Fans of Super Punchout for SNES???


Does anybody love this game as much as I do. Super Punchout for of the greatest "sports" games ever I think and terribly hard to get really great at. Some of these people's times or point totals found on are just insane. Tell me I'm not the only one...

T. Foolery
I was actually very heavy into this game about a year or so ago. I got some blisters on my fingers from playing and gave it a permanent rest. I picked it up about a month ago and got a flashback to the blister pain and decided not to go there again. Great game though.
I loved this game, too. My only complaint is that the music wasn't nearly as good as NES' Punchout. I didn't have much trouble with the game but did find some of the opponents to be very cheap.

You should try out Hajime no Ippo on GBA, which is my favorite portable boxing game.
Hajime no Ippo on GBA was pretty cool, it even has signature punches like the guys in the anime. It was tough to get used to because I speak only English, but after I learned the gameplay it was cool. I wish an English version would come out for DS(an update that is), but I doubt it ever will. And even if it does it just be an older model like they did with the Naruto fighting games for Gamecube. It's on 4 in Japan, yet the English version is just coming out with version 2.
I still play this game whenever I'm really bored and see if I can beat my previous time. I'm surprised I thought I was the only one who actually enjoyed this game a lot. Oh and Rags if you have a japanese ps2 you should definitly try Hajime No Ippo All Stars and Hajime No Ippo 2 (this includes a create-a-boxer mode which is actually pretty good) they are the best boxing games I have ever played on the ps2, with fight night round 2 and 3 coming in at a close second.
I wanted to play Hajime no Ippo 2 and All Stars for PS2(really wanted to play) due to that create a guy, but I never modded my PS2. It looked really cool, and I enjoyed the English version of Ippo's Road to Glory(even know I usually got my ass handed to me), it was really fun.
By the way, to keep this on topic>

I never did beat Super Punch Out(only played it in a rental or 5), but I remember fighting everybody due to passwords.
I remember this guy that once you hit him in the face he got mad and that's how you have to beat him. Anyway, I never could get to the guy without passwords, but I could always beat him. That is what is kinda weird and cool about the Punch Out games, everyone has a hardest guy(not always the final guy).
If you like Punch-Out, I recommend checking out Wade Hixton's Counter Punch on GBA.

It is a wonderful spritual sequel that nobody plays. If you run across it you can probably pick it up for around $5.
Super Punch-Out!! is a great game. It's easy as hell to beat everyone but the fact that they included time trials makes the game addictive as hell. I played a TON in 1998 when I was living alone and had the SNES hooked up in my bedroom - I know I beat a bunch of guys in under 10 seconds and everyone (except maybe the last 2 or 3 guys) in under a minute. Ahh the memories...
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