Favorite 360 RPG?

just to set this straight, BioShock and Red Dead Redemption are not RPGs.

BioShock is an FPS and RDR is a free-roam / sandbox western, (I guess?), both of which have RPG elements, but neither can be defined as RPGs.
If we're talking traditional (read: JRPG's), then I'd say Lost Odyssey hands down, no question.

If you include western RPG's, then it's Mass Effect 1 and 2.

Overall, it's Mass Effect.
timesplitt, you're stupidity transcends mortal existence.
We all know you edited your posts. God the internet sucks.

Did anyone beat Lost Odyssey? I just remember it coming out, my friend picking it up, and hearing nothing about it ever again. It seemed daunting at the time, and I'm just wondering if I should pick it up.
I was really enjoying LO all the way until I stopped. Burned out for a month or two on games altogether, then never picked it up.

Thought the dream sequences were one of best features I've seen in the RPGs I've played this generation. Not much of a reader, but I always looked forward to those dream stories.

Been inching my way towards picking it up again, just feel like I may have been out of the loop for too long and might have to start over to pick up the story fully again. Also bought the dlc for 80 MS points so bit curious if that will help at all early on or if it's endgame material.
i like how defensive people can getover a game type. and i dont recall calling cod an rpg................... sodaberg isnt flipping out cuz i called a game that isnt an rpg i guess an rpg whatever brooo chill
Western - Mass Effect 1 and 2, Dragon Age: Origins, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fable II, Alpha Protocol.

Favorite: Mass Effect 2

JRPG - Tales of Vesperia, Resonance of Fate, Lost Odyssey, and to a lesser extent Last Remnant.

Favorite: Tales of Vesperia
[quote name='MSUHitman']Tales of Vesperia isn't turn based.[/QUOTE]

I know, I was just making reference to why I agreed with cin84_12's opinion on those types of rpgs. I wish I could like turned based so I could play blue dragon and FF and the others.

I really wanted to like star ocean but couldn't get into it
[quote name='DrSodaberg']timesplitt, you're stupidity transcends mortal existence.
We all know you edited your posts. God the internet sucks.[/QUOTE]
EDIT: I didn't know it was a crime on the internet to fix my post to make them more clear and understanding (and less rude) so people who post "HUH WHAT" can understand them.(which most of them are just grammar fixes.)

by the way i see my "mistake" with my mass effect 2 chatter. i "meant" to say i THINK it is like an rpg or has rpg elements but deep down TO ME its an action/adventure shooter category. every human trips
lets move along before you spout insults at me more


edit #2
[quote name='e hx c a s s'] i like how defensive people can getover a game type. and i dont recall calling cod an rpg................... sodaberg isn't flipping out cuz i called a game that isnt an rpg i guess an rpg whatever brooo chill
[/QUOTE] I used it as a comparison. duh

I am chill Brother, however im expecting another insult from someone.........

edit #3
[quote name='saosin42']Lost Odyssey for sure.[/QUOTE] people mention how good this game is and its gets sleeper hit praise sometimes, i keep seeing it at gamestop i might have to get it when i get some extra cash

Edit #4
[quote name='Fjordson']
Edit: And Tales of Vesperia.[/QUOTE]
I am going to sign the list with everyone who has said tales of vesperia. i got nothing bad to say about this game, even the English voices were good. of course im ignorant on the English/Japanese voice acting argument but i still think their good. im at the last section of the game and i literally want to finish it just to start again. That's how good i think it is. the characters the combat its great. and is greatley unappreciated behind bigger/blocker games


you cant imagine how many times i edited this (fixing words, making it less rude, more clear (lol yea right) me stupids)
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Oh god, when can I stop explaining this.
You insulted my intelligence with some harsh language of your own in the original post (#43). You're not going to somehow psychically bend my mind into thinking otherwise. It's the internet, I'm so over it, why aren't you? You were a douche and that's that, and I'm not the one to let people get over on that type of shit by being fake about it. Just don't respond to this, please, so this BS can cease.
[quote name='DrSodaberg']You insulted my intelligence with some harsh language of your own. Just don't respond to this, please, so this BS can cease.[/QUOTE]

actually i remember it I SAID and i quote

"HOW THE fuck IS BIOSHOCK 2 AN RPG, does that make more sense?"

id like to know how this insults your intelligence oh great one.
edit: I'd like to get some view points of some rpgs that i dont recall seeing mentioned in here

infinite undiscovery
the last remnant
enchanted arms
eternal sonata

for eternal sonata i played some of it but i got to this large rat boss fight and couldn't win to save my life. does it get better or easier from that point on or was i just doing it wrong.
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[quote name='timesplitt']

actually i remember it I SAID and i quote

"HOW THE fuck IS BIOSHOCK 2 AN RPG, does that make more sense?"

id like to know how this insults your intelligence oh great one.[/QUOTE]


Also, Fallout 3 is probably my favorite followed by Mass Effect 1/2.
The only RPG on the 360 I played through was Eternal Sonata.

I quit Lost Odyssey and Tales of Vesperia.

I would have played more ToV, but the FAQ wasn't current and I was stuck.

Will I quit Magna Carta 2 when I play that?
[quote name='Khalid']Favorite - Infinite Undiscovery


What was with the lack of many save points in that game? I'm taking about the first main boss through the door. There should of been a save point before you went in. I gave up because it was a pain going through the cave after you lose.
[quote name='timesplitt']edit: I'd like to get some view points of some rpgs that i dont recall seeing mentioned in here

infinite undiscovery
the last remnant
enchanted arms
eternal sonata

for eternal sonata i played some of it but i got to this large rat boss fight and couldn't win to save my life. does it get better or easier from that point on or was i just doing it wrong.[/QUOTE]

Infinite Undiscovery is a great little game. You are definitely playing it for the battle system. I read a lot of complaints about the characters, but I didn't think they were bad and actually liked them. The story is nothing special. If you are turned off by long grinding RPG's this would be a great title to check out. It took me about 25-30 hours to beat and I never needed to do any grinding.

The combat is not turn based with a similar style to Fable. You can see the enemies so no random battles. The first part can be annoying as mentioned above and honestly I almost quit. I'm glad I pushed through because this game is an underrated gem in my opinion, just takes a while to get used to. The only JRPG's I can think of that I enjoyed more were Lost Odyssey and ToV.
For me it's Mass Effect (haven't picked up 2 yet) & Fall Out 3 for my absolute faves. I'm actually still playing FO3 now that I picked up a bunch of the DLC when they were on sale.

Runner up is Oblivion. For some reason, I just cannot get into this game as much as I did with FO3. Something just doesn't feel right about it and I can't put my finger on it. I'll pick it up though from time to time and fiddle around, but it won't suck me in as much. Sacred 2 is a recent cheap one I found but it's more of a fun, mindless hack n slash IMO.

I just got Lost Odyssey from Goozex and I'm really loving it so far. Surprisingly the dream sequences are really good reads and draw me into the character more. There are some long load times but it doesn't bother me as much. I'm only a few hours in but so far, this is what i've been looking for in a RPG in some time. It's old school turn base with next gen graphics. They still look amazing now and this game came out a while ago!

Eternal Sonata is inventive but didn't do anything for me. Blue Dragon's story bored the living hell out of me. Maybe it's cause i'm not into that style of graphics? I dunno.

Dragon Age I have...and I'm not sure if I like it or not. I'm playing as an elf rogue trying to dual wield and I have no idea if i'm playing right. I think I have to try out a different character and go at it again. I'm finding it extremely hard and i'm playing it on normal. I never played the KOTOR games so maybe that's why i'm finding the gameplay a little foreign?
[quote name='RockinTheRedDog']
Dragon Age I have...and I'm not sure if I like it or not. I'm playing as an elf rogue trying to dual wield and I have no idea if i'm playing right. I think I have to try out a different character and go at it again. I'm finding it extremely hard and i'm playing it on normal. I never played the KOTOR games so maybe that's why i'm finding the gameplay a little foreign?[/QUOTE]

Dragon Age is based off the old Baldur's Gate series, although I guess there's some elements of the KOTOR combat in there as well, so yeah that's probably why you're not feeling as familiar with it.
I agree though, when playing thru it at first it's kind of confusing, and still is throughout, you're never really sure how you should wield weapons and what skills would be best (thats how i remember it) up until the last 10-15 hours, by then I had a maxed out dwarf warrior/tank with a shield/sword combo so all I made him do was take damage while my other classes dps.

Wish I had some advice on a rogue /duel wielding character, but basically the longer you stick it out the more used to the combat you'll become
I know its kinda old but my vote is Fable 2.
Was so much fun and lov playing with friends.
Can't wait to play part 3.
I love Sacred 2, but I don't think it's really an RPG.

Fallout 3 (probably my personal favorite)
Dragon Age
Fable II

I've got Eternal Sonata in my backlog, but haven't cracked it open yet.

I'm not a big RPG fan but I thought Eternal Sonata was a great game, probably the only RPG I played on 360.

This gives me hope.

Rockin, bump the difficulty down on Dragon Age. You'll enjoy it a lot more that way.
I mainly prefer western RPG's to JRPG's but i found Magna Carta 2, Infinite Undiscovery, And Star Ocean to be great games
Mass Effect Series, Oblivion and Fallout 3...In that order.

I'd throw in Dragon Age, but I got that for the PC instead of the 360.
went to a gamestop to do their buy 2 get 1 free. i saw infinite discover and lost odyssey and tales of V(have friends)

i sadly had to skipped because all the copies of infinite and odyssey were in those generic trade cases plus ones that looked normal where missing instruction Manual< how people lose that I will never know!

will try another gamestop tomorrow
I wouldn't say it's my favorite RPG that I've played on my 360 to-date (that honor would probably fall to ME - ME2's in my current backlog and will probably overtake ME though :p), but the best bang-for-buck RPG I've played is probably Breath of Death VII from XBIG. Great use of 80 points (so
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i cant wait for Two worlds 2, it looks like a xbox version of an online mmorpg like runescape or something but with more amazing graphics, a story line, and customizability
In my dreams i would play Dragon Quest on the 360. Ok that most likely will never happen.
But i did enjoy Fallout 3 (loved the openess), Mass Effect (good story) and also Bioshock.
I hesitated to get japanese rpg's for some reason.
Oblivion never made me feel home, so i never really finished it. But you have a whole world to explore which is nice.
Fable is not that of a serious rpg i think. But it was fun to play.
bread's done