of him.

Out of curiosity, are any of you that think this is A-OK parents? I wonder if that's skewing my thoughts on this topic. As a parent, you get very defensive of your kids, and an attack on them is many times worse than an attack on you.
[quote name='berzirk']Don't you realize that by hating her this much, you're giving her more power and relevance?[/QUOTE]

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful then you can possibly imagine...
[quote name='Strell']Man. Another one of those "you wrote lots of words Strell so you must be mad" types.

You people breed like barnacles on the ass of giant yachts.[/QUOTE]

Still charming. Have you calmed down yet?
[quote name='berzirk']Still charming.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry. I thought I was using other words in the bountiful English language to express disinterest and/or hate.

My original post was just calling you a dumb whore.
[quote name='Strell']I'm sorry. I thought I was using other words in the bountiful English language to express disinterest and/or hate.

My original post was just calling you a dumb whore.[/QUOTE]

Ahh, and you say you aren't mad. How cute!
I'm still waiting for you to make a semblance of a point that discussion can revolve around, rather than run in circles, which is all you've done in this thread. You get mad at people for using language, ask them to say other things, and then when I expose the flaw in it, the best you can do is say "You mad."

So, congrats. I can see why you'd defend someone as mindlessly devoid of argument and substance like Palin.

Meanwhile, I'm going to continue functioning with some amount of discernible concept and cognition.
[quote name='Strell']I'm still waiting for you to make a semblance of a point that discussion can revolve around, rather than run in circles, which is all you've done in this thread. You get mad at people for using language, ask them to say other things, and then when I expose the flaw in it, the best you can do is say "You mad."

So, congrats. I can see why you'd defend someone as mindlessly devoid of argument and substance like Palin.

Meanwhile, I'm going to continue functioning with some amount of discernible concept and cognition.[/QUOTE]

In your effort to try and patronize, apparently you missed this question, which merits discussion.

"Out of curiosity, are any of you that think this is A-OK parents? I wonder if that's skewing my thoughts on this topic. As a parent, you get very defensive of your kids, and an attack on them is many times worse than an attack on you. "

So discuss, call me a poopy head, whatever. I don't really respect you, so any insult is truly just wasted keystrokes, just as I'd hope my lack of respect for you is disregarded.

Edit: Matter of fact, really my entire reply to your lengthy comments contained points which could be discussed. You started the one liners that I then replied to.
I fail to see how a show like South Park can make of....well almost any other show. I mean they've spent minutes at a time showing nothing but people literally shitting. Thats not to even say i don't like the show, i just don't see how Family Guy is any less funny.

Anyway, Palin is playing with the big boys now, she'd better learn to take a joke.
In this thread: People who teach their kids to not listen to valid arguments from someone if they don't respect the person in question.
I'm just trying to be combative at this point.
Pret-ty grown up.
It's a fucking cartoon. Who cares? It's not like the president is saying it or something.

Edit: maybe she's still annoyed with them for this:

lol that was a pretty funny episode. I also like how at the beginning of Blue Harvest you see a Bush/Cheney bumper sticker on one of the Imperial Star Destroyers.
I'm just sad that so many people seem to think that Palin's bad parenting makes it okay to poke fun at mentally retarded 2 year old children.
[quote name='UncleBob']I'm just sad that so many people seem to think that Palin's bad parenting makes it okay to poke fun at mentally retarded 2 year old children.[/QUOTE]

Once again: Take it up with Murdoch. He's your boy airing this stuff, simultaneously not giving a shit since it makes him them dollaz. It's a cool story, bro.
[quote name='UncleBob']I'm just sad that so many people seem to think that Palin's bad parenting makes it okay to poke fun at mentally retarded 2 year old children.[/QUOTE]

Enough with the knight in shining armor routine. How, exactly, is the child being made fun of here? We're talking about the B plot of a Family Guy episode which at best makes a passing reference to Sarah Palin while setting up a joke. A joke whose punchline, mind you, is that a teenage girl can be conceited and stuck-up despite the fact that she has down syndrome. It's not very funny, but that doesn't matter: there's no story here, and there wouldn't be one if someone weren't making money off the whole charade.

The point is; who's being made fun of? This is Seth MacFarlane, so it should be obvious: the audience. We're meant to assume that everyone with down syndrome lives life in a chidlike state of wonder and bliss because, hey, that's what "retarded" people do, right? Our assumptions, baseless now in the harsh light of day, get turned on their heads, laughs are (not) had by all. And thank God someone said something about it, or we wouldn't have realized it was time to be offended.

The problem is that people are so ready to take umbrage that the mere mention of anything that could possibly be construed as a stereotype creates a shitstorm of epic proportions. Is that helpful? fuck no. The only thing it can do is inhibit meaningful dialogue for fear that honest and frank discussion will just bring down the wrath of the (surprisingly well compensated) PC police.

So, just relax, and maybe reconsider your default responses so that they do something other than line the pockets of cable news.
I think Family Guy was a work of genius for the first couple of seasons (and it was kicking The Simpson's asses back then, you can compare the seasons-- The Simpsons sucked after their first 10 or 11 brilliant seasons) and anyone who hates Family Guy now really owes it to themselves to give the first run of Family Guy a chance.

But now... I'm not even a fan, really. It's fun to watch and still has some decent funnies in it, but it was no where near how it was when it was in its infancy. American Dad is pretty hillarious now, actually.

But anyway, about this joke. Meh. It's just them being assholes, going for the low hanging fruit. But Sarah Palin is a hypocrite for being offended when she says so much offensive shit herself (and for when she, at times, acts like a total ret... sorry, degenerate low intelligence person)
usually i think georox has retarded downs syndrome baby intelligence but have to agree with him here that family guy has sucked for a while now
I think some of you misunderstand my position. I don't really care one way or another about the Family Guy joke. It's the people who say things like "Well, Palin's kids are fair game to make fun of because Palin put them in the spotlight."

Just because Palin made a bad choice as a parent, it shouldn't make the kids fair game. I mean, it's bad enough they have to live with her - cut them some slack.
[quote name='UncleBob']Just because Palin made a bad choice as a parent, it shouldn't make the kids fair game. [/QUOTE]

You know, deep down, the ratio of people attacking the kids versus attacking the ideas she lets them represent is vastly indirect. No one is making fun of the kid for having DS. And anyone who is, well, they are a special brand of asshole.

We're getting onto Palin's case, wholly and only, and the fact that she's brandishing her kids as political stature, selectively choosing what can and cannot be said and then going after anyone who says otherwise.

Don't confuse the two. And at the same time, don't give her a pass for throwing a tantrum like this when she already has failed to back up her political ideology in the face of GLARING contradiction with her own family.

Sorry, but at this point, she's going to get scrutinized under a microscope under a microscope. She's put herself out there, under some bullshit "Golly gee real American and I can make it on my own!" heading, and now she's getting angry when people point she's ridiculous.

This is officially worse than the whole "The media hates Palin because she is a down to Earth woman" when she couldn't mention a fucking title like Newsweek or Time or, hell, Highlights.

Put it another way: Don't talk shit if you can't take it. She can't take it. So she should shut the fuck up.
'meh - talk all the shit about Palin you want. I could care less.

I'm just saying that I, personally, think it's pretty classless to talk crap about her children. I think you do too. Now, if you want to try and justify it by attempting to find greater meaning behind such statements, hey, I'm not going to stop you.

MacFarlane has made several shots at Palin and I don't recall anyone making any kind of a deal about them (the same night this show aired, the Cleveland show had a joke where this pathetic loser guy had a McCain/Palin bumper sticker).

In this particular case, I think it was a tasteless joke - but, hell, that's what I watch Family Guy for. If I wanted to watch something with more sophisticated humor, I'd break out the Fawlty Towers DVDs. I bear no ill will toward MacFarlane for making this joke. Hell, the joke was far enough out there that I don't even really feel it was aimed at Palin's kids.

I'm just saying that I find it disturbing that some people rationalize the idea that it's okay for grown adults to verbally abuse children over nationwide airwaves because the parent made a stupid decision. That's all. It's not really something I'm going to debate.
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Not one person on this thread or in the show has made fun of her child with Down's Syndrome. Seth McFarlane just threw some shit out there to make everyone uncomfortable. He loves doing that with his show and will continue to do it until all of his shows are off the air.

Strell, I get what you're saying about McFarlane being a whore for taking Murdoch money but I can't really blame him. Artists have been prostituting themselves for their art for a long time. Also consider that Fox is the only major network that even runs animation. Can you even remember the last prime time animated show on any of the other networks?

EDITED for retardedness of the poster. Oops. I mean specialness.
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